The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 31: Crazy aliens


"Asshole! Asshole!"

You Xiaolin angrily kicked the lawn on the ground.

Obviously he was trying to save him, but Qi Ding didn't understand what she was doing. Did he really have to put everything in front of his eyes before he was willing to leave with her? !

No way…

There was powerless sadness in You Xiaolin's eyes.

Qi Ding is different from her being a supernatural being. He is an ordinary person and will not be targeted by intelligent zombies.

She doesn't know how many zombies are hidden in the human base now, and she can't believe it at all as a companion of the supernatural beings who are supposed to fight the zombies.

She practiced desperately and was only a wood-type supernatural user at the beginning of the eighth level. She was already a very hard-working and talented supernatural person, but she still couldn't beat those terrible zombies.

Only Qi Ding with ordinary people hides and survives everywhere, praying not to be discovered by those zombies.

Qi Ding felt tired from such a life, so wouldn't she be tired from enduring these damned secrets by herself? !

The corners of You Xiaolin's eyes were red, she wiped her tears, and cursed Qi Ding viciously.

But if she was a cruel person, she would have thrown away Qi Ding's burden and left long ago.

After wandering around the base, holding my breath, I couldn't help but want to walk home.

But after waiting for a while, she didn't see Qi Ding's person. Thinking that he didn't come to find her, You Xiaolin stubbornly continued to walk outside, but she didn't want to go back so soon.

Go to a remote place.

You Xiaolin looked at the dark houses in the corner, suddenly there were no people around, which inexplicably made people feel a little scared.

You Xiaolin turned around and wanted to leave, but unfortunately, the necklace around her neck suddenly broke, and the metal round box on the pendant rolled all the way to the dense grass beside her.

There are photos of her and Qi Ding in the metal round box.

It is a rare opportunity to take photos after the end of the world. This is why You Xiaolin accidentally found a Polaroid that no one wanted when searching for supplies, so she took Qi Ding to take a couple photo as a souvenir.

There were only a few in total, and the one in the round box was her favorite.

You Xiaolin anxiously wanted to search in the grass, and looked up at the surrounding houses, which were a little too quiet, as if no one lived in them.

You Xiaolin didn't dare to investigate, she just lowered her head and thought to quickly find the photo and get out of here quickly.

Suddenly, You Xiaolin touched a round and hard object in the grass, a bright light flashed across her eyes, and she picked up the object in surprise: "Found... got it?"

The round metal box that was supposed to be held in his hand was replaced by a piece of white broken bone.

You Xiaolin's expression suddenly froze, and her pupils trembled slightly to look down.

Under the cover of lush grass, there was no round metal box for her, but a dense mass of white bone fragments.

It looked like it had been chewed by some large beast, and the broken bones couldn't see the original shape.

The bones of what is this

You Xiaolin's mind suddenly went blank, and an invisible siren echoed in her mind.

She subconsciously threw away the broken bone with her hands, and wanted to leave with a pale face.

But thinking of the group photo in the metal round box again, my legs and feet were a little numb but refused to leave for a long time.

Let's look for a while.

Maybe those are just the leftover animal bones of the family, and they were too lazy to throw them in the trash can, so they just threw them here. Besides, it is broad daylight, and there are usually people with supernatural powers in the Lucheng base, so nothing will happen...

You Xiaolin panted softly, squatted down and searched in the grass, and finally lost patience and directly used the wood-type ability to search.

Plants perceive the metal round box.

found it.

Push away wet weeds.

You Xiaolin's face was completely stiff.

The metal round box was found, but inside the half broken skull, the shape of the skull and the flat human teeth, You Xiaolin recognized at a glance that it was a human skeleton.

The surrounding soil is moist and soft, and there has been a lot of rain recently, and the things buried in it have been washed out by the rain.

Who will hide in the base and eat people

You Xiaolin thought of this instantly, her face turned pale and lost all blood.

Tightening the blue veins in her hands, Xin Yiruo reached out to take back the round metal box from the skull, the back of her hand delicately touched the teeth of the skull, and the nauseating sensation of scalp numbness instantly made her want to run away.


Can't go.

You Xiaolin looked in horror at the woman coming from a distance, holding a pot in her hand, her charming eyebrows showed boredom, and the corner of her mouth twisted with moles to talk to the person beside her.

But in You Xiaolin's point of view, she would never forget this gorgeous woman with a mole on the corner of her mouth. She is the evil spirit that caused her to wake up every time in her nightmares!

hide! Can't be found by evil spirits!

You Xiaolin was trembling crazily, hiding in the most hidden corner, and even used the wood ability in fear.

