The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 5: Cat frizz


Usually his susceptibility period still has more than ten days to come, how could it be brought forward suddenly

Pei Zhaozhou clenched his lips tightly, moaning unbearably ambiguous || moaning finely and vaguely between his lips and teeth, not daring to make a sound.

The restless gonads constantly exude cool and seductive vanilla pheromones, and the lustrous amber golden eyes are so moist and seductive. The sudden early susceptibility period makes his body that has just subsided from the fever show another ambiguous look. The flush was hot.

Just when Si Huaixi was wondering where the sudden scent came from, the brain silver arc carried by Pei Zhaozhou immediately issued the highest level alarm.

As the top intelligent system in Interstellar, Brain Brain Silver Arc has an updated medical monitoring plug-in that has been controlling Pei Zhaozhou's physical condition. Once there is a problem with the physical data, an alarm will be issued.

But since Pei Zhaozhou suffered from pheromone disorder, his body data has been in the red line alarm position.

Each susceptibility period is the most dangerous period, because during this period, the unstable pheromones will be active several times, and even because of Pei Zhaozhou's gonad damage, the violently active pheromones cannot be suppressed, and the pheromones that are active during the susceptibility period The concentration will soar exponentially, reaching a terrifying value.

During the susceptible period, Pei Zhaozhou lost control of several pheromone riots and became a madman controlled by pheromones. The alpha who lost control during the susceptible period was like a wild beast, abruptly tore off the rope that restrained him, and injured his friend During the riot, he injured the medical staff who gave him a sedative injection.

Ever since he hurt other people, Pei Zhaozhou has always been very guilty. Whenever he is susceptible, he would rather shut himself in a closed room to survive the susceptible period. Every time he comes out, he is bruised, pale and thin, and not human-like.

The disease of pheromone disorder is aggravated every time the susceptibility period passes.

The doctor hinted that Pei Zhaozhou would not live for long, and this might be the last susceptibility period.

Zhinao Yinhu was very anxious.

[Owner! Now that your susceptibility period is ahead of schedule, will your body be very painful? Please hurry up and take the medicine prescribed by the doctor to reduce the concentration of pheromones!]

"Why is your face still so red?" Si Huaixi's face was serious, and he also found that the mental energy seemed to have no effect on Pei Zhaozhou, but made his face redder even more.

Si Huaixi frowned tightly, doubt flashed across his eyes.

Could it be that Pei Zhaozhou's body is different from ordinary people

It shouldn't have such an effect. The mental power he inputs is highly pure life energy. If he wants to, he can even spend his mental power to directly infuse a low-level superhuman with energy to advance to an intermediate or advanced level.

At his level, his spiritual power is no longer a mortal thing, turning it into pure energy is like a thousand-year-old ganoderma ginseng that can save lives for ordinary people.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were full of embarrassment, and the gonads on the back of his neck were swollen and swollen. Just touching his own skin was so sensitive that it aroused a burst of pleasure.

Damn it!

This susceptibility period is not as painful as before when he went crazy and out of control. Instead, he was almost driven crazy by this inexplicable desire and pleasure.

How did he become like this... like an unspeakable beast in rut, might as well be as mad as before...

But in this way, he was afraid of hurting innocent people, especially Si Huaixi.

hateful! He dare not stand up now.

The intelligent brain silver arc on the side is still anxious and worried.

[Owner! Owner!]

Pei Zhaozhou endured it, the corners of his eyes were red with water, his back was tense, and he comforted Zhinao Yinhu, "It's okay, I don't feel any pain this time, it's just... the susceptibility period brings a little discomfort."

On the other hand, Si Huaixi saw that Pei Zhaozhou's condition was getting worse, but he didn't know that it was because his mental power matched Pei Zhaozhou's alpha pheromone too high, which triggered Pei Zhaozhou's susceptibility period, and planned to lose his mental power again.

Just as Si Huaixi stretched out his hand to lose his mental power again.

Pei Zhaozhou's pupils reflected the hand slowly reaching out to him. With his current sensitive and estrous physique, it would be incredible to touch it. The whole cat was as if its fur had exploded, and immediately shouted hoarsely and tremblingly: "Don't touch me!"

Si Huaixi's eyes darkened, and he said, "Your face is very red, what's wrong with you?"

Pei Zhaozhou pressed down the tip of his tongue, dodged his amber-gold moist eyes, spoke in a sticky and hoarse voice, and seemed to be holding back the shameless desire in his heart.

Say it word by word.

Listening to Liaoduanjing, the trembling sweet ending tune did not meet the wishes of its owner.

"I, nothing, just leave me alone."

The susceptibility period comes and goes quickly.

The susceptibility period shouldn't have come at this time, but it was only briefly triggered by Si Huaixi's mental power.

The lust in Pei Zhaozhou's eyes dissipated a lot, and the tightly closed lip line eased. After exhaustion, his hair was dripping with sweat full of vanilla-flavored pheromone, and his eyes were full of the afterlife.

He almost thought that the susceptible period would last for a few days, if Si Huaixi saw that his susceptible period was out of control and he didn't dare to enter the heat, he might think he was a pervert...

He would rather have a pheromone disorder attack than lose face in front of Si Huaixi.

Pei Zhaozhou blinked his wet eyes, his thick eyelashes were dripping with water, and his amber-golden pupils were hazy with mist, revealing a seductive lust, and even his lips were bitten with ambiguous traces of wet red.

Si Huaixi's eyes darkened.

Pei Zhaozhou doesn't seem to know how attractive he is now, like a cat after heat, even the amber-gold cat's eyes are full of natural and ignorant clean lust, and the wet and ruddy corners of the eyes seem to be bullied to the point of crying.

When looking at Si Huaixi, it was like a stubborn cat running towards its owner, raising its head without saying a word, complaining aggrievedly that it was bullied by other cats.

... It made the owner want to bully it even more.

Pei Zhaozhou was finally able to stand up, patted the ashes off his body, and replied as if nothing had happened: "It's okay, I was a little dizzy from hunger just now, I'll be fine after a rest."

It also makes Pei Zhaozhou feel strange to say that, usually when the susceptibility period is over, his body will feel uncomfortably painful.

But this time the exceptionally short susceptibility period was different. Instead, it made him feel more comfortable and relaxed than ever. He didn't even feel pain from the red and swollen gonads. Instead, it was like applying a light and refreshing mint ointment, and even his exhausted body regained some strength.

Si Huaixi was not at ease, the deserted and bewitching vanilla scent lingering at the tip of his nose gradually faded as the owner cooled down, and it seemed to be telling him something.

—He not only picked up a cat, but also a special cat with its own scent glands

The doubts in Si Huaixi's eyes became more and more serious, and he raised his vigilance in the secret observation. His slightly cold and thoughtful ice blue eyes stared at this strange man with a unique fragrance.

He was defeated again by those pair of amber-gold pupils who were ignorant and disintegrated.

She was dumbfounded, as if she had been tossed and bullied.

So squeamish.

Si Huaixi sighed slowly.

The palm of his hand covered Pei Zhaozhou's forehead, and the cool body temperature came over, which made Si Huaixi feel a little calmer.

—Okay, this squeamish cat finally has no fever.

—Maomao is sick, which is more embarrassing than his own illness. He has picked up a delicate cat that is easy to get sick, and he has already started to worry about how to raise it.