The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 52: Extra one


The Lucheng base has returned to its former calm.

Si Huaixi broke through to the 11th level, cleaned up the zombies in the south, and the rebuilt Lucheng base became the largest base in the country.

Due to the failure of the zombie king Chen Wen, the conspiracy of the zombies was exposed, and the northern base headed by the capital base launched a serious investigation. Even if the zombies' counterattack hurt them, they were determined to clean up the internal members with different identities.

Si Huaixi was also invited to deal with the zombies, and he also brought Pei Zhaozhou's newly developed weapon.

Pei Zhaozhou established the latest scientific research institute, and the Lucheng base was turned upside down under his influence.

Ordinary people dare to pick up energy guns to deal with zombies, and the living environment of supernatural beings has greatly improved. As supernatural beings and ordinary people cooperate with each other, zombies within a thousand miles of the Lucheng base are basically wiped out. The new high-tech water purifier The natural water sources such as rivers and streams are isolated from being polluted by zombie viruses.

Some parents allowed their children to go out to play at the base, and the school reopened. Si Huaixi donated many books he kept intact to the school for teaching and put them in the newly built library of the base. The Lucheng base began to build roads and trains together with various local bases. .

Human civilization, which has been stagnant for thirty years, has reopened.

Since half a year ago.

Located at the capital base, the zombies gathered all their forces to fight back against humans for the last time. Si Huaixi killed three 11th-level zombie kings in one fell swoop. Since then, the zombie forces have collapsed, and humans have begun to clean up the remaining zombies on the earth.

This stop also completely established Si Huaixi's position as the strongest in the last days.

It's just that the strongest man in the last days is worried about one thing recently.

Pei Zhaozhou's appetite increased.

Si Huaixi clasped his hands slightly on the table, his sea-blue eyes were full of worry, he hesitated to speak as he watched Pei Zhaozhou eat more than twenty fist-sized beef stuffed buns, three catties of supernatural beast pork dumplings, a whole The pot of shredded shredded chicken porridge with shiitake mushrooms, two salted duck eggs and five hard-boiled eggs, even a big plate of side dishes.

I didn't think I was full just now, so I asked Si Huaixi to cook a few catties of noodles.

When Pei Zhaozhou put down the bowl, Si Huaixi's heart jumped instantly, and he was a little worried whether Pei Zhaozhou would want to continue eating again.

Even though he already knew that he was an alpha from another world, his appetite was quite astonishing.

But recently, Pei Zhaozhou's food intake has more than doubled, and Si Huaixi is afraid that his belly will burst if he continues to eat like this.

Si Huaixi already had this kind of worry. Recently, when he touched Pei Zhaozhou's stomach, the originally firm abdominal muscles became a little softer, and it felt soft and delicate to the touch.

During the last susceptible period, Si Huaixi spent time with Pei Zhaozhou, ahem...

I specially asked Pei Zhaozhou to wear cat ear hair accessories, opened her soft and charming amber-gold cat eyes, and stroked the soft belly of the cat in heat, Si Huaixi ruthlessly slapped Pei Maomao, absorbed in sucking cats crazily, hoping that this susceptibility period would last for a few more days.

Because of being too excited, Pei Maomao in the susceptible period is especially good at coaxing his relatives, and it is not a big deal to coax him to meow while kissing.

After Pei Zhaozhou's susceptible period passed, he realized how many shameful things happened during the susceptible period. He locked up the cat ear headdress in a fit of anger, and ignored Si Huaixi for several days, looking at him subtly as if seeing A pervert.

Si Huaixi blushed with a guilty conscience, and looked forward to the next susceptible period.

Ahem... He will definitely restrain himself this time.

It sounds like it's almost here again.

Si Huaixi counted the days in his heart, waiting for the next susceptible period to be able to pamper Pei Maomao to his heart's content, remembering the time better than Pei Zhaozhou himself.

In my mind, I was thinking about the pure black cat ear headdress, the orange cat ear headwear and the white cat ear headwear hidden in the warehouse. In fact, there was a matching cat tail.

It's just that Si Huaixi didn't dare to take it out, fearing that Pei Maomao would be annoyed and burned after the susceptibility period passed, so he must hide it well this time.

Fortunately, Pei Zhaozhou stopped eating after putting down the bowl.

Si Huaixi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't go to the laboratory after breakfast as usual, instead he frowned and pinched his recently softened stomach.

Depressed and distressed, Si Huaixi asked.

"Did I eat too much recently and gained some weight, should I start exercising?"

Life after marriage is too moist.

Pei Zhaozhou has been fed all kinds of delicious food by Si Huaixi. After the zombies are almost killed, since Si Huaixi cured the pheromone disorder, he has no sense of crisis, and the life pampered by Si Huaixi has become leisurely. happiness.