She wrapped her figure tightly with the surrounding weeds, ants crawled on her ankles, she dared not move, she was so stiff that she even took a shallow breath, she would rather not breathe if she could.

Xu Manyi lifted her long black hair, her charming eyes fluttered randomly, and she threw the urn in her hand like a toy.

The person next to him persuaded, "It's almost done. If someone from the base saw it, how would you explain it? What if you, a widow, are playing with your partner's ashes?"

Xu Man covered her red lips in disguise, and said with a joking smile: "Giggle—if it weren't for me being the only female character in the base, and you are big and thick, and you look like bears in human female clothes, I would like to let you Try on women's clothing."

The people next to him turned pale in embarrassment, not daring to argue with Xu Manyi.

He didn't want to change into women's clothing after becoming a zombie, if Xu Manyi, a crazy woman, might really do this.

Xu Manyi pursed her mouth feeling bored, sniffed the surrounding air, and inexplicably felt an alluring sweet smell of human flesh and blood.

Thinking back to the viscera that she ate not long ago, oh, she was still holding the one in the urn, but unfortunately, she didn’t dare to eat more, and the zombie’s hunger for human beings all the time came back to her heart.

Xu Manyi licked his lips and said casually, "Have you smelled the scent of humans?"

You Xiaolin, who was hiding, closed her eyes, held her breath and dared not even move.

Reminded by Xu Manyi, the eyes of the people next to him flashed red, filled with the zombie's instinctive desire for human flesh and blood.

They are not like Xu Manyi who can steal some food.

Since the hidden exit of the river channel was discovered, they haven't gone out to eat for a long time. Seeing the unsuspecting lambs in the base, they were afraid that they would be hungry and red-eyed, and they would rush to eat them at any time.

Eating crystal nuclei can slightly relieve hunger.

But the zombies' desire for human flesh and blood is indelible no matter what. The hot flesh and blood swallowed into the stomach, and the satisfaction of the genetic instinct makes all the zombies crazy about it.

Swallowing dry throat.

"Hurry up, hurry up, when the master's plan succeeds and kill all the supernatural beings, the remaining ordinary humans will be defenseless. At that time, we can raise humans as lambs and pick one at any time." Come eat."

The person next to him also looked at Xu Manyi in warning, and said in a hoarse voice: "Don't spoil your master's plan, there are humans walking around in the Lucheng base, some human smells are normal, but you must not expose them at this critical moment."

Xu Manyi muttered: "I see, I'm not a fool, but I'm getting impatient for how long I have to wait."

The person next to him said: "Hurry up, hurry up, we will wait for that person according to your plan."

Xu Manyi's eyes sharpened: "I really don't understand why the adults are so afraid of him. They have been hiding in this small base for almost two years, and they haven't seen anything special about that person?"

The person next to him lowered his voice and said: "You just need to obey the orders of the adults. Don't forget that the adults made you from a zombie to what you are now. What the adults do has their own reasons. We don't need to question it."

Xu Manyi pursed her lips: "Understood, then I'll wait, it's not too late anyway."

The people next to them nodded. They really didn't miss the time. The life of the zombies almost stopped, which meant that as long as their crystal nuclei were not knocked out, they could survive in a certain sense.

Before entering the door.

Seeing that Xu Manyi was still holding the urn.

The person next to him jokingly asked: "Are you really going to put the ashes in the house to worship? It seems that Xu Manyi still has feelings for this temporary partner."

Xu Manyi snorted, "Whoever has feelings for that middle-aged ugly man, I just forgot to lose it for a while."

As if to confirm her words.

Xu Manyi threw the urn on the grass beside him, and the tiles shattered with a crash, and even the ashes scattered like useless dust into the air and sprinkled on the ground, returning to the earth to some extent.

Except for a clear crystal nucleus in the ashes, it is as firm as ever.

Xu Manyi fell in love with it at a glance, picked it up and put it in his mouth without being too dirty, the high-level zombie's extraordinary hard teeth ate the crystal nucleus like a fruit jelly, and commented while eating: "People are ugly, The taste of the crystal nucleus is good, but it is a pity that one human brain cannot grow two crystal nuclei."

The person next to him sneered and said, "Then why don't you say that it's a pity that one person can't grow two brains, so you can eat two brains at a time."

Xu Manyi's eyes lit up, he nodded quickly and said, "It makes sense, I will raise such a human being in the future."

The person next to him paused for a moment, with longing in his eyes, "If you really make it, I don't mind exchanging it with you for some special materials."

