The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 44: play


wait till night.

Under the dimly lit light in the living room, Pei Zhaozhou lowered his profound amber-golden eyes slightly, and couldn't help stroking the syringe in his pocket with his fingers. His cheeks were overflowing with the rosiness of blood circulation, and his heart was still beating hotly under his breath. frequency.

Under the stern and strange face... what can't be restrained is the surging killing intent.

[Master, do you really want to do this?]

Zhinao Silver Arc detected the increase in all aspects of Pei Zhaozhou's body, and expressed concern about Pei Zhaozhou's next behavior.

When Pei Zhaozhou initially decided to leave with the zombies, Zhinao Yinhu expressed concern, but was persuaded by Pei Zhaozhou with deeper reasons.

Those zombies are very contemptuous of ordinary humans. If they really came to take revenge on Pei Zhaozhou, an ordinary human without supernatural powers, they could kill him directly without any scruple.

But those zombies didn't do this. Instead, they tied their hands and feet during the fight with Pei Zhaozhou. Obviously they didn't want to kill Pei Zhaozhou, but wanted to catch him alive.

It just so happened that Pei Zhaozhou also wanted to sneak into the zombies to inquire about their movements. In any case, letting a group of uncontrolled zombies in the base would be an extremely serious hazard.

Zombies that have evolved to be no different from ordinary people, if there were no traitor zombies like Xu Manyi inside, it would be difficult to find their traces according to normal methods.

During the zombie capture operations these days, Si Huaixi captured most of the zombies according to Xu Manyi's list. Because of the abnormal behavior of some zombies, he also captured zombies that were not mentioned by Xu Manyi outside the list. This is not enough, there are still a lot of zombies who don't show their feet.

Although the list given by the female zombie Xu Manyi was not as good as a fake one, it was also full of selfishness. Many zombies on the list were of a slightly lower level and strength, and none of the zombies stronger than her were mentioned.

Xu Manyi probably thought that even though she couldn't beat Si Huaixi, there were zombies stronger than her who would rescue her. If she was weaker, she might as well use them as cannon fodder to win Si Huaixi's trust, but she never thought of that. It was her own people who killed her.

Even Si Huaixi didn't find many of these completely hidden zombies after searching all night, but there was a chance that these zombies would take the initiative to expose their behavior and contact Pei Zhaozhou, which made him think deeply and choose to take a risk to find out.

Anyway, he has already asked Zhinao Yinhu to contact Si Huaixi at any time. If the zombie wants to kill him, Pei Zhaozhou must not dare to say it. At least the weapon on his body will allow him to last until Si Huaixi arrives.

Besides, as I thought at the beginning, if the zombies wanted to kill him, they could do it right from the start. After all, in their eyes, he was just a weak food that could not resist.

Pei Zhaozhou did let the zombies off guard and got some useful information.

Acting in a textbook spy scene, Pei Zhaozhou perfectly interpreted a puppet who lost the ability to think after being controlled by the mind.

The acting was so realistic that the zombies didn't have any doubts, and he deceived him throughout the whole process, believing that he was under the mind control of the zombies, and obeyed the order to assassinate Si Huaixi.

It's just... something unexpected happened that he didn't expect.

A spiritual zombie gave him a mental hint, ordering him to use all means to kill Si Huaixi.

Because he was the only person Si Huaixi could trust to get close to him, and Si Huaixi himself was a powerful psychic power user, so ordinary methods could not pose any danger to him.

He specially gave Pei Zhaozhou an injection, which contained hundreds of times concentrated zombie virus liquid. As long as one injection is given, even high-level supernatural beings may not be able to resist the concentrated zombie virus and become infected instead.

It has to be said that spiritual powers are really a very special type. Different from other simple energy systems of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, the spiritual power is not very powerful on the surface, and those ghostly methods are really hard to guard against.

At first, the spiritual zombie gave him mental hints, referred to as brainwashing||brainwashing.

In a certain espionage operation during the Interstellar Empire, Pei Zhaozhou not only resisted the enemy's brainwashing||brainwashing||brainwashing||brainwashing the members of the opponent's country, and finally successfully controlled the enemy's warship control center, and completed a mission brilliantly without casualties .

The past experience makes Pei Zhaozhou no stranger to this aspect of spiritual thinking control, but the real effect of spiritual power is a bit out of his control...

