The Villainous Celebrity Wife of the CEO

Chapter 28: Magazine photo (2)


"You... Su Jin, you..."

"What about me? Art doesn't distinguish between high and low. Performing on the street is also selling, smiling in front of the camera is also selling, showing off scheming is also selling... I don't know which 'sell' Mr. Xu is?" Su Jishi asked proudly.

Xu Yadan seemed to have swallowed a mouthful of whole wheat bread, choking her so much that she rolled her eyes, wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit.

Her and Su Jin's routes are too similar, their fame and ability are comparable, the cake on the plate is only this big, whoever eats one more bite, the other can only eat one less.

Xu Yadan often competes with Su Jin for food.

Su Jin used to laugh at her provocations, but the more calm Su Jin behaved, the more Xu Yadan looked down on her, thinking that she was "pretending to be innocent", "pretending to be open-minded", "pretending to be a little fairy" .

Unexpectedly, today Su Jin directly took off the skin of the little fairy, nakedly revealing the true color of the big devil inside.

"How about it." Su Jishi smiled like a spring breeze, "Xu Yadan, don't you like taking pictures, then I will give you two themes."

"... What do you mean?" Xu Yadan didn't understand.

"What I mean is, I would feel disgusted if I stayed in a magazine like this for a second longer." After finishing speaking, Su Jishi pushed Xu Yadan away, and led his team away without looking back.

Su Jishi left as soon as he said, without giving anyone time to react.

When the person in charge of the column heard this, his legs instantly went limp! Didn't it mean that Goddess Su Jinsu has a gentle personality and is easy to talk to? How can she turn her face like this? If Su Jin really left, where can I find someone to take over? Not only is the hard work of all the employees in vain, this issue of the magazine is sure to be open!

The person in charge hurriedly chased to the parking lot, and finally stopped Su Jishi and his party before the nanny car started.

The person in charge spoke sincerely: "Teacher Su, I know you are angry. When we sent the email, we did not make a second confirmation, which led to the duplication of the plans of the two teachers; I gave it to Teacher Xu... thousands of mistakes are all my fault, and I alone bear the consequences!"

The window glass of the nanny's car was pasted with one-way film, and he couldn't see the expression of the people inside the car at all when facing the pitch-black glass.

When people face the unknown, fear, panic, tension, powerlessness... all kinds of negative emotions will be magnified.

The more the person in charge thought about it, the more anxious he became. If he couldn't keep Su Jin and return to the magazine, he would face the anger of the editor-in-chief and ridicule from his colleagues.

Thinking of the future scene, he shivered heavily, and kept tapping the window with his palms, speaking faster and faster: "Mr. Su, calm down. Our photography team is innocent! They came here early in the morning Ready, you see, we have tidied up your clothes and set up the scenery, it is in the shed next door, are you willing to let everyone spend a day in vain?"

This is determined to be morally kidnapped.

He apologized so sincerely, if Su Jin didn't get out of the car, then she was playing big cards and didn't understand the hard work of other staff.

Suddenly, the window glass under his palm shook slightly, and there was a sound of mechanical rotation that was so slight that it was almost inaudible - the glass slowly fell, and a pair of deep and beautiful eyes looked at him calmly through the car door.

"Teacher Su..." He was overjoyed, thinking that Su Jin had been persuaded by him, he deliberately sold out, " forgive me?"

However, Su Jin who was sitting in the carriage did not answer directly, but instead asked an irrelevant question: "How long have you been working?"

"Ah?" The person in charge replied subconsciously, "It's been five years."

The girl smiled brightly: "Five years? If you only did it for five days, then I can forgive you."


"You have been working for so long, and you still want to transfer your faults to others, it is so naive."

Fang Jie let the wind out, saying that Su Jin is willing to cooperate with the media to shoot a large-scale cover photo. The only requirement is that it must be published in the current issue.

This condition is really harsh, there are only four first-line fashion magazines, and the cover schedule is very full.

But Su Jin is so hot! She is currently the most watched traffic actress. She debuted for more than three years and has been following the sweet and pure route. I don't know how many boys dream of her. However, in the past month or so, she no longer sticks to the position of "pure little flower" and has made many unexpected moves. She first raged against black fans on the Internet, and then when she was interviewed offline, her attitude was generous, her spirits were high, and she appeared extremely confident.

This confidence comes from the soul. With every gesture, it seemed that everything in this world was under her control, as if everyone in this world would submit to her feet.

The entertainment journalists with a sensitive sense of smell all realized—Su Jin is about to transform!

At this critical moment, if any magazine first published Su Jin's large-scale photo, would there be any need to worry about sales

As for the cover schedule... as long as you want to squeeze, you can still squeeze it out!

After a lot of fighting, finally, the project of the first-line fashion magazine "True Me" stood out.

It has been 25 years since "True Me" entered the Chinese market, and the actresses they have worked with are as countless as the sands of the Ganges. Su Jin also appeared on the cover of "True Me" last year, but it was not a solo photoshoot, but a co-production of a feature with two other actresses.

