The Villainous Celebrity Wife of the CEO

Chapter 88: The text is over


The spring breeze brings warmth.

The warm sun hangs high in the sky, cicadas sing and birds fly, and there is a vibrant scene everywhere.

The sun shines on the open-air stage, illuminating the red banner in the center. As the breeze blew, the red banner danced with the wind, making a hunting sound - several conspicuous gold letters of "Graduation Ceremony of the School of Earth Sciences" were engraved on the banner, which was unforgettable at a glance.

Nearly a hundred chairs were neatly arranged on the lawn in front of the stage. The families of the students were beaming, and their enthusiastic eyes fell on the group of youthful graduates.

Because of the traffic jam on the road, Mu Xiulun was late. Fortunately, when he entered the arena, the ceremony had not officially started, so he found an inconspicuous seat in the back row and sat down without disturbing too many people.

He sat firmly and looked up to the side of the stage—a group of students in graduation gowns gathered together and lined up in two rows under the command of the staff, nervously waiting for the upcoming tassel picking ceremony.

Among a group of black bachelor's gowns, Su Jishi, who was wearing a red and black doctor's gown, was particularly conspicuous.

In order to take care of students of different sizes, the graduation gowns are all made loose and bulky. When most people put it on, it looks empty, like a child wearing a sack.

But the same dress covered Su Jishi's body, but it made her tall and straight, and she was full of vigor.

Straight and slender legs were exposed from under the robe, and they stepped on a pair of high heels with a height of eight centimeters. They just turned the ordinary graduation ceremony into her personal show.

On the stage, the dean was giving a speech at the ceremony, and the students were quite bored, talking in low voices. Only Su Jishi had no distractions and was listening carefully to the speech on the stage.

She had red lips and black hair, and bright eyes. Mu Xiulun's eyes seemed to be glued to her body, and he couldn't bear to look away.

There seemed to be a telepathic connection between the two of them. Su Jishi suddenly turned his head and looked in Mu Xiulun's direction after being so far apart.

There are hundreds of people between them, and it can be seen that the line of sight is like two magnets, tightly "attracted" together.

Su Jishi smiled slightly and kissed him.

Mu Xiulun accepted it with a smile.

No one noticed the eyebrow-eye lawsuit between them, Su Jishi quickly withdrew his gaze and returned his attention to the stage.

After the lengthy dean's speech, finally ushered in the most important part of the awards ceremony - ear picking.

There is a long tassel on all the degree caps. Each student comes to the stage one by one, and the leaders of the school personally move the tassel from right to left. This ceremony represents the maturity of the ears of wheat and the success of the graduates in their studies and fruitful achievements. Because Su Jishi is a Ph.D., he was last on stage.

There were eighteen students on stage with her, only three of whom were wearing red and black doctoral gowns. The blue ribbon was pressed on her neck, Su Jishi bowed her head humbly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the old dean approaching, he raised his hand and pulled her tassels aside.

The old dean handed her the graduation certificate in front of her, and the wrinkles on his face deepened with a smile: "Student Su, congratulations."

Su Jishi met the Yin Yin gaze of the old dean, and shook hands with him: "Thank you, Dean Zhang, I will continue to contribute to the cause of geology."

In fact, she once met this Dean Zhang once. After she became "Su Jin", the first movie she shot was filmed in the university. After Dean Zhang learned about it, he came to visit the class in order to get an autograph for his grandson. Su Jishi respected Dean Zhang very much. She never thought that she would be lucky enough to receive this graduation certificate from Dean Zhang today.

After the tassel picking ceremony, all the graduates on the stage filed down, only Su Jishi stayed on the stage.

Stepping on the red carpet with high heels, she walked up to the podium with her head held high and stopped.

Looking down from this height, you can clearly see everyone in the audience. She raised her eyes and looked into the distance. In the last row of the crowd, Mu Xiulun's eyes were shining on her.

The man's gaze was full of faith, love, and courage, which were endlessly transmitted to her heart.

She opened her mouth, and her clear voice resounded through the microphone to every corner of the stage.

"Hello everyone, I am the graduate representative of the School of Earth Sciences this year, and the title of my speech is..."

— "Okay! Card!!!"

The rough male voice interrupted Su Jishi's unspoken words, and also cut off the solemn atmosphere of this "graduation ceremony".

Behind the monitor, the director snapped his fingers in satisfaction; the cameraman turned off the equipment slowly, and went to the side with the camera assistant to smoke to refresh himself.

It turned out that this was not the real scene of the graduation ceremony, but a big movie called "Measurement".

This film is a "gift film" designated by the above, and it is expected to be released on National Day next year. It tells the story of the first batch of geologists at the beginning of the founding of New China, who measured thousands of miles of rivers and mountains of the motherland with their feet, and recorded every inch of China's land with perseverance and endless desire for knowledge.

