The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 38: Determine your mind


it's dark.

A loud noise came from the darkened base, waking up many people in the base.

Because there are no entertainment items after dark in the end of the world, most people are going to sleep. When they heard the abnormal loud noise in the base, many people ran out of them in fear to see what was going on.

Then I saw a raging fire in one part of the base, like a huge incandescent lamp in the dark base, the raging fire lit up the entire base.

There is a fire!

"Quick, go put out the fire!"

"Get water! Take a bucket and go to the river to fill it!"

"Go ask the supernatural beings in the base, especially the supernatural beings of the water system, to put out the fire!"

The silent night boiled because of this sudden fire.

Not long after Pei Zhaozhou and Si Huaixi returned to the base, they discovered the fire. Many people rushed to fight the fire, and they were no exception.

By the time they arrived at the scene of the fire, the fire had already been extinguished.

Just in case the fire ignited again, several water-type powers continued to sprinkle water on the smoking room, and a layer of puddles formed on the ground.

While the fire was extinguished, many people began to rescue to see if there were any survivors, but they saw that they were all burnt to charred ruins, and everyone had no idea.

When a charred corpse was pulled out from the ruins, everyone just sighed that this person did not die in the hands of zombies, but died in a fire.

But a strange thing happened. The fire came suddenly, and it was obvious that there was an explosion. The soil next to the house was dug out, and the people who rescued there found a lot of remains of bones.

Normally, the fire burns and extinguishes quickly, before the corpses are burned to the bone.


The number of these skeletons is a bit large, there are more than twenty of them.

Residents living nearby said that the family where the fire broke out lived with several men and a woman, but the family didn't interact with outsiders very much, and living in the corner of the base was usually very quiet.

How could there be so many more skeletons.

So the residents of the base expressed their doubts to the supernatural being.

Xia Shui, as the water-type power user who extinguished the fire this time, was in trouble. She just happened to live nearby, and when she saw the fire, she came to help and thought that she was a water-type power user.

Just in time to see the commander of the Lucheng base coming, Xia Shui immediately threw the question to the leader of the base who would take care of these matters as if he was relieved.

Xia Shui said: "Commander, some skeletons that did not belong to the fire were found in this house. Let me ask you how to deal with them?"

After hearing Xia Shui's words, Si Huaixi's expression darkened immediately, and he said, "I'll go and have a look."

Pei Zhaozhou, who was on the side, also followed.

When I arrived at the scene described by Xia Shui, I realized that there were more than just a few. The explosion turned up a large piece of bones that were originally buried deep in the soil. The house is still going to be scary.

Pei Zhaozhou was born as an outstanding graduate of the First Military Academy of the Interstellar Empire. Whether it is command, mech combat, maintenance, or criminal investigation, he has all A's.

Pei Zhaozhou keenly noticed that the gnaw marks on the bones were not as simple as ordinary animals.

In addition to the fire, there are still some chemical smells left by || explosives around, and traces of supernatural battles at the scene.

Turning his head to look at Si Huaixi with a gloomy face.

It seems that Si Huaixi also found out.

Pei Zhaozhou said coldly: "The cause of death of the owners of these skeletons is not simple. They must not have been burned to death. They died long before the fire, and they died in an extraordinary way."

"I believe Si Huaixi, you can see that in a place like the base where there are no ferocious beasts, how can there be so many human skeletons that have been bitten by wild beasts, and the number of people who died is quite large. Judging from the age of the bones of the deceased, there are probably It has been buried for a year or two, and no one has discovered it for such a long time, it is all buried in the yard of this house, and the people in this house... I don't believe they don't know anything about it."

Pei Zhaozhou frowned, mentioned one point with a hesitant expression, and said: "I saw the traces left after the battle between the wood-type ability and the metal-type ability, and observed that the wood-type ability left at the scene is very similar to You Xiaolin. …Could it be that she caused the accident, and that the human bones buried in this house are what You Xiaolin wanted to tell us?"

"If this is the case, why don't you report it directly to the people at the base. The ordinary murderer You Xiaolin can also solve it as a powerful person with supernatural powers, and... the fire has been going on for so long, where did You Xiaolin go? ?”

Si Huaixi's eyes darkened and said, "She's still in the base."

Just as Pei Zhaozhou and Si Huaixi were discussing in the yard, there was a sudden noise from the rescuers in front of the house.

"Also, there are still people alive!"

"Take him to the doctor!"

One man who came to the rescue volunteered to pick up the badly burned man.

