The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss

Chapter 8: Can you ride a motorcycle? …


The rain stopped.

The cloudless blue sky was replaced by a high-hanging sun, scorching light from outside the house.

Pei Zhaozhou, who was lying on his knees to sleep in the sun, had his hair so hot that it was emitting white smoke, and the exposed ears were tanned like peaches from top to bottom, tender and powdery.

The sound of his sleeping and comfortable breathing was still rising and falling in the air.

In the eyes of Si Huaixi, who hadn't slept all night, it was just a big cat whose fur was warm in the sun.

The rain had stopped a long time ago, and he couldn't sleep all night because of the trouble last night, but instead he shied away and refused to wake up.

Si Huaixi sighed softly, his sea-blue eyes were erratically looking at the wilderness in the distance, and he couldn't help but think of the thrilling scene last night... Pei Zhaozhou's sweet breathing seemed to be lingering in his ears, Scratching his heart like a kitten.

Obviously Pei Zhaozhou still had a fever back then, maybe it was overheated, and he thought of something he did with his girlfriend in his dream...

However, he was almost out of control by a man with a stern face and a handsome figure.

Si Huaixi covered his face and felt ashamed of his concentration, blushing and turned his back to Pei Zhaozhou who was behind him, with a sour taste in his heart.

If Pei Zhaozhou has a partner, there is nothing wrong with it, at least he is so delicate and fragile, and he is just an ordinary person with no supernatural powers to worry him about. It is normal and reasonable for one more person to take care of each other.

Pei Zhaozhou was not like him.

He has always been alone, and his parents are also supernatural beings, but they were killed by zombies shortly after he was born.

Taking care of a newborn baby is a hassle, not to mention that this is the end of the world with material shortages, and those friends of his parents did not dare to accept him as a hot potato.

If it weren't for the people at the base, it seemed that his parents died for the base, and they would have thrown him to the orphanage based on the accumulated credit and the supplies left by his parents.

The orphanage is basically full of dead parents or abandoned children, the youngest is five or six years old, and he became the youngest one after entering the orphanage.

Because of his youngest age, coupled with his strange appearance and unusual sea-blue eyes, other children pointed to him as a monster.

Unavoidably being bullied by some older children, he stumbled and drank thin porridge water. He grew up a bit, and soon began to grow flesh. His small fists hurt people, and it was his turn to beat back those bad guys who stole his food. children.

Gradually, those bad kids did not dare to provoke him easily, fearing to squeeze him out, but there were also some kids who were also bullied and wanted to join him.

But he didn't want any of them, it was too troublesome.

I thought that things would go on as planned, and he would be able to work for the base when he was a teenager, but before he could fully grow up, the base was almost destroyed, and all the children in the orphanage who bullied him and excluded him were gone.

The precarious doomsday is so cruel, even powerful supernatural beings are unable to guarantee that they will have the moment to die and go to bed.

Because of this, he has always lived alone, and he doesn't want to get involved in any fetters.

Even though the base encourages early marriage and early pregnancy due to the scarcity of population in the last days, he never expected to find a partner.

He didn't hope that one day he had an accident, and his child would repeat his fate and become an orphan like him, so it was better to have nothing at the beginning.

But Pei Zhaozhou is different, he has normal needs, and it is normal to find a partner...

Obviously everything was planned so rationally and soberly, he saved Pei Zhaozhou, just like saving other people, and he didn't need anything in return.

He made an exception and invited Pei Zhaozhou to follow him, but he only saw a soft, fragile, dying cat with moist amber golden eyes, looking pitifully neglected. If it was gone, it was only then that he suddenly thought about taking him home.

As for who Pei Zhaozhou had dated and connected with in the past, he should have ignored it, but...

However, Si Huaixi's deep eyes were full of agitation and anger that he didn't even notice, and the inexplicable possessiveness in his eyes overturned the dark sea blue eyes...

The restlessness, longing, and desire to know made him want to know everything about Pei Zhaozhou thoroughly, and thoroughly raise this cat that had strayed into his private sphere ignorantly.

