The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 48: Go to war


"Finally finished."

Pei Zhaozhou looked at the huge metal mechanical device that broke through the ceiling. The core kinetic energy was provided by the entire energy tower, and the huge muzzle of Sen Leng pointed to the sun that was setting on the horizon.

With the last rays of the sun disappearing at the border of the wilderness.

At a glance, the boundless zombies let out hoarse and deafening howls, and the 600,000 zombie army was crowded to the point of killing ants, as if a moving zombie land was about to engulf the small base.

The base turned on all the lights.

The high-beam lights of the watchtower illuminate the ferocious faces of the zombies. The faces of the people on the city wall are stern. The commander's eyes are as sharp as a knife and he sees the zombie king surrounded by high-level zombies behind the zombie camp.

At this time, Chen Wen still refused to reveal his appearance. He wore a black cloak to cover his face, and under the protection of many high-level zombies, he faced Si Huaixi's gaze from ten miles away, and his face suddenly became tense as if he was facing an enemy.

Chen Wen's face was ashen. He didn't expect Si Huaixi to be so arrogant after being infected with the zombie virus. He immediately ordered a few high-level zombies to go to the front of the zombie camp, let them be the vanguard first, and said: "This small base can not be breached, but the Si Huaixi's head must be cut off!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Several high-ranking zombies followed orders and went to the front of the zombie camp. Standing under the city wall with haughty faces, they skillfully provoked and bewitched the people in the base: "As long as you hand over Si Huaixi, the people in the base can let go."

People are sinister.

The high-level zombies used to be effortless. With this trick, many bases were deceived. There were political struggles within the bases and some surviving humans who took the initiative to betray.

But the Lucheng base is completely different.

As soon as the high-level zombies uttered the words of bewitching and deceiving, the people in the base began to yell at them, throwing fireballs and blades at those who knew the supernatural powers, and shot at them and spat at them and threw mud at those who did not.

"Bah! Which idiot would believe you zombies!"

"If it wasn't for the Commander, I would have died long ago. The Lucheng base is also protected by the Commander. Now my life and the lives of my family are all controlled by the Commander!"

"The commander is at the Lucheng base, we will stick to it and never leave!"

"I want us to hand over the commander, let's make your spring and autumn dream!"

Several high-ranking zombies dodged in embarrassment, and said angrily and fiercely: "Then there is nothing to say, since you humans don't know good and bad, just start fighting!"

The high-level zombie roared.

The black zombie army immediately set off and rushed to the base.

Go to war!

A high-ranking zombie of the earth system raised a rocky mountain and threw it over the base. If it fell, countless people would be crushed to death.

But how can the many supernatural beings in the base be caught without a fight.

Chief Cao and You Xiaolin struck a vine with lightning and stopped Shishan in midair.

"Don't even think about breaking through our level!"

The rest of the supernatural powers worked together to use their supernatural powers, and the young and strong ordinary people without supernatural powers threw stones, used guns, bows and arrows to hit the zombie army that was densely climbing up the city wall below.

Si Huaixi's eyes were cold, he didn't even use his supernatural powers, he walked directly through the air, and kicked the huge mountain hanging in the air back to the camp of zombies with his powerful pure physical strength.

The giant mountain cracked, and the cracked stones killed a large number of zombies.

The people at the base were dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that human beings have such inhuman power, but when they thought that the person with such miraculous power was the commander of their base, their confidence increased instantly, and the entire base was thundered. cheers.

"Good! Commander is awesome!"

"Kill all those zombies!"

"Quick—the superhumans continue to attack! We can't lose too much to the commander, kill these zombies!"

The zombie camp was hit hard at the beginning, and the atmosphere suddenly became bad.

Chen Wen sent his voice to several high-ranking zombies at the vanguard with sympathy, threatening in a cold tone: "If you can't get Si Huaixi's head, then show me your heads!"

A few high-ranking zombies were terrified, and they didn't dare to relax any more. They used all their strength to create a scene of natural disaster level that was enough to scare people's hearts and gallbladders.

Floods fell from the sky, storms, boulders gathered into mudslides that destroyed everything.

Drowsy night.

In the dark where the high beams could not reach, the people on the city wall of the base heard the deafening roar of the torrent, sweeping the soil around the base aggressively.

Wherever it went, everything devoured the soil and lost it, leaving traces of mudslides hundreds of meters long, causing the ground to vibrate violently!