It's just that when he carried the burnt man on his back, he didn't see that man's red eyes opened, and half of his body was burned. The blood-thirsty zombie couldn't control his instinct, and moved his fangs to approach... the blood-soaked neck.

"Ah, why the hell did you bite me—"

The man yelled in pain, immediately threw the person on his back to the ground, kicked the person on the ground angrily, and covered the neck where a piece of flesh had been bitten off with his hands.

Seeing the blood on his hands, the man suddenly felt something was wrong, his face was pale and panicked: "Blood, blood! I was bitten!"

"what happened?!"

"He's bleeding... No, the burnt man bit him, and!! The man was chewing, he was eating human flesh!!!"

"That's not a human, it's a zombie! Run!!!"

The ordinary people onlookers ran away in fright. The bitten man clutched his bleeding neck, thinking that he had been bitten by a zombie, and the person bitten by a zombie would not live long. .

The appearance of the disguised zombie was not much different from that of a human being, but the scarlet bloodthirsty red eyes, ferocious fangs, and the flesh foam from the man's neck hung on his mouth.

Even if half of the zombie's body was burnt by the fire, unable to move, still yearning for human flesh and blood, and swallowing the only flesh and blood hungry, it's not enough!

The zombie wriggled its scorched body, like maggots crawling on the ground, crawling towards the man with blood on his neck with extremely tenacious vitality.

Of course, the supernatural being who came over after hearing the strange movement could tell that the scorched black body crawling on the ground was not a human, but a zombie.

Didn't expect them to spend so much effort to rescue a zombie? ! !

The angry power user wanted to kill the zombies immediately, but found that they couldn't kill them!

This is no ordinary zombie!

All kinds of abilities hit the zombie's body, but they couldn't break the zombie's defense.

"Fuck! What the hell is this? My attack can't hurt this zombie, but how could there be zombies in the base!" Zhuo Sun, an earth-type supernatural being, said angrily.

Xia Shui used supernatural powers to attack several times. Except for the zombie's injuries from the explosion, her attacks did not pose a threat to the zombie, so she was unwilling to admit it.

"No, my attack has no effect. What level of zombie is this! This skin is as hard as armor. It's so injured that I can't get up, but it can still hurt people."

The zombies were still moving, and the supernatural beings stepped back subconsciously.

Even the bones of this zombie whose limbs were shattered by the explosion can only crawl and squirm on the ground, causing no harm to the supernatural beings.

But the supernatural being had already stopped attacking, a haze appeared on his face, and he thought with despair and pessimism in his heart.

If it wasn't for the explosion that destroyed the zombie's mobility in advance, these supernatural beings might have died on the zombie.

"In the wild, as supernatural beings, are you just standing there like this, waiting to be killed by zombies?"

Si Huaixi scolded sharply, his cold and menacing eyes swept over the guilty faces of the supernatural beings present.

Face the zombies who are lying on the ground and still alive.

Si Huaixi's eyes were cold and decisive, and he instantly split the zombie in half with his mental power.

Even the hard head was split open, revealing a crystal-clear supernatural nucleus as big as a pigeon egg that was different from the disgusting and dirty brain.

In the eyes of Zhuo Sunxiashui and the others, the extremely hard zombies were dealt with so easily!

Commander is really great!

Immediately, the supernatural beings immersed in pessimism woke up. Seeing the strong and calm figure of the commander, they were extremely excited, and some young supernatural beings even started to cheer.

"Fuck! The zombie is dead now, the commander is awesome!"

"Commander, this is too powerful! This zombie, which is as hard as iron skin, is as easy as cutting tofu in the hands of Commander. When I have half the strength of Commander, I will be satisfied!"

"Okay! I finally killed this damned zombie. It's great to have a commander in the base. Fortunately, I chose to stay in the Lucheng base. The sense of security in the base with the commander has skyrocketed!"

"Why is the commander so much younger than me and so powerful? I have to learn how to fight zombies from the commander. Just now, as a supernatural being, I couldn't beat the zombies. I really lost the commander's face! Tonight will be all night Practice!"

"I also came to practice all night. It's our turn to kill the zombies next time. We can't bother the commander every time. The elders are not as talented as the commander. If you can't practice hard, it's too embarrassing!"

"That's right! Make an appointment with one. I'm going to practice tonight too. Hurry up and break through the middle-level abilities!"

Compared with the lifeless appearance of being hit by the zombies just now, the faces of the people around have become active and motivated, with hope and fighting spirit ignited.

For the rest of the time, everyone obeyed Si Huaixi's orders.

