The Villain Slaps The Protagonist’s Halo

Chapter 57: The main character must die


The god of war, Sikong Han, was shot in the neck by an arrow from the little monarch, and the blood gushed out and splashed all over the ground. After his death, there was still a look of astonishment on his face, as if he couldn't believe that he would really die or was shocked by the little monarch's death. Hidden. Snowflakes fell in his eyes, and immediately fused with blood.

The executioner was so frightened that he knelt down quickly, for fear that the little monarch would also shoot him to death with an arrow because he was not doing well.

The execution ground was silent, the kneeling guards did not get up, and the execution officer was still kneeling, Sikong Han didn't dare to act rashly when his blood flowed to his hands. Nie Jia naturally ignored these people, waved his attendants to drag Jun Zhangyue down, and returned to the palace the same way.

The crowd kneeling on the execution ground secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The death of the God of War was a pity, but the killing intent revealed by the little monarch just now was shocking. The supervisor stood up and wiped the blood from his hands, looked at Sikong Han's death and shook his head with a sigh, and directed the guards to carry the body down and hang it on the city gate.

The way back to the palace was already long, and Nie Jia also ordered the eunuchs to wander around the palace casually to see if Shi Chen was in the palace.

It was snowing heavily today, and it was extremely cold. There were not even a few palace people sweeping snow in the palace.

Although Jun Changsheng is violent, he is not licentious, but he never kills for profit, nor enjoys luxury and lust. He doesn't care about money and women. He has been living like a lonely ghost since his legs were crippled. Such a king naturally has no officials who are willing to send their daughters into the palace. The royal family of Yan had few heirs, the previous king and queen died young, and they were looted by mobs. Now there are only two masters, Jun Changsheng and Jun Changyue, in the huge palace. It is extremely empty and desolate, and it is extremely pitiful.

These are signs of doom.

Nie Jia's heart is heavy, Jun Changsheng's past is too similar to him.

He stretched out his hand, and the pale palm was covered with snowflakes.

"It's really cold." Nie Jia said slowly, as if her fingertips were brittle.

He remembered that Chen always liked to cling to his fingertips and kiss his fingertips in the past lifetimes. He didn't know where he was now, did he also come to this world? The heavy heart made Nie Jia feel uneasy again.

Turning around in the depressed palace, Nie Jia's lower back was numb from the cold before returning to the bedroom in disappointment.

After Nie Jia returned to the bedroom, all the melancholy in his eyes had receded, and he ordered in a cold voice: "Let the world know that Sikong Han intends to rebel and cover the sky with his hands, so he will be sentenced to death, hang the city gate as a warning to others, and those who dare to worship will be killed." No pardon."

The following should be done immediately.

In the original plot, after Jun Changsheng chopped off Sikong Han's head and killed Sikong's family, the matter was over. After all, Sikong Han's rebellion had not yet started, and Xuanjia's leader defeated him in one fell swoop. The people in the world only know that the king killed Sikong War God, but they don't know why. Sikong Han's death was the last straw that broke the camel's back. The courtiers were indignant and the common people complained a lot, so in the end Jun Changsheng was shot and killed.

Of course, now that Nie Jia is passing down the order to announce the cause of Sikong Han's death, the courtiers and the common people are probably unwilling to believe it, or even if they know that Sikong Han died because of an attempted treason, he is still the god of war in the hearts of the common people. He died for the people and died under the dictatorship of a tyrant. He is a hero worthy of being recorded in history.

In the early morning of the next day, Nie Jia's successor came to ask, "Did someone secretly pay homage to the traitor Sikong under the city wall last night?"

The guard knelt down and said, "Go back to Your Majesty, but no trace was found."

Nie Jia waved his hand lazily, turned over and fell asleep, and the guard hurriedly retreated.

"Min." Nie Jia smiled sarcastically.

Your heroes are hung on the city gates, exposed to the humiliation of eagles and birds pecking at the wind and sun, but hundreds of thousands of people in Zhuolu City don’t even have the courage to worship their living souls. Respect and regret have a fart.

