The Villainous Celebrity Wife of the CEO

Chapter 40: Crocodile jump (still Su Mei)


During this night's sunset cruise, Su Jinqing's mind was frequently distracted, because she had something on her mind, so she had no time to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of her. She recited all the guide words almost by instinct.

Fortunately, the tourists did not notice her absence, and everyone's attention was drawn away by the Yellow Water Pool under the setting sun.

"Next, my partner will bring you the thrilling 'crocodile jump' project. All tourists, please stay away from the railings and don't stick out your body when shooting. Thank you for your cooperation."

Su Jinqing turned off the loudspeaker, and silently gave way to the bow of the ship.

Lin stepped out of the cabin. In order to facilitate movement in the wetlands, he has always only worn camouflage training uniforms, and he casually tied the uniform-style jacket issued by the park around his waist. The weather was hot, so he simply rolled up the sleeves of his T-shirt to his shoulders. The sweat flowed down the grooves of the muscles on his arms, and was quickly dried by the sun.

He held a bucket full of fresh meat in one hand, and a slender bamboo pole with spikes in the other. Unlike Su Jinqing, who was kind and gentle, Lin's lips were tightly pursed, and his expression was cold and hard, which was enough to keep people away from thousands of miles away.

He has never been good at dealing with tourists, and he has never implemented the clause in the employee code of "must keep smiling when facing tourists".

The strange thing is that he didn't receive any complaints - Su Jinqing once discussed this topic with Edwin, and they agreed that perhaps in the hearts of tourists, a bloody and terrifying event like crocodile jumping must be done by a cold, strong man Come to the show.

Lin stood still at the bow of the boat. He first carefully checked which part of the water had more crocodiles through the guardrail. Then he took out a large piece of fresh blood dripping meat from the iron bucket, and pierced the meat on the sharp thorns on the top of the bamboo pole, just like you need to hang the bait on the hook before fishing. However, the hook is curved, but the thorn on the top of the bamboo pole is straight.

After the preparations were completed, the man sent the bamboo pole straight to the water surface. Because the length of the bamboo pole was limited, the piece of fresh meat hung above the water surface, at least one meter away from the water surface.

The captain had already turned off the engine, and the flat cruise ship floated on the quiet water, only the neighing of a few waterfowls could be heard from the distant water grass.

The dark blood flowed down the fresh meat and splashed into the water drop by drop, and soon melted into the water, never to be seen again.

"Is there really a crocodile down here?" Some tourist asked, "It looks safe..."


There was a loud noise, and a giant saltwater crocodile more than four meters long broke through the water, its long tail stirred in the water, and it jumped into the air, biting the raw meat that was still dripping with blood! !

Although it is huge in size, its movements are extremely sensitive. Before the tourists had time to react, they saw a touch of green and black suddenly rushing into their sight, and then under the action of gravity, it fell heavily back into the water, stirring up huge waves!

The tourists standing in the front row even had their trousers soaked by the water, but no one could notice these details at this time.

—This is the most thrilling and impressive "crocodile jump" on the Huangshuitan!

The exclamation of the tourists was louder than that, and Lin was completely unaffected, and continued to "fish for crocodiles" in silence.

Pieces of fresh meat were threaded on bamboo poles and thrown into the water, while those greedy and brutal saltwater crocodiles jumped out of the water again and again, opened their bloody mouths, and devoured them in one gulp.

The man repeated the action of throwing food expressionlessly, as if the predators around the boat were nothing more than a group of ordinary wild dogs.

It wasn't until the last piece of fresh meat was fed that the top hunters dispersed with unsatisfied intentions. However, there were still some "big guys" over five meters in size who did not stay away, but sank into the lake, leaving only their noses and eyes Out of the water, his long and narrow vertical eyes stared at the direction of the cruise ship, which made people shudder.

For them, those plump fresh meat are just desserts before meals, and the "two-legged beasts" that sail to disturb their rest every day are the real gluttonous feast.


The cruise ship started again, the captain blew the whistle, and the steel monster made of Twolegs broke through the lake and slowly drove away from the area where the crocodiles gathered.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Lin's eyes fell on the group of greedy beasts, his eyebrows gradually tightened.

The cruise ship was docked on the shore, and the tourists walked down the deck tremblingly with trembling legs.

After stepping on the solid ground and confirming that no crocodile would emerge from their feet, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and finally recovered from the life-and-death situation just now.

"I didn't expect the crocodile to be so flexible! Look at my shoes, they smell like algae!"

