The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 1: Bring the cat home


end times.

In the gray sky, zombie birds hovered.

A black-haired man was lying on the desolate and cracked land like this, with a half-torn book beside him, the title of which could be vaguely seen on the cover—"Interstellar Glamorous".

I don't know whether to say this man is lucky or not.

Usually the zombies and zombie beasts in this desolate land have been wiped out by another powerful young supernatural being, leaving only scattered small zombie beasts, such as mutated mouse zombies, mutated snake zombies and small gecko zombies. Ordinary people in the base can solve it with an iron rod.

But this supernatural person has recently left this land.

The three-meter-long giant zombie bird with its wings spread out in the next area took the opportunity to sneak in, and saw this black-haired man hovering high in the sky as if looking for the right opportunity to dive and hunt.


The black-haired man lying on the ground had long eyelashes, closed his eyes tightly, and let out a rapid and uncomfortable breathing sound, with a heavy and stuffy sniff.

His cold, sickly white cheeks were burning red, like a rosy glow lingering on the towering snow-capped mountains, his thin lips were chapped and dehydrated, and there were some fragmentary scratches on his body. He was wearing a metallic cold black-gray protective suit, carrying With high-tech firearms.

The scorching sun scorched the ground, and the ground that was already short of water was burning and smoking, as if it was tormenting the cold and pale man together.

The zombie bird likes the living people with blood flowing most.

The semi-conscious man seemed to be unconscious, his forehead was burning hot, and the abnormally fast beating heart in his chest, the fast-flowing blood, and the tempting blood temperature attracted addicts in this desolate and dangerous land. Bloody zombie bird.

Spread your wings—

With festering sunken eyeballs and broken facial features, the zombie bird still relied on the unique induction of zombies, split its rotten beak and rushed towards the man on the ground.

The danger was approaching, but the man on the ground closed his eyes and knew nothing about what was going to happen next, let alone any precautions.

300 meters above the ground—

150 meters—

50 meters-

The swooping wind of the zombie bird brought a sun-baked bloody stench. The mutated bird's beak was jagged and fangs burst out, and it was about to attack the man on the ground.

A synthetic mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

"Master, please, let Silver Arc help you! There are many monsters in this world, and Silver Arc still has the energy to help you defeat this monster!"

The person talking is the mecha brain system made by the man on the ground, named Yinhu, who has accompanied him through countless years, fought and wiped out countless enemies of the Federation and the Zerg, but in the end, what the black-haired man did not expect was...

He was tampered with in his mecha, causing an S-class Alpha with damaged gonads to suffer from an incurable interstellar disease—pheromone disorder. The real culprit behind the scenes turned out to be the second prince of the empire. He became his biological brother, the eldest prince, and finally became the king of the empire.

The pheromones in Alpha's body with this disease are out of control, and his personality gradually becomes irritable, and the pheromone system in his body will also become unbalanced and collapse, and finally go mad and die.

Because of this disease, he resigned from his position as a major general of the Empire, and based on his original interest in developing mechas, he established a mecha company. Continue to develop the mecha, secretly still investigating the accident.

In a few years, the mechas he developed have surpassed the industry's level. The top-end mechas have become the exclusive supply channel of the Imperial Army, but they have also attracted the fear of the second prince who is behind the scenes.

Once again he fell into the abyss and was framed for collusion with the federal enemy.

And he also found out that the person who tampered with his mecha was the second prince, because he refused the second prince's solicitation, and rescued the first prince once, and was hated by the second prince.

He collected evidence to prove that the prisoner was the second prince, but the evidence submitted to the court was destroyed under his cover, and the drug that suppressed pheromone disorder was secretly replaced by the second prince. The judge kicked him out on charges of disturbing the order of the courtroom, and in the end he lost the case and became a criminal.

But he was innocent. He escaped from prison and wanted to continue to collect evidence to overthrow the charges. However, the terminal illness of pheromone disorder caused his body to collapse step by step. The doctor told him that he would not live for long.

He watched coldly and angrily on TV. His enemy, the second prince ascended the throne and became the king of the empire.

He wanted to get rid of the crime and announce the king's crimes to the people of the empire, but various unfortunate accidents happened frequently, and he was betrayed one after another. His relatives and friends were madly infatuated with an Omega next to the king, and betrayed his information to the king.

He was crazy and wanted to burn jade and stone together, and arranged everything before he died, waiting for the king to seek his own death, but the tip of the knife pierced the king's chest, but was blocked by an invisible force, no matter what he could do with the enemy in front of him !

In the end he died, in a tinnitus-ringing explosion.

It was supposed to be like this, the flames spread all over his body, as if he could smell the smell of a burnt body.

