The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 29: energy tower


Three days passed.

A clearing at the base was ablaze.

Sorrowful wailing surrounds the burning wooden bed.

The body of the superhuman who was discovered during the invasion of the zombie snake was put on a wooden bed by relatives and friends, surrounded by a lot of fire-supporting wood and hay, and burned to ashes together.

Until the fire was extinguished, there were ashes and wood ashes left on the ground, as well as a crystal nucleus of a supernatural being that could not be burned.

Si Huaixi looked at the crystal nucleus with dark eyes, his heavy face made people shudder.

Seeing this scene, Cao Leipeng, the leader of the base, had complex thoughts flashing across his eyes. He patted Si Huaixi on the shoulder and sighed in fear, "It's all over, and the tragedy of the past will never happen again."

Si Huaixi's face was slightly stagnant, and the burning smoke covered up the turbulent emotions hidden in his eyes, and he responded, "Yes."

Cao Leipeng sighed heavily in his heart, he also knew that Si Huaixi didn't listen at all, otherwise he wouldn't have come to watch the funeral of this supernatural being who had nothing to do with him at all.

But it's no wonder that he would be bitter, who would have thought that the one who betrayed them was the most trusted companion.

Cao Leipeng's eyes flashed with indignation and hatred, and his upright Chinese character face showed a gloomy and unhappy expression.

Just because those people are so hateful!

Thoughts back to two years ago.

Cao Leipeng was the third in command of the Lucheng base at that time.

Two years ago, Cao Leipeng was not the leader of the base. The former leader was an eighth-level old-fashioned superpower who had awakened his abilities since the outbreak of the zombie virus and came all the way. Although Cao Leipeng was also Level 8, it seems that it is not much different from the old leader, but he knows that he cannot beat the old leader.

At that time, Si Huaixi was only 19 years old. Although Cao Leipeng knew that this young man was very talented, had killed many zombies, and was a psychic who was worth cultivating, he was still a young man with inexperience. It shouldn't be much higher.

Later, when Cao Leipeng recalled what he said to Si Huaixi to take care of him, he felt regretful and blushed.

But who would have known that this young man had hidden his strength two years ago, Si Huaixi's strength was more than enough to defeat him at that time, and even the old leader who betrayed his companions was finally defeated by this young man.

Two years ago, there was a period of time in the Lucheng base where some unknown things disappeared.

However, the Lucheng base under the control of the old leader has not managed the population of the base, and no one can tell exactly how many people with supernatural powers have disappeared.

The people at the base were just muttering in their hearts, but they couldn't say why. Some people speculated that the disappearing supernatural beings disappeared because of various reasons such as fighting, leaving the base, or being killed by zombies.

I don’t know if I don’t check, Cao Leipeng, who was still the third in command of the Lucheng base at the time, was taken aback. There were only two to three hundred people with supernatural powers in the base, and there were almost 30 people with supernatural powers who disappeared innocently.

Cao Leipeng knew that something was wrong, so he immediately told the old leader the seriousness of the problem. The old leader said he would send someone to investigate, but he didn't expect it to go away...

Until Si Huaixi's face was unprecedentedly stern and fierce, and he personally escorted the old leader's only son with blood all over his face, and brought two corpses of supernatural beings whose heads were bloody opened and lost their crystal nuclei.

The old leader's only son's limbs were broken, his red eyes bulged angrily, and he uttered curses saying that it was a big deal to kill a few low-level supernatural beings, and asked the old leader to save him under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Seeing the miserable state of his only son, the old chief's face suddenly became terrified and gloomy.

Cao Leipeng was puzzled at the time, why the only son of the old leader wanted to kill the companions of those supernatural beings.

However, Si Huaixi told an extremely cruel truth.

For the crystal nucleus in the brain of the companion of the supernatural being.

Just like zombies with supernatural powers born in a group of zombies will have a crystal nucleus condensed in their brains, the same is true for human beings with supernatural abilities, a crystal nucleus will also condense in their brains.

The only son of the frantic old leader did not dare to go to the wilderness to face the dangerous zombies, but he played against the unsuspecting companions with supernatural powers in order to obtain the crystal cores in their skulls and sell them in exchange for crystal cores suitable for his own absorption and cultivation.

As soon as these words came out, Cao Leipeng was so horrified that his scalp went numb. He didn't expect that there would be such a dark and inhumane scene in the base.

There are 80 times more zombies than humans, and the few remaining humans have a very low percentage of awakened supernatural beings. Killing fellow supernatural beings will undoubtedly push the fate of the entire human race to an even more desperate point!

Why... are they doing this? !

What Cao Leipeng never expected was that the old leader was so angry that he killed Si Huaixi in order to save his only son.