"God, this is the real 'crocodile jump'! Did you see when they jumped out of the water, it was like a dinosaur came out!"

"Mom, the crocodiles here are much bigger than those in the zoo. I will come and see them again next time!"

The tourists discussed with relish the wonderful scene they had just seen, and some of them couldn't wait to go to the souvenir sales center at the pier, planning to buy some legally operated crocodile leather coin purses and take them back to their relatives and friends. If you are brave enough, restaurants in the outer area will also provide crocodile meat delicacies for tourists to feast on.

Su Jinqing left with the crowd after confirming that the last tourist had disembarked.

However, before she took two steps, she was stopped by the familiar Chinese.

"Hi, Team Leader Su, are you Chinese?"

It was the Chinese family who had just disembarked that stopped her. The young woman seemed to be in her early thirties, skillfully switching between English and Chinese.

"It's rare to see yellow-skinned Asians here in the Northern Territory! We feel so kind when we see you, can we take a photo together?"

As he said that, the male owner of the house raised his camera, and the child, who looked no more than six or seven years old, was already happily hugging his crocodile doll, and sneaked shyly to Su Jinqing's side.

Su Jinqing had been a temporary tour guide for more than a week, and this was the first time a tourist asked to take a photo with her, but she was a Chinese-speaking tourist! She is well aware of the popularity of the name "Su Jin" in China. Although these overseas Chinese don't recognize her now, if they post their group photos on the social software commonly used by Chinese people, maybe it will be...

"Sister, sister! I really like crocodiles, and I will be like you in the future, driving a big boat with many people on board to watch crocodiles on the Huangshuitan!" The children's childish words are the cutest.

Su Jinqing looked down at the little boy, only to see that his eyes were filled with pure reverence and kindness. This kind of shining gaze reminded her involuntarily of those people who queued up all night at the airport just to see her. dedicated fans.

She couldn't bear to refuse the child's request, but she couldn't take a photo with him...

Just when she was in a dilemma, Lin who had already left suddenly turned around and walked towards them.

This man, who had never said a word in front of tourists, suddenly said: "... Tour guide Su is not convenient to take a group photo, but I can."

He was still holding a fishing rod for crocodile fishing and a bucket containing fresh meat. The hem of his clothes was almost completely wet by the lake water, and there was still a strong smell of blood on his hands.

With his appearance, if he walks on the main road, he will only be mistaken for a ruthless killer. However, in the eyes of the children who have just watched the crocodile jump show, this uncle is a great hero!

The kid immediately "turned his back". He completely forgot that he was holding Su Jinqing just now and didn't let go. Now he quickly ran to Lin's side, ignoring the blood dripping from his body, and stuck close to him, with eight teeth raised on his face smirk.

Lin doesn't like taking pictures very much, his expressionless face is the only expression he can make in front of the camera.

Fortunately, the kid liked his cool temperament, and pestered him to take several photos with him.

Su Jinqing's heart warmed slightly, and she gave him a grateful look.

After seeing off the Chinese family, the two walked towards the staff lounge together.

One of the two was taciturn and the other was shy, and they didn't have much conversation along the way.

Su Jinqing thanked her for what happened just now.

Lin said, "No thanks."

Just two words, and then the silence resumed.

Halfway through, Lin was robbed by Ivanovic. Ivanovic was smoking a cigarette in a ruffian manner, carrying the two people's guns on his back, and beckoned Lin to inspect the surrounding area.

As a result, Su Jinqing was left alone again.

And this kind of loneliness is exactly what she urgently needs now.

Before boarding the boat, what Lin said to her made her sway a lot—the decisiveness she took when she left, cut off all the turning back with one hand, and she was about to say goodbye to "Su Jin" forever.

From the first day she entered the entertainment industry, she has been under tremendous psychological pressure. She never thought that one day she would be put under the spotlight, and countless people would point at her with a magnifying glass. But thinking of her mother who was seriously ill, she gritted her teeth and persisted.

It's a pity... In the end it was her mother who couldn't hold on.

One side is the pain of bereavement, and the other is the private space that is always squeezed as a public figure. At that time, she was like being tightly clamped by two walls, and the room for her breathing was getting smaller and smaller. .

I don't know how many nights, she couldn't sleep all night, and could only rely on drugs to force herself to sleep. She wanted to scream, but couldn't; she wanted to cry, but couldn't cry. It seemed that all the organs in her body had stopped, leaving only a heart that was throbbing all the time.