Some of these great geologists buried their bones in the snow-capped mountains, some got lost in the desert, and some lived long lives and passed on their experience to newcomers from generation to generation.

At the end of the film, the timeline jumps back to modern times. A new generation of outstanding geoscientists graduated from school and started a new round of exploration.

And Su Jishi played the role of one of the graduates.

Because this movie is a "gift movie", the main roles are all played by powerful domestic actors, three movie kings, two movie queens, and four actors with a box office of 5 billion... The list of actors is really scary.

Originally, idol artists were not available for this kind of film, but considering the "boost box office", they selected a few young traffickers to appear on the scene.

And Su Jin, as the No. 1 among young artists, is naturally on the list.

It was a very "coincidental" job—

At this time, Su Jishi had already completed the finale tour of "Winner in the Wild", and Su Jinqing had also finished arranging work in Australia. The two sisters were about to change their identities back, who would want to suddenly drop such a big job!

The two sisters just looked at each other, and they immediately decided that the film "Measurement" will be shot by Su Jishi!

Su Jishi's transformation from an ordinary geologist to a female star was completely the result of a blunder. And just when she was about to leave the entertainment industry, she got a chance to play a geologist—isn't this the most wonderful coincidence

Because it was a guest star, Su Jishi's role in the scene was so small that it only took three days to finish filming.

The last scene is at the commencement ceremony, when she walks on stage in her doctoral gown and speaks on behalf of the graduates.

Standing in front of the stage, facing the camera, she recalled her hard study over the past ten years, thought about the way to go in the future, and immediately substituted into the role. She integrated this feeling into the plot, and easily completed the shooting task.

The director of this film is a well-known director in the industry, and he has extremely high requirements for artists. He heard that he wanted to cooperate with traffic artists, and he was a little disdainful. Who would have thought that Su Jin would enter the show so quickly, and when she gave a speech on stage, she would be full of emotion. When the close-up shot was pushed over, she could even see the water in her eyes.

The director nodded frequently, thinking that if he wants to make a commercial film next time, he can consider adding Su Jin's name in it.

Afterwards, the director added a few more close-up shots, and soon Su Jin's role was completed.

It only took Su Jishi three days from joining the group to leaving the group, which can be called a "three-day tour of the crew".

The ensemble actors disbanded on the spot. When Mu Xiulun left his seat, he heard an old aunt who played the role of a student's parent calling a friend and said, "Guess which celebrity I saw today? It's Su Jin! She's so beautiful!"

Mu Xiulun smiled, took the flowers that had been ordered in advance, and walked slowly to the backstage.

He stopped a staff member with a badge and asked, "Where is Su Jin?"

The staff looked him up and down a few times, and saw that he was handsome, with a noble air in every gesture, not like the kind of illegitimate fan who snooped on the artist's privacy. The staff asked, "Who are you?"

Mu Xiulun thought for a while, and only said: "...Miss Su is finished, I'm here to deliver flowers."

The production crew has always had the etiquette tradition of giving flowers after the artiste finished. The staff member pointed Mu Xiulun in a direction without thinking too much.

After Mu Xiulun left holding the bouquet, the staff member suddenly slapped his forehead and cursed secretly: "Who will send red roses when it's finished?"

When Mu Xiulun walked into the backstage with a large bouquet of delicate red roses, Su Jishi was in the dressing room being interviewed by the media.

More than a dozen media outlets were arranged by the production crew. You have one question and I have one. An interview takes at least half an hour. It's just that not everyone in these media has good intentions.

In order to attract attention and attract traffic, everyone's questions are very tricky.

For a tribute film like "Measurement", the crew strictly controls the publicity, and none of the main actors has been interviewed. They could only hug Su Jin tightly, trying to get some information from her.

Some people even deliberately wanted to provoke her: "—Many viewers now believe that the new generation of artists are not worthy of the name, and as the leading figure in the new generation, what do you want to say about this concept? You guest starred in "Measurement" "For a movie of this level, will you feel any pressure to play against those powerful Mesozoic actors?"

When this question came up, everything was quiet.

As we all know, Su Jin debuted for four years, and has not won a significant acting award until now, but has won the Popularity Award, Fashion Award, and New Talent Award. She is an entertainer and a star, but she is not an outstanding actor. The reporter deliberately compared her with those old actors just to annoy her.

Fang Jie, who had been standing beside Su Jishi, frowned and looked at the station logo on the reporter's microphone.

Fang Jie posted it next to Su Jishi's ear, and whispered, "This reporter belongs to XX Media, and it's the same group as Xu Yadan's agency."

