The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 41: Zombies explode


"The thing is like this. There are hidden high-level zombies in the Lucheng base, not only in the Lucheng base, but also in bases in other places. The zombies are in the dark and we are in the light. No one knows how many zombies will disguise themselves as humans. , so I took Qi Ding out and ran away, unexpectedly... "

You Xiaolin told everything she knew, with a worried expression on her face, she didn't know what happened to Qi Ding just now in order to distract the female zombie who was chasing and killing her.

Pei Zhaozhou's pupils tightened, and he looked at Si Huaixi who was at the side.

He spent countless energy for the people in Lucheng Base, but he didn't expect that there were zombies hidden among the people he protected, what a blow to him...

Pei Zhaozhou frowned, and asked You Xiaolin, "Is there a way to distinguish between humans and zombies?"

You Xiaolin shook her head, and said bitterly: "If there is such a way, Qi Ding and I won't have to hide everywhere, unless those zombies take the initiative to expose themselves, otherwise there is no difference in appearance from ordinary people. "

You Xiaolin continued: "I only found out about the existence of this kind of zombie through eavesdropping by accident. There is a mind in the zombie group directing them to do this..."

Si Huaixi's face was gloomy, and his deep eyes were frighteningly serious.

In the past, there were some faint guesses and suspicions that I didn't dare to think about, but I didn't expect it to be confirmed.

Every time a large-scale anti-zombie operation is always revealed, but no one can find the insider.

Unexpectedly, there are no internal thieves at all, but real zombies!

A chill that penetrated deep into the bone marrow made Si Huaixi feel heavy.

How many zombies are hidden in the base, and how many of these zombies are his trusted companions.

Familiar faces flashed in front of my eyes, and the conversations I had with each other in the past seemed to reveal all kinds of weirdness and unreliability.

The trust that was originally established is in jeopardy, as if everyone has become a zombie.

If the news spread that the zombies are hiding in the base, the whole base will be in panic and there is no need to wait for the zombies to attack.

Si Huaixi stood there silently and gloomily, only the clenched fists in his hands trembled faintly.

Suddenly a warm hand rested on his, Ling Si Huaixi struggled out of painful and angry thoughts.

Pei Zhaozhou's amber golden eyes revealed firm trust, and he looked at him sincerely and calmly, as if a beam of sunshine illuminating the haze, dispelling the anxiety and anxiety in his heart.

Pei Zhaozhou said: "Zombies can't pretend to be ordinary people without crystal nuclei. I'm not a zombie, but an ordinary person without supernatural powers. You can trust me without reservation. I can help you find those zombies!"

Si Huaixi's pupils froze for a moment, and an inexplicable heat flowed from Pei Zhaozhou's hand to his heart, causing the heart to beat violently, breaking the haze and ice in his heart.

Gradually, Si Huaixi's eyes regained their former calmness, and there was a deep and secret soft light in the sea-blue eyes that looked at Pei Zhaozhou.

— Unexpectedly, I was finally comforted by my cat.

Even cats are calmer than him, what a shame...

Now that things are becoming more and more incapable of walking freely, the reason why the zombies do this is to make human beings mistrust and suspect each other, causing human struggle and civil strife, and achieving their zombie conspiracy.

Si Huaixi's eyes flashed with determination and coldness, he would never let the zombies succeed.



The female zombie was taken by Si Huaixi and others to a closed room for interrogation.

There are only four people in the secret room, Si Huaixi, Pei Zhaozhou, You Xiaolin and Chief Cao.

Because the matter of the zombies is very important and cannot be disclosed, only You Xiaolin, who revealed the secrets of the zombies, and Chief Cao, who has a wife and children at home, can be trusted by Si Huaixi among the supernatural beings.

Two of the three zombies that You Xiaolin knew died, and the only one left was this female zombie, and there are more zombies hidden in the base. The only clue is the female zombie, and I hope to find out the commander The mastermind behind the female zombies.

"I won't say anything, you humans give up!"

Xu Manyi glared fiercely at the human beings in front of him, already trembling under the soft and introverted surface.

She never imagined that she, a high-level zombie of level 10, would be caught by the famous commander of the base in just one encounter, without even a chance to make a move, so she would be caught here. No wonder the boss has always been afraid of this psychic power user Don't dare to make a move.

