The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 22: ——The cat didn’t come home


White smoke rose from the scorched black hole.

Zhang Lu, who was holding the energy gun, was a little dazed, his hands were shaking vigorously, and his head was covered in cold sweat, all because of being frightened.

Zhang Lu's Adam's apple rolled, and he swallowed his saliva: "Is my eyes not so good, when will the gun still have such power?"

Zhou Fei wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at the energy gun that was powerful enough to shoot through his chest, full of fear, couldn't help touching his chest to see if it was all right, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

When Zhang Lu took the gun just now, he shook it in his direction, trying to scare him a few times.

He thought it was a welding torch, and smiled nonchalantly. Zhang Lu curled his lips and aimed the gun at the ground looking bored.

If the gun was pointed at him just now, even if he is a sixth-level supernatural user, he wouldn't be able to stop it!

Zhou Fei: "Don't talk about you, I have never seen such a gun. If I had this gun, I would be afraid of zombies, at least middle and low-level zombies can be killed instantly!"

Zhou Fei looked at the energy gun in Zhang Lu's hand with increasingly intense eyes.

Which supernatural person doesn't want to have a handy weapon, especially a weapon that can attack from a distance, and can shoot and kill zombies without getting close.

However, if it is difficult to get such things as firearms, it is not too difficult, he still has channels to get them, but the most expensive thing is the bullets!

A second-order crystal nucleus can be exchanged for about 30 metal bullets filled with gunpowder, which is already a discounted price at the Lucheng base.

Ability users with guns will buy some self-defense. After all, they can't beat zombies with bare hands when they run out of abilities.

But after the death of the zombies, the skin becomes stiff, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick. If you aim five or six bullets at one place, the aim must be that of a sharpshooter, otherwise it will be difficult to shoot through that layer of dead skin, and the skull in the deadly area will be even harder. up.

There are not a dozen or twenty bullets in one trip, and they may not be able to kill a zombie.

Therefore, bullets are usually used to destroy the zombie's mobility, and finally save some bullets and kill the zombie with a make-up knife.

This is still based on the fact that zombies can use guns to fight. If they encounter powerful zombies, bullets will not be able to break through the defense of the zombies, and in the end they will have to rely on their abilities to fight hard.

If you are unlucky and encounter a zombie with metallic abilities, if you dare to take out a gun, your teammates will blow your head off first!

The metal bullets flying out every minute are controlled by zombies, which in turn hurt teammates.

It’s bittersweet to say the least. Sometimes when you kill zombies outside, you not only have to face zombies, but also watch out for pig teammates who are in various situations. Sure enough, staying at the base to watch the fish at the door is the best job!

Zhou Fei glanced at the energy gun several times greedily, and couldn't restrain his impulse to ask, "Brother Pei, do you sell this gun?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Lu next to him wanted the same thing, louder than him, his eyes sparkled excitedly, and shouted to Pei Zhaozhou: "Brother Pei, make an offer, as long as I have everything I have! Please!!! "

"Wait a minute!!!"

An old man with a sloppy beard appeared out of nowhere, and shouted at the eye of the energy gun with a golden light: "If you want to sell it, I will give you a sixth-order crystal nucleus!!!"

Seeing someone robbing them, Zhou Fei and Zhang Lu rarely stood on the same front: "Who are you?! Brother Pei, if you want to sell it, sell it to us. We also released the sixth-order crystal nucleus!"

Pei Zhaozhou paused when he wanted to take back the energy gun.

In my mind, I began to calculate how many points a sixth-order crystal nucleus can exchange for, and how many apples I can buy.

He doesn't know much about the currency exchange system in this high-latitude world. He only knows that the first-order crystal nucleus of the Lucheng base can be exchanged for 200 points, and the sixth-order crystal nucleus is more expensive than the first-order crystal nucleus...

The old man seemed to have seen Pei Zhaozhou's intentions, and chased after the victory: "You are new to our Lucheng base, right? If you sell me this gun for research, I will give you a promise, as long as your machine breaks down in the future. If the car breaks down, you can come to the research institute of the Lucheng base to find me, if you want self-defense weapons, I can sell you weapons and bullets at half price internally! Free repairs and replacements!"

Zhou Fei could also see that this old man with a sloppy beard was Professor Hu, who was notoriously stubborn and difficult in the research institute. He looked dirty because he often climbed under the car to repair the car, and there were engine oil in his fingers.