People on the city wall of the base could feel the shaking of their minds, as if the city wall of the base was about to collapse in the next moment.

As the mudslide was only 800 meters away from the city wall of the base, the people at the base finally saw the whole picture of the mudslide. It was not just a mudslide, but a tsunami made of mudslides hundreds of meters high and thousands of meters wide!

The people at the base looked at the increasingly turbulent and huge mudslide, with fear in their eyes. If this continues, the Lucheng base will definitely be reduced to ruins!

How can human beings resist natural disasters.

Just when everyone was feeling desperate, the mudslide was unable to move another 50 meters after walking another 50 meters, and stopped when it was more than 700 meters away from the base, as if blocked by a tall transparent wall.

Inexplicably, everyone's eyes turned to the commander at the top.

The light illuminated his only back that blocked the mudslide tsunami.

Under the spotlight.

Si Huaixi's cold blue eyes were sharp, his forehead was dripping with sweat, and the tense muscles in his arms knew that he was not going to relax now.

Driven the mental power in the body to form an invisible wall, which forcibly blocked the impact of the mudslide tsunami!

Not only that, Si Huaixi clenched his teeth, his heavy footsteps were about to sink deep into the ground, slowly but firmly pushing the mud and rock tsunami back to the zombies.

The returning mudslides affected the surrounding zombie army. The slow-moving low-level zombies had no ability to stop them, and their bodies were smashed to pieces when they fell into the mudslides.

Several high-level zombies couldn't believe it. They were all 10th-level zombies. Together, they could kill an 11th-level zombie!

Now the destructive big move they jointly used was actually blocked by such a young level 10 ability user? ! !

The high-level zombie looked horrified and cursed at the monster.

But in a certain aspect, high-ranking zombies also feel a deep fear in Si Huaixi. Based on his extraordinary strength now, he is even more afraid of his potential to shock the heavens. If he is allowed to grow and continue to grow, he will definitely be a zombie. deadly threat.

At this time, the high-level zombies suddenly understood why the zombie king was so eager to eradicate this supernatural being.

They looked at each other and secretly made up their minds.

Two high-level zombies were still creating mudslides to fight against Si Huaixi, but the figure of one of the high-level zombies was quietly hidden in the night.

Si Huaixi frowned, and his sea-blue eyes flashed a trace of vigilance, and soon he keenly noticed that a zombie had disappeared.

Most of his spiritual powers were used to resist the mudslide, and he couldn't escape at all, but if he didn't block the mudslide, the Lucheng base behind him would be sucked into the mudslide and killed countless people.

Behind him is not only the base, but also the people he cares about.

He cannot back down.

Si Huaixi's eyes were dignified and firm, his five senses were raised to the highest level, and he was always on guard against the sneak attack of the disappearing high-level zombie.

On the other side, which is unclear, there is darkness and darkness, which is distinct from the bright Lucheng base.

Si Huaixi waited intently for the disappearing zombie and the spiritual zombie king behind the scenes...

As Si Huaixi defended against the top combat effectiveness of the zombies, Chief Cao and the superhuman captain of the base also defended the army of zombies below in batches.

Part of the zombie army spared the most intense high-end battlefield and took the opportunity to climb up the city wall of the Lucheng base. All kinds of supernatural powers were brilliant, and the zombies fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Even the old and weak women and children took the initiative to lift stones to fight Slam into the zombies climbing the wall.

It's just that there are too many zombies, and there will always be a few fish caught in the dim light.


"Fuck! Who put a zombie up!"

A man with a scarred chin was busy cutting zombies and heard a strange noise beside him, only to find a zombie crawling up the wall at the corner, which immediately made him yell angrily.


A blue-purple optical bullet pierced through the zombie's head, and the scorched smell immediately spread to the surrounding area.

Immediately afterwards, several special bullets were fired. No matter what level of zombies, they basically killed one with one shot.

The man with the scar on his chin was heartbroken. He didn't know which sharpshooter tough guy came to save the scene. When he turned his head to call out Brother Sheng, he saw a few old men with gray hair? ! !

Each of the white-haired old men was holding a metal firearm with a futuristic design, and they were still chattering about something.

"The automatic aiming system provided by Mr. Pei is really useful. I can aim at zombies one by one without brain following the system prompts. I really didn't expect that I can be a sharpshooter at my age!"

Old Hu's eyes lit up, he couldn't put it down when he touched the energy gun, and smiled overjoyed.