Now that she is tied up and unable to move, let alone escape in front of Si Huaixi, it can be said that if the boss and other zombies do not come to rescue her, she cannot escape alone.

Leader Cao's eyes were sharp, and he used all his strength to drive the lightning power to hit Xu Manyi's body with a whip. In an instant, Xu Manyi let out a muffled groan, and a scar that was scorched by lightning appeared on the skin that had not healed from the burn.

Chief Cao still didn't stop, and while whipping the damn zombie in front of him with a thunder whip, he asked with cold and angry eyes: "When did the zombie still call it loyalty? If you don't say anything, you will be beaten to death!"

Xu Manyi felt resentful and angry, and from the corner of his eye, he was wary of the indifferent Si Huaixi, and faced Chief Cao, who was a mere 8th-level lightning-type supernatural power, he said with a mocking smile.

"You can't kill me. This small lightning arc can only bring me a little injury, and it will heal in a short while. On the contrary, I, as a zombie, want to persuade you humans to surrender as soon as possible. With a 10th-level ability Or, do you think you can defeat our zombies? Rank 10 zombies are relatively few in our group, and the number of zombies is eighty times that of humans, and the number of zombies at rank 10 and even rank 11 can also be eighty times that of humans!"

Chief Cao was surprised. He didn't understand what the female zombie was talking about. When did their base have a 10th-level ability user

When he was called over by Si Huaixi, he only said that he had something confidential to say. When he learned that there were zombies disguised as supernatural beings or ordinary people sneaking into the base, Chief Cao couldn't believe it.

But when he saw the talking female zombie, Chief Cao had no choice but to believe it.

Thinking of the zombies hiding beside them, wouldn't it be very dangerous to know that his wife and children are all in the base!

Chief Cao was shocked and angry, and there was still a trace of fear.

After discussing with Si Huaixi, they made the same decision, sealed up the news of this zombie, and came to the secret room of the prison to torture this man-eating zombie in human skin!

Facing this stubborn female zombie, Chief Cao wished he could kill her immediately, and the thunder whip he hit had no room for it.

But I have to say that what the female zombie said is correct, Chief Cao's thunder whip really does nothing to her, even with all his strength, he can only hurt her a little, and it is impossible to kill her at all.

The only person on the scene who can kill her is the hidden commander.

Xu Manyi smiled, the mole on the corner of his mouth twisted and twitched, looked coldly at Si Huaixi who was watching coldly, and said, "Yes, Commander, who would have thought that a small Lucheng base would hide a At least a level 10 supernatural user, and I'm afraid the commander's strength is more than enough, otherwise how can I easily subdue a level 10 metallic zombie."

Leader Cao was secretly startled, looked at Si Huaixi, who was not changing his face, and asked excitedly: "You, are you a level 10 superhuman?!!!"

"Yeah." Si Huaixi nodded, and at this point, there was nothing to hide and he admitted it directly.

Chief Cao and You Xiaolin who were present were particularly excited. There is no doubt about the power of the 10th-level supernatural being. I didn't expect the base to produce a 10th-level supernatural power!

In an instant, his mentality settled down because he was afraid of zombies.

You Xiaolin immediately became bold, with killing intent in her black eyes, took out a dagger to Xu Manyi's chin, and cursed.

"Now is not the time for you to be majestic. After killing so many people, it is time to pay for your life! If you kill one person, I will cut you a thousand knives. If you want to die happily, you can say it quickly if you don't die by a thousand knives!"

Xu Manyi still had arrogant contempt in his eyes, which made You Xiaolin annoyed.

The knife was also much harder. The tip of the knife inserted into Xu Manyi's neck, but after breaking through a layer of skin, it got stuck in the hard-as-iron zombie flesh and couldn't move.

You Xiaolin was surprised and angry.

Xu Manyi sneered and said: "Do you know what a high-level zombie is? Breaking through to my level has long surpassed your low-level biological level. Even if you just let you stab me with a dagger, you won't even be able to stab me with a drop of blood , if you didn't fall into your trap before, you really thought that a mere 8th-level supernatural being could hurt me!"

Xu Manyi looked at Si Huaixi confidently, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Commander, even if you can deal with me as a zombie, can you deal with all zombies of rank 10 and 11? With Commander Si's strength, why bother?" To protect those weak and incompetent human beings, what's wrong with transforming into zombies to live forever!"