The old leader shouted arrogantly, the rare spiritual power crystal core in Si Huaixi's head is the most expensive, someone has already set a high price on the black market, and even offered an eighth-order crystal core as a reward.

The eighth-level zombies can drive a huge group of zombies. It is almost impossible to obtain an eighth-level crystal nucleus with the power of an eighth-level ability user alone, so more ability users are needed. Exhaust those zombie groups, and also beware of the surprise attack of the eighth-level zombies. Basically, this kind of attack on high-level zombies requires the mobilization and cooperation of the entire base.

Even so, there is still a possibility of failure, otherwise Zhou Fei, who was in other bases, would not have come to Lucheng base because he was afraid of running away because of a high-level zombie besieged.

The old leader thought that as long as he killed Si Huaixi, he would get an eighth-order crystal nucleus, and hope to break through the ninth-order that had been stagnant for so long!

The old leader had the audacity to let his subordinates besiege him when he was dealing with a young superhuman.

Cao Leipeng couldn't see this group of evil people, and planned to help Si Huaixi.

Unexpectedly, Si Huaixi didn't need his help at all, and killed the old leader, the old leader's only son, and his subordinates by himself. The extremely angry Si Huaixi, together with their brains and the crystals in their skulls, The nuclei exploded and shattered together.

I thought that after the death of the old leader and others, the matter would come to an end.

But suddenly a mysterious person with unbelievable strength appeared. His terrifying strength was even more frightening than the scene where Cao Leipeng was lucky enough to witness the battle of a level 9 superhuman.

The sky full of yellow sand swept across the entire base area, condensing huge rocks comparable to a giant mountain. If pressed down, it could directly destroy a quarter of the base area, but such a powerful mysterious person also died in Si Huaixi in the end. hands.

Cao Leipeng vaguely felt that the strength of this mysterious person was far superior to that of a level 9 supernatural being, and he had a slight guess in his heart that the mysterious man was a tenth level supernatural being.

But no matter how deep Cao Leipeng was, he couldn't be sure. If the mysterious person was a 10th-level supernatural being, wouldn't the 19-year-old Si Huaixi be a 10th-level supernatural being? No one would believe it.

This is no longer as simple as having a good talent, but it is impossible according to common sense. Even Cao Leipeng himself is considered a good talent. It takes a lot of time and crystal nucleation. If this process takes seven or eight years, it will be considered lucky.

At the age of Si Huaixi who just came of age two years ago, even if he awakened his abilities and began to practice right after he was born, he is far inferior to the predecessors of abilities who have been practicing since the beginning of the end of the world.

Even now, there are no more than a hundred level 10 supernatural beings in the world, and no more than five level 11 supernatural beings in the world.

It's impossible no matter how you look at it, but Cao Leipeng is still not sure...

Back to reality.

Cao Leipeng saw that the ashes and unburned crystal nuclei of the person who accidentally lost the ability were also put into the jar by relatives, and held in the arms of a beautiful-looking woman with a black mole on the corner of her mouth. He must have planned to bury it somewhere. stand up.

The news of the old leader's death was so sudden that some of the original base's supernatural powers didn't believe that the old leader would die so easily, thinking that he and Si Huaixi used despicable means to kill the old leader for the position of the leader of the Lucheng base. At the beginning, they were very afraid of defying them. As for the reasons why they explained that the old leader had made a major mistake, they were all maliciously distorted to discredit the old leader.

Cao Leipeng really had a hard time saying it at the time, but no matter what, the old leader killed the supernatural person to get the crystal nucleus, which must not be exposed to the world, for fear that there would be evil supernatural persons imitating these things.

The base does not need to be attacked by zombies. The panic and distrust of the surrounding people by the internal supernatural powers alone is enough to make the base self-destruct.

Later, when the Lucheng base really developed, Cao Leipeng felt that the dark incident of murdering compatriots with supernatural powers two years ago would not happen again.

Cao Leipeng sighed softly: "It's all over, and the Lucheng Base will become better."

Si Huaixi's froze brows were slightly relaxed, the lit smoke brushed his cold eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "En."

Of course, Cao Leipeng came here not only for these things. His old-fashioned Chinese face could hardly hide his joy, and he said a little excitedly: "Not long ago, the superhumans of the transport team accidentally exchanged supplies for an eighth-level lightning system." Crystal nucleus, after absorbing it a few days ago, I have a vague feeling that I am about to break through to the eighth level, and I would like to ask Si Huaixi to show me the base for a while."

The coldness on Si Huaixi's face eased a little, his thin lips were tightly pursed and he smiled and said: "Okay, just let my sister-in-law cook a delicious meal then."