Now the physical publishing industry is difficult to do. Even first-line fashion magazines have to face the gradual decline in sales. The cover of each issue is a creative competition. The buyers they face are not only fans, but also thousands of "passers-by". Good-looking characters on the cover and wonderful special topics on the inside pages are the fundamental motivation to attract people to buy.

In order not to waste this cooperation, the editor-in-chief called together all the editors overnight, held a brainstorming session, and wrote three proposals in a row.

It needs to be exposed, but it can't be too explicit; it needs to be pure, but it can't be too innocent...

This project will be Su Jin's transformation work. She will cross the invisible railing and show the audience a different "true self".

The first project is a sleeping mermaid in a shell. The voluptuous fishtail made waves, and the red lips carried the charm of a girl.

Su Jishi flipped through it and commented: "Am I a Disney princess, do I still have to take a photo with the audience?"

The second project is about elves living in nature. She lives in the mountains and faces danger alone.

Su Jishi had little interest, and said critically: "I don't understand, who only wears bikinis when living in the wild?"

The third plan...

The third plan was directly hidden by Fang Jie. He wanted to take advantage of Su Jishi's inattention and secretly throw it into the recycling bin.

But the more he wanted to hide it, the more interested Su Jishi became: "What are you hiding? Take it out."

"This is really not good." Fang Jie shook his head again and again, "Even if you want to break through the scale, there is no need to sacrifice so much."

Su Jishi's eyes fluttered: "'Breaking the scale' is what I asked for. Do you think that the mermaid princess and bikini elf alone can crush "Gentleman's Style" and Xu Yadan in terms of sales?"

"True Me" is the no.1 among women's fashion magazines, while "Gentleman Style" is the number one among men's fashion magazines. The two magazines belong to two different media groups, and they compete with each other across the air.

Su Jishi sighed, and took the most serious attitude: "Fang Jie, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I want to make some decisions myself."

"..." When facing the astonishingly imposing Su Ji, Fang Xie never got past three rounds under her hands.

He had no choice but to transfer the last set of proposals to the tablet and show it to Su Jishi.

This last set of proposals has the largest scale, but at the same time, it also takes into account the two diametrically opposed words of sexiness and purity.

The theme of this project is to copy world-famous paintings. In short, it is to let Su Jin imitate the movements of world-famous paintings in front of the camera and take a group of photo shoots.

The famous painting they selected is now in the Coventry Museum, and it was adapted from a famous tax event in history.

According to legend, in the middle of the 11th century, an earl decided to increase taxes on the people. His wife, the beautiful and kind Mrs. Godiva, saw the suffering of the people's livelihood and begged the increase not to increase the burden on the people. The count was furious, and he asked Lady Godiva to ride through the streets of the city naked, with only her long hair covering her body, and if all the people stayed in the house and did not peek at her, the count would announce a tax cut. So in the early morning of the next day, Mrs. Godiva rode naked into the city, and the people spontaneously hid in the house, so that she would not be ashamed.

Hundreds of years later, a painter painted this scene with his superb brush.

—In the empty street, Madame Godiva lowered her head shyly. Although she is not naked, she symbolizes holiness and greatness.

Su Jishi's pupils narrowed slightly, and his gaze fell on the painting "Lady Godiva on Horseback", without words for a long time.

The car was driving quietly on the road, and Mu Xiulun leaned on the back seat, closed his eyes, and listened to the secretary's report on the work for the coming week.

"There is an investment promotion dinner for the municipal government on Tuesday night, a conference call with Indonesian factory representatives on Wednesday, and a meeting with two customs supervisors at noon on Friday..." The secretary's notepad turned a page, "As for Sunday, You have a family gathering."

"Family gathering?" Mu Xiulun raised his eyelids slightly, his voice was cold, "No."

"This... Mrs. called specially, saying that she has a distant niece who has returned from studying abroad and wants to give her a dust-cleaning feast."

"What cleansing banquet." Mu Xiulun sarcastically said, "Don't you just want to place a woman by my side?"

"Then how can I refuse Madam?"

Mu Xiulun: "Let's say I already have an appointment on Sunday, and I'm going on a date with Linda Hu."

"...Linda Hu?"

"If my adoptive mother asks, you can say that Linda Hu has white skin and black hair like a waterfall. She comes from a noble family, and her parents are celebrities and superstars. I met her in Macau, fell in love with her at first sight, and specially brought her to Beijing. Buying real estate in the suburbs, the golden house hides beauty, and I have to visit it almost every week."

secretary:"… "

secretary:"… … "

secretary:"… … … "

Mu Xiulun's black eyes were deep, and he asked impatiently, "Is there any question?"

"Uh, that's a problem." The secretary asked considerately, "Mr. Mu, have you been too tired from work recently, and you come home every day to face an empty house, and have some unrealistic fantasies?"


"Linda Hu is not a human being, she is a purebred racehorse raised by you."