The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 11: I... don't have a single spar


Zhou Fei came out to smooth things over, patted Hu Libo on the shoulder and said to him: "That's right! Captain Hu, how can you attack people casually? Wouldn't this make the little brothers from outside feel cold about our base?!"

"..." Hu Libo expressed a heart attack, feeling ashamed and unwilling to speak, but fortunately his dark skin did not show any blush.

It's not good to lose face in front of someone, but in front of this kid Zhou Fei, it's because I caused trouble first, and it's fine if I cause trouble, but I can't beat it! ! !

Hu Libo is not that kind of stingy person either. Although the bruises on his body are still painful, the person in front of him has a sense of strength. He didn't suffer any serious injuries. He, a seventh-level power system supernatural power user, recovered after slowing down.

Hu Libo explained awkwardly: "Well, as the captain of a team of supernatural beings, I came here to conduct some investigations on you because of the security of the base. It's okay, our base will not target you."

Zhou Fei also turned his head and smiled and said to Pei Zhaozhou kindly and enthusiastically: "I'm really sorry, my big brother Hu is a little impulsive, but you can also see that he didn't kill you, just wanted to try you The skills... It seems that this brother is really extraordinary, and he is also a person who is going to enter the base. I just came here from a certain base, and there is a high probability that we will still be colleagues in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Fei stretched out his hand in a very friendly manner, smiling with big eyes and wide eyes, and withdrew his hand in embarrassment under Pei Zhaozhou's cold and vigilant gaze, with a wry smile in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly, he was just a worker at the base not long ago, why did Team Hu look for trouble? ! He just offended the indifferent handsome guy in front of him with extraordinary strength!

Even ordinary people who can survive the end of the world should not be underestimated, not to mention that this indifferent handsome guy looks brightly dressed, and he doesn't seem to have suffered any torture from the wilderness full of zombies, which is definitely not a good thing.

The moment they met, there was no fluctuation in their abilities, so they beat Hu Dui, the seventh-level power system superhuman, to the ground. The time when Hu Dui was so fast to return a punch, this indifferent handsome guy punched five or six times.

Hu Dui has been beaten to the point of being a pig's head, what if his handsome face is damaged? !

Just thinking about Zhou Fei makes his whole body tremble. He is just a small sixth-level fire-element supernatural being. If he throws a fireball, this person can hit him. Don't mess with him!

Thinking of this, Zhou Fei's smile became even more flattering, and he could bend and stretch: "As an apology for Team Hu's ignorance, I will take you to register in the base in advance. Anyway, with your skills, you will be specially recruited by the base, and sooner or later you will be an official member. , are all our own people!"

Pei Zhaozhou felt a little strange when he looked at the base's supernatural being who suddenly became sincere and enthusiastic.

He just beat up his partner and thought he would be retaliated against. He was not afraid of retaliation, but worried about causing trouble for Si Huaixi.

Now that the other party has expressed goodwill, Pei Zhaozhou is not so ungrateful, and he still has some things he wants to ask the other party.

He didn't know about Si Huaixi's situation behind the city wall, and he kept suppressing his anxiety. There were two superhumans in the base in front of him who probably knew about Si Huaixi's news.

Pei Zhaozhou frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking: "Okay, thank you, but I want to ask a question. Just now, someone I know went directly over the city wall of the base. I heard that there were zombie snakes. I want to know who he is. how is it now?"

Zhou Fei chuckled: "Are you kidding me? We are all standing guard at the gate outside the base. How can anyone pass us and step over the city wall to enter... Wait, what is the name of the person you are talking about?"

Pei Zhaozhou replied: "His name is Si Huaixi, and he is a supernatural being in this base."

Zhou Fei's pupils trembled suddenly, and he suddenly remembered that Commander's name seemed to be this. He turned his head and asked Hu Libo: "When did Commander come back? Why don't I remember it? Captain Hu, do you still remember?"

These days, he and Captain Hu are guarding the gate of the base. The commander is the kind of person who stays outside the base 300 days out of 365 days a year, and will not come back unless there are major orders from the base.