She asked the brokerage company to retire and ask for compensation several times, but everyone didn't understand.

So she left.

Just walk away.

She came to Kakadu, this sparsely populated paradise.

But after three months slipped away, a burst of guilt suddenly rose in her heart.

Although the entertainment circle is complicated and snobbish, the fans' love for her is real. How much harm would her leaving without saying goodbye do to them

She knew that many people would call fans "brainless fans", but she thought, what's wrong with liking someone

Thinking of those lovely faces and those people who sincerely supported her, Su Jinqing fell into deep guilt.

As Lin said, for this heavy but true love, she had to "see" them.

After returning to the lounge, Su Jinqing borrowed the computer from Edwin, a teenager with internet addiction.

Edwin fell off his chair in fright.

"Su... You, why do you suddenly want to use a computer?" Edwin's light gray eyes widened, and the freckles on his face were full of curiosity.

Su Jinqing didn't explain, just smiled.

When she smiled, Edwin became dizzy and didn't know what night it was. He hurriedly got out of the computer, turned on the engine for her intimately, and told her: "The network here is very poor, and it doesn't work from time to time. If you can't get on, just call me!"

After Su Jinqing thanked her, she sat down in front of the computer.

Looking at the familiar blank webpage, she took a deep breath and typed two words with trembling hands.

[Su Jin][Retire]

Before she pressed the enter key, she hesitated. She didn't know her mental state, whether she could bear the coming wave of information.

Only at this moment did she realize that she was actually just a cowardly ordinary person.

Edwin poked his head behind her, peeking at her computer screen. He wanted to see what she was searching for, but he didn't expect her to type four square characters.

And the only Chinese he knows is hello, goodbye, and I love you.

He could only look away lazily and focus on the side face of the goddess.

After typing the string of text, Su Jinqing stared at the bar in a daze, her fingers hovered over the Enter key, and she paused for a long time.

Then, she took a deep breath and pressed down decisively.

In the next second, overwhelming information flooded in. Su Jinqing sat blankly in front of the computer, staring blankly at the news on the screen.

—No, no, no.

As the most popular artist of the new generation in the domestic entertainment industry, the news of Su Jin's retirement will definitely blow up all the Internet.

However, there is no news on the Internet that can be associated with this word!

No matter how forgetful the entertainment industry is, it's impossible not to leave a trace

Not only was there no news of Su Jin's retirement from searching the entire Internet, what's even more frightening is that until yesterday, there were still drafts of "Su Jin is about to leave to participate in "Wild Winner"" flying all over the sky!

Is this normal

Of course this is not normal!

Su Jinqing only felt that her hands and feet were cold. Sitting in front of the computer, she seemed to have fallen into a bottomless black hole.

She even began to doubt whether the experience of being in the entertainment industry for more than three years was just her imagination, a dream she made up to comfort herself.

But soon, she settled down and threw those unrealistic thoughts out of her mind.

She immediately clicked on a short news and became more careful.

This news is the most stereotyped writing routine in the entertainment industry.

"Yesterday evening, Su Jin showed up at Beijing Airport in a low-key manner, wearing a flowing windbreaker and jeans and Martin boots, looking handsome and neat.

The editor found that Su Jin's style has changed drastically since she cut her hair short. The originally fresh and sweet national sister has transformed into a handsome royal sister, and her clothes are as minimalist and neutral as possible. It's worthy of being the artist of the year who won the V Fashion Award, what a walking fashion i!

Although Su Jin's itinerary is kept secret, the editor has found out that she will go to the south to film "Winner in the Wild". This reality show variety show is launched by Apple Channel. It has gathered many famous people and invested tens of millions. More professionals are invited to lead the stars on the journey... "

Because the network was extremely poor, Su Jinqing clicked Refresh countless times, waited for more than ten minutes, and finally flashed the airport photo at a speed of a few KB.

In the photo, the actress Su Jin is wearing a handsome bunny hat with the brim pulled down, but it can't cover her sparkling eyes. She was extraordinarily beautiful, her red lips were tightly pursed, like a round of shining sun.

Beside her, countless fans with mobile phones were circling her. She kept her eyes fixed as she walked through the crowd, her clothes being lifted by the wind, chic and sexy.

"Su... Is this a female star from your country? She looks like you!" Edwin's ignorant question came from behind.

Su Jinqing looked at the face on the screen that was exactly the same as her but with a completely opposite temperament. As soon as she opened her mouth, tears rolled out of her eyes.

"No... I look like her."