The Villainous Celebrity Wife of the CEO

Chapter 29: Magazine shooting (3)


After working overtime day and night for three consecutive days, the editorial office of "True Me" magazine was filled with a sense of burnout.

The intern editor Shu Shu fell headlong on the desk, a few extra-large coffee takeaway cups were randomly piled up on the corner of the desk, and the liquid that solidified at the bottom of the cups showed a decadent dark brown color.

On the desktop, various materials were stacked together, almost drowning Shu Shu.

"True Me" is a monthly magazine. Every week before the publication, the editorial department is full of mourners and people on their backs. The editors are hanging on their breath. In order to race against time, some editors sleep directly in the office and use coffee as a Three meals a day.

And this issue of the magazine has ushered in a new challenge - Su Jin, who stands at the top of the traffic, appeared on the cover for the first time! She will break the inherent personality and challenge a new self.

For this new cover project, the entire editorial department was mobilized. Interns like Shu Shu were originally not qualified to participate in the cover meeting, but for brainstorming, the more people the better.

After a few meetings, Shu Shu was extremely sleepy, so she hurriedly seized the time to catch up on sleep. Just sleeping on her stomach can't sleep well, and she can still hear the voices of the outside world in a daze.

There were a lot of things on her desk, which just happened to completely cover her figure, and the two old editors who were chatting at the opposite desk didn't notice her existence at all.

"Why did Su Jin's team suddenly change their gender? Didn't they even allow swimsuits to be photographed before? Why did they agree to this kind of project this time?" an editor asked.

"Who knows?" Another person replied, "but I heard that it was her own strong request, saying that she wanted to 'subvert herself.'"

"That's right, it's not easy for the pure little flower to go. Look at last year's draft, didn't the runner-up be called 'Little Su Jin'? In the model competition at the beginning of this year, there was also a 'Little Su Jin'... the 'little Su Jin' in the circle There are so many Su Jin's, if she doesn't change, will she become an 'old Su Jin' in the future?"

Fashion editors are the most well-informed about news, you pass it on to me, I pass it on to you, let alone a traffic star like Su Jin, even movie kings and queens, they dare to share gossip behind their backs.

"By the way, which one of the three themes did she choose for this cover?"

"I don't know yet." The first editor shook his head, "I guess it's a mermaid, pure and cute, even the bikini looks like a shell, not too revealing."

"I think the idea of elves is very good. What girl doesn't like elves with pointy ears?... In short, it's impossible to choose "Lady Godiva on Horseback"!" She sarcastically said, "This kind of Dare to report ideas, where does Shu Shu have the guts?"

"Interns, you're not afraid of offending people."

"It's true that Su Jin is some kind of 18th-line wild model, riding a horse naked, do you want to set it up?"

You say what you say, and in their mouths, a fledgling college student like Shu Shu should honestly do odd jobs in the editorial department, talk less, do more, and obediently take meeting minutes at meetings. Why do you want to show off? What unrealistic idea? I don't know what the editor-in-chief thought, but the plan was actually approved, and it was packaged and sent to Su Jin along with the other two... After seeing it, the artist team must feel very offended, right

When they were chatting and laughing in low voices, they didn't know that all their sarcastic words were heard by the person concerned.

Covered by the debris on the table, Shu Shu stuck her head deep into the crook of her arms, hiding her reddened eye sockets.

She knows that newcomers will always be at the bottom of the editorial department. Interns like her come and go like running water. She has never expected that she can become a blockbuster, but deep down in her heart, she I still have a little hope that my hard work will be appreciated and affirmed.

But she was too young after all, with a thin skin and lack of confidence. Facing the ridicule of the two seniors in the office, she didn't even have the courage to stand up and confront them face to face.

Why is she so useless...

Shu Shu wished she could shrink herself into a small ball and disappear in front of everyone's eyes.

Just at this moment, the door of the editorial department was suddenly pushed open. The deputy editor-in-chief of the clothing department hurried in, eyes painted with exaggerated blue-purple eyeshadow swept across the editorial department one by one, and then raised his voice and asked, "Where's Shushu? Where's the person?"

The two editors who were chattering suddenly fell silent.

Shu Shu had no choice but to stand up from behind the desk with her red and swollen eyes.

Seeing her devastated face, the deputy editor asked, "Why... Forget it, there's no time to talk nonsense. Go wash your face, put on your makeup, and take your notebook to the conference room in five minutes."

Shu Shu was at a loss: "Do you want me to take minutes of the meeting?"

"What kind of meeting minutes are you making!" the deputy editor urged, "Su Jin and her team have arrived. Before the official shooting, she proposed to have a personal interview with the planner."

"... huh?" Shu Shu's brain didn't turn around.

"Stop it, why haven't you understood, among the three cover projects, Su Jin finally chose "Lady Godiva on Horseback"!"