Professor Hu is considered a respectful title. Usually, those supernatural beings would call him the old man Hu who repairs cars in annoyance. Anyone who wants this old man Hu to be stubborn even scolds the high-ranking captain of supernatural beings.

Once when a captain of supernatural beings was returning the car, old man Hu found a big crack in the chassis. Old man Hu was so angry that he pointed at the captain of supernatural beings and scolded him, almost angering the captain of high-ranking supernatural beings. Well, if Old Man Hu's old body was hit with such a punch, he would probably fall to the ground and die. Later, Chief Cao came out to smooth things over.

Zhou Fei admired this old man Hu to a certain extent.

It is said that this old man Hu is a widowed old man. His child was killed by a zombie. His wife lived with him for many years in the last days. Finally, she couldn't bear it and died of illness. Later, she was brought back by the commander for some reason, and she stayed in the base. For many years, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Old Man Hu cherishes the base that gave him a shelter, and he does his best to maintain and love this place.

Apart from other things, this old man Hu is very good at repairing cars. The few scrapped cars that were originally placed in the warehouse of the base were all repaired by old man Hu. It is the fact that he cherishes the car like his own child, which annoys people who come to borrow cars. Annoyed, if you make a little damage, you will be chased and scolded by old man Hu.

Lao Hu looked at the energy gun with burning eyes, his eyes were full of excitement: "How about it? If you have other requirements, I, Lao Hu, can do what I can, and I will try my best to satisfy you!"

This is a new type of weapon that has never been seen before. The absence of metal bullets means that it will not be restricted by metal zombies, and the scorched black hole on the ground is a strong proof of the extraordinary power of this gun.

If it is used on zombies, it will definitely kill those damn zombies!

Old Hu originally wanted to visit the trading area, wondering if he could find suitable car repair materials or some valuable metals, but he didn't expect to get an unexpected surprise.

Not only for the discovery of this special energy gun, but also for the fact that there are human beings who can develop this energy gun, and I am ecstatically moved!

In a place that he can't see, human technology has also developed to this point. Now the zombies are wiped out and the human territory is one step closer!

Zhang Lu shrugged his shoulders, it seemed that he was out of luck, he looked at the energy gun helplessly, and sighed and sighed.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes sank slightly, lost in thought.

One thing made him a little puzzled.

The performance of the energy gun modified by him is much better than the general energy guns in the interstellar market, but it still can't hurt Si Huaixi.

This made him shocked at the beginning, and he had an illusion about this high-latitude world. The technology is backward, but it is incredible compared to the strength of human beings.

Pei Zhaozhou himself is an S-level alpha, and his genes have reached the limit of interstellar humans. In addition, he has learned all kinds of fighting skills. Basically, no one in the interstellar world can beat him, but when he comes to this high-latitude world, just come to a man can defeat him.

Just when Pei Zhaozhou thought that if not most people, there must be not a few people who can be as powerful as Si Huaixi, which is inhuman.

Afterwards, he easily defeated a supernatural user in the base, and the three people in front of him eagerly wanted to buy his energy gun, which couldn't hurt even a single hair on Si Huaixi.

Pei Zhaozhou couldn't help being a little curious about Si Huaixi's strength.

As for the difficulty of making the energy gun, it is not too high. At the beginning, the silver arc of the brain had analyzed the elemental composition contained in the soil of this high-latitude world, and it could be replaced with ordinary materials in this world.

It’s just that this energy gun consumes a lot of energy during the battle, leaving 30% of the ability grid, and Zhang Lu accidentally opened the energy valve to the maximum value just now, and lost 6% of the energy after one blow, lacking suitable supplements. Energy tools will lose their effectiveness after a while.

The structure of the energy gun is simple for Pei Zhaozhou, but it is completely different for people with backward technology here. The technology span is too large, and the greater the power that the energy gun can cause, the easier it is for accidents to lead to tragedies.

Pei Zhaozhou said firmly, "I can't promise you."

Lao Hu thought it was Pei Zhaozhou who didn't want the technology of the energy gun to be leaked, but he couldn't help but struggled a bit in regret, and the old man's cloudy eyes were full of pleading: "Then don't buy your gun, let me study it for a while and return it to you." You, on my old Hu's reputation, I guarantee you that the sixth-order crystal nucleus promised to you and other conditions will remain unchanged... What happened to the gun when it was given, it will be what it is when it is returned. I just want to give it to the base. The supernatural beings are researching one more weapon to kill zombies... "

Looking at Lao Hu's pitiful look, Zhang Lu wanted to persuade him, but he had just met Pei Zhaozhou, so he didn't have the confidence to persuade him to sell such a powerful weapon, and he wouldn't have sold it otherwise.

