The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 12: ——Annoying, I want to lick the cat. …



base meeting.

"This month the base accommodated another thousand people, and if this continues, the base's residences will not be able to accommodate..."

"Diesel has six months of reserves left, and the amount of coal is not enough. The anti-inflammatory drugs, hemostatic agents, and bandages in the inventory need to be replenished..."

"One of the generators in the base is broken. The base has lost 20% of its power supply. The base's power supply quota has to be further reduced. Now at night, the concentrated residential area of the people in the base has stopped supplying power... The maintenance person said that the important parts of the generator The bearing has been damaged by fatigue after decades of use, and the manufacturer of the generator has long since closed down, and now I don’t know where to find a replacement... "

"The recent intrusion of zombie snakes has caused the residents of the base to panic. Corpses were found at the bottom of the river. There was a lack of lights in the residential area at night. Some people took advantage of the darkness and there were many vile robberies. The people were angry and eager to know when the power supply would be restored... "

"The law enforcement team has caught several offenders, but if this problem is not resolved, it will not help..."

Cao Leipeng, as the leader of a base, is not as majestic as the outside world sees. He has to deal with various affairs of the base in distress every day. The continuous troubles make his face full of sadness, and there are a few more white hairs on the top of his head: "Without a generator, a lot of equipment in the base can't operate. Is there any other solution for the research?"

When the Institute was mentioned, several professors who participated in the meeting looked at each other, their eyes were full of discouragement and helplessness.

Before the end of the world, the country vigorously developed science and technology. Several of their professors were respected scientists in various fields. The universities provided them with a lot of funds to conduct research and teach students. Unexpectedly, after the end of the world, the situation changed drastically, and the status of scientists continued to decline.

At first, these professors were still protected, and they stayed in the base's research institute to conduct research safely, relying on their scientists to find a solution to the zombies.

Unexpectedly, one year has passed, two years have passed, almost thirty years have passed, and those damn zombies have not only disappeared, but have also become more powerful and terrifying.

Zombies that have evolved to a high level are powerful enough to change the terrain of mountains and rivers. There was once a high-level zombie of the earth system that raised an 80-meter-high mountain out of thin air, controlling the mountain and crushing tens of thousands of people to death.

Metallic zombies have completely destroyed the confidence of human beings to raise technological weapons to resist.

At first, the appearance of zombies did not attract much attention. Even ordinary people with guns could deal with the rudimentary zombies, but things gradually got out of control. A large number of zombies appeared, and some zombies even showed supernatural powers.

What made the leaders of the country realize that the situation is serious is that zombies have the ability to resist human weapons. The bullets fired by humans are controlled by metal zombies, which in turn hurt humans, resulting in heavy losses. Even the high-speed missiles developed by experts are powerless against zombies.

As long as it is a weapon, it basically contains metal, and human technology has been defeated for a while.

There was once a small country that desperately used atomic||atomic bullets to die with the zombies. Unexpectedly, a high-level zombie in the water system could instinctively perceive the danger contained in atomic||bullets. Energy fluctuations swept the raging waters and submerged the country. In the end, the fragile human beings died, and the country perished, but the zombies were still there.

The leaders of various countries saw the suicide-style destruction of this small country through satellite surveillance, and they all fell silent.

Nuclear || weapons, which symbolize the most lethal weapons for human beings, have all declared failure. Is there any other way for human science and technology to solve this doomsday crisis

As a result, human beings put their last hope on the supernatural beings. Only supernatural beings can fight against zombies, and the technology that symbolizes the development of human civilization takes a step back temporarily.

First solve the problem of survival, and then seek the development of human beings.

Several professors in the research institute have long realized that their value is running out. They have decades of scientific research experience, but they are reduced to repairing cars, installing wires and changing light bulbs. Even so, they work tremblingly and finally Still kicked out of base.

Many bases have gradually canceled research institutes more than ten years ago, thinking that wasting so much food to support useless people, it is better to change the site of the research institute to planting land. These old professors are not physically strong, and they are not as good as young people. No base is willing to take it.