Cao Leipeng laughed brightly and said: "No problem, it's okay to cook a few more meals. I don't know how happy your sister-in-law was when she saw you come to eat last time. I think you took sweet and sour fish with you last time. You also like it." For food, your sister-in-law has been making this dish every day for almost a week, and she is looking forward to your coming... "

Si Huaixi pursed his lips and thought of Pei Zhaozhou who was still immersed in the research in the laboratory. A trace of worry and concern flashed in his eyes, and he asked Cao Leipeng, "Can my sister-in-law bring me some food today?"

Cao Leipeng said without hesitation: "No problem, you can bring as much as you want, but you took it away last time, I thought you kept it for yourself, and I heard recently that the laboratory you are coming to is for Another person asked for it, and that person even lived in your house, and the whole base spread the word... "

Cao Leipeng coughed lightly twice, curious for a rare time, and asked, "Did this bring it to him?"

Si Huaixi frowned slightly, feeling that there were so many people who were curious about this matter recently, even there were many idlers strolling in front of his house.

Si Huaixi pursed his lips, but said without any concealment: "Well, Pei Zhaozhou is staying at my house. If I have something to go out of the base someday, please ask Chief Cao to take care of him for me."

Cao Leipeng's eyes were slightly stunned, and he felt that the words of the worldly people just now did not seem like the words that the commander who has always walked alone would say, and he asked him for the person named Pei Zhaozhou? ?

Hearing that even Si Huaixi needed his help with something, Cao Leipeng was inexplicably excited and enthusiastic, he was stunned for a while and quickly said: "No problem! Leave it to me!"

Cao Leipeng asked again: "Didn't you travel far recently?"

Si Huaixi's eyes were deep, and he said in a low voice: "I may go to the capital base after waiting for a while, and I hope you can keep it a secret for me."

Cao Leipeng was very surprised. The capital base is more than 2,000 kilometers away from here, and there are countless zombies encountered on the road. It is not necessary to go so far to exchange for supplies. Could it be that Si Huaixi has some reason to have to go...

Thinking about what Cao Leipeng suddenly realized, shock was revealed deep in his pupils, but he didn't dare to ask Si Huaixi, for fear of revealing any news that would be noticed by others.

Wait until after the funeral.

Si Huaixi and Cao Leipeng spoke, then turned and left to go to the research institute where Pei Zhaozhou was, with a helpless sigh in his heart.

If he didn't go back, Pei Zhaozhou probably wouldn't eat and sleep on time again, but he used the experiment as an excuse, and Si Huaixi was at a loss what to do with Pei Zhaozhou these days.

Since the 'new generator' has just started, according to Pei Zhaozhou's accurate statement, he is not building a primary generator, but a new type of high-tech energy power machine called an 'energy tower'.

If this kind of "energy tower" machine can be successfully used in the Lucheng base, it can greatly improve the development of the Lucheng base, liberate most of the cheap labor force, and even use the special performance of the energy tower to create new types of powerful weapons and weapons. Robots, replacing ordinary people and supernatural beings in the base who are still relatively small in number, to participate in some dangerous work involving going to the wilderness.

Pei Zhaozhou was immersed in the laboratory and devoted himself to research. In the past three days, he almost stayed up until dawn to make the "energy tower". Originally, Pei Zhaozhou wanted to work non-stop, but Si Huaixi forced him to take him home to rest.

As for the family rule of going home before seven o'clock...

Whenever Si Huaixi wanted Pei Zhaozhou to go back and take a rest, Pei Zhaozhou immediately said that the experiment was half done, and if he left suddenly, all previous efforts might be wasted.

Si Huaixi had no choice but to stay up all night with Pei Zhaozhou, even to let Pei Zhaozhou sleep peacefully, after bringing him home, Si Huaixi had to go back to the laboratory by himself to see what Pei Zhaozhou said about the important material for making the energy tower, "energy stability Solvent'.

The 'energy stabilization solvent' is equivalent to the liquid that holds the electricity in the battery, but the energy that can be accommodated in the energy tower made by Pei Zhaozhou is not just as simple as electricity, it can be converted into various energy forms, and the stored energy unit is even more horrible.

Due to the poor environment and equipment on the first day of the experiment, there was no vacuum experiment console, and the energy-stable solution that contained energy would always be contaminated by some unknown microorganisms. Even if Pei Zhaozhou touched the solution bottle, it was very likely that he did not have a Wear qualified sterile gloves, so that the energy stabilization solution that took several hours to prepare is contaminated and discarded.

Pei Zhaozhou's amber-golden eyes glowed red with anxiety as Pei Zhaozhou did not make a successful bottle of 'Energy Stabilizing Solvent' after repeated experiments until late at night.

