The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 21: Grim Cat (▼へ▼メ)……


The corner of Zhou Fei's mouth twitched, he couldn't care less about teasing that little black face, he got off the locomotive, and smiled flatteringly at Pei Zhaozhou, "Brother, why are you here?"

He wondered in his heart, maybe this little black face found the boss to hug his thigh.

Zhou Fei felt a little guilty and had to be cowardly.

Hu Dui, who is not intimidated, was beaten on the ground by the boss yesterday. When he went to the meeting this morning, his face was bruised and swollen. Several people he knew came to ask who beat Hu Dui, but Hu Dui was embarrassed to say I fell by myself.

Laughing to death, they are all old fritters, don’t you know if they were injured or hit

Judging by the imprint on Dui Hu's face, it would take a fist-sized stone to swell up like that.

You must know that supernatural beings have rough skin and thick flesh. For Zhou Fei, Team Hu's skin is even thicker. It is definitely not something ordinary people can do to beat Team Hu like this.

Zhou Fei thought he was thin-skinned, but he couldn't take a punch.

Zhang Lu looked left and right, and asked suspiciously: "Zhou Fei, are you calling me?"

I didn't expect Zhou Fei to be like a human one day, so politely call him big brother, if he really recognizes him as big brother, as long as he is willing to apologize for the thing that said he was a bad face before, he can't have a lot of big brother , Forgive Zhou Fei for those mean words before.

Zhou Fei glanced coldly: "I'm not calling you, little black face."

He passed Zhang Lu and came to Pei Zhaozhou.

Zhou Fei stretched out his hand and said enthusiastically, "Brother, we meet again. It is fate to meet you. I didn't ask your name at the gate of the base last time. How do you call me?"

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were a little subtle, and he was not used to Zhou Fei's overly enthusiastic and frivolous attitude towards him, but last time Zhou Fei helped him enter the base early, which was considered a big favor to him, and he didn't look bad.

"Pei Zhaozhou."

He took Zhou Fei's outstretched hand, held it for a few seconds and then let go.

Zhou Fei narrowed his eyes with a smile: "So it's Brother Pei. It just so happened that I agreed to take you to familiarize yourself with the environment in the base. I know the trading area very well. If you have anything you want to buy, I will I can find a way to help you find it.”

Before Pei Zhaozhou could speak, Zhang Lu said angrily: "No need, Brother Pei will be taken by me, you, Zhou Fei, go as far as you can!"

For Brother Pei's sake, Zhou Fei didn't bother with this little black face.

But when Zhang Lu saw Zhou Fei's motorcycle, he asked suspiciously, "Where did you get the motorcycle? You probably stole it."

Zhou Fei: "Steal a fart, you can't envy you little black face, I have my own network!"

Zhou Fei patted the locomotive beside him, like a big boy excited by a big player, with unconcealable pride in his eyes, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Pei Zhaozhou and said, "Brother Pei, if you want, I can borrow it too." Once you open it, you will give it back to another friend of mine."

The body is silver-gray, equipped with various metal ornaments and chains. The sound of the motor makes the ground shake. The metallic luster cyberpunk style locomotive looks very attractive. People passing by keep looking at it. One of the headlights is broken, but it doesn't matter if it can be turned on.

Zhang Lu sneered: "It's not yours to co-author this car, it's just that your friend lent you to drive it, so you can enjoy yourself."

Zhou Fei was not angry either, and with a twitch of the corner of his mouth, he said meanly: "Little black face has no friends, I don't blame you, who wants your black face."

"Zhou Fei, you!" Zhang Lu was so angry that he almost got into a fight with Zhou Fei. As a person with supernatural powers, he had never tried to persuade him.

Seeing that Zhang Lu was about to become really popular, Zhou Fei didn't dare to provoke him anymore. He was even more popular than a fire-type supernatural being.

Zhou Fei, who is very capable of extinguishing fires, immediately pulled Zhang Lu by the shoulder and said, "What's the hurry? Although I love you badly and think you're ugly, I still treat you as a friend. I'll let you wait until Brother Pei is used up." How about trying it out."