When he woke up, he came to a strange world, where he did not die, and there were many deformed and bloodthirsty monsters in this world.

Intellectual Brain Arc has analyzed the technological level of this planet, and it is still in ancient times. There is no Intellectual Star Network, no mechs, and there are no spaceships that leave the planet. At most, there are some low-level energy-driven cars and motorcycles, weapon technology very backward.

But people in this world have strange abilities. The flames emitted by fire attribute users can easily melt steel plates. Wood attribute users can drive seeds to grow into towering trees instantly. Thunder attribute users can even It can summon thunder and lightning out of thin air, and those with psychic powers can control the monsters here. According to the investigation of the silver arc, this kind of monsters are called zombies. These abilities are not inferior to the scientific and technological capabilities of Interstellar.

This is a desolate new world full of danger and vitality.

But what's the use of this, he is still a terminally ill person who can live in a few days.

God also played a joke on him.

When he woke up, there was a book next to him called "Interstellar Glamorous", which tells the story of a protagonist Omega and his several high-ranking Alphas. There are more ambiguous sex scenes than plots, but the protagonist in it attacks One is Kyle Odyssey, the second prince of the empire, and the evil villain inside is called Pei Zhaozhou, who has exactly the same name as him.

His world is actually a book...

What is this, from a two-dimensional book world to a three-dimensional real world

No wonder he couldn't kill the sinister and vicious second prince. It turned out that he was one of the protagonists in the book, and the world consciousness did not allow him to kill the protagonist.

The heart was instantly empty.

The incomparable absurdity made Pei Zhaozhou look at the words in the book, the names of those enemies one by one, with self-deprecating and ridiculous eyes, and tore the book in half.

The world that has tortured him for so long is just a book, and he is just the villain in the book, so he is evil, and he deserves all the pain of betrayal.

-That's ridiculous.

— He did nothing wrong, but was betrayed by his own world because he was the villain.

The corners of Pei Zhaozhou's tightly closed eyes were red, and silent tears flowed in the dead silence.

Countless noises in his ears, pheromone disorder caused his five senses to be confused, so noisy—the wind was so noisy—the sound of wings vibrating was so loud—the sound of insects passing through the sand was so loud—

The irregular beating of the heart is loud—

The extra footsteps are loud—

Zhinao Yinhua seems to be calling him, but he doesn't want to care about it anymore, let the zombie birds of this world eat him, anyway, he has been abandoned by the world, his parents have passed away long ago, and he has suffered a lot of betrayal. tired too...


The zombie bird is coming.

"call out-"

A sharp piercing sound burst out, the zombie bird screamed piercingly, the bird's head was pierced, and a light-colored spar fell from the sky along with its body.

A man in a black jacket held the spar that fell out of nowhere in his hand, and the corpse of the zombie bird fell to the side in an instant, and the bones on the ground were all broken. The deserted sea blue eyes looked at Pei Zhaozhou who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed waiting to die, Browbones furrowed instantly in disgust.

"stand up."

"Don't die in my line of sight."

A clear and cold male voice sounded.

Pei Zhaozhou opened his eyes in shock, but saw a pair of cold sea-blue eyes, clearer and purer than the blue of the gray sky, so clean and distant that he couldn't look away...

But Pei Zhaozhou didn't know that at this time, he was equally irresistible.

Si Huaixi's pupils narrowed slightly, and he stared at the man in front of him. His rare amber-golden eyes were wide open, so bright and moist that they were covered with a layer of honey syrup by the warm light, but the red corners of his eyes were aggrieved like a bird. The big abandoned cat was shrinking its paws, stubbornly and pitifully curling itself up in a dark corner, pretending to be strong and licking its wounds.

It turned out that it wasn't another person who ran out from the doomsday base to seek death, but a big cat wandering in the wild, with scars showing its paws, as if wary of him.

Si Huaixi restrained his disgust.

The apocalypse has driven many people crazy, and it is not uncommon for them to seek their own death, but most people's eyes are as gray as the sky in this apocalypse. Negative emotions of despair, pain, cowardice, and incompetence fill the eyes of these people. The protruding eyeballs behind the death exude a suffocating cry that is deep in the mud...

Unlike this pair of amber-golden eyes, there is a gleam of brightness that does not exist in the last days.

Although I don't know why its owner made the move of lying on the wilderness of the end of the world, waiting for the zombie bird to attack without saving himself, if he hadn't come, he might really have died.

Si Huaixi's clear sea blue eyes were a little dissatisfied, and his gaze swept over the strange flush on Pei Zhaozhou's face.

…seemed to be a sick and frail big cat.

Si Huaixi frowned, then said forcefully, "Get up, I'll take you back to the base."

Pei Zhaozhou: "...???"

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