The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 19: Cats want to make money


the next day.

The windowless observation room also received light, and the warm light through the crack of the door spread to the foot of the bed against the wall.

Pei Zhaozhou opened his eyes soberly, looking at the extra light strips on the ground in the empty observation room, and the amber gold eyes also reflected the golden brilliance.

From time to time, the golden pupils moved slightly, chasing the light strips on the edge of the door that changed with time, and the quiet observation room stagnated thoughts.

— Zombies

—Is it even possible for Si Huaixi to become a zombie

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were paranoid and cold.

—He won't die, even if he becomes a zombie, he won't die either.

The time spent in the observation room quickly passed.

Fortunately, there were no more zombie mutations. The polluted water sources brought by the people outside the base were cleaned up, and no one dared to touch the water that might turn people into zombies.

There was a sound of unlocking the door.

The person who came was Zhang Lu, a staff member of the observation room of the base. He came in and looked at Pei Zhaozhou curiously, and then said: "There is nothing wrong with the observation time, you can go out, but the commander came here in the morning and asked me to Let me tell you, he has business to deal with at his temporary base, so let you go to the commander's house first."

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes regained some anger: "Well, thank you for conveying."

Last night, Si Huaixi noticed that Pei Zhaozhou was rejecting him for some unknown reason, and he seemed to not want to get in touch with him. Besides, it was too late, and he just wanted to see how Pei Zhaozhou was doing, and didn't intend to occupy the only small bed in the observation room, so he Offer to leave.

It was still dark when we left.

Because the clouds in the last days are always gray and gloomy, and there are not even a few stars.

Before leaving, Si Huaixi glanced at Pei Zhaozhou several times.

As a result, the unconscionable Mao Mao didn't even say a word to persuade her to stay, and finally left sullenly, helplessly, and sullenly.

The sky was pitch black, and the road was also dark. Due to the insufficient power supply at the base, there were no street lights.

Fortunately, Si Huaixi's body has long been different from that of ordinary people, and he can walk in the dark without hindrance, but when he walks, his back looks particularly bleak and lonely.

Walked out of the observation room where he was locked up for twenty-four hours.

Pei Zhaozhou went to get the card that the person who entered the Lucheng base for the first time needed to record his identity.

The base staff handed over a form for Pei Zhaozhou to fill out.

The staff responsible for registering Pei Zhaozhou was a middle-aged woman. Although the clothes on her body were not very new, she looked clean and tidy, and her spirit was much better than the yellow and emaciated people who lined up outside the base before.

The middle-aged woman saw that the newcomer to the base was a tall and handsome young man, she immediately shook her spirits and said with a smile: "Young man, where are you from? No matter where you are from, you can come to our Lucheng base anyway." You are right, are you a supernatural person? Even if you are not a supernatural person, there are many jobs in the base that ordinary people can do. As long as you work hard, you will be able to fill your stomach. It is better than going to those bases outside... "

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes froze. Before he could say a word, the middle-aged woman had already spoken and answered almost ten sentences by herself, but she didn't let him have a chance to answer.

Pei Zhaozhou silently filled out the form: "Hello, I have already filled it out, what should I do next?"

The middle-aged woman took back the watch, glanced at the form to make sure it was correct, and then continued to say enthusiastically: "You need to pay a certain fee to enter the base, but unfortunately, if you are not a supernatural person, you have to pay some supplies if you don't have a crystal core. Don't worry, Lu The city base is not a black-hearted base, just hand over half a catty of food, and you can also have crystal cores, and the extra will be exchanged for base points, and you can use the points to exchange materials at the base at any time."

Before the apocalypse, the original currency system collapsed a long time ago, and banknotes became waste paper. Most people traded them for things, and the zombie crystal accounting, which can improve the level of supernatural beings, is a new type of currency in the apocalypse. Can be used as a common currency.

However, ordinary people in the Lucheng base do not need crystal cores for their daily needs. Usually expensive materials are exchanged for crystal cores, and people with supernatural abilities use them more.

Therefore, the Lucheng base has developed a point system. Usually, 3 points can be exchanged for a piece of multigrain cake, and 2 points can be exchanged for 300 ml of water. Generally, two pieces of multigrain cake plus 300 ml of water are enough for the body to hydrate for a day. and food too.

There are many job opportunities in the Lucheng base where ordinary people can earn points. It is not difficult to earn ten points a day.

But it is very difficult for Pei Zhaozhou who has nothing. Even if the amount in his account in Interstellar can buy dozens of resource stars, he does not even have the fee to enter the Lucheng Base.

Pei Zhaozhou wondered: "What if there is no grain and no crystal nucleus?"

The middle-aged woman glanced at Pei Zhaozhou suspiciously, and she didn't look like someone who was so embarrassed that she couldn't get any food out: "If you have other supplies, you can also exchange them."

Pei Zhaozhou's body is full of things brought by Interstellar, no matter which one is difficult to take out.

Just when he was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do, a voice suddenly said: "Sister Zhang, this is the person brought in by Commander Si, and he has a very good relationship with Commander Si."

The middle-aged woman, Sister Zhang, said in surprise: "Since it is the person brought by Commander Si, let me tell you earlier, Sister Zhang will waive the entry fee for you, and I also planted some fresh tomatoes at home. By the way, it’s a thank you to Commander Si for taking care of my troubled younger brother for so long.”

The younger brother of Sister Jiang, a middle-aged woman, is also an extraordinary supernatural being in the Lucheng Base, and he also serves as the captain of the supernatural team. Otherwise, Sister Jiang would not be able to do simple clerical work in charge of registration at the base, and is usually a family member of a member of the base. Only related households can do it.

Pei Zhaozhou was exempted from the entry fee in a daze, and was almost stuffed with a bag of tomatoes by a middle-aged woman he just met, all for Si Huaixi's sake.