Zhang Lu sighed in his heart, and asked cautiously: "Brother Pei, if you have other ways to buy this gun, I will also pay you the sixth-order crystal nucleus. If it is not enough, I will go to the base to find someone to exchange for a seventh-order one Lao Hu and Commander Si know each other well, and have helped everyone a lot... "

Zhou Fei also coughed a few times. Being keenly observant, he also knew that Pei Zhaozhou didn't care that much, at least not as much as they did. Otherwise, he wouldn't have lent him the energy gun just because Zhang Lu was curious.

Zhou Fei asked cryptically: "Brother Pei, do you have any concerns, we can try our best to find someone to help you solve them."

The implication may be that Pei Zhaozhou used some illegal means to obtain the energy gun. If he offends someone behind the scenes, he can ask them to help solve the problem, or solve the person behind the problem.

Zhou Fei has spent so long in the apocalypse, and his hands are not unstained with blood. He has a sharp and cunning personality, but he was infected by the two enthusiastic companions next to him, and it is rare for him to be kind.

Pei Zhaozhou glanced at Lao Hu's sincere and enthusiastic face, and even Zhou Fei, whose enthusiasm was only superficial, talked with Zhang Luwei, whom Zhang Luwei didn't know very well.

Can't help evoking a smile.

In the last days, people's hearts seem to be warmer.

Pei Zhaozhou missed Si Huaixi for some inexplicable reason, a soft light flashed across his amber golden eyes, he pursed his lips and said with a light smile, "Okay, I agree."

"Okay! Thank you Brother Pei!" Zhang Lu cheered.

Lao Hu also thanked him, looked at the energy gun eagerly and asked: "Then can you let me take it back to the research institute now, and find some old friends to study it together?"

Pei Zhaozhou: "Well, energy guns are dangerous firearms after all, I have to be there to watch."

Old Hu was all about the energy gun he was about to study, and he didn't care about Pei Zhaozhou's request at all, so he quickly replied, "No problem! No problem!"

Pei Zhaozhou: "Also, I hope I don't study too late, I have to go home."

Lao Hu made a no problem gesture: "Don't worry! Don't worry!"

After finishing speaking, Lao Hu took Pei Zhaozhou to the research institute.

It just so happened that Pei Zhaozhou was also curious about the level of this high-latitude world research institute. The laboratory he built himself in the interstellar world can no longer be used. It is a pity that he has newly purchased a batch of ultra-high-tech mech materials and equipment.


Busy into the night.

As soon as Si Huaixi returned to the Lucheng base, a large number of affairs were waiting for him to deal with.

Since the meeting in the morning, I haven't stopped working, whether it's the next transportation arrangement, or the rest of the base's ability users come to him with questions about their cultivation...

Chief Cao seemed to be still gloating, saying that he had shared Si Huaixi's work for so long, and it was his turn to rest.

Until ten o'clock at night.

Si Huaixi was able to escape from a pile of affairs.

Walk in dim light.

Si Huaixi walked home in a hurry, his deep sea blue eyes were anxious, his brows were further frowned, and his face was as cold as ice.

The whole person returned home like an arrow.

I miss my cats all the time.

I don’t know what’s going on with Maomao. Is it possible that I can’t find my way? I should be home safely. Is it possible that Maomao has been waiting too long…

Although Si Huaixi had already given Pei Zhaozhou the key and explained some things, Pei Zhaozhou is not an ignorant child, so how could he not be able to do these small things.

But at the moment when he didn't see Mao Mao, Si Huaixi's face was still cold and tense.

Unknowingly, the emotions invested are as restrained as a volcano in the deep sea, and they are so turbulent that they can erupt at any time.


Si Huaixi stopped in front of a house, the windows were not lit.

The sea blue pupils shrank instantly.

Then Si Huaixi opened the door.

The room is still silent, and the ground has accumulated a layer of dust due to no one living there for a while, and there is no trace of anyone entering.

no one, no cats,

Si Huaixi's eyes suddenly sank.

—The cat didn’t come home.