It's getting late.

Pei Zhaozhou woke up sleepily, the warmth he had attached to last night was gone.

After a good night's dream, my complexion became rosy, and even my tired body, which had been suffering from pheromone disorders, seemed to be rejuvenated and relaxed like never before.

It's just that he seems to have forgotten something

Last night he seemed to dream that his susceptibility period was earlier again.

In the dream, he hurriedly wanted to lock himself in a dark room without being touched by anyone, and once again, as usual, he waited for the pheromone to erupt alone, lost his mind and became a crazy beast, until he was exhausted, he Suddenly saw the door was opened.

The person who walked in was the person he least wanted to see - Si Huaixi.


A prone to irascibility turns into a prone to a nagging shyness.

The embarrassment of the sudden advance of the susceptible period in front of Si Huaixi last time was still engraved in his mind, making him wish he could dig a hole and bury himself in it.

To dream is to be more and more afraid of something.

The alpha pheromone drove him to find his omega mate, but he couldn't find it no matter how hard he searched, and he wandered in the same place uncomfortable.

Si Huaixi broke into his territory, looking at him ridiculously spinning around in place with a very innocent expression, reaching out his hand to touch him, suffering from the susceptible period, he gritted his teeth, fearing that his hot and sensitive body would hurt Can't stand crashing.

Maybe it's because of shame and anger that I can afford to escape and want to hide myself.

Pei Zhaozhou suddenly dreamed of a huge white pillow, and immediately buried himself in it, and kept digging into it like a hole, hoping that Si Huaixi would not see him in such a shameful state.

The pillow was soft and warm, and he gradually relaxed, hugging it tightly and fell unconscious.

Wake up now.

Pei Zhaozhou smelled the residual vanilla pheromone in the air, and his bright amber pupils showed a hint of confusion.

—Could it be that he hasn't woken up yet, otherwise how could he smell his own pheromone, which was so sweet that it made him panic, as if he had returned to the previous pre-sensitivity period.

Pei Zhaozhou came back to his senses and subconsciously went to find the only person he was familiar with in this world.

I saw Si Huaixi standing by the empty window, bright light fell on his drooping eyelashes, and the clear light melted into those pure sea blue eyes, faintly overflowing with light-colored broken light.

The darkness in the room, and the light outside the window, the light and shadow at the intersection of light and dark outlines his stunning and graceful side profile, the stagnant arc of light on the tip of his straight nose, half a cigarette in his thin lips, and the burning white smoke floats on top of him. In the middle of the sky, it was so beautiful that it took his breath away.

His gaze was like uncontrollable gravity, firmly attracted by the clear and handsome man in front of him.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes seem to be connected to his heart, sinking a little bit, like a passing butterfly ignorantly caught in an elusive spider's web.

Just looking at it like this is like a collector standing in a museum and looking at his favorite paintings. The doors and windows of his eyes look at the people in the paintings obsessively, so intoxicated that he can't feel the passage of time.

Standing one meter away from the painting, I thought I was a viewer, a passer-by, but I didn't know that I was already deeply involved in it, and I didn't know the love at first sight.

The cool and steady voice broke the stagnant and quiet atmosphere.

Si Huaixi: "Let's go?"

Pei Zhaozhou was stunned, then nodded subconsciously: "Okay."

He still wondered in his heart, could it be the sequelae of the susceptible period, for a moment he felt that Si Huaixi was so pretty that he couldn't take his eyes off it, he was prettier than any omega.

But why does he care so much about a man so good-looking

Si Huaixi is not an omega, and he is not crooked either.

There were some omegas who pursued him in the previous life, but he refused them all.

Some difficult omegas take advantage of the fast estrus period to actively emit omega sweet pheromones, trying to use pheromones to seduce him and make him succumb to the instinctive marker omega.

But those omega didn't know that he was from the first military academy in the empire, and he offered to take the pheromone temptation resistance class not long after he entered the school.

The pheromones used by ordinary omega can't seduce him, but make him feel bored and vigilant.