However, Pei Zhaozhou politely rejected the enthusiasm of the middle-aged woman.

Pei Zhaozhou: "It's not easy for you to grow some vegetables. You'd better hand them over to the commander yourself. I'm not very good at collecting them in private."

Sister Jiang was a little dissatisfied and said, "It would be great if the commander really accepted it. The commander is a busy person. He rarely shows up at the base, and he doesn't accept it when he does... Or you should accept it and treat it as yours. See Just go to the commander and give him something to eat."

Pei Zhaozhou shook his head and refused, and turned to look at the person who spoke for him.

Unexpectedly, it was Zhang Lu, the staff member in the observation room, who had relayed Si Huaixi's words to him just now.

Pei Zhaozhou said politely, "Thank you for speaking for me."

Zhang Lu was just curious and stopped by to take a look. He didn't expect the people brought by the commander to encounter a little trouble. He laughed and said, "It's really nothing, it's a trivial matter."

After finally solving the problem of the entrance fee of the Lucheng base, Pei Zhaozhou began to worry about how to earn the points of the Lucheng base. He is now a poor man, and he can't even pay for the first day's food.

This experience is the first time.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes flashed helplessly.

He didn't want to rely on Si Huaixi for everything, on the contrary, he hoped that one day Si Huaixi could rely on him.

As a major general from the slums to the first interstellar empire, Pei Zhaozhou was so self-respecting that he was unwilling to accept the empire's subsidies for orphans when he was young. He used money to support himself, and even made up enough for the tuition of the Imperial Military Academy.

In contrast, he is living more and more now, eating Si Huaixi's food for nothing, and it seems that he will live in Si Huaixi's house for nothing in the future.

As an S-level Alpha with strong limbs, Pei Zhaozhou couldn't help but feel ashamed of himself and blushed.

Pei Zhaozhou had some thoughts in his mind, but he still asked Sister Jiang where there was a chance to earn points.

Sister Jiang kindly replied that there is a bazaar in the Lucheng base, where many people exchange supplies, and the person in charge of the base often recruits temporary workers.

The planting fields, construction teams, transportation, and textiles of the Lucheng base require a large number of ordinary people to do. Basically, there are various types of work. The Lucheng base can be self-sufficient. The population of more than 300,000 is like a small country. .

The water-type superpowers provide the water source for the base, and the wood-type supernatural powers give birth to crops, so that the crops can shorten the maturity time. The crops that originally matured in one season can be cut in half. Soil-type and metal superpowers pile up soil to build tall buildings Walls, power-type, fire-type, thunder-type and other aggressive supernatural powers usually go out for missions.

Both ordinary people and supernatural beings perform their duties, and the Lucheng base is also flourishing, constantly expanding and reclaiming land.

Hearing that Pei Zhaozhou said that he would go to that kind of place to find a job, Zhang Lu was a little surprised, but he still kindly said: "How about I take you there, you just came to the base and you don't know the way to go, the commander has something to do today, I guess I can’t control you so much, just as my work in the observation room is over, I’ll take you there by the way.”

Pei Zhaozhou thought about it and accepted Zhang Lu's kindness: "Thank you, then I will trouble you."

Zhang Lu waved his hand and said you're welcome.

You can go halfway.

Zhang Lu finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and said, "Eh... it's nothing, I'm curious about something, just now I wanted to ask how you knew Commander Si, this is the first time I've seen someone who doesn't usually The commander of the manager is so active in approaching a person."

Zhang Lu worked all night, and even killed a zombie that had just mutated from an ordinary person. He immediately raised his vigilance and stayed up all night, fearing that another zombie would appear again, and waited until dawn for another superhuman to replace him. , Zhang Lu was finally able to get off work, but he didn't expect to see the commander coming.

Zhang Lu was taken aback at that time, thinking that the commander came to inspect his work again, so he immediately stood upright, thinking over and over whether there was any mistake in his work recently.

Fortunately, the Commander just wanted him to send a message. To be honest, it's nothing, just a message. It happened that the Commander also came to the observation room last night to see the new man. He might be a friend of the Commander.

Unexpectedly, in the words conveyed by the commander, it seems that he directly invited this friend to his home. This may not be as simple as an ordinary friend!

Zhang Lu's dark and honest face immediately raised a burning heart of gossip. When he sent the message to Pei Zhaozhou, he paid more attention to it. Looks like a good match.

He didn't expect that the commander who he thought was cold-faced and ruthless, would actually have someone he cared about!

If this news gets out, it is estimated that it will cause a sensation in the entire Lucheng base!

The commander, who is not joking, is known as the most difficult person to approach at the Lucheng base.

Whether it was someone who came to thank you, or someone who came to pursue it because of the commander, they were all forced to retreat by the commander's ruthless character.

In addition, the commander is a maverick and powerful person. Except for the occasional large-scale team task of transporting materials in the Lucheng base, the commander needs to lead through many wilderness and dangerous areas every year. He took on the dangerous mission of going out to the Lucheng base alone, and it was rare to see him at the base.

Over time, everyone at the Lucheng base knew the commander's temper, and they didn't easily disturb and anger him.

Usually, the Commander would come to him when there was an urgent need for the help of the Commander. However, the Commander looked indifferent, but he was actually very talkative.

— How did you know Si Huaixi

The ferocious and triumphant face of the enemy, the deafening explosion, the flames that reached his eyes, the tongue of flames scorched his skin, his lost consciousness...

Then when he opened his eyes, he saw the gray sky, and then a clearer sea-blue sky occupied his entire sight.

How do I know each other

As if I died and was saved by him again...

Together with the gloomy heart, vitality bursts out, the luck of being resurrected from the dead.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes lit up, he smiled and said, "He saved me."