Speaking of which, Pei Zhaozhou has not done high-intensity physical exercise for a while, but only does some basic physical exercises such as running, interstellar combat, etc., to maintain the physical fitness that Alpha should have.

Unlike the extremely high intensity of physical exercise in the Star Empire, he had to do hundreds of sets of physical exercise every day.

Pei Zhaozhou began to worry, pinching his belly that seemed to be growing fat, wondering if he had fallen as an S-rank Alpha.

Si Huaixi silently cleaned up the dishes, with a strong desire to survive, and planned to avoid Pei Zhaozhou's problems by doing housework and washing dishes.

Even though Mao Mao's belly was only fat and nothing else changed, Si Huaixi still felt that Pei Mao Mao became cuter after gaining weight, and he couldn't put it down because of his soft and tender belly.

It's just that he felt that if he told his truth honestly, he would definitely anger Pei Maomao, who had been coaxed so hard.

after married.

Si Huaixi knew how to be a sensible married man, so he decided to keep his mouth shut.

Pei Zhaozhou narrowed his eyes, and said in a dangerous tone: "Why don't you talk anymore, is my question difficult for you?"

Si Huaixi subconsciously held his breath, coughed twice and said, "No."

"Really?" Pei Zhaozhou squinted his eyes slightly to express suspicion, touched his slightly undulating stomach, and decided not to go to the laboratory for a while, but to go to the gym.

It's been a month.

Pei Zhaozhou found out tiredly.

Exercising didn't help at all. On the contrary, his stomach became rounder and his appetite became bigger.

So Pei Zhaozhou did several more abdominal exercises.

But suddenly, he felt something move twice in his abdomen.

At first Pei Zhaozhou didn't feel anything, it might be because of his gastrointestinal motility, so he continued his exercise.

Just fast.

Pei Zhaozhou's forehead was sweating, and his lips were slightly pale. Holding his stomach, he felt a little nauseous and vomiting, but he couldn't vomit it out.

It seemed that something really moved in the abdomen twice.

Pei Zhaozhou used the ultrasound equipment he made to perform a test on himself.

Look at that fuzzy shadow in the photo.

Pei Zhaozhou frowned deeply, and asked about the silver arc of the intellectual brain that stores countless high-tech knowledge in the interstellar world.

"Yin arc, am I sick and have a moving tumor?"

After analyzing and inquiring relevant information, Zhinao Silver Arc immediately knew what the ultrasonic test photo was, and it sent out the sound effect of setting off fireworks during celebration, and the system sound congratulated cheerfully.

[Master, congratulations on your pregnancy! ! ! Silver Arc is about to welcome its little master! ! !]

Pei Zhaozhou was silent for a while, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears, otherwise how could he have heard Yin Hu's news that he was pregnant.

How could he, a barren alpha, possibly conceive? ! ! !

Pei Zhaozhou looked cold: "...Yin Arc, your system should be updated, how could Alpha be pregnant."

Brain Yin Arc explained: [Master, there have been cases of Alpha pregnancy in the history of interstellar medical treatment. Before differentiation, everyone has an immature genital cavity, but the genital cavity that differentiates into Omega will gradually mature, and the genital cavity that differentiates into Alpha will shrink...]

Pei Zhaozhou opened his amber-golden eyes wide, and slowly touched his abdomen with a complicated and disbelieving heart.

After suffering from pheromone disorder, he was diagnosed by the doctor as having lost his reproductive function, and after marrying Si Huaixi, he never even thought about having a child.

This is a little life that came by accident.

Pei Zhaozhou was caught off guard, closed his eyes deeply, and fell into a long silent thought.

He decided to keep this little life that came by accident.


Pei Zhaozhou was troubled, not knowing how to tell Xiaosheng's other father.

The time came to night.

In the study.

Si Huaixi handles the recent affairs documents of the Lucheng Base.

His dark blue eyes flicked over every word on the document, his eyes were clear and sharp, and his thin lips pursed his cigarette, calmly and quickly correcting some unreasonable parts of the document.

At this time, Pei Zhaozhou walked in, handed the ultrasonic test photos to Si Huaixi, and after struggling all day, he closed his eyes and told Si Huaixi directly.

"I am pregnant."

Si Huaixi took the photo in doubt, but didn't understand what was going on. Hearing the news that Pei Zhaozhou was pregnant, he was so frightened that he immediately dropped his cigarette.

A little shocked, at a loss, but also looking forward to joy from the bottom of my heart.

Si Huaixi swallowed his Adam's apple and rolled, his heart was pounding, and he asked Pei Zhaozhou cautiously: "Zhaozhou, is it true? I heard it right just now, right? You are pregnant? I heard you said that you are from another country." An Alpha in a world, although I don't know what an Alpha is, it turns out that an Alpha can conceive."