It is self-evident why the reporter was so picky.

Su Jishi raised his brows, and he was not as angry as the reporter expected. Instead, he replied relaxedly: "Before I answer your question, I also want to ask you a question—do you really know what the 'new generation' and the 'mesozoic' are?" mean?"

reporter:"… "

What do Cenozoic and Mesozoic mean

What kind of problem is this? !

The reporter said blankly: "The new generation is young artists, and the Mesozoic generation is experienced old actors."

These are two rhetorical techniques commonly used in media reports. Click on the forum and you can see them everywhere.

But Su Jishi shook his head, his red lips slightly parted: "Wrong."

"… ah?"

She held out two fingers: "The words 'Cenozoic' and 'Mesozoic' are indeed often used to describe artists in the entertainment industry. But in fact, they were originally exclusive terms for geology.

"Using the extinction of dinosaurs as the dividing line: from 250 million years ago to the end of the Cretaceous period, it is called the 'Mesozoic'; and the 65 million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs are all called the 'Cenozoic'."

Before Su Jishi finished explaining, the reporter's eyes turned into mosquito-repellent frogs.

"Looking at your expression, did you not understand what I said?—Let me put it this way, whether it is the Mesozoic or the Cenozoic, it is a very, very long time. In the field of geology, the Mesozoic ends and the Cenozoic enters; in entertainment In the industry, the new generation will one day grow into the Mesozoic generation... This process takes time. And in a short period of time, you can't judge a person's achievements in just a few years."

Su Jishi ingeniously changed the concept and easily got the media involved. All the reporters present had their brains froze, talking about the Cenozoic and Mesozoic, recording in a daze.

Her professional books for so many years are not for nothing. When fooling laymen, she is full of confidence, even if people don't understand, they will subconsciously be convinced.

Su Jishi opened his mouth and put an end to this topic: "I never thought of myself as the leader of the new generation, I am who I am, and I just happened to appear here at this time."

After the tide of the media subsided, Su Ji belatedly discovered Mu Xiulun who was standing at the end of the crowd.

The man was dressed in a neat suit, with a handsome appearance, and walked slowly with a rose in his hand.

The girl hadn't removed her makeup yet, she was still wearing a costume, with a loose and elegant doctor's robe covering her body, at this moment, she was very much like her original "self".

Originally, there were other staff members in the dressing room, and when they saw Mu Xiulun coming, they left with winks.

In the empty room, only the two of them were left in a blink of an eye.

Su Jishi's eyes fluttered, and he stretched out his hand generously: "Is this flower for me?"

Mu Xiulun laughed and presented the beautifully packaged roses.

The fiery red rose was held in the arms of the girl. Upon closer inspection, Su Jishi discovered that the heart of each rose was wrapped with a tiny gemstone. The gemstone was only three or four cents in size. What method, all those transparent gemstones are inlaid in the weak flower center.

Those gemstones are dazzling, reflecting soft light under the light.

"I think ordinary roses might not be able to impress you." Mu Xiulun said seriously, "So someone ordered these jewel roses, I wonder if you like them?"

"... quite creative." Su Jishi said honestly, "You can inlay minerals on plants, and you can come up with such a genius combination. I believe your sexuality is straight."

"...isn't it good to be a straight man?"

Su Jishi thought for a while, then sighed, "That's good, but I have to work harder at night."

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Although Su Jishi expressed disgust, he was reluctant to let go of the flower.

She asked him, "What's it like being an extra for the first time?"

Mu Xiulun asked her back: "What's it like being an actor for the first time?"

Su Jishi replied: "There is no privacy under the camera, it is quite hard."

Fortunately, this ordeal is finally coming to an end. "Measurement" was her last performance in front of the camera. She played "self" as "Su Jin", put on her doctoral graduation gown, and previewed the graduation scene in advance.

But now when it comes to graduation, she has a headache.

PhD is not that easy to read. It is said that getting a PhD depends on physical strength, and graduation depends on luck. A doctor of geology like her, either digs rocks in the field or looks at rocks in the laboratory. , are likely to be delayed, so it is not uncommon to study for a Ph.D. for five or six years.

But others postponed their graduation and are still busy with their studies. As for her, she actually went back to China to become a star after finishing her graduation! Even the instructor doesn't believe you when you say it!

When she thought of the pile of materials waiting for her to sort out after returning to the United States, she had a headache.

However, the difficulty is the difficulty, no matter how difficult it is, it is not as difficult as being in the entertainment industry! !

Su Jishi had already packed his luggage, and the return date was set for next week.

Mu Xiulun sent a private jet to take her back to the United States. If he wasn't too busy with work, he would really like to send her back to school.