Zhang Lu was furious. Seeing Zhou Fei's wasteland-style cyberpunk locomotive was an irresistible temptation for men, his anger dropped instantly.

Zhang Lu pursed his lips: "Okay, if Zhou Fei breaks his promise, I'll see if I won't punish you, I will go to your house every morning and throw stones at you to wake you up!"

Unlike Zhang Lu who arrives on time or ahead of schedule for every task, Zhou Fei always arrives at a late hour or even a few minutes at night, and the time is just on the edge of getting angry and not angry.

Sometimes Zhang Lu feels sad for Captain Hu, meeting such a cheap and lazy guy!

Zhou Fei's face changed suddenly, and he agreed: "Do it, do it, don't break your word...By the way, Brother Pei, do you want to try it?"

"Not yet." Pei Zhaozhou politely refused.

For him who has piloted a mecha or even a space carrier, this is just a small toy, not to mention that Zhou Fei's car is too exaggeratedly decorated, so he has no interest.

Zhou Fei: "Okay, since Brother Pei, you're not interested. But what are you and Zhang Lu doing in the trading area, Brother Pei?"

Pei Zhaozhou said frankly: "Find a job that can earn points. When I first came to Lucheng base, I didn't prepare anything."

Zhou Fei looked surprised: "Huh? Brother Pei, you can't go anywhere with your skills, not to mention you know the commander, so it's fine to let him put you in a transport team by the way. If you don't want to go out of the base, stay at the base There are also a lot of jobs for people with supernatural powers.”

Pei Zhaozhou: "There are very complicated reasons, and I don't plan to do it for too long."

He promised Si Huaixi to make a new type of generator, saying that the generator is actually more than just a generator, it is also a high-end precision machine in the interstellar era, and the current conditions are not enough, and he wants to try to reach the level of the previous interstellar.

Placed in the interstellar is called "biological micro-robot", this kind of robot can decompose matter and release energy like biological cells, and it does not need to consume the energy needed for growth and secrete useless excrement like real organisms.

An outdated generator with an energy efficiency of 30% is not bad. As the internal machinery ages, the energy efficiency will drop even lower, while the bio-like robot can release all the energy contained in the material body, including the combustion process of the material. Energy, energy between molecules, energy to release chemical bonds, etc., the energy efficiency can be 16 to 30 times that of a backward generator.

If it was just to gain more energy, Pei Zhaozhou would not have made such a high-tech 'biological micro-robot'.

High technology means sophisticated and complicated troubles. He has many ways to improve the world's backward energy supply machines, and he doesn't need to make a robot.

Pei Zhaozhou originally thought that if the conditions were really not met, it would be okay to take a step back and use other methods, but since Si Huaixi said that his mental power manipulation could reach the microscopic level, he was somewhat confident that he could make it.

The most important feature of 'biological micro-robots' is biological, which means that it can decompose food to obtain energy and synthesize different substances to maintain biological development.

Similarly, "biological micro-robots" can be decomposed to obtain energy and various raw material elements, and further synthesize different substances.

To some extent, it can be said that it is like a creator.

The core of the 'biological micro-robot' is a special chip, just like human DNA, which is the brain that guides the body to synthesize any substance.

For example, when Pei Zhaozhou inputs commands, he needs to synthesize natural rubber and other similar substances.

The 'biological micro-robot' will recode, adjust the required structure, and continuously produce natural rubber, which is equivalent to a new industrial line continuously producing the required substances for Pei Zhaozhou.

As long as the conditions of "biological micro-robots" are met, the raw materials are sufficient, and natural rubber can be synthesized, food, protein, steel, medicine, plastic, wire can be synthesized...

Although the efficiency is definitely not as good as a large-scale production line dedicated to the production of rubber, the delicate environmental conditions required by the "biological micro-robots" are harsh, and some materials that require high temperature, super acidity, and ultra-low temperature can not be satisfied.

But in the last days, the environment that lacks everything is indeed the most suitable. Only with the 'biological micro-robot' Pei Zhaozhou can the next step of research be carried out.