Then Xu Manyi broke an amazing news.

"In our group, there are quite a few people who voluntarily surrendered to the zombie king and turned from supernatural beings into zombies. As long as the commander is willing, I can personally recommend it for you!"

Xu Manyi looked at Si Huaixi with a smile, trying to turn him into a zombie.

What she said was true. It is true that some supernatural beings turned into zombies on their own initiative, but the probability of recovering their sanity after becoming zombies was extremely low, and even a lot of crystal nuclei could not withstand the cracking and died during the transformation process.

If Si Huaixi can be tricked into joining the camp of zombies, it will be a good thing without any harm. Apart from Si Huaixi, there is no other person with supernatural powers in the Lucheng base who is their opponent.

It's just... what the Zombie King wants is the spiritual power crystal core in Si Huaixi's brain, no matter what Si Huaixi's final decision is, he will inevitably die.

"You are talking nonsense! The commander decided that it is impossible to become a zombie!"

You Xiaolin said so, but slowly looked at Si Huaixi with panicked eyes.

But if even the commander turns into a zombie, it's really hopeless...

After Xu Manyi's instigation, the atmosphere suddenly became tense and weird.

Pei Zhaozhou chuckled lightly, thinking that this kind of female zombie's method of provocation was really boring and ridiculous, he looked at Si Huaixi and said, "If you became a zombie, would you eat me?"

Si Huaixi rubbed his eyebrows, his sea blue eyes were helpless, but he said without anger: "I'm not interested in cannibalism."

This nonsensical remark inexplicably reassured You Xiaolin and Chief Cao.

Chief Cao laughed to ease the atmosphere: "That's right, how could Brother Si run to be a zombie? What's so good about being a zombie? You can't eat so many delicacies from mountains and seas. You don't have a wife and children. Life is no fun. Do this like a zombie." It's too much of a failure!"

Seeing that the instigation failed and was ridiculed, Xu Manyi gritted his teeth secretly.

Si Huaixi didn't have the time to argue with the zombies anymore, he suppressed the zombies with his mental strength as heavy as Mount Tai, and said directly with cold eyes.

"Giving out the list of similar zombies will allow you to live for a while, otherwise you will die immediately."

Si Huaixi coldly looked down at Xu Manyi who was rolling and twitching on the ground due to the severe mental pressure, the meaning in his words was indifferent and unquestionable.

The so-called iron-hard zombie body, under the pressure of the powerful mental force that could not resist, made the sound of bones squeezing and rubbing.

Xu Manyi's pupils trembled, feeling that his body was about to be crushed by mental force, and he shouted in a panic: "Wait, wait—Commander, we can exchange terms and continue talking, ah, it hurts——"

Before Xu Manyi could finish speaking, there was a sudden severe pain in his head, as if the most important crystal nucleus of the zombie was pierced by countless sharp needles.

Xu Manyi pounded his head on the ground in great pain, the bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang, want to break the forehead, but also try to relieve the severe pain in the brain.

Xu Manyi finally couldn't take it anymore, she was extremely afraid that the crystal nucleus would be shattered by Si Huaixi's mental power.

Before becoming a zombie, she was just an ordinary sales lady in a shopping mall. Not long after the end of the world, she was a weak woman who couldn't escape the city surrounded by zombies. She hid in the toilet of the shopping mall with her female colleagues for a few days, and she was too hungry to come out. Looking for food, but encountered zombies.

When running away, in order to prevent the zombies from chasing her, the selfish Xu Manyi viciously pushed down the female colleague, wanting to let her be eaten by the zombies, delaying her escape, but unexpectedly, the stupid female colleague fell and hugged her They didn't let go of their thighs, but the zombies came and they all died.

Thinking back to the past experience of tragic death, Xu Manyi was not reconciled!

She managed to gain one more life, even if it means cannibalism, being a zombie, or selling the lives of other zombies, she still wants to live!

What's more, the saying that zombies don't have emotional companions is just because the powerful zombie king has to obey the orders, temporarily making them gather together these zombies who have long lost their humanity. betray her!

Xu Manyi had no burden in his heart, and immediately begged for mercy: "I was wrong!!! Don't kill me. If you lose the crystal nucleus, you will have nothing. Let me tell you the list of other zombies. I have a lot of them here. The alien in the base Wei Jiamu and Sun Jing of the Capable Squad... Zhao Hei and Shen Yan who pretended to be ordinary people are all zombies—”

Pei Zhaozhou calmly recorded all the names Xu Manyi said.

