The Villainous Celebrity Wife of the CEO

Chapter 75: Keketuohai (2)


Su Jishi decided to get out of the car to save the dog, a decision that aroused opposition from all the passengers in the car.

"No, Sister Su! Those animals are not pet dogs after all, what if they bite you?" Xiaoxia said this, and she held Su Jishi's arm tightly, not allowing her to run out of the car casually.

"That's right, Mr. Su! After all, they are wild animals, wild and unruly. Now they look docile, what if they suddenly bite you when you get closer?"

"That's right. Even a veterinarian, sometimes it is inevitable to be bitten by pet cats and dogs... Look at those dogs, they are bigger than large dogs. If they want to hurt people, you can't escape at all!"

When everyone tried their best to dissuade Su Ji, they hoped that she would think twice and not do such impulsive things.

But Su Jishi looked at the injured sick dog, and at the group of dogs that stood in front of it and stubbornly confronted the bus, he couldn't turn a blind eye to this matter.

As a geologist, she has seen many creatures when she was out in the field. They are indeed wild and difficult to tame, but at the same time, they also have a spirituality that humans cannot imagine.

She and her professor once encountered a GPS failure in a plateau area, and finally walked out of no-man's land led by an antelope; she also encountered a groundhog begging for water from a human in a mountainous area where the sun was scorching hot...

"I will take care of my own safety." Su Jishi said firmly. She made a good decision, and no one in this world could make her change her mind.

"Then...then you wear more layers!" Chen Gangyu held her arm tightly, "I watched a program about police dogs before, and the trainers wore very thick clothes, thicker than quilts, to prevent being caught by police dogs. bite!"

Su Jishi shook his head helplessly: "It's inconvenient to move if you wear so much. I'll go over and pour a bottle of hot water for it to remove its legs from the ground and I'll come back. Don't worry."

How can I rest assured!

Everyone still didn't allow her to take risks. Xiaoxia even blocked herself in front of the bus door, opened her hands and shouted loudly: "Sister Su, if you don't obey me again, I will call... give..."

She "give" it for a long time, but she still doesn't "give" it. Complain to Fang Jie? Ask Su Jinqing for help? Ask Mr. Mu? ... Su Jishi didn't seem to be listening to them! Obviously every time, everyone listens to Su Jishi's words!

"Sister Su, I'll go with you!" Qin Qiu suddenly stood up from his seat, ignoring the assistant's eyes trying to stop him, and said, "I know I'm useless, I can't run or beat you, but With more people working together, the task can be completed faster!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several men in the carriage stood up and offered to accompany Su Ji to get out of the car to save the dog.

"It's really unnecessary." Su Jishi waved his hand, "I appreciate everyone's wishes. But saving the dog is my own decision. There is no need to involve so many friends into the water. And there are more people, and these wild animals are more likely to be frightened."

She looked around and said calmly, "Don't worry, I'm prepared."

As she spoke, she saw that she took out a small plastic bag from nowhere, and through the transparent bag, one could clearly see a dark brown irregular lump inside. The lights in the carriage were not bright. Everyone frowned and looked at it for a long time, but they didn't see what it was.

Chen Gangyu asked: "Mr. Su, what is in your hand...?"

Su Jishi said calmly, "It's tiger dung."

"... Tiger what?"

"It's the tiger shit that was killed." Su Jishi opened the small plastic bag while talking, obviously there was no smell coming out, but everyone hid back in unison.

"I know that there are many wild animals here, so before I went out, I got this piece of tiger dung through some private channels. Everyone should know that in the wild, animal urine and feces can be used to enclose territories. Dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell, and tigers feces can drive them away."

When Su Jishi narrated this incident, he spoke at a moderate speed, as if the piece of dirt she was holding in her hand was not the excrement of some large beast, but an ordinary stone.

"Don't worry, I'm carrying tiger dung with me, those wild dogs won't hurt me."


Good, good, good.

Xiaoxia turned into star eyes again, and looked at Su Jishi longingly—Sister Su is so strong, she even expected this kind of thing, she is indeed an expert in the field!