After the Mu family fell from power, none of the Mu family's children who held high positions in the group escaped, and all of them were sent to prison by Mu Xiulun. The once glorious EXP Group was like a small cabbage in the autumn wind. It was divided and swallowed by several other mining groups. Naturally, Mu Xiulun did not let go of this great opportunity and annexed several of its subsidiaries.

Now is the busiest time, the new company needs to integrate with the old company, personnel transfer and resource allocation are all waiting for him to decide. Today he squeezed out three hours of spare time. When he came to visit Su Ji on the set, he would go back to work overtime later.

After Su Jishi returns to the United States, the two will formally begin their exotic relationship.

Fortunately, neither of them is the kind of young couple who put love and love first. For them, career is as important as love. They will not sacrifice love for career, nor will they compromise career for love.

But no matter how you say it, it is really a bit reluctant to have to separate during the passionate love period.

Su Jishi suddenly said: "By the way, are you free in July?"

Mu Xiulun lowered his head and thought for a while: "I'm not sure, I have to ask Gao Ling to check my itinerary, maybe I already have an arrangement."

Su Jishi didn't speak, put down the bouquet of roses in her arms, turned around and touched her small handbag from the table.

The handbag is not big, but it is more than enough to hold a hammer.

Su Jishi held the small 12oz hammer, looked at Mu Xiulun, and asked again: "I'll give you another chance, tell me if you're free in July?"

"..." Mu Xiulun immediately changed his words, "I'm free, for you, anytime."

"That's good." Su Jishi joked with him, "My graduation ceremony will be in July, and I hope you can come."

She said calmly: "I went to the United States to study after graduating from high school. My dad asked for a penny. He said that he would not give me tuition fees, and I didn't need to provide for his pension. So since I became an adult, I I never contacted him again."

"At the undergraduate graduation ceremony, all the students had relatives present, and I was the only one."

"At the master's graduation ceremony, I was still the only one."

"Now that I've finished my PhD, I don't want to be alone."

Su Jishi looked up at him with a bright smile.

"Mu Xiulun... would you like to come to my graduation ceremony?"

The rolling of the man's Adam's apple was obviously just a simple question, but when he spoke, it was as if he was making a lifetime promise.

"I would."

This time, the girl's graduation ceremony is no longer a one-man show.

She regained her family, met new friends, and found a partner who will stay with her for life.

[End of text]

The author has something to say: postscript to the text

I have been hesitating about where to hang the "End of the text" sign.

Think about it, it is still suitable here. The two came together naturally, Mr. Mu's family affairs ended, Sister Su went back to school to continue her doctoral study, and Sister Su finally defeated her once fragile self and came back to take on her own responsibilities.

Of course, although the main text is over, there are still a few small episodes in the back.

Now the inspiration is two.

One is the story of my sister and brother-in-law in Australia.

One is that after my sister graduated, she was bored and returned to China to "guest star" again. This time, she will serve as a special judge guest on the men's team talent show ~ first write the sister's episode, and then write the sister's episode.

If there is anything else you want to watch, you can also tell me.

Even if you get married and have children.

Finally, I would like to apologize to everyone. The update frequency of this article is really insignificant. I stumble and update it four, five or six times a week. I am ashamed of everyone's love.

I hope that my next new article can form a good habit (I don't have much confidence in myself... )

Shout out to receive a new article in advance: "Rent Boyfriend"

[Beautiful and hot female strong big sister vs little wolf dog from sports journalism department] [Under the age, age difference of 6 years] [About 100,000 words to less than 200,000 words] Yang Xiao is very beautiful, Yang Xiao is very spicy, Yang Xiao Make a lot of money.

But Yang Xiao's vision is not very good. The first two boyfriends were both living animals.

Her first boyfriend, the prominent and domineering president of the family.

The only requirement is to get pregnant first, get married, and get a certificate after giving birth to a son.

Yang Xiao: Get lost.

Her second boyfriend, a talented university professor.

However, this literary young man has dozens of confidante friends on WeChat.

Yang Xiao: Get lost.

In order to silence his relatives, Yang Xiao opened the "Rent Boyfriend" app, planning to rent a fake boyfriend when he returns home during the Chinese New Year to deal with his parents.

Three days later, a big boy in sportswear and holding a basketball appeared downstairs at Yang Xiao's house.

He was tall, handsome and young, with short hair fluffy standing on top of his head, and when he smiled, his eyes narrowed into nice arcs, and the sky was sunny.

Yang Xiao folded his hands on his chest, raised his head, and looked suspiciously from bottom to top.

Yang Xiao asked: "...little brother, are you an adult yet?"

The fake boyfriend later "acted by himself" told her that not only was he an adult, but he was no longer a "little brother".

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