The Villain Slaps The Protagonist’s Halo

Chapter 10: The stepson of a wealthy family, playing with glasses


Yan Yu's surgery schedule was very full. Although Nie Jia did not accept any more appointments except for Ye Shuming's medical case after Nie Jia's arrival, Nie Jia was still busy for a while with the work that Yan Su had left behind.

Ye Shuming recovered very quickly. After all, he was healed directly through Nie Jia's ability. In a few days, he was able to go for a walk by the lake with Huo Jun after dinner. He recovered completely, but Huo Qing didn't have any intention of letting Nie Jia move back to Jiangzhai. Even Nie Jia's mention of going back to Jiangzhai earlier caused Huo Qing to change the subject around the corner.

He also always has reasons to reject Nie Jia, for example, it is closer to the hospital from here, for example, it is quiet here at night so that he can have a good rest, for example, Ye Xiaojuan is reluctant to leave his beautiful uncle...

After Nie Jia realized Huo Qing's strong will, he no longer mentioned going back to Jiang's house, since he wasn't the one sleeping in the guest room anyway.

"Is Brother Qing pursuing Dr. Yan?" Ye Shuming murmured in surprise.

In the morning, because Nie Jia had an operation and didn't have time for breakfast, Huo Qing didn't go into the restaurant and brought a cup of lean meat porridge for him to eat on the way, and drove him to the hospital by himself.

Ye Shuming looked at the backs of the two of them leaving together, and finally noticed a clue... It seems that his brother has been driving Dr. Yan to the hospital for the past few days, sometimes the two of them come home late at night, and smell the wine on them I knew that the two of them had dinner outside alone.

When Huo Jun helped Ye Xiaojue smear jam on the toast, he snorted softly, "Have you ever seen my brother give Dr. Yan a flower and say a word of confession?"

"But I saw that Brother Qing would rather sleep in the guest room every day than let Dr. Yan go. Oh, by the way, I also saw that Dr. Yan often ran to the balcony because of the cold weather. Brother Qing deliberately put Dr. Yan in his room during working hours. The balcony is sealed." Ye Shuming looked at his wife tenderly.

Huo Jun laughed: "I just think my brother is driving the donkey. He didn't say that he didn't want Dr. Yan to leave, but he was just rambling hints. You see, Dr. Yan is not leaving. My brother didn't directly remind Dr. Yan When it's cold, go to the balcony to put on more clothes, but silently installed a screen door on the balcony. It seems that this is for the sake of Dr. Yan, but in fact, it is to drive Dr. Yan to his own territory step by step. The scheming boy is Dr. Yan can not tell."

"What does scheming boy mean, mother?" Ye Xiaojue asked in a daze.

Huo Jun and Ye Shuming looked at each other with a smile, bowed their heads and said to their son, "It means that you probably have two uncles."

Ye Xiaojue suddenly became uneasy: "Why? I don't want two uncles. I like the current uncle. If there is another uncle, I will share my love. I don't like the current uncle enough. Then the uncle must be very happy. sad."

"Then what if the second uncle is Dr. Yan?" Huo Jun asked.

Ye Xiaojue blinked twice, then narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Then I'm willing to share my love with my new uncle."

Ye Shuming looked at his son who was not firm, "Aren't you worried that your uncle will be sad?"

"No, uncle likes Uncle Yan very much, uncle will not be sad." Ye Xiaojue retorted his father seriously.

Ye Shuming was very surprised, smiled and rubbed the child's head, feeling very moved by his son's words.

This day was Nie Jia's last operation, which was a very difficult case. The operation lasted 11 hours. Nie Jia entered the operating room in the morning, and it was already night when the operation was successfully completed.

Huo Qing has been waiting outside the operating room, looking at Nie Jia worriedly: "Are you okay?"

Exhausted, Nie Jia shrugged weakly and said, "The patient and I are fine, I can rest now."

Huo Qing originally made a reservation for dinner at the riverside restaurant, but when he saw that Nie Jia was in low spirits, he took him home without mentioning it.

When the two returned home, Huo Jun was making dumplings with Ye Xiaojue, and Ye Shuming was busy rolling out the dumpling wrappers. The cook couldn't stand it anymore and whispered: "Mr. about I do it..."

"No, this is Xiaojue's parent-child homework, I have to do it myself." He said and rolled out a strange-shaped dough.

"Dad, you have the style of Picasso's cubism period." Ye Xiaojue's comment made his parents laugh, and after seeing Huo Qing and Nie Jia coming in, he immediately waved his flour-covered paws at them excitedly Waving: "Uncle! Uncle Yan!"

Ye Xiaojue climbed off the chair and ran towards the two of them.

The dirty child rushed towards Nie Jia like a cannonball, Huo Qing reluctantly made a stop gesture, Ye Xiaojue hurriedly braked and stood in front of the two, showing a row of small white teeth and smiling: "Today the school has assigned parent-child homework. , I want to finish it with my family, uncle and Uncle Yan will also come.”