Before Su Jishi got out of the car, the director stopped her and handed her a safety helmet. A mini camera is attached to the top of the round helmet, which is a very common equipment in variety shows, and can record guests' actions from a first-person perspective.

Su Jishi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Director, don't you need to shoot this kind of thing?"

The director said aggrievedly: "Is the camera the key point? The helmet is the key point! Teacher Su, the body can be healed after a dog bites the body. How dangerous it is if the dog bites the head!"

Only then did Su Jishi realize that he had misunderstood the director's good intentions, and hurriedly apologized.

The director chuckled: "Of course, 'by the way' I recorded some material, so we can use it later when we edit the film!"

Su Jishi: "..." Day, Bai apologized.

When everything was ready, Su Jishi carried a large pot of hot water in each hand, and jumped off the bus the moment the door opened.

It snowed heavily for several days before they reached Keketuohai. The snow was deeper than knees, and Su Jishi stepped on it, as if he had fallen into a soft cloud.

It's just that this cloud is icy cold.

Bitter cold air drilled up from the soles of the feet, no matter how thick the thermal pants were, they couldn't resist the chill. Su Jishi knew that the more she stopped, the colder she would be, so she didn't delay any longer, and walked towards the dogs with difficulty.

The snow in Xinjiang is different from that in other places.

The snow in many places is dense, thick, and very viscous. It can be easily held into a snowball by hand, and then the snow rolls into snow, and finally rolls into a behemoth.

The snow in Xinjiang is different. It is very light and brittle, like a handful of works of art carved out of ice, lightly stacked there, as if weightless.

Su Jishi exhaled heavily, the hot air quickly condensed into small icicles in the temperature of minus 40 degrees, and the car lights shone brightly.

Su Jishi looked back, and saw concerned faces crowded around the front windshield in the car, looking at her worriedly.

Su Jishi gave them an OK gesture.

When she turned around, she was startled—two huge wild dogs came to her at some point, standing there, staring at her with two pairs of clear dog eyes.

"Their eyes..."

she murmured.

Just standing in the car and looking down, this group of wild dogs looked dirty, their coats were messy, their tails were drooping between their legs... In terms of appearance, they couldn't be compared with the pet dogs in the city.

But when she got out of the car and observed them closely, she suddenly discovered that these dogs were all "different pupils"! One eye was as blue as the sky, the other as black as earth.

Different pupils in dogs is a relatively rare genetic phenomenon, which is common in breeds such as huskies and border collies. But different pupils are not phenotype inheritance, they can be encountered but not sought after.

But now, a whole group of wild dogs have different pupils! Their eyes are filled with the quiet night and the clear morning at the same time. Being watched by such pairs of eyes, the last bit of tension in Su Jishi's heart suddenly dissipated.

She took a step, and the soles of her shoes flattened the snow, making a crunching sound.

Several dogs made a vigilant "whoop" sound, but Su Jishi did not show any timidity on his body, but continued to walk slowly and firmly towards the direction of the injured wild dog step by step.

Su Jishi didn't know how miraculous this scene was in the eyes of other people in the car—

The dogs that had been blocking the bus suddenly separated to the sides like a tide, revealing a small path. The wild dogs stood quietly in the snow, watching the seemingly thin human girl step into their alert range.

Step by step, meter by meter, even though the snow slowed down Su Jishi's pace, she finally reached the side of the injured dog.

As they got closer, Su Jishi realized that the injured dog was very old.

Its fur is the same as other dogs, it is also variegated yellow and black, but the fur on its face gradually turns white, and the sides of the mouth and around the eyes are even more completely white. When people get old, their beards and hair will turn white, and the same goes for animals. Su Jishi reckoned that the dog was at least ten years old, and it was not easy to live to be ten years old in such a harsh wild environment.

At first, Su Jishi thought that the group of wild dogs would protect the injured dog, it must be because the injured dog was their "leader", but after getting closer, she realized that the injured dog was actually a bitch!

