The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 46: incoming


The robbery came as promised.

Jing Boshan didn't know if Si Huaixi would be convinced by the contents of the note, but he still decided to take the risk and lead a group of zombies to rob the prison.

The battle is imminent.

Hiding behind the group of zombies instead of directly facing the resistance of all kinds of supernatural beings, watching the leader Si Huaixi's every move, with a knife in his hand, the zombies were empty, and it seemed that the number of zombies killed was not a few.

But Jing Boshan knew about Si Huaixi's true strength, which was already a lot of water. Looking carefully, his actions were more inclined to protect the supernatural beings, and he did not actively participate in the battle.

In other words, when the zombies were arrested before, Si Huaixi immediately used his mental power to trap the zombies and kill them instantly in order to prevent the zombies from escaping. There was no zombie that could escape!

Jing Boshan and several zombie companions who knew the inside story secretly looked at each other for a few times, and then quietly withdrew from the attack range of the supernatural being. Instead, he led the ignorant zombie companions to give the supernatural being the head, and performed the play well.


There was a loophole in the defense line, the door was broken open, and a zombie team broke in.

Under the circumstances that the two parties were restraining and tempting each other, the zombies who had been cut into human sticks were quickly rescued, and Jing Boshan couldn't believe it went so smoothly when he left.

But look back.

The corpses of zombies were everywhere on the ground, and most of the supernatural beings were safe and sound, at most suffering minor injuries.

Jing Boshan knew that the so-called commander was not so young and easy to fool. The reason why he let them go so easily was that he had killed enough zombies. The commander expressed his acceptance of their sincerity in betraying the zombies and turned a blind eye Just close your eyes and let them go for now.

After returning to the secret stronghold.

The rescued zombies without limbs were immediately thrown aside as garbage. Many zombies expressed dissatisfaction and anger why they risked their lives to go deep into Si Huaixi's territory to save these useless waste.

Jing Boshan told them not to be impatient, and went to report the matter to Chen Wen.

Even Chen Wen didn't expect that this matter would be done by Jing Boshan. His narrow and sharp eyes were slightly bent, and he said with a bit of calculation: "Call the nearby zombies and attack the Lucheng base tonight."

As an enemy, he also knew how much Si Huaixi valued this small base. Even if he was infected with the zombie virus and his strength was affected, Chen Wen was not naive enough to think that Si Huaixi could be easily dealt with at this time. If he is not human enough, he is humane. weakness.

Chen Wen was sure that even if his strength was affected, Si Huaixi would still take the risk to defend against the zombies. At that time, he would use the huge group of zombies to consume Si Huaixi's physical strength, and then take the opportunity to seize the crystal nucleus in his brain.

Jing Boshan bowed his head and said, "The zombie group near the Lucheng base has basically been cleaned up. If the zombies are summoned to attack the Lucheng base tonight, the number may not be sufficient."

Chen Wen raised his lips and said darkly in his eyes: "Don't worry, first gather the zombies to attack slowly. It is definitely not that easy to gnaw at the tough bone of the commander."

Jing Boshan replied: "Yes, my subordinates will make arrangements immediately."

Chen Wen suddenly thought about something and said: "Wait a minute, bring the person who lives with Si Huaixi by the way, since he can even let the person who infected him with the zombie virus go, Si Huaixi must attach great importance to this person, then Do you understand what happened..."

Chen Wen thought that the way Si Huaixi looked at that person back then was a feeling that zombies like him didn't understand, but even if he didn't understand, he could take advantage of it.

Jing Boshan nodded knowingly, but a dark light of disdain flashed in his eyes.

What Chen Wen, a sinister and cunning zombie, did, even the zombies thought it was despicable, but he wanted to take Si Huaixi hostage, so he couldn't let his scheme succeed.

Jing Boshan said: "My subordinates immediately send someone to arrest that man!"

Chen Wen stroked his chin with his fingers, looked at Jing Boshan with casual eyes for a while, smiled and did not speak.