Xu Manyi evoked a proud and arrogant smile, glanced contemptuously at the person next to him and said nothing.

Wait until the door closes.

You Xiaolin who was still hiding in the corner trembled like a frightened little squirrel when she heard the horrible words of the zombie, her round black eyes were filled with tears.

His legs, feet and body were all frightened, and it took a long time to regain some strength.

Looking at the group of zombies, it seemed that they hadn't found her yet, and they scrambled away from the grass.

Seeing the suddenly clear road, he turned pale and walked quickly with his head down, pretending to be an ordinary person who didn't know anything, until he saw a large crowd of people gathered in the Lucheng base.

Like a dying fish meeting water in an instant.

The sense of security of surviving a catastrophe surged up in an instant, but it made You Xiaolin's mind go blank, and she ran away recklessly.

Rush through the crowd.

The person who was hit was still cursing, but Qi Ding, who had been looking for You Xiaolin, found her and shouted: "Xiaolin, stop quickly, let's go home!"

But You Xiaolin's ears seemed to be deaf, and fear kept accumulating in her mind.

The horrible scene was repeated.

When I was a child, my mother was bitten by a zombie to save her. The blood could be so red and dazzling!

After finally finding a place to settle down with Qi Ding, the group of zombies in human skins destroyed everything, forcing her and Qi Ding to flee everywhere!

until now! until now! She both ran away, she and Qi Ding both ran away for several years!

Those damned zombies didn't let them go!

She just wants to have a safe place with Qi Ding to live happily together, why! Why force her!

If all the supernatural beings are dead, tell her that the zombies will still not let ordinary people go, but will keep them in captivity like domestic animals.

So even if a supernatural being like her dies, will Qi Ding still be eaten by zombies? ! ! !

You Xiaolin cried, looking at the sky with helpless eyes blankly, and there was no hope in the gloomy sky.

A line in my mind suddenly jumped.

Instead of being tortured like this, he still couldn't escape the pain of being eaten by zombies.

— It would be better to die from the beginning.

You Xiaolin lowered her head, released all her rampage abilities, and the soaring spiked vines attacked the surrounding people indiscriminately.

The sound of panic, the sound of running away, the sound of vines snorting through the air...

Mess up.

"Help! There is a supernatural being going crazy!!!"

"Run away, don't get in my way!"

"Ahh—don't squeeze me, my child, whoever is going to save my child from that crazy superhuman—"

There was a little boy who was just a few years old and got separated from his mother in the chaotic crowd just now. When he realized it, everyone around him was gone, only the crazy and dangerous supernatural being in front of him.

The mother's panicked and sharp call came from the ear, and the little boy's legs and feet were limp as if frightened, unable to get up and escape, he could only watch the raging and crazy vines approaching.

Seeing that the sharp vines of the supernatural being were about to pierce the little boy, the little boy's mother cried out in despair and helplessness.

"Bang bang!!!"

Two of the crazily twisting vines were broken by the flying bullets and landed in front of the little boy's legs.

Pei Zhaozhou took the opportunity to rush up and take the little boy away.

The broken vines immediately attracted the attention of the man with crazy abilities.

The crackling sound came—

More than a dozen vines rushed towards Pei Zhaozhou who was holding the little boy in one hand.

Pei Zhaozhou's amber-golden eyes sharpened, holding the energy gun in his hand, and while moving quickly, he fired bullets continuously with agility.

The bullet seemed to have eyes, and the dozens of vines that were approaching quickly were instantly burned and broken by the huge energy contained in the bullet.

There was a safe breathing distance in the middle.

Pei Zhaozhou successfully reported the little boy to his mother, and the mother of the little boy cried and thanked Pei Zhaozhou, hugging the lost little boy tightly and crying with joy.

After the incident just now, the little boy was so frightened that his face turned pale. He didn't cry with his mother until he fell into the safe embrace of his mother.

Pei Zhaozhou looked at the female supernatural being who was still going crazy not far away, frowned, and reminded the little boy's mother: "The matter is not over yet, you should leave this place quickly."

The little boy's mother quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you, Mr. Supernatural Being, we will leave immediately."

Pei Zhaozhou just wanted to explain that he is not a supernatural being, but how do ordinary people know so much? For them, who else would dare to deal with supernatural beings except for supernatural beings.

Before Pei Zhaozhou could explain, the little boy's mother hurried away with her son in her arms.

Pei Zhaozhou, who stayed where he was, had no time to pay attention.

Holding the energy gun with a stern expression, he aimed at the female supernatural being who lost her target and rushed towards him madly.