The bitch's eyes are also bright and clear two-color heterogeneous pupils. According to its age, it is very likely to be the mother of this group of wild dogs! They use their bodies to shield it from the snow and wind, and even fight against the industrial behemoths created by humans, just to protect its life.

... The laws of survival in the natural world are sometimes cruel and make people's hearts tremble, and sometimes they are gentle and make people cry.

Su Jishi seemed to be hit by something soft in his heart.

Hearing her approach, the injured bitch raised her head and looked at her.

The surrounding wild dogs suddenly became tense, and let out low threatening sounds from their throats, and even some dogs bared their canine teeth!

Surrounded by so many large dogs, listening to the "surround sound" threats of the dogs, if it was a different person, he would have been scared to death. But Su Jishi was not disturbed by the outside voices, he still looked at the injured dog calmly, repeating over and over again - "I'm here to help you".

Dogs can't understand human speech, but they can understand human meaning.

There seems to be a magical power in this human girl, enough to make the mountains, the sky, the land and every creature on the land surrender under her feet.

The cold wind blew away her bun, but it couldn't extinguish the spark in her eyes.

The girl put down the water glass, took off her gloves, and held out her hand to the injured wild dog.

The temperature of minus 40 degrees instantly took away the temperature of her palm, redness visible to the naked eye appeared from the fingertips, but in just half a minute, her right hand had turned into a ball of ice.

But her palm was still stubbornly stretched in the air, without trembling.

"You can trust me." She said quietly, "I'm here to help you."

She looked at it and it looked at her.

After an unknown amount of time, the bitch slowly lowered her neck! He sniffed her scent with the tip of his wet nose, and then put his hot chin in Su Jishi's palm! !

—At this moment, it chose to trust this strange human girl.

Because there was a fixed small camera above Su Jishi's head, this scene was naturally clearly recorded and simultaneously transmitted to the monitoring tablet in the chief director's hand.

The director with a mustache couldn't hold back a "huh" and leaned on the chief planner's shoulder emotionally. Looking at the hard-hearted chief planner just now, he was also moved to tears at this moment, patted the arm of the director next to him vigorously, and said excitedly: "This section must not be cut!! Can't be cut!!! Keep it all for me !! Give me the most sensational music!! After the show airs, I will send it to the Discovery headquarters to participate in the annual selection of "Ten Most Beautiful Moments Between Man and Nature"!!"

The chief director scolded angrily: " are so vulgar! My mind is full of ratings!"

Chief planner: "No! All I can think about is bonuses!! Do you know how much this program is valued by the station now? Before I came, I was worried that Keke Tuohai's trip would not be a hit, and the ratings would not be supported. Now I have made up my mind How will I spend this year's year-end bonus!"

Chief Director: "'s only January, and last year's year-end awards have just been distributed."

Chief planner: "Apart from the annual leave, isn't the yearly leave what social animals look forward to, isn't there a bonus? Looking forward to the end of the year at the beginning of the year, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Su Jishi, who was surrounded by wild dogs, naturally couldn't hear the two of them whispering in the carriage.

After gaining the trust of the injured bitch, she began to concentrate on cleaning her wounds and melting ice and snow.

Netizens often share videos of "splashing water outdoors in extremely cold areas" on the Internet. The scalding hot water will freeze the moment it comes into contact with the air, turning into icicles all over the sky. Those videos are by no means exaggerated by special effects. In such a cold Keketuohai, as soon as the lid of the thermos cup is unscrewed, the temperature begins to drop rapidly.

Su Jishi carried two hot water bottles with a huge capacity. She poured the cup carefully, letting the hot water flow to the bitch's wound first, washing away the dirt and blood.

Born in an extremely cold place, the fur on the bitch's body is very thick, and it feels like a fluffy blanket that is a bit prickly to the touch. Her hand sank right into the fur, and she couldn't even touch its skin directly.

She could feel that the bitch's left hind leg had been completely broken, and it was limply hanging there. When she touched it lightly, she whimpered and shuddered in pain. But she has no experience in rescuing animals in the wild, and she has no way to fix it. She can only provide limited help as best she can. The rest depends on God's will.