Xu Manyi said that there are so many hidden zombies, people can't help feeling that she sold her teammates so fast.

Compared to Pei Zhaozhou's calmness, Chief Cao's expression changed drastically.

Pei Zhaozhou, who had just arrived at the Lucheng base, didn't know anyone, and knew very little about the people represented on these lists.

But Chief Cao is different. He has been in the Lucheng base for so long, and he has contacted many people on the list. He personally recruited some supernatural beings into the base.

Now tell him these people are zombies

Chief Cao's mind was buzzing, and he murmured: "How could it be? That kid Wei Jiamu is actually a zombie. I saw him alone at first, and even organized a blind date at the base, and introduced him to a good-tempered little girl." …”

You Xiaolin also laughed when she heard that: "Blind date to a zombie, you, Chief Cao, are really crazy, and I don't know if the little girl is still alive."

Leader Cao said awkwardly: "Fortunately, that little girl is still alive, otherwise I would have sinned. Ever since Wei Jiamu's zombie was tricked by me into a blind date event, no matter what I called her, she refused to go there..."

You Xiaolin was speechless.

Tricking a zombie to go on a blind date is like delivering delicious food to his door, okay

Thanks to the fact that the zombie didn't dare to do anything in public, and the blind date he was related to disappeared, the zombie would definitely be found, otherwise the little girl wouldn't be able to live well.

Xu Manyi grinned his teeth in pain, looked at Si Huaixi with red eyes and shouted: "I have reported so many names of zombies, you should let me go!"

Si Huaixi said indifferently: "There is one more thing left, who is the zombie king who is commanding you behind the scenes?"

Xu Manyi froze instantly, her pupils trembling crazily, if she betrayed other zombies, she would have no burden, but that zombie king boss with terrifying strength!

Xu Manyi was deeply afraid of his methods that made zombies creepy. If he offended the boss, it would be worse than death. She didn't want to be treated as an experiment.

It's just that if she doesn't say anything at the critical moment, Si Huaixi won't let her go.

Xu Manyi lowered his head and said a name with a trembling body: "Feng Qiwen, he, he is the boss who instigated us zombies behind the scenes."

Pei Zhaozhou frowned subconsciously. As a major general of the empire who had studied interrogation and investigation, he was keenly aware of the subtle changes in Xu Manyi's expression.

She is lying, the real boss behind the scenes is not that person!

Just when Pei Zhaozhou was worried that Si Huaixi would be deceived by this cunning and sinister zombie, Si Huaixi gave him a reassuring look, which made Pei Zhaozhou calm down instantly.

Si Huaixi walked to the side of the female zombie, his penetrating eyes seemed to be able to pass through the trembling zombie, and said in a deep voice: "It's not him, it's someone else."

Xu Manyi couldn't stop trembling every time he said a word, and said unwillingly after being exposed: "It's him, why don't you trust me, I've said everything I can say, let me go!"

Si Huaixi was indifferent to Xu Manyi's sophistry.

Just let Pei Zhaozhou and the others leave the prison room first. He has a special interrogation method that can pry open the mouths of zombies, and know who is behind the scenes who instructed all this.

The door closes.

Si Huaixi's eyes became ruthless and cold, and his mental power invaded Xu Manyi's brain, cutting off the zombie's reaction nerves and causing him to fall into a coma.

Scenes of zombie memories are conveyed to Si Huaixi through spiritual power, and all the secrets will be revealed.

Slowly deep in memory...

Faces that fear even the zombies will emerge.

Seemingly aware of the danger, Xu Manyi, who was in a coma, struggled and twitched, his eyes rolled.

But it's no use...

Si Huaixi was about to see that face.


Si Huaixi felt that his mental power was hindered by something, which triggered a mechanism in Xu Manyi's brain, and the crystal nucleus in the zombie's brain suddenly swelled and heated up!

Damn it!

Zombies with mental power locked Xu Manyi's mind in advance, and once they touched the memory of that face, the zombie's crystal nucleus would explode.

Si Huaixi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he reacted quickly to avoid it.

Boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the crystal nucleus exploded!

Headless zombies are left.