The Villainous Celebrity Wife of the CEO

Chapter 59: nurturing


The power of the masses of the people is infinite.

The incident happened during the day, the light was just right, and the zoomed-in camera clearly captured Su Jin's face. Unless Su Jin had twin sisters living outside, she would never "bump into her face" like this.

Those sunspots lurking on the anonymous gossip website were slapped in the face. Before they asserted that it was absolutely impossible for Su Jin to be herself, but as soon as the video came out, they immediately pretended nothing happened and disappeared.

Countless fans and passers-by poured into the official Weibo of Su Jin's studio, applauding her righteous deeds, and spreading countless good words at her feet. If you collect those rainbow farts that don't cost money, it will be enough to give Su Jin A golden body.

"I cried so loudly, I cried until thousands of mountains and birds flew in a radius of ten miles! What kind of fairy did I fall in love with?? Before Jinjin volunteered to donate blood in the live broadcast, and now she is flying a horse to save people. She has never hyped it deliberately. But the sunspots have always doubted her kindness and innocence, and all the sunspots knelt down and kowtowed to me!! [刀][刀][刀]"

"Doubting the meaning of my existence is to add burden to the earth. How come Su Jin can act, play the pipa and ride a horse, while I can only eat, drink and scatter? [Confused face] [Confused face] [Confused face]"

"Fairies go down to earth to experience calamity; Su Jin descends to earth to make me experience calamity?"

At the same time, there was also a group of sharp-eyed melon eaters who became very interested in another figure beside Su Jin.

"I'm not Su Jin's fan, I just want to say that she is a good match for the man next to her!"

"After looking through the comments for a long time, I finally found a building to like! It really deserves it!!!"

"When saving people, that man rushed up first, and when Su Jin came, he stayed by the side all the time!"

"I'm fucking blown away by this pair of CPs! The way Su Jin is hugging the child and talking to the man is too Nima's family of three???"

And these CP-pull remarks fall into the eyes of Wei Fan, which is absolutely unacceptable.

The angle of the video is very ingenious, Su Jin's face is completely exposed in the camera, but the man next to her only has the back view of riding a horse from the beginning to the end, only at the end of the video, when Su Jin asked him for help, he turned his head Talking to her, only half of his stern and upright face was revealed.

But just this small half of face is enough to make people's blood boil.

The man is riding on a horse, wearing an English-style riding suit, and the slightly tight suit jacket outlines his broad-shouldered ape-armed figure, and when he is galloping on horseback, his proficiency becomes a big plus.

Who is this man? What is the relationship with Su Jin? Why did Su Jin leave her work and ride alone with him

The people who eat melons have studied the video countless times. You must know that catching "star's underground love affair" is the favorite reasoning game played by online Sherlock Holmes!

With so many pairs of eyes and so many hands searching at the same time, all the clues in the video were turned out.

—Report! The horse Su Jin was riding was the one she rode when she was shooting the cover of "True Me"!

—Report! Su Jin's racecourse not only accepts group visits, but also offers equestrian lessons, and also raises horses for celebrities!

—Report! This is a video of playing with Aima released by Jiang Zicheng actor in March this year. Is the background exactly the same? Isn't the passing horse in the video the same horse that Su Jin was riding? The actor Jiang called it "Lin Dahu"!

—Report! found it! It's not Lin Dahu, it's Linda Hu! This is the winning information of the Hong Kong Division of the British Dressage Marseille released online. The champion horse is called Linda Hu!

—Report! This is an interview with the previous horse owner of Linda Hu. The owner said that after he retired, he was bought by a young wealthy businessman surnamed Mu who was engaged in mining!

—Mu? Or mining? Could it be someone from the EXP Group

—It must be someone from the EXP Group. There are only a few large mining groups in China, except for state-owned enterprises, whose surname is Mu.

— But there are a lot of Mu family members, and there are a lot of relatives. This Mr. Mu doesn't know whether he belongs to his own family or his cousin's family.