The next two hours were the most incredible two hours that Shu Shu had ever experienced in her life. She was like Cinderella who was chosen by the fairy godmother, and like Harry Potter who received a letter from an owl for the first time. She couldn't believe that her whimsical plan was actually hit by Su Jin.

Did she use up all the luck in this life to get this precious opportunity

With erratic steps, she floated into the meeting room like a ghost.

Before walking into the conference room, her head was in turmoil. She once wondered if all this was just a dream. She was so tired, so she took a long nap on the table. In her dream, she could cooperate with the idol she had loved for a long time. .

But when she raised her head and saw that elegant figure over the long conference table, she suddenly realized that this couldn't be a dream. Because with her poor imagination, she couldn't fabricate such a lively elf in the dream.

Shu Shu has never told any colleagues that she is actually Su Jin's fan.

Because in her heart, she has always felt that chasing stars is a "private matter". She silently pays attention to Su Jin's works, she earns money to buy products endorsed by Su Jin, and on Su Jin's birthday, she will go to her official fan club to build a building, and leave a message of blessing...

It is said that chasing stars is an unattainable pursuit. Su Jin is a popular traffic at the top, and she is just a little shrimp who is struggling bravely in the fashion circle, but she has been working hard to go upstream. She hopes that one day, through her own efforts, she can stand in front of Su Jin and say proudly Say "I'm your fan".

And now... she succeeded.

Shu Shu seemed to have gotten into a colorful kaleidoscope. She didn't know how she suppressed her rapid heartbeat, tried to describe her creative ideas as completely as possible, and showed the PPT she made in advance.

Su Jin sat on the main seat with a pen and paper in her hand, her manager and the editor-in-chief of the magazine sat beside her. She listened carefully and asked many critical questions about what was being filmed. She is not here to go through the motions, let alone a beautiful vase, she can think, she understands aesthetics, she asks questions concisely, and discusses every word.

Shu Shu thought, so this is Su Jin, so this is Su Jin.

She likes the gentle and considerate girl on screen, and also likes the sharp and rational girl off screen.

She used to think that the so-called star chasing was a group of earthlings living in the ordinary world, looking up to find the star in the sky; only now did she understand that it was actually the sun in the sky, shedding a piece of warmth, accompanying her on the way.

The two-hour meeting time flew by, they refined the shooting content, and quickly finalized the specific shooting time.

Very smooth.

The editor-in-chief took Shu Shu and sent Su Jin and her agent outside the publishing house. They waited under the bright sun for a while, and Su Jin's nanny car soon stopped in front of them.

Before getting into the car, Su Jin stretched out her hand and handed it to Shu Shu.

"Your name is Shu Shu?" Su Jin's tone was hearty, and her appreciation came from her heart, "It's amazing to be so full of inspiration at such a young age. If there is a chance, I look forward to working with you again."

Shu Shu's breathing stagnated, and the throbbing organ in her chest suddenly accelerated, urging her to express her heart.

"That... Teacher Su, I'm actually your fan." She thought, this might be the last chance to get close to her idol, "You must not remember, at the beginning of this year, the support group organized a trip to Hengdian We visited the shift, but it rained heavily, and we were stranded at the airport. You asked your assistant to deliver us umbrellas and hot milk tea, and you asked the driver to drive us to the hotel...I still keep that umbrella.”

Su Jin's gentleness and consideration are not a superficial personality, but her inner upbringing.

"Teacher Su Jin, I..." Shu Shu took a deep breath, mustered up the courage, and firmly said the words that had been buried for a long time, "... I like you!"

As soon as the words were finished, the expressions of the manager Fang Jie and the editor-in-chief of the magazine suddenly became extremely exciting. Their eyes widened, as if she had said something unbelievable.

Shu Shu reacted for a few seconds before realizing how much ambiguity there was in what she just said. Her face flushed suddenly, and she hurriedly stammered to add: "Ah, that, I didn't mean that!! I said like, it's fans' like for idols!! Actually, I have a boyfriend, I mean... I'm from you I have been paying attention to your works since debut, I... "

"Thank you for your liking—" Su Jin raised the corners of her lips slightly, even the sun in the sky couldn't match her charm, "—I like myself very much too."


After getting in the car, Fang Jie let out a long sigh of relief, and spread out a human-shaped pancake on the seat.

"What kind of straight female-oriented pulverizers are you two sisters?" Fang Xie mumbled, "When your sister was here before, female fans would cry for her and smash into the south wall for her; There is a female fan who loves you as deeply as the sea, and this will turn into a circle!"

However, Su Jishi acted quite indifferent: "People are sensory animals. Facing the faces of the two of us, it's rare to see people who don't like us?"

"... Sister Su, has your self-confidence been so overwhelming?"

"Is there any problem?" Su Jishi asked back, "'beauty without knowing it' has long been out of fashion. I am beautiful, and I know where I am beautiful. My body, my mind, and my soul are all Beautiful, why can't I show my beauty generously?"