Just when they were about to despair, a young man from outside came to the base and said that there was a research institute in Lucheng base, and they could be accepted. The old fellows were very grateful, and they finally survived.

When he didn't know the young man's identity, several old professors taught him relevant knowledge. The young man had never been exposed to that knowledge but learned it quickly. One professor admired him very much and wanted to take him as an apprentice, but the young man After some hesitation, he refused.

He said: Time is not enough. Unless there is a major breakthrough in today's technology, when the zombies evolve beyond humans, it will be the moment of human extinction. The development of technology takes too long. He can't wait that long, he can only choose supernatural powers the way of the reader.

The professors were very sorry, but understood and respected his choice.

They only found out later that the young man was a powerful supernatural being, who is now the admirable commander of the base.

They are very grateful for the care of the commander, and try their best to do something for the development of the base, but many people have always felt that they are wasting food, there is no need to do any research, and they want to cancel the research institute and reduce their funds.

Professor Yan, who is in charge of the mechanical part, said helplessly and guiltily: "The people in the research institute have also tried hard, but we have no blueprints to know the solution, but we are helpless... It is really hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. It’s useless if the production chain can’t keep up.”

Professor Yan looked gloomy, and sighed: "The screws that the base needs now are all made by hand, and the time-consuming precision is not enough. The precision requirements of the bearings of large generators are very high, and the base lacks large-scale CNC processing machines. There is a lack of machines, and the conditions of the base can't work... Before the end of the world, the bearings of large generators were imported from abroad. If the base wants to find the corresponding bearings of the generator, it is better to go outside to search for materials and find a new generator. "

Cao Leipeng was very dissatisfied, and angrily slapped the table and said: "The base provides so many resources to the research institute, why can't even repair a generator? If this continues, the research institute's funding will be reduced by half! Anyway, we don't need so many people , just leave a few people who can repair cars and street lights!"

These almost contemptuous and casual words made Professor Yan and the others sigh and numb their hearts.

They are already used to this kind of treatment. Thinking from another optimistic point of view, it is no different from being a car and street lamp repairer directly without a research institute.

What Chief Cao said directly was not only what he had in mind, but also what most people in the base thought. They had long wanted to reduce the expenditure of the research institute and let more labor force go to cultivate land to grow food, go out to search for supplies, and kill zombies.

It's just a pity for those bright young people in the institute, it's a pity that what they professors have learned cannot be passed on.

The turmoil in the last days has destroyed many precious books of human civilization. The new generation born after the end of the world has no education, and they are illiterate to survive. They worry that even if humans defeat the zombies, there will be a fault in human civilization, and it will take thousands of dollars to make up for it. A hundred times more strength.

Several old professors in the scientific research institute were downcast and did not refute Chief Cao's words, remaining silent and powerless.

Others at the conference table had already discussed the next topic, and no one expressed concern or objection.

Si Huaixi pressed his fingers lightly between his eyebrows, his sea-blue eyes flashed a hint of obscurity, and said in a cold tone: "There is an abandoned computer city 75 kilometers away from the base. The generator, I will go and get it back, the generator may not be able to run after such a long time, but the parts are mostly complete, I will trouble some professors from the research institute to take a look at it.”

Several professors from the research institute nodded and said positively: "Don't worry, Commander, we old bones will definitely work hard to repair them!"

Cao Leipeng frowned, looked at those people in the institute with dissatisfaction, sighed secretly, and looked worriedly at Si Huaixi who was used to dealing with the mess of the institute.

At the beginning, I decided to stay because of Si Huaixi's face, but the research institute is really a burden for the base. Although the Lucheng base is better than other bases, and can barely maintain food and clothing, there are still many materials that are in short supply, which cannot be used for research at all. In fact, a lot of funding for the institute's research was privately provided by Si Huaixi.

Cao Leipeng has always disapproved of Si Huaixi raising these people, this time he intends to take this opportunity to be the villain for Si Huaixi.