—Wait, young miner? I have a dangerous idea... Do you remember that when Indonesia was hit by a disaster, the reporter went to interview and said that a nickel ore businessman from China saved many people? At the end of the video, Su Jin suddenly walked out of the tent and volunteered to donate blood! So the two of them have been together since then


— Fuck…

—Awesome, the brother upstairs dug up the anise. @爱豆爱情要死@爱豆爱情must be beheaded @爱豆爱情真打bot

—Wait, Su Jin isn't considered an idol, so there's no need to use the idol circle to rule her out? ? There's no need to turn black just because she's in a relationship?

- Upstairs +1, but for a little flower like her who stands at the top of the traffic, once her love affair is exposed, it is definitely a bombshell news. The problem is that she is already 26 years old. When female stars of this age fall in love, they all get married and have children. It is estimated that career fans will be fried...

Eight to this point, the fans are gradually divided into two factions, one faction thinks that "there is nothing, and the two are just friends of the opposite sex"; while the other faction is happy, thinking that their fairy has found a fairy boy who is handsome and has a good career , Caring, and my own fairy is a match made in heaven.

Among the fans of the latter group, some even passionately wrote short essays, writing a beautiful love story of "the two met because of shooting the cover, and fell in love because of weathering the natural disaster together.

If the matter stops here, it will be regarded as a niche discussion in the fan circle at best, and the attitude of 80% of the people who eat melons is still very positive and peaceful. On the one hand, they praised Su Jin's self-sacrifice, and on the other hand, they admired Mu Xiulun's wealth background. There are too many young actresses dating rich people in the entertainment industry, so they don't care much.

However, 24 hours later, a screenshot posted on a news website turned things around 360 degrees.

That screenshot is from the National Real Estate Information Intranet, a website that only internal employees of the Housing Management Bureau can log in to. The information above is all true and reliable, and there is absolutely no possibility of falsification!

It was a piece of house transfer information, and it can be clearly seen that a man named Mu Xiulun transferred the ownership of a certain top-floor mansion in a high-end private community to Su Jin!

In the background of the Housing Management Bureau, not only can you see the information on the change of ownership of the house, but you can also clearly see the ID photos of the two homeowners, which prevents the same name and surname from being the same.

—Wait, is this how rich people fall in love now? It doesn't matter, just send a house

— Keke, that house is worth eight figures. The rich are not being taken advantage of. This is neither a wedding gift, nor a divorce to divide property. Who would directly transfer a house during a relationship

—I don’t think this is love, it’s clearly nurturing…

— Fans, open your eyes and look at the time, you Su Jin accepted someone else's house in the middle of the year, and now you are starting to stir up love scandals

—It turns out that there is no beautiful love in this world at all, it is just rich people playing with beautiful girls.

Under the instigation of someone with a heart, Su Jin's reputation fell from a cliff to the abyss in just two days.

This was the biggest crisis Su Jishi had encountered since he became "Su Jin".

How could she have expected that she just did a good deed, so why did she get involved in so many things later

The transfer information released by the insiders of the Housing Authority is indeed true. At that time, she and Mu Xiulun had just ended their maintenance relationship, and based on the principle of getting together and getting together, Mu Xiulun transferred the house that Su Jishi's sisters lived in to her.

It stands to reason that this kind of citizen's private information is top-secret information, and no one can access it at will except the public security organs.

But in many cases, the personal information of celebrities is no longer privacy, but has become a tool that many people rely on for money.

As small as flight leaks, as large as household registration addresses, such information can be bought as long as you have money and connections. Not long ago, news of the divorce of a well-known male star in the entertainment industry was leaked in advance by the staff of the marriage registry; there was also a female star who called the police to report her boyfriend's domestic violence. reporter…

Su Jishi never expected that she would be caught as a "handle" in this kind of place.