She went to the United States just after she became an adult. She has received so many years of Western aesthetic influence, and she is far better at expressing herself than her peers.

"Like the subject of my shooting this time, I know that you have always disagreed and thought it was too revealing-but in fact, long hair covers far more body parts than bikinis, and there will be anti-light settings on the shooting site. There is nothing to worry about." Su Jishi said, "In the painting "Lady Godiva on Horseback", what I see is a holy body and a noble soul, isn't this beautiful enough?"

Fang Jie was speechless.

No matter how many reasons he has prepared, Su Jishi will always find a way to make him as quiet as a chicken.

In a blink of an eye, it will soon be the day of shooting the location.

"True Me" magazine contacted a horse farm located on the outskirts of the city. This is the most famous horse farm in Beijing with complete facilities. There are not only professional horse racing tracks, but also endless green lawns, enough for horses to run happily. They not only provide training grounds for professional horse racing, but also raise horses for the rich and powerful.

Through personal relationships, the editor-in-chief not only borrowed the venue to build an outdoor studio, but also asked the owner of the racecourse to open the gate of the stable, allowing Su Jin to go to the stable to select horses in person.

The owner of the racecourse said proudly: "The horses in this stable are all owned by well-known rich men in the capital. They don't care about the tens of thousands of advertising fees. When they heard that Miss Su Jin was going to choose horses to appear in the photo, they were generous. Say it's your choice."

This stable is located next to the pasture, occupying the most abundant water and grass. The horses are served by professional stablekeepers, who walk regularly, practice legs, groom, and play games. The horses are strong and heroic.

"Look at this horse. The sire is a British Thoroughbred. It is eight years old this year and has won two consecutive runner-ups in the Hong Kong Jockey Club."

"And this one, its brothers and sisters are all champion racing horses, and his owner is a fan of your movie. If you choose this one, he hopes you can have a dinner with him."

"How about this bay-colored horse? It is exactly the same as the one in the painting of the same name. It also has a black tail and a red body. It is a docile gelding."

"Or this horse? A breed bred in Afghanistan, with golden back hair and red pigment in the sweat. It is the legendary 'sweat horse'."

"If you want to choose two horses, you can also. This black horse 'Peerless Attack' and this white horse 'Happy Sun' are retired double champions of Macau Speed Racing. Their owners are your colleagues, a film king. .Although they are old, they have a tacit understanding."

Led by the owner of the racecourse, Su Jishi walked past the stables one by one, and the stablemen hurriedly put down their work and greeted her respectfully. Behind him, Fang Jie, Xiaoxia, Ah Shan and several magazine editors were all confused, thinking that this horse was strong and that horse was beautiful enough.

Fang Jie asked Su Ji in a low voice: "Sister Su, I forgot to ask, can you ride a horse?"

Su Jishi said: "Yes, of course. When I go out into the field, sometimes I can't drive the car, so I can only ride up the mountain."

Fang Jiewei said: "...but your sister can't."

Su Jishi: "No, can't you learn? Does my sister still faint?"

Fang Jie: "..."


There are a total of twelve BMWs in the stable, and each of them is elegant and has a very high obedience. Seeing Su Jishi coming, they didn't show any aggressiveness, they all flicked their long tails docilely, very well-behaved.

Su Jishi walked slowly in front of the horse. She had indeed ridden a horse, but the horses she rode were all ordinary horses bred by the farmers themselves, and they could never compare with these tall horses in terms of appearance. And now every horse standing in the stable can be sent out to participate in a beauty pageant, with black eyes, soft back hair, strong limbs, beautiful back muscles... Each horse has an extraordinary charm .

However, looking around, Su Jishi always felt that something was wrong.

Su Jishi asked: "Are these all the horses?"

The racetrack owner nodded.

At this moment, there was a hoarse neighing sound outside the stable. Accompanied by the crisp sound of hoofs landing, a white horse, with only black limbs and back fur, walked from outside the stable with extremely brisk steps. Jumped in.

Yes, not graceful pacing, not galloping wildly, but like a happy puppy, bouncing into the stable.

Su Jishi's eyes lit up: "This horse...?"

The owner of the racecourse was stunned: "This is a Dutch warm-blood horse. It is also a retired racehorse, but it is not a racing horse, but—"

Su Jishi: "—'Dressage'."

Dressage, also known as equestrianism, is a highly ornamental competitive event. Unlike sprint horse racing, it does not value the speed of the horse, but pays more attention to the obedience and flexibility in the fancy equestrian performance. For those who don't know dressage, when they see a horse jumping for the first time, they will think that the soul of the little milk dog is put into the body of the horse.

"That's right." The owner of the racecourse introduced, "She is the best 'dressage' contestant—her name is LINDA HU."

Su Jishi's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "I'll choose it!"

"I'm afraid not... Its owner is Mr. Mu Xiulun."

And Mr. Mu is famous for his love of horses, so he is absolutely reluctant to let others sit on LINDA HU.