Although the commander seldom stays at the base, and seems to be indifferent as a solitary person, many supernatural beings and ordinary people on the base were rescued by the commander, and many of them came to Lucheng to follow the commander and repay their kindness base, and it is entirely up to the commander to bring back some extremely important and scarce materials from the Lucheng base from some distant northern bases.

The people in the base respect and yearn for Commander, and even many admirers and beauties want to pursue him. Commander was already the youngest known high-level person with supernatural powers a few years ago, and he is famous in the last days. Even the largest base in the northern capital invited the commander to join.

What's more, the commander has a handsome and handsome face that makes men's heartbeat, and he looks even better than those big stars before the end of the world.

Once upon a time, those suitors trampled the grass in front of the commander's door to nothing in order to run into the commander. Zhou Fei largely suspected that the commander was so annoyed by those suitors that he hid outside the base. Men are no less than women,

Survival in the last days has become difficult. The moral bottom line of the past is pressed again and again in front of the zombies. Under the huge pressure of survival, even sex can be pulled into bed to vent. Beautiful and fair men become the playthings of the strong, which is not uncommon in the last days. The thing about it is even more popular because men can't get pregnant.

Zhou Fei was stuffed with beautiful and weak men. After trying it, he found it boring. He didn't look like a man or a woman. His cowardly and timid appearance immediately halved his interest.

Sure enough, a man should be like a commander. If he were to be a commander, he wouldn't mind being the one below.

The unscrupulous Zhou Fei licked his lips.

But he just thought about it, and he didn't intend to die. The commander is a daunting mountain and a cold peak. Those clear cold blue eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts, revealing the independence and alienation that rejects people thousands of miles away. People can really approach him.

Zhou Fei felt strange.

With the ability of the commander, why not go to a higher place and still stay in this small base. No, it is now considered a medium-sized base. The population of the Lucheng base has grown rapidly in recent years, and it has reached the standard of a medium-sized base.

Except for a little accident just now, Hu Libo has always been honest and responsible in his duties and work. He has no impression of when the commander came back. He said clearly: "There is no commander in the city entry record. He should have just arrived. of."

Zhou Fei suddenly looked at Pei Zhaozhou with curious eyes: "In this way, do you really know Commander Si?"

Pei Zhaozhou vaguely guessed that Si Huaixi was the commander they were talking about. The tone of the base's supernatural powers seemed to respect Si Huaixi. It seemed that Si Huaixi's status in the base was not low, at least he would not be bullied. I felt a little more at ease.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were clear, he nodded sincerely and said, "Well, he saved me."

Zhou Fei smiled and said nothing.

A random brick dropped in the base may bump into a person rescued by the commander. Although it is a bit exaggerated, even Zhou Fei has accepted the kindness of the commander.

It's useless to talk too much, they are all people who were rescued by the commander.

Zhou Fei gained some inexplicable friendship in battle. Seeing outsiders who cared so much about the commander, he, who has always been out of tune, also sincerely comforted him: "Don't worry, the commander is fine. That kind of little zombie snake can't hurt him, it's just that yesterday The black rain broke the iron net at the bottom of the river, allowing the zombie snake to take advantage of it."

The corners of Pei Zhaozhou's lips were slightly curved, and the amber-golden eyes were filled with clean and pure joy. His stern facial features seemed to soften a lot, because the majestic and tenacious temperament of defending the country and the people as a soldier of the empire made the common people Feel trust for no reason.

Zhou Fei suddenly wanted to make friends with this person, and said enthusiastically, "Come with me, I'll take you to register with Xiaoli, if it wasn't for the one-day observation period, I would take you to familiarize yourself with the environment in the base... Captain Hu, I'll take people there first."

With a swollen nose and swollen face, Hu Libai gave a 'hmm', and devoted himself to guarding the gate of the base, but he was too embarrassed to get close. There happened to be a kid like Zhou Fei, so he simply threw the trouble to him.