Fang Xie immediately asked the public relations to come forward, and then hired the navy to control the commentary, but the other party's people were far more than theirs.

At this moment, anyone can see that this is definitely not the spontaneous behavior of ordinary netizens, it is definitely someone deliberately trying to mess with Su Jin.

Su Jin is now sitting on the throne of "the most popular and most popular". Behind her, there are countless people watching, waiting to take her place. Even if she never deliberately turned against each other, she couldn't suppress other people who wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble.

Fang Jie's phone calls were almost buzzed by the media, but yesterday the reporters were all asking "Su Jin's mental journey when he saved people bravely", but today they changed to "What is the relationship between Su Jin and Mr. Mu? Why did Mu Mr. will transfer a ten million real estate to her?"

Fang Jie laughed: "What else does it matter? It's the second-hand house landlord and the house buyer!"

Yuji: "..."

Fang Jie suddenly changed his face, and said seriously: "We will pursue the legal responsibility of the staff who leaked the artist's privacy. The lawyer's letter has been issued. Our company, on behalf of Ms. Su Jin, severely criticizes this behavior of flouting the law and personal privacy!"

He hung up the phone sternly, and remained silent for half a minute, before turning into a bitter haha in a blink of an eye.

Fang Jie leaned in front of Su Jishi, blinked his small eyes, and hesitated to speak.

Su Jishi: " can just say what you want."

Fang Jie sighed: "Sister Su, in fact, when your sister was with Mr. Mu before, she was photographed by many paparazzi who followed her, but she was bought by Mr. Mu at that time... But if you don't know, who secretly kept it?" A negative, after all, this circle does not respect professional ethics. Now I can still do Tai Chi to prevaricate, but I always feel that this matter will never end, and there will definitely be a bigger wave in the future. I am afraid that when the time comes... "

"Then what do you mean?" Su Jishi heard something in his words.

"I mean... how about... how about you discuss it with Mr. Mu?" He lowered his voice, but he didn't suppress his curiosity, "Sister Su, we've been working together for half a year, so just tell me the truth. What is the situation between you and Mr. Mu? You go riding horses and send WeChat frequently, it can’t really be... "

"We're not in a relationship." Su Jishi immediately interrupted him, a strange color flashed in his beautiful eyes, "With the relationship between Jin Qing and him, how could I possibly be in a relationship with him?"

"..." Fang Jie pondered, always feeling that this was a bit strange. The nurturing contract between Su Jinqing and Mu Xiulun is just for show, and they are not real boyfriend and girlfriend. Even if something happened between Su Ji Shizhen and Mu Xiulun, it would not be regarded as "cutting love". But Su Jishi's attitude was too firm, Fang Jie was used to being carried by her, so he could only suppress the confusion in his heart.

Fang Jie earnestly persuaded: "But we really need to be prepared. If one day, the past between him and Su Jin gets out, the company will absolutely not be able to just sit and watch Su Jin being detained as a 'guarantee'." At that time, whether you like it or not, the company will issue a statement for you, stating that you are in a relationship with him."

"...I don't agree." Regarding the company, Su Jishi is usually very cooperative, but when it comes to this matter, she unexpectedly showed strong resistance, "I am not in a relationship with him at all. Can it come true?"

"It's just a fake relationship! It's not for you to get married! Besides, you can get divorced when you get married, and you can also break up when you are in love. When the public opinion subsides, you will break up peacefully in a few months, and then you will fade out of the entertainment circle..." Fang Xie coughed dryly, "Of course, you need to communicate with Mr. Mu in advance to see if he is willing." But Fang Xie felt that Mr. Mu would definitely be willing.

Everything was planned clearly, but Su Jishi felt an inexplicable anxiety in his heart.

She hates it all.

She hates being stared at by countless people every step she takes; she hates that everything she does (whether good or bad) is infinitely magnified; Man manipulated.

And what annoys her the most is...