Seal off the scene, deal with the zombies, and investigate who is behind this room and why they let the zombies in.

Things are running smoothly.

The mouse hiding in the crowd and watching all this also left quietly.

It seemed that everything was calmed down, and even the zombies were killed by the commander.

The surrounding base residents and supernatural beings showed relaxed expressions.

Only Si Huaixi stood where he was, holding the crystal nucleus taken out of the zombie's skull in his hand, and his deep sea blue eyes were more icy and serious than before.

Pei Zhaozhou keenly felt that something was wrong with Si Huaixi's mood, as if there was a trace of anxiety hidden under Si Huaixi's calm face that could not be known by outsiders.

In the eyes of everyone, Si Huaixi is the indestructible commander of the Lucheng base that everyone can rely on and trust.

But in Pei Zhaozhou's eyes, Commander Si, whom everyone praises, is not a deified person, but Si Huaixi, who suffers injuries just like ordinary people, has the same joys, sorrows, sorrows, and moments of helplessness and weakness.

When everyone was afraid of zombies and no one stepped forward, Si Huaixi just calmly chose to stand up again.

There seemed to be many people standing behind it, but in fact there was no one there.

This kind of loneliness that is pushed to stand up, with no one to rely on behind...

Pei Zhaozhou has also experienced it, many times.

Every time he recalled the past, Pei Zhaozhou's amber golden eyes dimmed a little.

Being strong doesn't mean being indestructible, it's just that they hide their weakness, and when they get hurt, they hide in the corner alone and lick their wounds.

They are very clear about some things, exposing the wound does not necessarily get the help of the companions, it is more likely that the enemy takes advantage of the fire.

Pei Zhaozhou suddenly took Si Huaixi's hand.

Si Huaixi was subconsciously stunned, seeing that Pei Zhaozhou's expression was different from usual at this time, frowning, with a cold and angry look on his face, as if someone had provoked this bad-tempered cat.

But the heat from Pei Zhaozhou's palm made Si Huaixi's dignified expression relax, and subconsciously hid his deep thoughts, his eyes slightly curved and smiled, "What's the matter?"

Looking at Si Huaixi who was pretending to be relaxed, Pei Zhaozhou was inexplicably annoyed, and he could not help but increase his strength in holding Si Huaixi's hand.

I couldn't help but cursed the fool in my heart, and felt sorry for the fool.

Pei Zhaozhou pursed his lips tightly, his amber golden eyes were like bright gold stars, he looked at Si Huaixi seriously and said: "If you have something to do, you don't need to be alone, you can come to me... just know that you are struggling, don't think If you are a powerful supernatural being, you can support the entire base by yourself."


In the end, he couldn't help but curse a little.

Si Huaixi was stunned for a long time, his eyes were full of complicated and moving soft light, he smiled and suddenly hugged the awkward and arrogant cat in front of him who was scolding him and caring about him at the same time.

Holding her in her arms and still struggling, Si Huaixi felt pity, and rubbed Tsundere Mao Mao's cheek with her chin.

Pei Zhaozhou became angry from embarrassment: "Stop hugging! Stop hugging!"

Si Huai rubbed his hands to coax the furious Pei Maomao and said, "I got it, I got it."

As a result, he couldn't hold back and let go.

"I know what a fart, you are hopeless!"

Pei Zhaozhou blushed, feeling ashamed to face others!

Didn't you see that this was in public? Why did Si Huaixi talk endlessly? He wanted to comfort him, but now he even got involved.

Si Huaixi lowered his eyes, looking tenderly at Pei Zhaozhou, who had always been irritable and angry but did not try his best to break free from his embrace, a sudden urge to kiss him surged in his heart.

This impulse came too suddenly, which made Si Huaixi a little surprised. It seemed that some deep-seated feelings had taken root in places he didn't expect.

Looking at Pei Zhaozhou's angry and flushed cheeks again, his rounded amber-golden eyes still look fierce to everyone, but they are extremely cute in Si Huaixi's eyes with countless layers of filters.

I can't wait to kiss a few times, so that the pair of amber gold eyes shone with embarrassment.

The cat who got angry was willing to bite him.

—He is hopeless.

Si Huaixi made up his mind.

He fell in love with a man, he fell in love with Pei Zhaozhou.

It's just not a good time.

A complicated and heavy streak flashed across Si Huaixi's eyes.

Letting go of Pei Zhaozhou in his arms, Si Huaixi's deep eyes flashed with reluctance, and his expression gradually regained his composure.