Nie Jia was full of hostility, lay down and fell asleep for a while.

The snow had stopped today, and the sunny day that hadn't melted the snow was a little warmer. Finally, Nie Jia's legs didn't hurt so much. All the silver bells in the sleeping hall were removed, and there was only one bed left in the entire inner hall. It was so empty and cold that there was an echo even when he spoke. I bought two stoves and put them beside the bed, so I could survive until the next morning.

He huddled on the bed for a long time, neither sleeping nor getting up, lying quietly listening to the crackling sound of the furnace, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, the old eunuch came in, knelt down and said, "Report to Your Majesty, His Highness Prince Jing, please see me."

Nie Jia turned his eyes indifferently and looked over, "Isn't he going to kill himself for love, he's not dead yet?"

The old eunuch was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the little monarch who usually favored His Royal Highness King Jing, the only younger brother, would be indifferent to King Jing's life and death this time.

"Let him go." Nie Jia frowned impatiently.

The old eunuch did not dare to have him, seeing his master's displeasure, he immediately left the bedroom without a word of persuasion.

Nie Jia was very upset, turned around, and turned his back to the palace door and was stunned. The sun was already shining outside, and he didn't get up, let alone have breakfast, and just tossed and turned in bed all morning, his slightly frowning eyebrows never loosened.

Not long after, Nie Jia seemed to think of something, gritted his teeth and said, "Come here."

His call was so soft that the people standing outside the hall couldn't hear it at all, but at this moment, several black shadows flew down from the beam and knelt down in front of the bed on one knee, bowing their knees and obeying his orders. The posture is also filled with a strong smell of blood, and one can tell that it is five embryo killers.

"What orders does your Majesty have?" One of the shadows asked.

Nie Jia propped up his body, glanced at the faces of the five Xuanjias in front of him one by one, and then sighed softly. Xuanjia was wearing a jet-black military uniform, with cold soldiers on his waist, and a black armor that covered his nose and mouth. He couldn't see his face clearly, but he could tell whether a certain person had a certain age through their eyes. soul.

The five people in front of me did not.

While Nie Jia was disappointed, the uneasiness in his heart became even heavier.

"Wash up." Nie Jia said softly.

He thought about it for a long time, and felt that Shi Chen was probably one of the Xuanjia. Xuanjia had 21 people in total, five of them stayed in the palace to protect his safety, and the remaining 16 were scattered at various borders to strictly guard the territory of Yan. Compared with Sikong Han, the other generals in the court are mediocre, and the only one who can restrain his army after Sikong Han's death is Xuanjia.

It was not easy for Nie Jia to call the other Xuan Jia back at this time, so after the five people put on the robes clumsily, he ordered: "Go to the border and bring the others back, the sooner the better."

The five Xuanjia were stunned for a moment, and looked at each other, and they all read a trace of embarrassment from each other's eyes. Your Majesty thinks that the five of them are not taking good care of them? But they are good at skinning and cramping, and it's the first time they have served such a weak child so close, so they are disgusted...

"Yes." The five people responded, and then clumsily waited on the little monarch for lunch before leaving one person behind, while the other four dispersed to the border.

"Your Majesty, the head of His Highness Prince Jing's palace has come and said he has something to report." After the meal, Nie Jia was basking in the sun on the porch, and the old eunuch hurried over to preach.

Nie Jia opened his eyes, and the sun shone into the chill deep in his eyes, reflecting a severe hostility.

The old eunuch was so shocked that his face was covered with cold sweat, he took a step back and bowed down.

Nie Jia was silent for a while, then said lightly, "See you."

The old eunuch hurriedly went to communicate, and not long after, an eunuch in charge came in with his head bowed, bowed in the corridor and said: "My lord, His Highness King Jing caught a cold yesterday, and the fever is not going away at this time, so I sent servants to invite the king to go. visit."

"If you're suffering from a cold, go ask a medical officer. What do you ask me to do? Will I see a doctor?" Nie Jia scolded angrily.

The eunuch knelt and didn't get up, but now he was trembling.