"Uncle Yan is tired from work today. Uncle will send him up to rest. Will you accompany you to do your homework when you come back?" Huo Qing asked patiently.

Ye Xiaojue looked at the indifferent Nie Jia pitifully, "But the teacher said that the whole family should participate. Today, my mother said that Uncle Yan will soon become my new uncle, and he is also my family."

Nie Jia was startled, and froze in place. Huo Qing looked up, Huo Jun and Ye Shuming hurriedly made dumplings, pretending they didn't hear anything.

"...I'll go up first." Nie Jia ignored Ye Xiaojue's pitiful eyes, hurriedly lowered his head and took two steps back to leave, even a little flustered when he heard his footsteps going upstairs.

Huo Qing watched him leave, turned around and said to Ye Xiaojue, "The new uncle is very tired from work today, he needs to rest, can I accompany you to do homework next time?"

Ye Xiaojue had no choice but to nod aggrievedly, and dragged Huo Qing to participate in the homework. After that, Huo Jun and Ye Shuming did not dare to say another word, and silently completed Ye Xiaojue's homework. It happened that the cook had also prepared dinner, so Huo Qing went upstairs to call Nie Jia after washing his hands.

Huo Yun breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm really afraid that my brother will beat me up again just like when I was a child."

"Brother Qing is reluctant to beat you, it's almost as good as beating me." Ye Shuming smiled and kissed his wife's fingertips. When he first pursued Huo Jun, he was often abused by Huo Qing.

Upstairs, Huo Qing walked lightly on purpose, and walked into the room without knocking on the door. He knew that the young man was exhausted today and might have fallen asleep by now. But when he walked in, there was no one on the bed, and the screen door of the balcony was open. Huo Qing smiled helplessly and walked towards the balcony, "It's time to eat, Susu."

The person lying on the railing turned around, and the cool night wind blew his jet-black hair into a mess. Nie Jia squinted his eyes to look at Huo Qing, hummed a lazy syllable, and then continued Impressed, he turned back, raised his head and drank the small half glass of red wine in his hand.

Huo Qing looked at the half bottle of red wine on the coffee table, frowned, stepped forward to take back the wine glass, held Nie Jia's chin with one hand and rubbed his fingertips on his hot skin, "Your noon I didn’t eat anything, and drinking so much on an empty stomach would make my stomach hurt.”

Nie Jia didn't have any intention of avoiding this time, she even tilted her head slightly, rubbing her cheek against Huo Qing's hand, her eyes were red and slightly drunk like a sleepy cat.

It was as if an electric current rushed into his heart along the palm of his hand, and Huo Qing said, "Are you drunk?"

"No." Nie Jia replied bluntly, but he looked obviously drunk. He smiled and said, "I just figured out something, and I'm in a good mood."

"Huh?" Huo Qing raised his eyebrows, and leaned against the railing with Nie Jia, lowered his head and talked to him, looking from a distance as if the two of them were rubbing each other intimately.

Nie Jia said: "Mr. Huo, you said before that if I can cure Ye Shuming, it's okay to give me the shares of Huo's. Is it still worth it?"

"Of course, as long as it is your request, I will satisfy you." Huo Qing raised his hand and took off Nie Jia's glasses, and looked closely at his star-like eyes.

The two were so close that Huo Qing could smell the faint aroma of wine on the young man's lips, which made him fascinated and wanted to taste it himself. However, when he was only greedy, Nie Jia had already grabbed his tie and kissed his lips forcefully, and he whispered: "I don't want Huo's shares, I want you to be my boyfriend .”

Huo Qing's eyes were dim, and before he had time to respond to his words, his body couldn't wait to grab him into his arms, and fiercely deepened the wine-scented kiss.

It took a long time for Huo Qing to release him reluctantly, but he still hugged Nie Jia's waist tightly with both hands, pressed his forehead with a pleasant smile and said, "I thought I would pursue you for a long time."

"No need, in fact, I was fascinated by you the first time I saw you." Nie Jia put her arms around the back of his neck, and kissed Huo Qing on tiptoe very obsessively, "I like you very, very much now .”

"Then why did you avoid me before? I thought it was because you liked other types." Huo Qing was happy physically and mentally.

Nie Jia was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "That's exactly what I want to tell you." He paused, his voice suddenly became a little hoarse, and there was an inaudible pathos in his tone: "When you wake up , I feel that I am different from before, I don’t like me anymore, don’t think about anything, please just give up on me, I won’t pester you and I don’t want to see you again, and you don’t need to come to me again, understand?”

Huo Qing frowned, he couldn't understand what Nie Jia was saying, but there was a vaguely emotional answer in his heart, ready to come out.

"I won't give up on you, no matter what happens." Huo Qing held him in his arms with a disturbed expression, "Stop saying such things again."

Nie Jia leaned on his shoulder and smiled, he gave up fighting with himself, he liked Shi Chen for so many years and now he just wants to live in the present, if Shi Chen really minds his changes in the future, he will have no regrets.