It made Jing Boshan secretly startled, thinking that something about him had aroused Chen Wen's suspicion, and he couldn't help lowering his head so that he almost reached the ground.

Chen Wencai said slowly: "I'm afraid you will be too busy to do so many things, let Lai Hong help you."

Although he was robbed of his work by a zombie, Jing Boshan felt at ease.

The zombie named Lai Hong didn't join Chen Wen's team in the same group as him, and he had very little contact with him on weekdays. The reason why Chen Wen let such a zombie accept his job was just that he was suspicious again.

It would be troublesome for Jing Boshan to have one more zombie, but it was better than Chen Wen finding out that he had secretly betrayed him, so he immediately replied respectfully.

"Yes, the subordinate will deliver the task later, and the address information about that person will also be handed over to Lai Hong."

Chen Wen nodded, then looked at the tall bald-headed zombie standing on the other side, and ordered: "It's about capturing alive, don't kill people, only being alive is useful."

The tall, bald-headed zombie standing aside immediately said in a rough voice, "Your subordinates obey your orders."


"Prepare for the attack of a large number of zombies, suspend all affairs of the base first, and deal with the next zombie crisis with the highest state of wartime alert."

When Si Huaixi dropped this sentence, everyone at the table was shocked.

He was suddenly asked to say that there were some urgent matters to be announced, and the sensational news was announced immediately, and the people who came to the meeting were a little at a loss.

"Commander, where did this news come from? Why don't I know at all?" One of the supernatural being captains said, and turned his attention to Chief Cao.

"Boss Cao, is this news true? Our transportation team is preparing to leave the day after tomorrow, and Captain Zhang left a day early in a hurry. If the news of the zombie attack is true, then we have to recall all the abilities of the base. or the distribution of combat weapons to civilians.”

Chief Cao trembled his lips twice, thinking that their search for zombies these days would attract the attention of the zombies no matter what, and it was probably the zombies' revenge.

As for the news that the zombies would attack, he just knew about it, but it didn't prevent him from believing in Si Huaixi.

Chief Cao thought for a moment, and said decisively: "Follow the commander's arrangement and make all preparations for the battle before the zombies come!"

Suddenly, an investigator ran in from the door, his eyes were full of fear, his face was pale, and he tried to restrain his trembling voice.

"Report! A large group of zombies was found approaching the Lucheng base 38 kilometers away from the base. According to visual estimates, there are 500,000 to 600,000 zombies. According to the walking speed of the zombies, it is estimated that they will arrive at the Lucheng base after dark."

Si Huaixi frowned slightly.

The rest of the people also discussed.

"How could it be so fast, is there time to prepare now?"

"Five to six hundred thousand zombies are equivalent to a large zombie wave. It stands to reason that there are not many zombies near the Lucheng base. Where did these zombies come from?"

"Anyway, fuck this bunch of fucking zombies!"

After the scouts came and brought a wave of turmoil, the captains of the various supernatural beings who had rich experience in dealing with zombies were not vegetarians, and immediately expressed their determination to lead their supernatural team members to the battlefield.

Two hours later, a battle plan was completed, and all the supernatural beings and all members of the base set off to prepare for the attack of the zombies at dawn!

Pei Zhaozhou also got ready after hearing the news.

"Silver arc, how long is it until that thing is finished?"

Intellectual brain silver arc; [Return to the master, there are still 36 hours before completion.]

The time was too short, and I couldn't finish it when the zombies came after dark.

Pei Zhaozhou frowned and said, "It's too late. Re-edit the code of the micro-robot and discard some unimportant parts if necessary. I need to use them before dark."

Brain Brain Silver Arc immediately transmitted a new code, but soon conveyed another problem.

[Master, due to lack of production time, stability has to be sacrificed, and the attack power can only be supplied three times a day.]

Pei Zhaozhou narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Large ones are difficult to make, but small weapons can be made, right? Use the spare micro-robots to make small energy guns at the same time to deal with it. Silver Arc, calculate how many energy guns you can make before dawn? "



Pei Zhaozhou pursed his lips in dissatisfaction. He had to adapt to the rough and inefficient production environment in the last days.