Although Si Huaixi had expectations for the "energy tower" that Pei Zhaozhou mentioned, he didn't hold out much hope. It was just that Pei Zhaozhou gave him a laboratory if he wanted it.

It can be seen that Pei Zhaozhou put in so much effort just to make him a new machine to replace the old engine, and even refused to leave until late at night and early in the morning.

Si Huaixi choked up with unspeakable complexity, and there was pity in his eyes.

After learning the reason for the failure of Pei Zhaozhou's experiment, Si Huaixi built a sterile experiment bench by himself.

As for how to build it

In theory, Si Huaixi's mental power manipulation can reach an extremely fine level, but in fact, Si Huaixi has never tried how fine-grained it is, and it doesn't need to be that level in real life fighting.

It's just that Si Huaixi used his mental strength to pick out the bacteria, microbes, viruses, and fine dust that night for Pei Zhaozhou...

Pei Zhaozhou was able to make the aseptic operating table used to cultivate the 'energy stable solvent', and the subsequent experiments were also successful.

When Si Huaixi regained his composure, his sea-blue eyes became dry, red and swollen, and the eye nerves from excessive force always felt twitching and painful, and the screen was full of floating bacteria, viruses and microorganisms.

until the third day.

Pei Zhaozhou's experiment is progressing smoothly. After the 'energy stable solvent' is successfully produced, it will not deteriorate easily. There is no need to continue to ask Si Huaixi to maintain the sterile operating table with mental strength.

Only then did Si Huaixi come out to take a breath, soothe his mentally exhausted brain, and deal with some affairs by the way.

It's just that after going out for a long time, Si Huaixi thought about Pei Zhaozhou who was still in the laboratory, and planned to go back again.

After returning to the laboratory, the old professors of the research institute told Si Huaixi that Pei Zhaozhou had gone out and said to look for something.

Si Huaixi had no choice but to stay in the laboratory alone, looking at the fluorescent green solution in Gao Li's huge glass container, which was the result of Pei Zhaozhou's hard work in the past few days.

There was a hint of loss and melancholy in the sea-blue eyes, propping up the graceful chin, sitting quietly in the laboratory to help Pei Zhaozhou take care of this 'energy tower', and waited for a long and boring time.

—Maomao, where did you go

Little did he know that Pei Zhaozhou was chatting with a not-so-good-looking but pretty girl at this time.

In a certain forest in the Lucheng base.

Pei Zhaozhou is looking for more suitable plants to fill the shortage of 'energy stabilization solution' restricted by the Bureau of Conditions.

Plants, animals, and the human body are naturally containers for energy storage. The most primitive "energy stabilization solution" is also synthesized by extracting juice from plants.

Therefore, Pei Zhaozhou planned to find a suitable plant extract juice to add to the energy tower in the laboratory to make the composition of the solution more stable.

Brain Arc has the function of analysis. Pei Zhaozhou kept looking for suitable plants in the woods. He searched for more than a dozen plants but was rejected by Brain Arc.

When Pei Zhaozhou was thinking about whether to take the risk of going to the wilderness outside the base to find more suitable plant materials, Zhinao Yinhu suddenly issued a prompt.

Intellectual Silver Arc: [Master! I have found the right plant to act as an 'energy stabilizing solution'!]

Pei Zhaozhou immediately asked in surprise, "Where is it?"

Intellectual brain silver arc: [Master, it's in the hands of the woman in front!]

Pei Zhaozhou looked in the direction Zhinao Yinhu said.

He unexpectedly discovered a female supernatural being of the wood type, driving the supernormal ability to continuously catalyze the growth of a seed, until the seed buried in the soil took root, germinated and matured until green leaves emerged.

The wood-type female supernatural power grabbed Green Leaf's head and pulled out a big white radish.

Bright green leaves, white and fat radishes look fatter than ordinary white radishes, and they are very appetizing at first glance.

Pei Zhaozhou walked over and said, "Hello, can you sell me your white radish? I can pay you a suitable reward."

The wood-type female supernatural person is not too tall but has a pretty face. Facing Pei Zhaozhou's friendly inquiry, she showed a look of extreme vigilance and even a little panic.

"What are you talking about?! I'm not a supernatural person! I won't sell you this carrot!"

The female supernatural person showed vigilance in her eyes, and reprimanded Pei Zhaozhou in a restless and impatient tone.

"There is something wrong with your eyes! Hurry up and stay away from me, this radish was originally planted in the ground, I didn't make it out..."

Pei Zhaozhou felt very puzzled in his heart, why did this wood-type female superhuman deny the fact that she planted the radish.

But before Pei Zhaozhou could figure it out, the supernatural woman left hastily, fearing that Pei Zhaozhou would chase after her in panic.

Pei Zhaozhou frowned even more suspiciously.