The Villainous Classmate is My Lucky Star

Chapter 49


In the damp and dark tunnel, Chi Jingxi's breathing became heavier and heavier, and Wen Yantong became more and more worried.

Fortunately, Chi Jingxi's memory was not wrong. After walking along the tunnel for a short time, she came across the stone gate that the young man took her through. Wen Yantong hurriedly left the fire folder in his hand to Chi Jingxi, walked a few steps quickly, and walked to the side of the stone ladder.

She knew that the tunnel exit was hidden under the bed, which was very inconvenient, so she climbed up first, moved the bed away, and completely exposed the tunnel entrance.

Chi Jingxi came up from behind, and Wen Yantong rushed to help him up from the tunnel entrance. She took the torch, first lit all the lamps in the room, and then helped Chi Jingxi to sit on the bed.

The two were almost in the same distress, their robes were splashed with blood, especially Chi Jingxi, who smelled very strong of blood. The handsome face was still dripping with blood, and the sleeves were so heavy that blood could still be wrung out.

He may have lost too much blood, his face was terribly pale, his breathing was a little weak, and he leaned against the wall as soon as he sat on the bed. But his eyes were still deep and deep, quite calm, "Go and call someone."

On the contrary, Wen Yantong was so flustered that after letting Chi Jingxi sit down, he rushed into Zhang Jieran's house, ran to his bedside, and shook his shoulder with his hand, "Zhang Jieran! Zhang Jieran! Wake up!"

Zhang Jieran was sleeping soundly at the moment, this movement really frightened him a lot, when he opened his eyes, he saw a man covered in blood lying on his bedside, he screamed, and he rolled his eyes and passed out .

Wen Yantong yelled again in horror, and tried to pinch him, "But! What's wrong with you! Don't scare me!"

But Zhang Jieran was really scared and fainted. Wen Yantong was both guilty and anxious, thinking that Chi Jingxi's situation was not optimistic, and finally left Zhang Jieran who was fainted on the bed and went to find Fu Zixian.

Thinking of her terrifying appearance, she grabbed two handfuls of snow while running, and regardless of the biting coldness of the snow at night, she smeared it on her face a few times, kneading it into water to wash some of the blood on her face.

When she ran to Fu Zixian's door, she realized that there was a guard guarding the door. Seeing that she looked okay, the guard stopped her.

Wen Yantong said anxiously, "I'm Fu Zixian's friend, I need to find him urgently, report to him quickly!"

The guards didn't believe it, after all, it was midnight, and a man covered in blood suddenly appeared, so he should be arrested immediately.

Seeing that they were not moving, Wen Yantong transformed himself into a spinning top, slammed into the door, and slammed on the door, "Fu Zixian! Wake up!"

Mu Yang was startled by the sudden knocking on the door and shouting, and sat up directly from the bed, almost falling out of bed. Hearing Wen Yantong's voice, he hurriedly climbed down, without even wearing shoes, threw off the quilt and ran to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a man with disheveled hair and blood all over his body was stopped by the guards, and was rushing towards him with his teeth and claws open.

Mu Yang was so frightened that he could not fall asleep after hearing Wen Yantong's story, so he came to find Fu Zixian specially, but before the drowsiness subsided, he was frightened out of his wits and backed away screaming.

Wen Yantong shouted, "Don't yell, don't yell! It's me, Wen Yantong!"

Mu Yang was so frightened that he kept shrinking back.

Fu Zixian who came after him helped his waist from behind, stabilized his figure, and at the same time stepped forward and asked, "What happened?"

Wen Yantong showed joy, "Fu Zixian! You are the best brother at the critical moment, and the young master is seriously injured. Let Mu Yang send someone to invite the doctor!"

Fu Zixian frowned, saw Yantong's appearance, and knew that she was not joking, so he turned to pull Mu Yang who wanted to escape, "Young Master Mu, calm down..."

Mu Yang was so frightened that his mind was numb, and he had no time to calm down. Seeing him like that, Wen Yantong was so angry that he rushed up and grabbed his clothes and punched him twice on the back, "Call your mother's head! Your brother Xi is injured and will die soon! Hurry up!" Send someone to find the doctor!"