"He left the palace?" Nie Jia sneered.

The eunuch shook like chaff, not daring to lie, "Yes."

"Did you see Sikong Han hanging on the city wall?" Nie Jia continued to ask.

The eunuch replied tremblingly: "Yes."

Nie Jia took the hot tea offered by the palace servants and blew on the dense mist, his eyes became warmer immediately, "So, let's go and have a look."

The palace servants walked towards the Chiyang Palace where Jun Zhangyue lived. Nie Jia guessed it when Jun Zhangyue asked to see him in the morning. He was full of hostility and ignored him at that time, but he didn't expect Jun Zhangyue to be relentless.

As soon as he entered the gate of Chiyang Palace, he heard the sound of mourning and crying from inside.

Jun Zhangyue rushed out with tears streaming down his face immediately after the transmission from the palace man. He looked at Nie Jia with resentment, dissatisfaction, and disgust in his eyes, but he still plopped down on his knees and kowtowed, "Brother Wang, you can kill me if you kill me!" Now, can Brother Rong Chen bury him alive?"

Nie Jia hugged the furnace and huddled on the stepper, ignoring him at all, and let the palace servants carry him directly into the inner hall.

Jun Zhangyue hurriedly stood up with his clothes on and ran in. He cried from yesterday until he fainted and woke up and continued to cry. He didn't drink a drop of water during the period, and he was so fragile that he seemed to die at any moment.

"Aren't you sick?" Nie Jia flicked his fingers expressionlessly.

The medical officer brought over by him immediately stepped forward to see Jun Zhangyue's condition. Jun Zhangyue pushed the medical officer away and knelt down in front of Nie Jia, and begged pitifully on his knee: "Brother Wang, sir My brother only has this one request, can you agree to me? In the future, I will never make you angry again, and I will not go out of the palace to build a mansion, and I will stay by your side all the time and not go anywhere, okay?"

He prayed earnestly, and the servants of Chiyang Palace wept silently, sympathizing with the master's experience. But Nie Jia stretched out his hand to put his forehead on his forehead without any disturbance, raised his eyebrows and said, "No fever, are you not sick?"

Jun Zhangyue himself is a reincarnated miracle doctor, and he pays great attention to health preservation on weekdays. Although he is just a thin boy, his physique is several times stronger than Jun Changsheng. How could he hang himself in the snow just yesterday? It's easy to get cold.

The medical officer also took advantage of Jun Zhangyue's stupefied kung fu to test his pulse, and then bowed to Nie Jia and said, "My lord, His Highness King Jing is just sad and lacking in spirit, and his body is fine."

"Brother Wang...?" Jun Zhangyue stared blankly at Nie Jia. Brother Wang still cared about his body, so he naturally cared about him, but how could he keep ignoring himself.

Nie Jia felt cold, and couldn't help but hugged the stove tightly, and his tone was as cold and intimidating as if it had been fished out of a cold pool, "Who came to tell this king that His Royal Highness King Jing is cold?"

The eunuch in charge of Chiyang Palace suddenly knelt down tremblingly, and replied tremblingly: "Yes, it's a slave."

"Lied about King Jing's illness, played tricks on me, dragged him out and chopped him up." As soon as Nie Jia finished speaking, the accompanying guards immediately forked the desperate eunuch out.

"No, don't!" Jun Zhangyue was in a hurry, that was his confidant who took care of his daily life since he was a child, he was like a relative or friend, how could he just watch him being killed. Jun Zhangyue's tears, which had dried up a little bit, welled up again, and he eagerly shook Nie Jia's hand and cried bitterly, pleading: "Brother Wang, no, I told him to lie to invite you over, it's none of his business!"

There was a rapid scream from outside, and Jun Zhangyue froze suddenly.

Nie Jia pinched his chin with two fingers, and said sinisterly: "Remember, teasing the king is a death penalty. If you dare to annoy me again in the future, I will kill you too!"

Jun Zhangyue suddenly fell to the ground, looking at the monarch who was stepping up in fear.