The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

Chapter 98: Just like you, nine lives are not enough for you to die


In the lead-grey sky, the thick snow clouds became more and more gloomy, shrouding the murderous snow field.

After the lightning strike, no one moved first. Under such a stalemate, Yin Biyue even had time to think that everyone in this place was wearing the same clothes, and there was no recognition at all. Only Rong Zhuo's red dress and Yu Zhanmei's white dress are the iconic dressing styles.

Now it seems that Yu Zhanmei is not sitting in the Golden Palace. So where did this second powerhouse of the magic path go

Central China Academy, Southern Land Qinglu Sword Sect, or Western Land Cangya Mountain

It's a disaster wherever he goes, but if he just looks at the current battle, at least he has a 10% chance of winning.

The brilliance of the Linyuan Sword burst out suddenly, and twelve devil breaths swept the sky and covered the earth!

There is no snow and wind on the cliff, and the cold and silent meaning condenses in the air, if there is a substantial pressure on people's hearts.

Rong Zhuo turned around and quietly watched the young man who broke through countless barriers in an instant and appeared in front of him, "Hengduan Mountain is separated, just a few months, it is really impressive."

The complicated red robe on his body seemed to have deposited a sea of blood, and as he walked, the sea of blood generated waves.

"My three-hundred-year cultivation path has been completed in less than thirty years. Is this the fate of the reincarnation of the Demon Lord?"

This sentence is not to ask the other party, just a feeling.

If the enemy is at the moment, be cautious, and naturally there is no leisurely feeling. And until now, he has never regarded the other party as an opponent who needs to compete and decide his life and death.

Luo Mingchuan was unmoved by this contemptuous attitude, and replied, "You all said yes, so let it be."

It is enough for me to know who I am, and it is enough for my younger brother to know who I am. Others say whatever you want.

Rong Zhuo smiled, with a serious tone, quite a bit ashamed to ask,

"Don't you think that the way you look now is very disgraceful to the Demon Venerable? Could it be that your greatest wish is to be the head of Cangya Mountain?"

"I already got what I wanted. There's nothing left to fight for."

Luo Mingchuan knew that if it wasn't for Master's entrustment and responsibility, he wouldn't even want to be the head of Cangya Mountain.

Rong Zhuo nodded, "I understand. Seeking benevolence and benevolence will consummate the mind of the Tao, and the cultivation will be smooth. But does Tianluo Jiuzhuan also teach the mind of Taoism?"

Luo Mingchuan's eyes fell on the snow cloud above his head, his face paled,

"As long as it is cultivation, you need to temper your state of mind. Tianluo Jiuzhuan is no different from the thousands of exercises in the world."

It turned out that while the dialogue was taking place, the battle was always going on.

Until this moment, the snow cloud could no longer withstand the collision between the powerful True Essence and the Devil's Breath, and it burst apart, tearing apart like strands of cotton wool. A series of muffled sounds came from above the nine days, like the muffled thunder before the summer rainstorm.

The mighty true essence and the violent devil breath filled every inch of space in the sky and the ground. The snow was lifted high, forming countless turbulent currents and vortices, drowning the two figures.

After hearing this, Rong Zhuo said regretfully, "You see so clearly, why did you come to the dead end?"

As these light words fell, thousands of gusts of wind gathered from the abyss and rushed out of the dark world.

The wind was deadly cold, and the temperature on the edge of the cliff dropped suddenly.


In the late winter of this year, the wars and battles that broke out in various places completely disrupted the qi of the heavens and the earth.

The two hurdles collapsed, and the demon army suffered heavy losses. After the integration, they continued to move south. Zhongshan fell off a cliff, and his life and death were unknown; a hundred miles below Lianjian Mountain, the first level was broken. Huan; The sea of fire outside Yunyang City was extinguished, corpses were scattered everywhere, the Demon Army brigade stayed in place, and the elite attacked the city first.

His Majesty the Emperor of Beilu paid homage to his ancestors at Fengtiantai, and three thousand dragons sailed across the sea on a treasure ship, and the emperor himself conquered.

The battlefield where these millions of people rushed to the battlefield was bloody, and the two sides fell into a deadlock. In the seemingly peaceful western land, the towns still have rules, and the refugees have been properly resettled.

Because the victory or defeat in this land is decided by a few people.

For example, the wilderness on the outskirts of Tai'an.

Yu Zhanmei was thinking angrily, how do you know that I'm going this way, every time I block it, I'm sure.

Liu Baishuang is naturally not so sophisticated that she can figure out her whereabouts without knowing it.

Just know that if she gets lost, she will take the one on the right.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the cloudy clouds obscured the moonlight. There was a thin layer of snow on the grass-overgrown wilderness, and it looked a bit like the snowfields of the East Land.

The two were three feet apart, a distance suitable for fighting and speaking.

Yu Zhanmei looked at the dim sky, thinking that after tonight, there will be one less person in the world who can talk. After all, in the huge Golden Palace, no one dared to see her.

In that case, why not say a few words at this time

"I heard that you closed the gate of life and death."

Liu Bullying didn't know why, but she calmly talked to her, "Yes."

Yu Zhanmei chuckled, "Then you are leaving now, do you see through life and death?"

Liu Bullying looked at the person opposite.

It is clearly the most indifferent and ruthless temperament, but he has practiced the most feminine and charming exercises. When he smiles, his eyebrows are like spring willows, and his eyes are like ice lakes.

She replied calmly, "Life and death are natural things, such as a long river and a clear stream flowing into the sea, flowers blooming in spring and leaves falling in autumn. If you look at it deliberately, it will be inferior."

Yu Zhanmei stopped smiling, and glared at her coldly, "You know what, what I hate most is your appearance."

Having said that, it is naturally impossible to continue.