Out of an alpha's politeness and respect for weak omega, even if these omega's irrational and impulsive behavior caused him serious trouble.

He still safely sent the omega to a nearby hospital, asked the doctor to inject them with pheromone inhibitors, and then notified their parents to send the omega home.

Anyway, after trying several times, Pei Zhaozhou said that the effect is very effective.

Since then, those annoying omega have been watching him from afar. Although they don't know why their eye sockets are red, but there really is no omega coming to him to confess.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't know that it was those omega who were crying and complaining on the star network.

Together with many omegas, they compiled a "Straightest Alpha Ranking List", and Pei Zhaozhou was justifiably ranked first.

Many omegas who confessed to Pei Zhaozhou and were terribly rejected commented below with grief, cursing Major General Pei as an alpha who is straight and ruthless.

Facing omega's overtures is ignorant, and the proper release of omega pheromones is an act of flirting.

As soon as Major General Pei smelled the pheromones of omega, he immediately warned them vigilantly and seriously, thinking that they had released the pheromones indiscriminately, and sternly said that this kind of behavior is like a puppy urinating randomly, which is shameful. If he can't control his pheromones, he will not Mind taking them to the hospital.

ask! question! yes!

He will really send omega to the hospital!

Several omega took aim at Major General Pei's identity and the huge potential of S-level alpha, and wanted to use the omega's estrus period to make Major General Pei's alpha pheromone out of control and completely mark them.

Then, according to the "Omega Protection Law", no matter what the reason is for the out-of-control alpha, he needs to be responsible for the omega, or he will go to jail, or negotiate with the victim omega to pay a huge fine.

But Major General Pei didn't act like a normal alpha at all.

Not only did he have no reaction to the omega's pheromones, but he also calmly escorted those omega's with bad intentions to the hospital and asked the doctor to inject them with pheromone inhibitors.

Because there was no suitable alpha marker, those omega had no choice but to be forced to terminate the omega estrus period by the doctor with tears in their eyes.

If they hadn't been sure that the omega pheromone was really emitted, the alphas along the way would pounce on them like a hyena smelling meat and bones.

Major General Pei defeated those irrational alphas time and time again, and suppressed the low-level alphas with the cold and powerful S-level alpha pheromone. They really thought that Major General Pei was a beta disguised as an alpha.

and! and!

Facing some omega who were young and looked underage, Pei Zhaozhou acted like the head of the education department, notifying the omega's parents!

An adult but baby-faced omega complained aggrievedly on Starnet.

[I'm an adult omega, I never thought I wasn't called a parent when I was studying, but when I grew up, I ran to confess to the male god, and when I turned around, I was called a parent, persuading me to study hard when I was still young? ! ! ! Didn't I just show my love by spouting out bits of omega pheromone... Isn't this what the internal omega must-have confession manual says! Appropriate omega pheromones can relax the atmosphere and increase the success rate of confession! (╬ ̄dish ̄)~ ┴┴]

Notify parents!

This kind of killer trump card can be used!

It made all the omegas who regard Major General Pei as a male god vomit blood one after another, saying that they have no ability to take down this peerless alpha who has climbed to the top of Mount Everest.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't think too much about it, it would be better if less omega disturbed him.

When he was in the military school, he was busy training Wuxin love. After entering the Odyssey Empire army, he made many military exploits. He was promoted to major general of the empire by virtue of many Zerg beheadings, and went to the empire's border defense line to fight against the Zerg.

But later in a battle, his mecha was passive, and the rear regulator overheated and caused an explosion. He survived, but since then his gonads have been damaged and he has pheromone disorders.

The doctor told him that the pheromone disorder only relieved the pain, but could not be cured. The irreversible damage to the gonads made him no longer able to mark omega, nor could he bear offspring.

He became a disabled alpha who couldn't mark an omega.

At the end of the pheromone disorder, his life countdown has also started, so how could he start a family and delay other omegas.


To some extent, Pei Zhaozhou and Si Huaixi are the same kind of people.

Don't want to get involved with irrelevant people, don't want to find a partner to drag each other down, and deal with it in a seemingly indifferent but gentle way.