Professor Yan understood Lao Hu's excitement, and even he himself couldn't help firing the energy gun twice just now. This feeling of shooting a zombie with a plug-in is really addictive!

Professor Yan coughed twice, reminding the excited old Hu that they were sending guns to the soldiers on the front line, so don't indulge in playing with energy guns.

Immediately afterwards, the scarred man, who was still in a daze, received the gun given by the old man for some reason, and tried to fire it. The flailing zombie immediately had its headshot and fell to the ground with the zombies behind.

The suspicious and tentative eyes immediately lit up, and the scarred man touched the energy gun with love, just like touching his own daughter-in-law and couldn't put it down.

Compared with him struggling to chop zombies with a knife, holding this kind of energy gun with its own aiming prompt seems to be a cheating device, and the efficiency is immediately improved several times!

This kind of energy gun is so powerful that even ordinary people can easily get started.

Although supernatural beings are powerful, they are limited in number after all.

As the energy guns produced by Pei Zhaozhou continued to flow into the front line, ordinary people with huge bases picked up energy guns and became the backbone of the defense against zombies, which immediately reduced the pressure on the base's defense line.

Chief Cao also got the energy gun, of course, and was shocked after using it.

I thought that the person brought by Si Huaixi was just another laboratory worker, but for Si Huaixi's sake, he approved the funding and the right to use the laboratory. I didn't expect him to be mistaken. Within a few days, a firearm with power almost equal to that of a middle-level ability user was produced.

If energy guns were mass-produced, it would be equivalent to having a large number of mid-level superhumans!

Leader Cao's heart beat violently a few times, the scorching heat in his eyes almost scorched the energy gun, his Adam's apple rolled and swallowed, and he looked expectantly at Professor Yan and said.

"Where is Mr. Pei who made this weapon?"

Professor Yan replied: "He is still doing experiments in the research institute."

Chief Cao is now commanding many base superpowers and soldiers to fight against zombies, and he cannot leave the front line, but he later realized the importance of Pei Zhaozhou, so he couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Then did you send someone to protect him?"

Before Professor Yan could answer, Chief Cao immediately shouted anxiously: "No, I don't feel at ease if there is no one to protect me in the base! Brother Si is really too sloppy, and he didn't tell me when he brought such an important talent. Come on, if I had known, I would have used all the strength of the Lucheng base to cooperate with Mr. Pei's research!"

Leader Cao showed eager remorse, and casually grabbed a supernatural person and asked him to protect Pei Zhaozhou in the base, and said, "Stop the battlefield here first, and now I will send you an important task, please protect and research The so-called Pei Zhaozhou!"

The person who was caught happened to be Zhou Fei. He happened to throw a fireball into the pile of zombies, and the pile of zombies sizzled and sizzled. He was not annoyed after being pulled by Chief Cao, but he heard that the mission was to protect Pei Zhaozhou.

Zhou Fei couldn't help laughing and said: "Captain Cao, stop joking with me, brother Pei is ten times stronger than me, if I go to him, I don't know who is protecting whom."

Chief Cao couldn't believe it. A civilian scientific researcher can fight better than a supernatural person. This is just a joke.

After You Xiaolin revealed her identity as an eighth-level wood-type supernatural being, she was not as secretive as before. She made up for the mistakes she made before by killing more zombies for the base.

As a result, killing the zombies was too much of a limelight, which immediately attracted the attention of the zombies, and two eighth-level zombies came to besiege her.

You Xiaolin strangled a zombie with vines, and her arm was broken by another zombie's counterattack. Unable to resist, she ran to Chief Cao and shouted at him: "Stop chatting, come and help me!"

Chief Cao is cleverly planning to help.

An accident happened.

"Wait! Why are you here, Ah Quan? This is not where you should be."

"What do you want to do?!! Ah Quan, who are you, you are not allowed to get close to these power generation equipment! Ahhh——"

"Help—Captain, Ah Quan has turned into a zombie!!!"

"Hurry up, come on! Leave me alone, hurry up and guard these devices!"

There were constant screams in the chaos, and the sudden fire burned out the power generation equipment, and the fuel and other things were dumped by the zombie named Ah Quan, which added fuel to the fire.

Zombie Ah Quan looked at his elder brother who had a good chat with him in the past. Not only was he not sad, but his red eyes were full of raging appetite, but now is not the time to eat.

He was lucky not to be included in the list of zombies by Xu Manyi, nor to be discovered in the follow-up base's secret arrest of zombies, just for this moment!