He didn't forget his original idea to build a spaceship and take Si Huaixi away from this planet full of zombie viruses.

When he came to this high-latitude world, he only cared about Si Huaixi who saved him.

Si Huaixi is a kind person with a cold heart and a warm heart. If he is asked to give up everyone, he will definitely not be willing. If Si Huaixi wants to take some people, he can take them with him, as long as they don't exceed the load.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't care about other people's lives either. He had been terrified by the successive betrayals in his previous life.

Pei Zhaozhou is not so arrogant that he thinks that he can solve everything. The zombie virus is a virus that has never been recorded by the optical brain. In Interstellar, where medical technology is advanced, even a pheromone disorder cannot be cured.

This universe is very deep, with many mysteries and unknown existences.

… the consciousness of the world.

Pei Zhaozhou's amber-golden eyes flashed with a dark light.

The inexplicably advanced susceptibility period these days has never happened before, and Pei Zhaozhou recalled the humiliating period when the pheromone disorder in the body was out of control at any time.

It made Pei Zhaozhou, who originally thought that the pheromone disorder had improved, feel heavy.

Brain Brain Silver Arc has been strictly monitoring the concentration of pheromones in his body, fearing that ten days later he will be officially susceptible to Alpha, and the skyrocketing and collapsing pheromones will completely confirm the diagnosis given to him by the doctor in his previous life...

Thinking of this, Pei Zhaozhou's eyes became a little more anxious.

Zhou Fei is also thinking about what kind of work is suitable for Pei Zhaozhou, and whether he can do it for a long time.

Zhou Fei asked: "Brother Pei, what type of work do you want to do more? If you don't plan to do it for too long, how long can you do it? Are there any other requirements?"

Pei Zhaozhou thought for a while, and replied: "I can do whatever I want, but I won't necessarily do it after tomorrow. The requirement is high pay and short time."

Zhou Fei took it seriously at first, but he vomited blood later.

... If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't beat the person in front of them.

Is this someone looking for a job? This is clearly the uncle who is looking for a job!

He also wants such a job with less work and more money. So many demands are better than robbery!

Zhou Fei smiled wryly and said, "It's a bit difficult to find this job, so let's lower the requirements a little bit..."

Pei Zhaozhou thought to himself that if he couldn't find it, forget it, and just go back and wait for Si Huaixi to come back. The next thing he has to do is more important. I don't know if Si Huaixi asked him to go to the laboratory.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't make things difficult for Zhou Fei anymore, and said that he would not look for it now.

After hearing that, Zhou Fei breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could relax completely, Zhang Lu touched his arm and shouted: "Is your car naturally emitting black smoke, or did it break down the day after tomorrow..."

Zhou Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he turned to look at the borrowed locomotive. Black smoke was coming out of the exhaust hole at the rear of the locomotive, and there was a burning smell.

I took a closer look and found that I forgot to pull out the key, and the engine kept running but wouldn't start, burning black smoke!

Zhou Fei was frightened and shouted: "I'm going! Damn, if you break Zhang Gaocheng's car, you must kill me!"

Zhou Fei panicked and immediately ran over to turn off the engine, but it was useless. If he turned on the ignition again, he could hear the muffled sound of the engine, but the tires of the car did not move.

The locomotive was originally a second-hand product, and the parts inside were so old that they could be scrapped and used as garbage at any time. In addition, after such a fire, the parts inside melted a little, and even the tires couldn't run.

Zhang Lu felt that the Zhang Gaocheng that Zhou Fei was talking about sounded familiar, and suddenly remembered that Zhang Gaocheng was either someone else or the leader of the scattered team of supernatural beings in the base.

The Lucheng base has attracted many supernatural beings, but not all supernatural beings want to work for the Lucheng base. Some supernatural beings are arrogant and unruly. The laws before the end of the world all punished severely.

But now is the end of the world, killing people is not illegal.

Faced with such thugs who will not obey, the Lucheng base will not want to accept them forcibly, it just regards them as having a higher combat power than ordinary people, as long as they abide by the regulations of the Lucheng base and do not cause trouble, they will not cause trouble. Nothing will happen to them.