Zhou Fei ignored this awkward middle-aged man, and took the newcomer Pei Zhaozhou with him in a hospitable manner, and said with a crackling voice: "You just came here, and you haven't made any contribution to the base. The house must not be very good. If you bring Enough spar, I can find someone to change it for you... "

Crystal, the common currency of the last days.

When it was changed to Interstellar, Pei Zhaozhou’s account balance had so many zeros that he hadn’t even counted it. He has countless assets under his name, and there are not no resource stars. Money is not important to him, but he didn’t expect that he would also be cash-strapped. one day.

Pei Zhaozhou was a little distressed and said, "I... don't have a single spar."

Zhou Fei was slightly stunned, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's really not good, you can come to my newly assigned dormitory for two days, anyway, we are all big men... I think I lived in the temporary dormitory provided by the base for a day, and the place with big tofu was crowded. A few people, and a man touched my thigh in the middle of the night, so scared that I kicked it immediately, and ran to the logistics office of the base the next day to apply for a change of residence."

Thinking of the key Si Huaixi gave him, Pei Zhaozhou shook his head and said, "No, thank you, I already have a place to go."

Zhou Fei was puzzled: "Oh, where is it? I'll drop by at that time."

Pei Zhaozhou hesitated for a few seconds and said, "If I visit, I will tell the owner of the house, because he allowed me to live there temporarily."

Zhou Fei followed his curiosity and asked: "Didn't you come from outside? Do you still know the people in the base? Who is it? Do I know it?"

Pei Zhaozhou nodded: "Si Huaixi brought me here, and before he left, he gave me the key and let me stay temporarily."

Zhou Fei suddenly stared blankly: "You mean Si Huaixi, you mean Commander Si??!"

Pei Zhaozhou: "If it's correct, he should be the commander you mentioned."

Zhou Fei took a deep breath and said in shock, "Are you sure you didn't meet someone with the same name? When did the commander allow other people to enter his house and give you the key? Is it me dreaming or you dreaming?" Already?!"

Pei Zhaozhou frowned slightly, took out the key and looked at the door number K-108, then gave Zhou Fei another look, and asked, "It's the house K-108, right?"

Zhou Fei looked at the numbers above, looked vertically and horizontally for dozens of seconds, and woke up suddenly, oh my god! This is really the commander's residence!

When did the commander change his gender and let an outsider into his house? ! !

You must know that there were a few suitors who wanted to block Commander Si's house at the beginning, but they were beaten out mercilessly by Commander Si before they entered the door, so that Commander Commander deliberately used mental power to create a barrier to block foreign invasion The attackers broke in, not to mention that the trap left by the commander caught several unknown people.

Now everyone in the entire base knows that there is a forbidden area, which is K-108, the commander's residence, and cannot be easily approached. Even Chief Cao dare not break into his house without the permission of the Chief.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the department actually handed over the important key to an outsider.

Zhou Fei looked left and right, but he didn't see anything special about Pei Zhaozhou, except that he was a little bit more handsome than him, and he was tall and handsome.

Suddenly my heart became sore, is the commander still a face control

An old man at the front of the line had a dispute with his family members. Song Xiaoli, who was in charge of recording the people who came and went at the gate of the base, urged: "Whether the books are still sold or not, the people behind are waiting."

His eldest son became anxious immediately, and yelled at the old man viciously: "You old man! What time is this, and you are still holding a useless book, and now that man has died in the past thirty years, why don't you leave me alone?" Why don't you sell that book and earn some money to feed your two grandchildren, at least the base will pay you back!"

The old man looks to be in his seventies, and it is rare for an old man to live that long in the last days. If it were not for the fact that he was a professor of botany at an agricultural university before the last days, he taught the base to plant a lot of food with his planting knowledge. After supporting him, he also raised the wolf-hearted eldest son's family.

Now that the base doesn't want to support such a useless person as he is getting old, his life suddenly becomes abstinent.