He regards Si Huaixi as Guan Zhao's younger brother who can be entrusted to a trusted junior.

At the beginning, he trusted the former leader rightly and wrongly, and felt extremely guilty for almost killing Si Huaixi. Fortunately, Si Huaixi hid his strength, and unexpectedly solved the former leader and his son with evil intentions. At that time, Cao Leipeng Vaguely aware of Si Huaixi's unparalleled talent.

In contrast, Cao Leipeng is forty-seven years old, almost fifty years old. He has witnessed the outbreak of zombies in peaceful times since he was young, and he has experienced countless life and death hardships along the way, and he is also a rare thunder-type superpower , looking at the world's eighth-level lightning system abilities, they are not weak.

It is difficult to upgrade to a higher level when the ability reaches a higher level. It is difficult to upgrade to a level in a few years. From the seventh level to the eighth level, he absorbed more than a dozen high-level lightning system crystals during the period, and it took five and a half years to rise to the level. eighth order.

Two years ago, how old was Si Huaixi at that time, not long after he became an adult, he was only in his early 19s, Cao Leipeng was shocked and unbelievable. Si Huaixi, who was so powerful in the middle, felt a trace of fear from the bottom of his heart.

After the death of the former leader, the position of the leader of the base was originally given to him, but Si Huaixi said that he should concentrate on researching and upgrading abilities.

Cao Leipeng had no choice but to bite the bullet and become the new leader of the Lucheng base in order to support Si Huaixi in managing the Lucheng base, but he still persuaded Si Huaixi to be the commander of the base.

But Si Huaixi spent too much useless energy on the research institute, and his talent shouldn't waste these backward places.

In the eyes of senior Cao Leipeng, Si Huaixi, a child born after the apocalypse, always has a naive yearning for peaceful times and the technology of that time. Indeed, technology brings a lot of convenience, such as communicators and cars in the apocalypse. Technological industrial products are also the supplies needed by the base.

But these are just auxiliary tools, and the most important thing in the last days is the supernatural being.

Even Cao Leipeng couldn't stop the torrent of this apocalyptic era, and the planes and cannons became a pile of scrap metal in front of the zombies.

Zombie birds can easily destroy the fragile aircraft shell. If you really take a plane to travel through the high altitude of the end of the world, you will only end up with a plane crash and death.

The sky and ocean in the last days have become forbidden places for human beings.

Human beings can only curl up in a small base, occupying one percent of the territory that originally belonged to human beings.

The people at the end of the world at the bottom don't know how many human beings are left alive in the world, and they don't care, as long as they survive one day is counted as one day.

Because the real value is too cruel and hopeless, the upper-level people simply conceal it, and only a very small number of supernatural beings know it.

Originally, the population before the end of the world was more than eight billion.

Thirty years after the end of the world, there are only more than 100 million human beings left.

It's good that the dead humans are really dead. If there are eight billion zombies left, this number makes people feel helpless and desperate deep in the soul.

This means that a human may have to deal with eight zombies, and the zombies are still evolving. Due to the large number of zombies, the probability of zombies with supernatural powers is even higher.

Cao Leipeng only found out after he became the leader of the Lucheng base, but after knowing it, he couldn't sleep for several nights in a row, his face was haggard and bearded, and he couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

He was under too much pressure, so he went to tell Si Huaixi, but he didn't expect Si Huaixi to be much calmer than him, as if he knew this fact early on.

"I knew it half a year ago," he said.

Cao Leipeng was a little tongue-tied, and asked Si Huaixi, "Then how can you be so calm?"

Cao Leipeng still vaguely remembered Si Huaixi's childish and youthful face back then, and his sea-blue eyes were bright with a little youthful vigor, and he was not as mature and stable as he is now.

Si Huaixi smiled and said to him: "Whether we know it or not, we will kill zombies, or we will be killed by zombies. As long as we kill the last zombie, we can end the last days, and I haven't met me yet." Unkillable zombies..."