This scattered group of supernatural beings is also afraid of the top supernatural beings in the Lucheng base, so they won't cause big trouble, but stirring up trouble is inevitable.

Just like the Lucheng Base prohibits the use of grain to make wine, Zhang Gaocheng led the supernatural beings to brew wine in private, having fun all day long, sluggish, drinking and looking for women, and for a while these useless people were obsessed with smoking a poisonous mushroom that can make the brain hallucinate , making the base a mess.

Zhang Lu was not interested in those maggot-like supernatural beings, but it was a pity that such a handsome motorcycle burned out.

Seeing Zhou Fei flustered and pretending to be a batch.

Zhang Lu curled his lips disapprovingly: "At worst, take it to the research institute to repair it. Are you still afraid of them as a sixth-level fire element?"

What's more, with the support of the base behind him, he didn't believe that Zhou Fei was really scared.

What bothers Zhou Fei is not this, but that he is a moonlight clan, he is hedonistic when he is drunk with wine, and he recently bought a batch of new CDs, which is what he likes. He has collected all the CDs of famous singers before the end of the world Not a lot.

This car is burned like this, I'm afraid it's because the parts inside have to be replaced from the beginning to the end.

Zhou Fei said to Zhang Lu with a bitter face: "Why don't you lend me a few middle-level crystal nuclei, and high-level crystal nuclei are also fine."

Zhang Lu snorted twice: "Do you want money, I'll think about it if I call my brother."

Zhou Fei humiliated: "...Brother."

Zhang Lu loudly said: "No borrowing!"

Zhou Fei: "...!!!"

Kick it over.

Zhang Lu dodged nimbly, laughing and mocking.

Now it was Zhou Fei's turn to turn black.

It seemed that they were going to make a scene of embarrassment.

Standing between the two of them, Pei Zhaozhou held his forehead, and felt that when he was an officer, he had to deal with some conflicting subordinate soldiers, and they would fight if they disagreed.

Pei Zhaozhou: "Okay, I'll fix the locomotive for you."

Zhou Fei stopped kicking Zhang Lu's leg, and asked in shock, "Really?"


Pei Zhaozhou has even repaired the space mothership, let alone a simple two-wheeled vehicle.

I saw Pei Zhaozhou take out a whole set of repair tools from the cold black and gray protective clothing.

When he went to attack the second prince of the empire, he drove the S-class mecha Silver Arc. As a mecha pilot, he also took on the job of a mecha maintainer.

After the mecha was tampered with and had an accident, he was even more reluctant to let the unidentified mecha repairman touch his mecha, so even the mecha was repaired by himself.

The large repair tools are left on the mecha, and a small repair tool is carried in the protective suit.

Originally, he planned to never return, and die together with his enemies.

Unexpectedly, if he is still alive, he will not be able to avenge his revenge, and the small repair tools he brought over can help repair a car.

Pei Zhaozhou smiled.

The shell of the locomotive was easily disassembled, and the problem was found. It was a supporting metal rod that was blown, and it was good to weld it back.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't bring a welding torch, but that couldn't be a problem for him.

Adjusted the valve of the energy gun to a high temperature suitable for welding, used the energy gun as a welding torch, and repaired the locomotive.

Zhou Fei and Zhang Lu watched in amazement.

Zhang Lu was very curious about the gun and asked, "What kind of gun is this?"

Pei Zhaozhou: "Energy gun."

Zhang Lu: "Can I try?"

Pei Zhaozhou wanted to refuse at first, but thought that Zhang Lu had helped him by bringing him to the trading area, so he handed it to him and reminded: "Don't point at people."

Zhang Lu didn't aim at the person, but he imitated the posture of the protagonist in the movie when he fired the gun and pulled the fuse, and adjusted the valve of the energy gun to the maximum value.


A fist-thick beam of blue-purple light pierced the ground, and a charred black pit with a diameter of half a meter appeared instantly.

Zhang Lu and Zhou Fei: "..."

"Damn!" "Damn!"

The professor of the research institute passing by: "Damn!"