Two people who are also lonely are attracted to each other, like a closely fitting magnet, they have already been connected in an invisible tacit understanding.

Si Huai turned his face to the west and looked at Pei Zhaozhou, who seemed to be a little dazed. On his forehead, there was a red mark of sleeping on his stomach, and a few wisps of raised dull hair made the slightly dazed amber cat's eyes even more dazed...

A smile flashed across Si Huaixi's deep eyes.

The ignorant and dazed look seemed to be ignorant of the disaster he caused last night, but fortunately he was so tormented that he didn't sleep all night.

It wasn't until early in the morning that he eased from his stiff sitting posture for a long time, put aside the cat who had slept until unconscious, and thought about how to treat him in the future.

"The rain has stopped, it's time to wake up."

Si Huaixi leaned against the door, with his back to the light.

The sea-blue eyes are clearer and purer than the blue sky outside the door. Dust floating in the light falls directly from the dilapidated door frame and ceiling, outlining Si Huaixi's slender and muscular figure, like a circle of glowing halo, blurring If God.

I'm afraid that the light circle behind him will turn into wings in a second and fly away from this world.

This scene made Pei Zhaozhou unforgettable for a long time, and then...

Pei Zhaozhou: "Return the coat, thank you."

Si Huaixi glanced at the big sun outside.

The black rain did not fall, but the plants on the ground were watered to death by last night's rain, and the soil on the ground turned into hard black lumps. Suddenly, the sky was cloudless, and the ground was even more dry and cracked, as if The dark clouds are a dream, not to mention the useless rain.

The spreading heat made him frown unconsciously, and then glanced at Pei Zhaozhou's rosy cheeks, it seemed that the fever had subsided, and he was afraid that this fragile and timid cat would get sick again, so it would be better to put this coat in his hand it is good.

Si Huaixi said, "No need, I'll see you off."

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't know what he was thinking, he took the coat in his hand and walked forward to return it to Si Huaixi, saying: "I am very grateful to you for lending me the coat, I can't let me rely on you for everything. "

… alright.

Just an unimportant coat, take it back as soon as you bring it back, even though it's a bit hot.

Si Huaixi didn't have to carry it all the way back to the base, so he just put it on directly, but the sweet and sticky vanilla smell from last night still remained on the coat, and the feeling of wearing it was even more obvious.

Si Huaixi wiped it with his hands subconsciously, and was stunned by the sweet vanilla smell lingering in his nostrils, recalling the accident that only he knew about last night.

Turning his back to Pei Zhaozhou, his ears turned red and said: "You can go... The black rain has stopped now, but the weather in the wilderness of the last days can change at any time, and it is not sure whether it will rain again. There are still three days away from Lucheng base." It's a four-hour journey, so hurry up."

Pei Zhaozhou watched Si Huaixi put on his coat, and the halo of light on his body seemed to be sucked away by the black jacket.

The whole person was pulled down from the mortal world, a burst of dust suddenly fell from the old ceiling, all sprinkled on his glossy black hair.

He didn't think it was dirty either, he patted the gray on his black hair, his swaying sea blue eyes looked bright and vivid, and unexpectedly looked down-to-earth and handsome.

It was just a matter of riding a motorcycle, like the young and handsome protagonist in an interstellar movie. After defeating all the enemies, the moment the curtain ended, he took the heroine to the beach for a ride.

Inexplicably, Pei Zhaozhou squinted his eyes contentedly, and suddenly asked, "Can you ride a motorcycle?"


Hearing this question, Si Huaixi was surprised and confused, but he still replied honestly: "Yes, I picked up an abandoned motorcycle in the wilderness before, brought it home and repaired it, do you want to ride it?"

A self-entertaining smile curled up on the corner of Pei Zhaozhou's mouth, and he didn't say whether he wanted to sit or not, but he didn't say no.

Si Huaixi looked at the smile of his kitten stealing the fish, and for some reason also smiled.

Thinking about it in my heart.

When will the motorcycle be taken out from the warehouse, it may be broken if it has not been driven for a long time.