Listening to such an arrogant and arrogant sentence, if it were other young people, it would only feel arrogant and ridiculous, but if it was Si Huaixi, Cao Leipeng would believe it inexplicably.

Si Huaixi went on to say: "I have never calmed down, I clearly know that human beings still have one last chance."

Suddenly, a sharp ambition flashed across the deep sea blue eyes, like a ferocious and powerful lion about to pounce on its prey in the grassland, with its powerful minions hiding in the grass and waiting for the moment to strike.

At that time, Cao Leipeng rekindled hope in his heart, and felt great expectations for the future of this young man.

Back to the conference room.

Cao Leipeng disagreed with Si Huaixi's proposal to go to the computer city more than 70 kilometers away to pick up the generator.

Not to mention that he also has confidence in Si Huaixi's strength, but this problem should not be solved by him, the research institute has caused enough troubles.

On the other hand, for the sake of the safety of the members of the base, after 30 years, no one went into the computer city to search for supplies. It is certainly not that no one has been greedy for the supplies inside, but those who have been there have never returned. This computer city is not so Simple.

Cao Leipeng decided to make a black face, and refused: "No, I also know the location of the computer city. I haven't cleaned up the zombies for so many years. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be high-level zombies in it. In short, as the leader of the base, I think this matter The risk is too great to be worth the risk!"

After Cao Leipeng finished speaking, he was afraid that Si Huaixi would object, so he looked at him with an unusually serious expression, and the atmosphere became extraordinarily dignified.

For a while, the people at the meeting looked at each other in blank dismay, afraid to speak because of the solemn atmosphere, thinking that there was a conflict between Chief Cao and the commander.

Si Huaixi frowned slightly, bent his fingers against his chin, lowered his eyes in thought, and said in a flat tone: "Professor Yan, can you tell me how long the only four generators left in the base have been in use?"

Chief Cao frowned silently.

Professor Yan sensed the tense atmosphere between the two top leaders of the Lucheng base. He could think of those old and scrapped machines in the base, but in order to supply the daily needs of the base, he still tried his best to tinker with them and insist on using them.

Professor Yan lowered his eyebrows and said dejectedly: "Two of them have been used for more than 20 years, and one has been used for 16 years. Only one is relatively new. It was found five years ago by the base's search materials team. The internal parts were rusted and the generator couldn't work, and it took three months of repairs in our research institute before it could be used at last."

After finishing speaking, Professor Yan said helplessly: "Boss Cao, it's not that we don't want to repair it, but that the generator has been repaired and repaired again and again. Before, the bearing broke once due to fatigue from overuse. Sanded by hand to barely get the generator running again."

"However, since the precision of manual operation cannot reach the precision of a machine, the vibration generated during the operation of the generator will affect various parts. This time, the bearing was directly broken into several pieces. Deformation and internal cracking occurred, and the bearing cracked again after starting the bearing for a short time... "

Si Huaixi's eyes were sharp, and he continued to ask, "Professor Hu, how many cars are left in the Lucheng Base?"

Professor Hu was engaged in the design of the automobile industry before the end of the world. Of course, he came to the Lucheng base to take care of the car. The usual repairs and modifications are done by Professor Hu. He is the one who cherishes the base vehicles the most. If someone touches the base at will even if it is a person with supernatural powers, Professor Hu will yell and complain to the leader.

Regarding Si Huaixi's question, Professor Hu blurted out without thinking: "Twenty-six vehicles, two large trucks, six medium trucks, three vans, eleven private cars, and four tricycles. Commander, don't worry, my old Hu treats these precious cars better than his own son, and I usually polish them to shine when I have nothing to do!"

Si Huaixi nodded lightly, but his eyes were still heavy: "Professor Hu's contribution to the base is obvious to all, and I can see it too. Professor Hu has maintained these cars very well, but I want to ask, how many cars are left?" Can it be used?"