Pei Zhaozhou gave Si Huaixi a complex and resentful look.

"I've never heard of an Alpha being pregnant, especially an Alpha like me who has suffered from pheromone disorders."

After Pei Zhaozhou's answers, he learned that Alpha's body structure is special, and it is a coincidence that his mental power not only cured Pei Zhaozhou's pheromone disorder, but also repaired Alpha's atrophied genital cavity by the way. As a result of Pei Zhaozhou's pregnancy.

Under Pei Zhaozhou's extremely complicated and resentful eyes, Si Huaixi felt guilty, and secretly shrank the hand that injected mental power to treat Pei Zhaozhou's pheromone disorder behind him cowardly.

It's just that Si Huaixi was still very happy, and hugged Pei Zhaozhou gently with excitement and restraint in his heart. His sea blue eyes were gentle and addictive, and he kissed Pei Zhaozhou carefully and lovingly.

Pei Zhaozhou forgave this guy for the wonderful accident, and accepted Si Huaixi's kiss affectionately.

The warm breath was very close, the tips of their noses touched, and the two looked at each other tacitly, the tenderness and anticipation brought by the new life in their eyes did not meet.


after a few months.

A little life was born.

Because Si Huaixi accompanied the childbirth all the way, even Pei Zhaozhou's diet during pregnancy was under the single-handed control of Si Huaixi. Si Huaixi flipped through the medical books on pregnancy and childbirth when the paper was worn out, and prepared hundreds of pages before and after pregnancy. He even studied the obstetrician and gynecologist himself for a long time, so he can be called half an obstetrician and gynecologist.

Pei Zhaozhou wasn't worried at all, but felt a little distressed seeing Si Huaixi busy.

Si Huaixi could even cure his terminally ill pheromone disorder, and he couldn't have been more properly prepared for Alpha's pregnancy and childbirth.

Pei Zhaozhou came out within an hour after entering the delivery room.

Due to the extraordinary physical fitness, adaptability, and resilience of the S-level Alpha, Pei Zhaozhou felt that he could even get out of bed immediately after giving birth to start the Beetle and fight the Zerg.

It's just that Si Huaixi absolutely forbids him to do this.

When Pei Zhaozhou came out, his face was ruddy and he was full of energy.

On the contrary, Si Huaixi's face was pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. It seemed that the person who went in to give birth was like him, holding Pei Zhaozhou's hand nervously. Seeing that Pei Zhaozhou's pulse was steady and strong, and everything was safe, he eased the tension and regret in his heart. .

Si Huaixi held Pei Zhaozhou's hand tightly, trembling his eyelashes, his eyes turned red, and gently kissed Pei Zhaozhou's forehead lovingly, and shouted with deep love in his eyes: "Zhaozhou, wife, baby..."

Pei Zhaozhou blushed when he heard this, and did not dare to look at the teasing eyes of the people around him.

All the acquaintances in the base came, Chief Cao and his wife, You Xiaolin and Qi Ding, Zhou Fei, Zhang Lu, and the professors from the research institute made fun of each other, and then stepped back to let the two have some privacy. .

Pei Zhaozhou came out with the baby in his arms, and immediately wanted to share his love with Si Huaixi.

"Look, he's so small."

Pei Zhaozhou became a parent for the first time, looked at the newborn baby curiously, touched his little nose lightly, and was immediately grasped by a powerful little hand.

The little life slowly opened its eyes, and it was the same light golden amber eyes as Pei Zhaozhou, very clean and pure color, which made people feel the beauty of a new life.

Si Huaixi's cold and hard outline softened, and together with Pei Zhaozhou, he felt that a young and soft new life came to their lives, waiting for them to care and protect the little life to grow up.

"Well, it's really small."

With soft eyes in his eyes, Si Huaixi took Pei Zhaozhou's hand, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and said solemnly: "Zhaozhou, thank you for your dedication, and thank you for returning to me safely. It will be the last time we are waiting for you in the hospital. I think about you and worry about you all the time...I love you and can't live without you."

Pei Zhaozhou kissed the new silly father who could cry, laughed a few times, and said lovingly and tenderly in Si Huaixi's ear: "I love you too, I don't want to stay in the world without you at all. "

People from two different worlds meet unexpectedly, and they are no longer alone.


Little Life is a little boy.

Later, when he was three years old, Pei Zhaozhou gave the little life a name.

It's called Pei Chaoxi.

- I will always run towards you.

No matter which world you are in.

This is Pei Zhaozhou's affectionate confession to Si Huaixi, he loves this man who picked him up.

Once he was abandoned by the world he was born in, waiting to die in embarrassment with nothing, but after being picked up by Si Huaixi, he has been his whole world ever since.