... Until now, Mu Xiulun still didn't know that she was not "Su Jin".

What's the point of talking about a "fake love" with a "dummy".

On Christmas night, it was the last dress rehearsal for Channel B's New Year's Gala.

Su Jishi was not absent this time. When she walked into the backstage, she could clearly feel that there were countless pairs of eyes tightly attached to her body, observing her every move.

Xiaoxia vainly tried to use her petite body to block the sight of those watching. Su Jishi pressed her shoulders and said calmly: "They can watch as much as they like, let them watch more, and I won't lose a piece of meat."

Su Jin's dressing room was with three other little flowers. Except for Xu Yadan, who never got along with her, the other two little flowers greeted her with smiles, pretended to be sisters, and came over to take selfies with her group photo.

The entertainment industry is full of human beings, especially the higher one climbs, the more one understands human relationships. They don't care about the relationship between Su Jin and that young President Mu, there's no need to draw a line with her just because of a little gossip.

On the other hand, Xu Yadan, she and Su Jin's personalities are too similar. When they first debuted, they were both pure and innocent flowers, and they often fought for resources. Especially in the last six months, Su Jin has gradually shifted her route, taking another step towards a higher level. Against her background, Xu Yadan, who is standing still, looks very pitiful.

Only Xu Yadan said in a strange way: "Su Jin, I heard from the program director that your pipa solo has been changed to a soundtrack?"

"Yes." Su Jishi raised his left hand frankly, and saw that her left wrist was wrapped with a thick bandage, exuding a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, "I accidentally hurt my wrist, it swelled up, and I couldn't move it. I My agent has already communicated with the chief director, and when the time comes, I won’t be close-up, and I’ll just play the soundtrack.”

Su Jishi wasn't pretending to be sick. When she lifted the little boy off the horse that day, she accidentally crushed his wrist because she pulled him with one hand. At that time, I just felt a little pain, but the next day it swelled into a small steamed bun. Her injury was serious, and she really couldn't play the pipa anymore. She was worried that there was no excuse to save her from the fear of "playing cotton", so she hurriedly changed the pipa solo to pipa accompaniment.

At that time, she only needs to make the gesture of playing the pipa, regardless of whether she is playing "Happy Birthday", "Little Star" or "Two Tigers", what the audience will hear is "Zhaojun's Out of the Frontier".

It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

The clothing assistant brought four sets of clothes, all of which were grosgrain dresses with a fairy air. The four little flowers changed one by one, and with the tinkling ring pendants and step shakers, they turned into the graceful clothes in ancient picture books in a blink of an eye. woman.

Xu Yadan plays Xi Shi. Today she is going to dance a song "Huansha Dance". She is wearing a water-blue long dress that wraps around her waist. The stylist gave her a ponytail, which added a lazy beauty. She had always followed a pure line, and with such a description, even the staff secretly took out their mobile phones to secretly take pictures of her.

Xu Yadan secretly rejoiced in her heart, but she didn't show any emotion on her face, and said modestly: "I hope I won't disappoint the fans."

It's a pity that this pride only lasted for three minutes. When Su Jishi, who was hugging the pipa, stepped out of the dressing room, at that moment, it seemed that all the lights on the stage were concentrated on her.

Wang Zhaojun's most classic outfit is a cloak inlaid with white fluff trimmed. The fluffy white fluff wraps around Su Jishi's neck, making her more delicate and elegant. In history, Wang Zhaojun was not an ordinary weak woman. She married the Xiongnu and lived in the frontier fortress for nearly 20 years. And Su Jishi showed Wang Zhaojun's beauty just right, her eyes couldn't see the tenderness, but filled with the desolation and vastness of the desert.

Su Jishi's eyes swept across the crowd, and the little girls who were dancing with her all blushed and lowered their heads shyly.