—Nine hours before dark.

The attack of zombies is both a crisis and an opportunity.

Chen Wen longed for the spiritual power crystal core in Si Huaixi's brain, but Si Huaixi didn't want to find a suitable spiritual power crystal core.

Two years ago, I came across a high-level spiritual zombie who took the initiative to sneak attack, but it was a pity that the zombie escaped in the end.

Since then, Si Huaixi has not encountered suitable high-level spiritual power zombies for a long time. Most of them are low-level spiritual power crystal nuclei, which are almost useless for his cultivation.

"Brother Si, are you sure?" Chief Cao said with deep eyes, out of sight of the crowd.

He has learned some inside information. A zombie king with mental power who can control a high-level zombie to explode at will is definitely not easy to deal with, and this menacing wave of zombies has also proved this point.

The reason why Chief Cao asked this question was not because he was worried about the safety of himself and the Lucheng base, but because of a more far-reaching consideration.

The only person in the Lucheng base who can really deal with the spiritual zombie king is Si Huaixi, but it is precisely because of this that Chief Cao knows the importance of Si Huaixi, not only to the Lucheng base, but also as a human being. The hope of life and death in the future, Si Huaixi must not die easily in this battle.

"Everyone in the Lucheng base can sacrifice for you when necessary, but you must not sacrifice for the Lucheng base!"

Chief Cao's face was heavy, and his eyes were extremely sharp and determined to look at Si Huaixi.

He would rather sacrifice himself than let Si Huaixi retreat safely. This is his responsibility as the leader of the base!

Si Huaixi paused for a few seconds.

Man is a strange creature, selfish yet great. Some people are as heroic and selfless as heroes, and some are selfish to the end. Most people waver between selfishness and greatness.

Si Huaixi sees the great side in Chief Cao, and sees the scenes of human nature revealed in his childhood that make people feel complicated in his heart. The young and helpless him was pushed by the uncles and aunts of the base to be the bait of zombies. , and because he was awakened as a gifted spiritual power user, these uncles and aunts who almost killed him indirectly sacrificed themselves as bait for zombies so that he could escape.

Si Huaixi chuckled a few times, his sea-blue eyes flashed a bit obscure and complicated, he eased his cold face, smoked the tobacco he made in the wilderness, and handed one to Chief Cao.

In the smoke of nicotine tar, the sea blue eyes became deeper and deeper.

Si Huaixi smiled slowly and said, "Don't worry, I won't die, I still want to live to raise cats."


Chief Cao was a little surprised, why didn't he know when Si Huaixi raised a cat.

The smile in Si Huaixi's eyes deepened, and he said, "A cat who loves to be coquettish and can't leave me."

Chief Cao didn't understand what these young people were talking about, so he took two puffs of cigarettes before continuing to prepare for the next battle.

— 6 hours until dark.

Everyone at the Lucheng base received the news. Adults and capable men, women and children, all took up their weapons, even a kitchen knife and a hoe, except for a few young, old and pregnant women in the shelter.

Everyone is waiting in the fence of the base. As soon as the zombies come in, they will fight the damned zombies to protect the base and the relatives behind them.

Many supernatural beings are already standing high on the city wall, and they will immediately launch supernatural attacks as soon as the zombies come.

Several old professors in the research institute also wanted to take part in the battle. Before leaving, Pei Zhaozhou gave them hundreds of energy guns that had just been made, and let them make good use of them.

None of the old professors who had won such treasures were kept, and they passed them on to young people who were better able to use energy guns.

Si Huaixi, who was commanding at the top of the base's city wall, got the energy gun, and his deep sea blue eyes were filled with soft light.

— 2 hours before dark.

The sun is gradually setting.

A shadow of the setting sun appeared behind Pei Zhaozhou.

There was also a shadow by the window of the laboratory, and an unexpected visitor came.