Professor Hu was stunned suddenly, he hesitated for a while, bent over in frustration, and said guiltily: "My old Hu is sorry for the base. In fact, only nine of the twenty-six vehicles are left intact, and only the trucks that can be driven out are left. There are two left, and the others are all in the warehouse. There are more or less faults, and they can barely move, but they are not safe. I won’t let the people at the base drive them out.”

Si Huaixi understood clearly.

But at the meeting, Professor Hu's words caused an uproar.

The truck is the vehicle most needed by the base. It is large and transports a lot of goods. When encountering some low-level zombies, it can even run over them directly at full power. Professor Hu is very precious to this kind of car, and he usually manages it strictly. Unless it is a large-scale outing of the base for transportation tasks, otherwise the team of supernatural beings will not be allowed to drive this kind of car away.

Now that they are not allowed to drive this kind of car, is it because Professor Hu did not take good care of it, so that the base has no cars to use

Zhang Rong, the captain of one of the supernatural beings' supplies team, suddenly stood up, pointed at Professor Hu's nose and cursed angrily: "Old Hu! What's going on with you? You can't even repair the car, and it's a waste of food for the base to support you." Thanks to me, I also said a few good words for you back then, so that the members of the other abilities team will not be so serious about you!"

The captains of several teams of supernatural beings who were also at the conference table also expressed accusations of Professor Hu's dereliction of duty.

"What's going on? The scientific research institute should just be shut down, it's useless to do anything anyway!"

"I can't even fix a car, so I ran out and killed zombies, and finally I have to support a useless old waste like you!"

"Captain Cao, how do you plan to deal with Lao Hu?"

The scolding was passionate, and Professor Hu, who was caught in the public opinion, lowered his head, his shoulders trembled, and his fingers were tightly grasping the gray and black pants, showing no expression.

Sitting in a corner, Chen Wen had a smile on his lips. Looking at the ugly scene of human nature in which the survivors of the base exchanged insults, a gleam of interest flashed through their dark pupils.

Si Huaixi's eyes turned cold, and amidst the one-sided condemnation, he interrupted abruptly: "I said this phenomenon, not to blame anyone? In fact, I also want to thank Professor Yan and Professor Hu , if they hadn't tried their best to maintain the equipment of the base, I am afraid that the base would have ceased operation long ago, returning to the primitive ancient state of no electricity and no cars."

Professor Hu is a stubborn old man. He didn't cry when he was scolded and insulted by those people at the meeting. Instead, when Si Huaixi spoke for him, tears welled up in his eyes.

Wiping away his tears, Professor Hu said in a hoarse voice: "Commander, thank you for helping us old men so much, and I won't say anything else. Since they all think I'm useless and can't manage the vehicles at the base, why don't I I don’t want to drag you down anymore, my old Hu is not as powerful as a supernatural being, but a broken car repairer, I’ll leave the base, anyway, I’ve had enough.”

The people who were urging each other just now looked at each other with complicated expressions when they heard that Professor Hu really would rather leave the base than care about these things.

I should have been glad that there was one less person in the base, but Professor Hu's car repair skills were the best in the base. Thinking about who would repair the car after he left, I began to feel a little regretful, thinking that this stubborn old man was really ignorant.

Si Huaixi said in a deep voice: "Professor Hu doesn't need to leave, on the contrary, I have something to talk to the captains of the supernatural beings."

The short-tempered Captain Li immediately asked back: "What are you talking about?! Commander, you want to speak for this useless old man!"

Professor Hu saw the commander who had been taking care of these old guys, because he was yelled at by other people in the base because of this old man, he was so angry that he said: "Don't speak for me, it's a big deal, I've had enough anyway, In order to repair those cars that have been driven to scrap every day, looking for replacement materials everywhere, it is better to live like a grandson!"