Seeing that Su Jishi once again took away everyone's attraction, Xu Yadan gritted his teeth with hatred. But in front of the on-site staff, she couldn't show her inner jealousy. Instead, she had to praise her hypocritically: "Ms. Su is so beautiful."

According to the rules of "reciprocity", Su Jishi should also praise her outfit. But Su Jishi did not play cards according to common sense, and said calmly: "Yeah, I also think I am pretty."

... I really can't continue this topic.

Fortunately, the rehearsal went well. It’s just that during the actual rehearsal of their show, they encountered some emergencies. After discussing with the chief dispatcher, the director and the chief dispatcher decided to let several artists go backstage to rest first. running in.

It's just that in this way, he must stay up until the middle of the night.

But to take people's money, it is natural to work hard. The little flowers had no objections, and returned to the lounge to close their eyes and rest.

Out of the sight of the staff, Xu Yadan showed her true colors. She directly occupied the most comfortable sofa in the lounge, and placed a row of live broadcast equipment domineeringly on the coffee table. While directing her assistant to set up the phone, she pretended to ask, "I'm sorry, I have a live event tonight. I promised my fans for a long time. I really can't delay it any longer. Do you mind?"

Not long ago, she signed a promotional contract with a certain fashion app at a high price. She entered the app as a "fashion celebrity". In the first six months of the contract, she had to broadcast live at least twice a month to interact with fans. The promotion contract was also handed over to Su Jishi before, but Su Jishi was not interested in this kind of thing at all, so Fang Jie pushed it down for her.

The live broadcast looks glamorous, but it is actually very tiring, and you have to talk to the camera all the time. A live broadcast starts at least 30 minutes, that is to say, Xu Yadan has to babble in front of the camera for at least half an hour.

The other two Xiaohua said they didn't mind, but Su Jishi said bluntly: "Can you stop the live broadcast in the common room?"

However, Xu Yadan turned on the camera directly as if she didn't hear her rejection, and started her self-talking performance. When the live broadcast was connected, she immediately changed from a lady-like face to a cute one, and her voice softened by an octave, sweet.

Su Jishi didn't want to tear himself apart with her, so he could only find a corner to rest.

For a moment, the whole lounge was filled with Xu Yadan's rambling voice.

Listening and listening, Su Jishi heard something was wrong.

... Strange, why is there a man's voice in the live broadcast room

She opened her eyes, just in time to meet the gossiping eyes of the other two little flowers. Seeing Su Ji woke up, the two immediately pulled her into the trench. Their voices were very soft, and Xu Yadan's attention was on the live broadcast, so she naturally didn't notice that the three of them were exchanging gossip right under her nose.

It turned out that after Xu Yadan took over the promotion, the company also packed a rookie boy group. Now the men's and women's groups in the entertainment industry are like stars, and the age of the members is getting younger and younger. The average age of this boy group is only 17 years old. Looking around, it is all young grass.

In that boy group, the most popular one is the "front face" (meaning the most beautiful person in the team), a standard little wolf dog, who is especially good at pleasing women. A few days ago, he just celebrated his completion ceremony. It is said that on the night of his birthday, Xu Yadan picked up the little wolf dog from the party and brought him back to his apartment...

The little wolf dog didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into Xu Yadan, but he coaxed Xu Yadan, who was several years older, into a dizzy state. All kinds of extravagant gifts were sent over like water, and even used her own resources to praise him: she took him to fashion festivals; she took him to variety shows;

As for the app live broadcast promotion this time, Xu Yadan also deliberately opened a two-person live broadcast to make the little wolf dog popular.

It's a pity that apart from his good-looking face, this little wolf dog is really a dou who can't be supported. His professional ability is in a mess, his singing and dancing skills are poor, and he only made his debut with his face at the beginning. No, the two-person live broadcast lasted for more than half an hour, and the little wolfdog's words did not exceed three minutes. His tone was vague, and his Mandarin was not standard. Xu Yadan threw the words at him several times, but he didn't catch them.