I thought that relying on the spar that I had saved for so many years would be enough to spend my old age comfortably, but I didn't expect the eldest son to dislike the sudden drop in the quality of life. He, a 71-year-old old man, went out to work hard. Seeing that he was old and weak and could not earn much spar, he wanted to use his status as a professor of botany to sell him to other bases to make a fortune.

Mr. Ren was heartbroken, and he could only be thankful that the Lucheng Base was considered a relatively well-known base, and he would not be harsh on outsiders like him. He was afraid that he would be exhausted to death sooner or later if he was forced to go down by the eldest son's family.

But the eldest son's family has been taken care of by him. He didn't want to go to work at the beginning, and he was all raised by his old father. The child, and the youngest son died within a few years of being a soldier in the end of the world, leaving only the eldest son's family, his last relatives, he has been relentless, but he did not expect to raise such a white-eyed wolf.

Now he can't even keep the books that his friends asked him to keep.

The two grandchildren are still clamoring in their ears. Fairer skin is rare in the last days, but the eldest son and daughter-in-law's family all have such skin. Although it is impossible to get fat in the last days, it is by no means that This kind of scrawny person who is struggling on the death line of food and clothing seems to be doing well.

On the contrary, Mr. Ren is still wearing clothes from more than ten years ago, the lines are all open, and the rough and crooked needlework seems to have been sewn and repaired by himself.

The eldest grandson shouted harshly: "I want to eat steamed stuffed buns! Steamed stuffed buns! I've been tired of eating dry coarse-grain cakes for a long time. You should sell the book quickly, or I will let Dad throw you away!"

The people around gave contemptuous glances, even though it is difficult to survive in the last days, such a naked || exposure of the ugliness of human nature still makes people instinctively disgusted.

Sensing the displeasure of the people around her, the eldest daughter-in-law covered her son's mouth and raised her voice: "There is no one among us who doesn't raise grandpa. You see, we are all filial, and we raised him until he was over seventy years old. In the last days, we raise a grandpa." How difficult it is for old people..."

The people around looked away, and many of them nodded secretly. Being able to support a useless old man in the last days is already considered very filial, and if you can live, you don't need so much.

The eldest daughter-in-law pursed her lips and snickered, followed her husband and stared at Mr. Ren, waiting for the old man to sell those useless books and earn a small sum to spend in the new base.

Mr. Ren wiped his tears, handed the book that his friend told him before his disappearance to Song Xiaoli, a staff member of the base, and said hoarsely: "This is the research note left by my friend before his death. He was once a brilliant biological Professor, he went to Antarctica with the Antarctic expedition team, studied the meteorite that hit almost the largest iceberg in Antarctica, and sent me the research results in a book, asking me to help publish it. Unfortunately, the end of the world came before it was too late, and he was nowhere to be found. I had to keep his relics until now."

"The zombie virus in this doomsday crisis originated from the iceberg that fell from a meteorite in Antarctica. The name of this book is "Research on Antarctic Iceberg Meteorites-New Substances for Human Evolution", and the author is Chen Wenfeng."

Song Xiaoli accepted the book, saw the title of the book on the cover, and remembered that the commander asked her to find books about zombie viruses, and left a large amount of spar. This old man's book happened to be what the commander wanted.

Seeing the old man's expression of nostalgia and regret for this book, and the fact that the book is still well preserved after more than 20 years, the old man must also cherish books very much.

Song Xiaoli decides to give the old man a third-order spar, which is enough for the old man to live comfortably for a whole year and even buy some medicines.

But when Song Xiaoli handed the spar to the old man, his elder son snatched it away. Seeing that a torn book was actually sold for a third-order spar, the eldest son and his family were overjoyed.

Song Xiaoli frowned, turned her head to look at Elder Ren who was still reluctant to leave, and asked, "Excuse me, old man, is there anything else you can do?"

Elder Ren shook his head, looking wearily at the eldest son's family who were leaving with the spar.