With Pei Zhaozhou's astonishing willpower, he still couldn't completely contain the strong killing intent that was out of his own will.

He wanted to kill Si Huaixi.

Fight against my own will but want to protect pity

He couldn't help being annoyed, and he rejected this killing intent that didn't belong to him like a split, and his heart was filled with worry, concern, protection, and love for Si Huaixi...

It made him look like a schizophrenic, trying to kill him while trying to protect him.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes darkened, and he had to admit that the spiritual power had indeed affected part of his will, but it was still within the scope of his control.

"I have no choice so far. Only by drawing out and killing the spiritual zombies hidden behind me can I solve the influence of the spiritual power hint on me."

Perhaps today is Pei Zhaozhou's lucky day.

After not being able to bear it for a long time, there was a knock at the door, and someone came back.

Pei Zhaozhou restrained all his emotions, and watched Si Huaixi come in as usual, but there was an undercurrent in the depths of his amber-golden pupils.

"You're back."

Pei Zhaozhou sat on the sofa and greeted Si Huaixi who just came back, like a cat obediently waiting for its master to return from work.

Si Huaixi's heart softened, and his hard sea blue eyes gradually warmed and softened. He sat next to Pei Zhaozhou and said with a relaxed smile, "Well, it's almost done. Come back first."

He also asked pleasantly what the other party did today.

Pei Zhaozhou briefly talked about the current situation of the laboratory, and then suddenly said: "Today I met a zombie."

Si Huaixi's eyes changed suddenly, his face darkened with hidden anger, and he said hoarsely, "Where are you?"

It seemed that the zombie would be killed in the next second.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't go into details, but moved slightly to Si Huaixi who was beside him, took out the syringe in front of him, and looked at him sideways, his amber golden eyes flashed with cold and dangerous light.

In the next second, his knees were placed between Si Huaixi's legs, and he supported the sofa with one hand, as if he was holding Si Huaixi firmly under his body.

Dangerous atmosphere is imminent.

Si Huaixi's body tensed subconsciously, and because the person in front of him was Pei Zhaozhou, he slowly relaxed his muscles. His sea-blue eyes looked like a vast and inclusive ocean, and he looked at Pei Zhaozhou's eyes calmly and without fear.

Oh, take advantage of the opportunity to hold Pei Zhaozhou's waist.

Lest he lose his balance and fall.

The supple and delicate touch made Si Huaixi inadvertently intensify his strength a little, and his sensitive waist trembled slightly.

Pei Zhaozhou's cheeks were slightly red, and the syringe containing the concentrated zombie virus in his hand moved forward slowly as if menacing. During this period, his arm trembled, and then quickly stabilized.

Si Huaixi didn't panic, and didn't have the slightest thought of moving his hand away, just watching the syringe that could threaten him inserted into the sofa a millimeter or two away from his neck.


The linen fabric was gradually wet, and the thumb pressed the syringe without pressing it down.

Pei Zhaozhou had no intention of teasing, his amber-gold eyes were obscure and complicated, and he gritted his teeth with a little bit of hatred: "Commander, why don't you hide for a while?"

I thought that cooperating with Pei Zhaozhou's prank would make him happy, but I didn't expect that after the prank was over, he had an angry expression.

Si Huaixi was slightly stunned: "Aren't you just kidding me?"

"And I'm sure you won't really hurt me."

Si Huaixi's sincere and bright sea blue eyes seemed to be able to speak, revealing his unreserved trust in him.

Pei Zhaozhou's pupils shrank slightly, and his mind was shaken. Slowly, a complex layer of watery light appeared in his amber-gold eyes. He unconsciously let go of the hand holding the syringe, and the syringe slipped and rolled under the sofa.

Reluctantly, he turned his back to Si Huaixi.

Pei Zhaozhou clenched his palms tightly, his heart was aroused for a while, and his heart began to feel hot and beating wildly. He pursed his lips for some unknown reason, and deliberately lowered his voice.

"The zombies have already come to the door, please cooperate with me to play the scene of leading the snake out of the hole."

Si Huaixi slowly put down his hands, looked calmly at Pei Zhaozhou who was deliberately keeping a distance, and said quietly for a while.

"it is good."