"This little wolf dog can't be held up at all." Xiao Hua, who plays Yang Yuhuan, said, "Little red depends on holding, big red depends on life, if he is held up by force, he will be wiped out."

"Yes." Diao Chan answered, "There are too many good-looking boys in this circle, but those without brains can only be used as embroidered pillows."

Su Jishi only listened and didn't speak.

She has stayed abroad for many years, and her aesthetics of men are very westernized. She only appreciates the strong and rigid male physique. She is not interested at all in the pretty male designs that are popular in Asia.

After a long time, Xu Yadan finally ended the live broadcast. She asked her assistant to put away the live broadcast equipment, turned her eyes, and saw that the other three people were talking together, she hurriedly interrupted: "Sorry, the live broadcast took a little longer... What are you talking about?"

Diao Chan said bluntly: "I'm talking about the 'kid' who was broadcasting with you."

"Ah, he." Xu Yadan said, "It's a bit silly, but it's fun." She frowned, showing off in a tone of pretending to be troubled, "It's just too clingy to me. When we first met, he always Call me and ask me, "Sister Xu, would you like to go shopping together?" "Sister Xu, would you like to go shopping together?" I didn't understand what he meant, but he suddenly said that he meant something to me, which shocked me. "

Xu Yadan laughed: "Hey, I don't want to hurt the kid's heart, so I politely refused a few times, telling him that the water in this circle is very deep, and it is not suitable for talking about relationships. In the end, what he said-'Sister, I know, some female artists Very dirty, you can sell your body for status, but you are different. I just want to care for your purity.'... A child, you just have a sweet mouth."

Su Jishi: "..."

Su Ji Shi almost laughed out loud.

Out of the four little flowers present, only Su Jin has been deeply suspicious of raising her in the past two days. Xu Yadan made it clear that he was speaking to her, mocking her to have today's status by selling her body.

Should she stand up decisively and applaud Xu Yadan's ironic skills

Su Jishi turned his wrist, which was wrapped in layers of gauze, and weighed how much force he had to use to smash Xu Yadan's head.

She was thinking about it when suddenly there was a knock on the door of the lounge.

Xiaoxia ran to open the door, only to see an unfamiliar staff member standing outside.

The staff member asked, "Excuse me, is Teacher Su there?"

Xiaoxia: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Regardless of the presence of outsiders in the lounge, the staff said directly: "Mr. Mu asked me to give Teacher Su a message. He is waiting for her in the parking lot downstairs."

Su Jishi: "..."

Is Mu Xiulun sick? Why can't I talk to the TV station directly

The other three little flowers were also stunned, and their eyes mixed with different emotions were fixed on Su Jishi at the same time. On the cusp of this storm, Su Jin's every move has attracted the attention of the public. If it is really a nurturing relationship, then Mr. Mu should clearly draw a clear line... Why is it so high-profile

The staff warned again: "Mr. Su, the second rehearsal of your programs is scheduled for an hour later, and you must come back within an hour."

After speaking, the staff left.

Su Jishi could only frown, and tinkled off the accessories on his body. There are regulations for this kind of program activities, and she can't wear the stage costume casually away from the backstage, and she has to work hard to take off the red robe and cloak on her body and put on her own clothes. Finally, she put on the big down jacket again, wrapping herself into a warm and soft silkworm chrysalis.

Xu Yadan lost his nerve again, and muttered: "It's midnight, we made an appointment to meet in the dark parking lot, and we met for an hour, and I don't know why."

Su Jishi was not annoyed, and asked with a smile, "What do you think we are going to do?"

Xu Yadan stopped talking, her eyes rolled around.

Su Jishi ignored her and strode towards the gate with his head held high.

At the moment when he was about to step out of the room, Su Jishi suddenly stopped, turned around, and smiled brightly at Xu Yadan.

"Do you think everyone is like your boyfriend, and you can't do it in less than three minutes?"