Si Huaixi took out several inspection sheets and handed them to several superhuman captains respectively, and said calmly with his eyes: "I have seen most of the superhuman team's vehicle inspection sheets, and the vehicles Team Li applied for are basically Every time the vehicle returns from a mission, it will be damaged to a certain extent, the headlights are broken twice, the tires are broken three times, the fuel tank leaked once, and the head of the car was deformed once, which made a medium-sized truck completely scrapped. "

"For the rest of the teams, Team Zheng's vehicle was discarded once, while Captain Zhang Rong's is okay, but there are more waste tires..."

Li Dui said angrily: "So what? Commander, although I respect you, but we supernatural beings are also fighting zombies outside. We just broke a few cars and just find someone to fix them. Don't you want to fix them?" Find me for such a small problem?!"

The captains of other supernatural beings curled their lips in disapproval. Sometimes, in order to avoid the danger of getting out of the car and killing zombies, they drove directly into it violently. It is normal for the car to be damaged. Anyway, the mission was completed and the supplies were brought back.

Si Huaixi's eyes were sharp: "If I want to settle the score with you, I will throw the bill for the scrapped car and so many parts on your head! You know that a truck is more expensive than the shipment of supplies you brought back from the original mission. Is it even more precious?! In order to clean up the mess for you, I even went to the base in the north and exchanged a car and other miscellaneous parts needed for car repair with the sixth-order spar, which wasted a lot of my effort!"

Li Dui looked surprised, this is a sixth-order spar, and it can feed more than 300,000 people in the base for a month, and slowly spit out a curse: "Commander, you must be cheated, right? Isn’t it just a car? Just pick it up outside.”

Si Huaixi frowned tightly and said, "Then find it for me!"

Li Dui really wanted to stiffen his neck and yell to show the commander, but he also knew that even the better cans in the wilderness had been picked up, not to mention the whole car, he didn’t know how long he hadn’t seen it. .

Captain Li pursed his lips, turned his head and said nothing.

Si Huaixi turned cold, and continued: "Since the beginning of the end of the world, all industries, whether in China or abroad, have ceased production. All industrial products such as vehicles and generators were basically produced 30 years ago. After so many years, they can be used. There is not much left... When the day is all scrapped, there is no power supply, and zombies attack the base at night, what do we use for lighting? Without vehicles, we can only walk to various bases to exchange supplies, but how can we bring back so much? Supplies?"

"How can we feed so many people in the base without supplies? How can we grow food in our base without the population? You can think that you are supernatural beings, and there will be people taking you in any base you go to, but if there are no ordinary people in the base, just rely on With a small number of supernatural beings, can they undertake all kinds of tedious affairs required for the operation of the base?!"

"You only see how much food the research institute consumes for the base in a year, but you don't see how much food the research institute saves for the base. If it weren't for the concerted efforts of several old professors in the research institute to keep the base running, you would still be able to live in the last days Is the day when the lights are bright and full? There are not a few bases that are destroyed by invading zombies at night... "

"I stayed at the research institute not to cover up anyone, but to explore the future of the base."

Si Huaixi's far-reaching words caused many people to reflect silently.

However, there are also some supernatural beings who arrogantly disapprove of their superior status.

For these supernatural beings, there is no difference between those who know some skills in the research institute and ordinary people who are struggling at the bottom and who also contribute to the base. They all have the same contempt. Living, relying entirely on the protection of supernatural beings, it is natural to pay for them and cannot complain.

Instead of other unorganized bases, ordinary people are directly treated as slaves, as long as they don’t starve to death, there is no need for the Lucheng base to provide for those ordinary people so that they can fill their stomachs.

Si Huaixi saw it, and his heart was indifferent.

It's just that Si Huaixi pursed his lips irritably in the face of all kinds of affairs in the base to come, and a trace of tiredness flashed in his eyes.

I began to miss the golden-eyed cat I just picked up, it was much cuter than these boring jobs in the base.

I miss those bright and clear amber golden eyes, clean and without human distractions, when the pupils reflect him, it's as if he is the whole world.

Especially since he is still so timid and coquettish, and seems to need him so much...

Si Huaixi gritted his teeth, Hailan's eyes became darker.

— Annoying, I want to lick the cat.