The night wind swayed the wide sleeves of the Palace Master of the Golden Palace, and suddenly changed direction, blowing towards the person opposite her.

A line of Bai Lian came with the wind, crushed by the surging demonic breath, and the weeds were severely devastated along the way.

The cold wind is like a knife, and the murderous intention is awe-inspiring.

Liu Baishuang flew up, as if a substantial barrier of true essence was condensed in front of her.

She practiced straight-forward boxing. The punches smashed the air, and the thunder blew the wilderness one after another.

The pressure that weighed more than a thousand meters fell on the gentle Bai Lian, but it was like a pebble like a lake, and there was no trace of ripples.

Yu Zhanmei's expression was as cold as ice and snow.

In his hand, Bai Lian traverses three feet, standing still in the air, like a bridge.

And they stood at both ends of the bridge, just like the snowy night watching the warm wine and dim light together.


A hundred miles away, there is a golden light that shoots straight into the night sky, and it ripples out layer by layer like a wave of water. It was the light when the Cangya Mountain Protection Array was opened.

Centered on the main hall of the main peak, it covers the other five peaks, from the rolling sea of clouds to the grass and trees in front of the mountain gate, all of which are shrouded in it.

This is the first time that the mountain protection formation has been fully opened since Cangya established a school since the end of the law era. Headed by Sect Master Zhengyangzi, all the elders in the sect sat cross-legged in the main hall, presiding over the formation with all their might.

Half of the sky in the Western Continent was illuminated by the golden light as bright as the sun.

But the incomparably powerful aura that came from outside the sky was blocked by a sword energy before it touched the golden light.

Jun Yu stood on the cloud with 'Spring Mountain Smile' in hand, and confronted Yu Shi who came by the wind.

Beneath the clouds, besides the golden light, there were also two people facing each other three feet apart.

"You may not know me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Yan Xing. I am the third child in the sect."

The man in front of the mountain gate was carrying a long knife and a wine jar hanging from his waist. He came from the southern land at full speed day and night. Naturally, he was in a mess, and he was not slovenly. This made it even more despicable.

When he spoke, his tone was loose and uninhibited, but his eyes were clear and he looked straight at the person in front of him.

"Actually, I always thought that you should have a fight with my senior brother. After all, you both use swords and practice kendo in a similar way. Mr. Xuefu also said something about 'double stars appearing in the world'. Many people guessed that the two of you... But not now." He stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky, "Now my senior brother has something to do and can't leave, and the second senior sister is not here. I can only get in. It's been a long time, fellow Daoist Lin."

This long-awaited sentence is not polite, Yan Xing indeed admired Lin Yuangui somewhat. Since he began to practice, this name has been as famous as the elder brother Jun Yu. It's just that what he served was not the opponent's kendo talent, but the sword on Hengduan Mountain who dared to block Yu Shi.

When he saw the real person today, he sincerely felt that if he had been born a hundred years earlier, he would have been able to compete with him.

Opposite him, the man in the blue Taoist robe simply stood there, like a tall and straight pine tree. The coldness between his brows is also like ice and snow that never melts all year round.

Lin Yuangui listened silently and patiently, then nodded, "Fellow Daoist Yan."

Even after saying hello.

But Yanxing still didn't plan to do it. He usually talks a lot when he's drunk, but tonight he didn't drink a drop of alcohol, but he seemed to be drunk, "Why did you come here, Fellow Daoist Lin?"

Lin Yuan replied, "It was entrusted by the elders of the division."

He thought that since it was a duel between two people, his cultivation base was higher than the other party's, so it should be the other party's first shot.

This kind of old and pedantic ancient ritual has long been observed, but Lin Yuangui still insisted on it. So now Yan Xing can't move, he can only talk to each other.

Yan Xing asked again, "What did the elders of the division entrust?"

"Trust me to go to Cangya to fight."

"What about after the fight?"

"If I lose, I'll die in Cangya. If I win, the kindness of my teacher's upbringing has been repaid. I will abandon the practice and leave Hengduan Mountain."

Yan Xing looked slightly startled, "How can there be such a reason."

Lin Yuangui still looked calm. As if to say it should be.

Yan Xing thought for a while, "After you leave, what will happen if the Shuoyue Sword is not inherited? And what will happen to the disciples of your master's line? They may not be able to survive."

It is not a secret that Baopuzong is divided into old and new factions. After the death of Lin Yuangui's master, the rest of the world took over the power, and it was well known that the purge of dissidents was well known.

Faced with these two questions, Lin Yuangui could only be silent. The first time he didn't answer, he instead asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

Yan Xing said calmly, "One is because the two of you have just met, and it's boring to fight without saying a word. The other is because I can't beat you, so I have to delay time."

Lin Yuangui obviously didn't expect him to say that. Is it not a taboo in the battle to think that you are far inferior to others

At this point, they are even more unable to understand each other.

Lin Yuangui grew up on the mountains with vast clouds of smoke, practicing swordsmanship day after day, and there is no difference between one year and ten years. His master taught him benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, trust, loyalty, filial piety, honesty, shame, and courage, but he did not teach him that there are moments of loyalty and righteousness in the world.

President Yan is used to being home in a crowded market. On the day he met Juggernaut, he fought with a few bandits in the Chunxiu Building who were cheating on Miss Luhua. Everyone else in the tavern ran away, and he was the only one left.

Juggernaut once said, "Just like you, nine lives are not enough for you to die."

In other words, admitting that he is inferior to the other party will not shake Yan Xing's fighting spirit in the slightest. Because of the act of 'seeking death', he had fully implemented the first half of his life.

I can't beat you, but I just want to fight you.

Kind of you kill me.

Yan Xing took out his long knife and said sternly, "Fellow Daoist Lin, please—"