One pot of water ran out, and the other was used to melt the snow and ice that had frozen his stump.

She controlled the speed little by little, letting the scalding water wash over the thick ice. When she was pouring water, the dogs were watching her closely, some were staring at her hand, some were hitting her with their long noses, and some were whining anxiously, like What a group of kids.

Gradually, as the pot of water was gradually poured out, the bitch's injured leg struggled violently—it finally broke free from the ice and snow!

It struggled to stand there on three legs, with its injured leg curled up in its lower abdomen, but even in such a state of embarrassment, it was still majestic.

It looked huge when it was lying down, and it was even more shocking when it stood up now. It is nearly eighty centimeters tall at the shoulders, more than one meter long, with a wide snout and a square head. A pair of azure blue and dark black pupils carry unforgettable memories.

The wild dogs gathered in front of Su Jishi were not one, two... but a whole group!

So many giant dogs surrounded her, staring at her with different eyes, and let out a low growl.

The hearts of the other staff members who stayed in the bus flinched, and Qin Qiu was even more anxious: "This group of white-eyed wolves, won't turn their faces and deny people?!"

Fortunately, what everyone was worried about didn't happen—the injured bitch suddenly raised its head, facing the bright moon in the sky, and howling up to the sky! Under its leadership, one by one, all the wild dogs around the girl raised their heads and howled at the moon.

There are wolf genes engraved in their blood, and this howl is the only way for animals that cannot speak to express their gratitude to human girls.

Surrounded by the dogs, Su Jishi stood quietly in the world covered in silver light, with crooked eyebrows and a soft smile: "It's a little effort, you're welcome."

After the wild dogs dispersed, Su Jishi stepped on the footprints of when he came, and returned to the bus with deep feet and shallow feet.

What greeted her was deafening applause and the video camera in followPD's hand.

For a moment, Su Jishi thought he was a hero who had completed the mission to land on the moon.

"Okay, don't surround me." Su Jishi immediately surrendered, "It's so cold, I'm going to freeze. I just want to go to the camp to have a good rest, and stop taking pictures around me!"

Xiaoxia rushed over from the end of the crowd, followed her every step of the way, pressed her on the seat, poured hot water and fed her energy bars.

Su Jishi's hands were red from the cold, as if countless thorns were pricking his skin. Xiaoxia was so anxious that she stuffed the warm baby into her hand, and then searched for a warm water bottle.

Su Jishi saw her rushing around like a little bee, and wanted to hold her back, but for some reason, a black mass suddenly fell out of Su Jishi's pocket and landed on the ground with a "dong" sound Muffled.

Before Su Jishi reached out to pick it up, Xiaoxia had already picked it up quickly.

"Sister Su, you dropped your things... Huh?!" Xiaoxia rubbed her eyes, carefully staring at the crumpled black mass in her palm. This thing looks more and more familiar, more and more familiar...

"What is this?" Xiaoxia asked with a straight face.

Su Jishi was calm and composed: "This is a piece of Gobi mud. I found it on the side of the road when I left the airport. There is no Gobi in Keketuohai, so it somehow appeared here. I found it interesting, so I picked it up."

"—But you just said it was tiger dung!!" Xiaoxia would have exploded if she hadn't been worried that there were other workers in the car. Close to you!"

Su Jishi originally wanted to make an expression of "sincerely admitting my mistake", but she was born lacking the ability to open her eyes and tell lies: "Okay, if I don't find an excuse, you will definitely not let me get out of the car."

Xiaoxia was about to be overwhelmed by her audacity and cried: "Sister Su, why are you so courageous, aren't you afraid of accidents happening to yourself?"

"There will be no accidents." Su Jishi smiled slyly, took Xiaoxia's hand and put it into his trouser pocket.

In the trouser pocket, there was a hard, straight object, which was pressing against Xiaoxia's palm.

Xiaoxia: "..."

Xiaoxia: "..."

Xiaoxia: "..."

Xiaoxia: Although I figured out what it is, I still feel very stuck.jpg

Su Jishi proudly said: "With my big baby here, nothing can hurt me!"