He originally thought that he would redeem his friend's book after earning the spar, but he didn't expect that the person from the Lucheng Base would be so generous and paid the price of a third-order spar. The old man was so exhausted that he couldn't even earn a third-order spar, and he couldn't get his friend's book back...

Mr. Ren sighed, feeling that this is life—

Just like his old friend Chen Wenfeng, young Zhengmao went to Antarctica to do scientific research. He thought he had discovered a new substance for human evolution, but unexpectedly he became the first wave of people exposed to the zombie virus. Life and death are difficult to distinguish.

inside the base.

After the zombie snakes were dealt with, the wounded were taken for treatment.

However, Si Huaixi stopped and walked, and came to a remote and dirty corner by the river.

Due to the black rain in the past few days, the river water has risen, and the water surface has a strange black-gray color, with a rotten smell in the filth.

Si Huaixi stared sharply at the seemingly calm water surface with his cold sea blue eyes, squatted down and reached out to touch the water surface, but was disturbed by a person.

Chen Wen's eyes were gloomy and cold, and he smiled politely on the surface and said kindly: "Commander, leave the rest of the matter to me. Chief Cao is looking for you."

Si Huaixi nodded, and looked at Chen Wen, the person in charge of the base's logistics department, who smiled kindly.

He is a 7th-level water-type power user. He came to the base a few years ago. He has a gentle personality and is friendly and tolerant. As a water-type power user, he often uses powers. He takes out water for free and gives it to ordinary people in the base who have no use for it.

You must know that even water is a precious resource in the last days. Some rivers and wells may have zombie viruses. Ordinary people may be infected with zombie viruses if they drink them. Therefore, the safest drinking water is the water taken out by people with water-type abilities.

Ordinary people in the Lucheng base are very grateful to this kind water-type superpower. Chen Wen's reputation in the base is excellent, and he was later appreciated by Chief Cao. An important position, and the person in front of him is also a trustworthy person.

Si Huaixi got up and said: "There are some corpses at the bottom of the river, go and find out who is missing in the base."

Chen Wen's eyes showed surprise: "Could it be that the zombie snake killed people?"

Si Huaixi's eyes were deep: "I'm not sure, I used my mental strength to detect the wounds on the corpse that had been bitten, but a lot of black rain flowed into this river a few days ago, and the acidic substances in it corroded the wounds of the corpse, making the I can tell whether it was bitten by a zombie snake or an infiltrating zombie... In either case, we need to be alert immediately, quickly repair the iron net in the river, and don't let other zombies infiltrate the base again!"

Chen Wen replied seriously: "Yes, I will send someone to deal with it immediately."

After waiting for a while, Si Huaixi didn't seem to have left, his eyes stayed on the river, as if he was confused about something.

Chen Wen's smile became stiff, and he urged, "Do you have any instructions from Commander?"

It's getting late, Si Huaixi hasn't been back to the base for a long time, Chief Cao should have something important to see him, so he frowned and said: "It's strange to have a corpse at the bottom of the river, the other corpses have been corroded beyond recognition, only his corpse Still well preserved...”

The cold light in Chen Wen's eyes flashed, he raised his head, his expression became innocent and suspicious, and he guessed cautiously: "Could it be a supernatural person who died unexpectedly? The rain cannot corrode his body."

Si Huaixi frowned slightly: "The corpse had no obvious wounds, and the cause of death is unknown. It was not killed by a zombie snake, but fell into the river by accident..."

Chen Wen deliberately led the topic: "Could it be a vendetta?"

Si Huaixi pursed his lower lip, but he always felt that something was wrong, and after careful consideration, there was no better explanation: "Minister Chen, please find out the missing person, investigate the cause of his death, and hand over the report to I have one."

Chen Wen: "OK."

It took a long time after Si Huaixi left.

Chen Wen's face suddenly changed, and he cursed at He Di with a cold expression: "Idiot! If he finds out, you will really die!"

Only the silent surface of the water responded to him.

The slowly flowing river gave people a strange sense of peace, and even the blood that surfaced on the surface of the water was washed away with the current, leaving no trace.