Follow orders to create more chaos!

With the continuous screams from all over the interior, the Lucheng base suddenly lost power!

The base without the light source fell into a chaotic darkness.

People fighting on the front line have to face the double pressure of darkness and zombies.

Suddenly the situation reversed.

It didn't take long for casualties to appear on the front lines.

The zombies climbed up the city wall, biting and gnawing at the soldiers, screaming continuously.

But without the light source, you can't even see the zombies, and you can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. On the frontline battlefield, you are blind. The situation has become very serious.

at the same time.

Si Huaixi, who was resisting the siege of several high-level zombies, was also in a bad situation.

The moment the light source disappears.

The sudden change of light and darkness caused Si Huaixi's vision to turn white for a short time, and the thing dormant in the darkness finally made a move.

A bayonet-sharp hurricane hit Si Huaixi from all directions.

Without light, the momentum of the wind will not lie.

And another hidden cold mental power, there is nothing wrong with it!

It was the spiritual zombie king, who was peeping in the dark, like a cold poisonous snake trying to find his weakness, and give him a fatal blow at any time.

An alarm sounded in Si Huaixi's consciousness, and he was not overly cautious about the hurricane that hit first, in order to beware of the more dangerous person behind him.

He kept his spiritual power as a backup, and only refined a small part of his mental power as a defense, just to avoid fatal injuries.

But after all, he is not a god. He had to resist the huge mudslide created by the joint efforts of three high-level zombies, which had consumed most of his mental power, and he had not many abilities left.

Si Huaixi frowned and let out a muffled groan, and the back was cut with hundreds of large and small bloodstains by the densely packed hurricane blades.

The wind-type high-ranking zombie who injured Si Huaixi laughed arrogantly: "Commander, catching zombies is very fun these days! Killing my fellow zombies made me terrified and scolded, you I never thought that one day I would be hurt!"

Si Huaixi's tightly pursed thin lips were like cold blades, his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, his cold eyes fixed on the zombie attacking him, and the bleeding scars on his back quickly healed and solidified into scars.

The wind-type high-level zombies also didn't want to let Si Huaixi go, and finally injured him once, and the resentment in their hearts because they were forced to hide these days was relieved all of a sudden.

"Next time, let the famous commander of the Lucheng base be cut to pieces by my wind blade!"

The wind-type high-ranking zombie showed a cold and sinister slanted smile.

Si Huaixi's eyes flashed the cold killing intent.

It's just that there is one person who is more angry than him.

"Si Huaixi, avoid it."

Pei Zhaozhou's cold and angry voice suddenly came from the communicator on his body.

He stayed in the laboratory and continued to observe the battlefield on the front line. When he saw Si Huaixi being injured and bleeding by an unknown zombie, he was instantly enraged, and his amber-golden eyes gleamed with rage.

No one can hurt Si Huaixi under his nose!

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were bright and sharp, and he quickly entered the opening command on the console with his hands.

The huge metal mechanical device began to heat up and run, and the energy tower as the core continuously input huge and terrifying energy in the most active state. Sen Leng's huge muzzle ignored the darkness and pointed at the enemy!

"Adjust the parameters, set the travel route, lock on the zombie target, avoid all humans, and fire!!!"

A dazzling circle of light illuminated the entire base as if the rising sun.

A strange black circle appeared in the center of the sun, continuously absorbing the surrounding light beams, and the high concentration devoured energy to a terrifying degree!


The black beam extends to infinity in a very short time.

Engulfing the body of the high-level wind-type zombie, the distorted expression that turned from arrogance to horror froze on the face, and it melted away completely!

Nearly 100,000 zombies disappeared in an instant.

Two-thirds of the mudslide up to 100 meters wide and thousands of meters was swallowed by the black beam.

Without the ability of the high-level zombies of the wind system, and the other two high-level zombies were immersed in the horror brought by the black beam, the out-of-control mudslide directly collapsed, drowning the nearby zombie army.

The people at the base were stunned, completely unaware of what happened, but were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The zombie camp was even more terrified.

Chen Wen's face turned pale, his pupils shrank, and cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead. He was anxiously thinking over and over again whether he would have been able to withstand the attack of the black beam if he had stood there just now.

"Hmph, dead!"

Si Huaixi's eyes were still in shock, when he heard a slightly angry and arrogant cold snort from the communicator, recalling Pei Zhaozhou's reminder to him just now, he already had the answer in his heart.

I seem to have an amazing cat.