Wen Yantong was very anxious. Chi Jingxi is now weak due to blood loss, and he is in Nian'an Temple, and he doesn't know how long he will have to wait for the doctor to come over, and he can't waste a second.

Seeing this, Fu Zixian hurried forward to fight, and said to Mu Yang, "Young Master Mu, this is Wen Yantong, don't be afraid."

"Wen Yantong...Wen Yantong?" Panting heavily, Mu Yang seemed to be slowly regaining consciousness. He held Wen Yantong's face for a closer look, and found that it was really her. He grabbed her shoulder and said in surprise, "You just said what happened to Brother Xi?!"

"He was seriously injured, you will die if you delay!" The panic on Wen Yantong's face did not appear to be fake at all, scaring Mu Yang enough.

He rushed out of the room and said to the guard, "Go and wake up Brother Qian Yuan! Go and call the doctor immediately!"

The guards took the order to act immediately, Mu Yang didn't stop, and ran to Chi Jingxi's room.

In the middle of the run, Wen Yantong called him from behind, "He's in my room!"

Mu Yang turned around in a hurry, and rushed straight into Wen Yantong's room with his head stunned. He slammed the door and yelled, "Brother Xi! Where are you!"

Before Chi Jingxi could respond, he lifted the curtain and entered the room, and saw Chi Jingxi sitting on the bed covered in blood, and the bedding was also soaked in blood, which was shocking.

Mu Yang immediately burst into tears, and ran to the bed crying, "Brother Xi! What's going on with you! Be sure to hold on!"

Chi Jingxi's ears hurt from his loud voice, and his eyebrows furrowed, "I'm not dead yet, why cry?"

Mu Yang lay on the bed, "Wen Yantong said that you are dying!"

Chi Jingxi's eyebrows twitched slightly, "I can hold on for the time being."

Wen Yantong then ran over, saw Mu Yang was yelling, hurried up and dragged him aside, calmed his breath, and said to Chi Jingxi in a soft voice, "Young Master, you are bleeding too much The doctor won't be here for a while, so he must stop the bleeding as soon as possible."

Chi Jingxi nodded to her with light in her dark eyes.

Wen Yantong turned around to search for the package, and found a stack of spare gauze. Her right leg was not completely healed, and she needed to wrap some herbs on her leg, so she brought a lot of gauze before leaving.

She unfolded the gauze, folded it into wide strips, walked to the window, and said to Mu Yang, "Undo the shirt of Young Master."

Sitting by the bed, Mu Yang was at a loss. After hearing her words, he hurriedly went to unbutton Chi Jingxi's clothes. But he was too anxious, and he couldn't control the strength of his strike, which pulled Chi Jingxi's wound.

Chi Jingxi could still bear it and not cry out, but his brows were furrowed, looking uncomfortable.

Wen Yantong pushed him away, "Get out of the way, let me come."

Coincidentally, Fu Zixian rushed over with Mu Yang's coat and shoes, and asked him to put on his clothes quickly to avoid freezing.

Wen Yantong put the gauze aside and glanced at Chi Jingxi. Seeing that there was still calm in his raised eyes, he seemed to be telling her not to panic.

Wen Yantong knelt beside the bed, took a deep breath, relaxed his strength, and quickly and gently unbuttoned his clothes one by one. The blood was all clotted on the clothes, and the fishy smell rushed to her nostrils when they were untied. She was afraid that the wound would stick to the clothes, so she didn't dare to be too reckless.

Chi Jingxi frowned, breathed weakly, and said in a calm voice, "Open it directly."

Wen Yantong's heart swelled, and she lifted off the clothes on his right shoulder vigorously, revealing the wound that was injured by the sharp knife. She gasped, and took off the clothes to his arm.

The wound was not long, but the puncture was deep, so there was a lot of blood, especially on his white arm.

She picked up the gauze and wrapped her left hand from his left side to the back of his neck, "Sit forward."

When Chi Jingxi heard the words, he stepped forward. Wen Yantong pinched the gauze and hesitated for a moment before covering it.

She had never treated a wound like this before and didn't know how to stop the bleeding.

Chi Jingxi saw it, endured the pain and raised his right arm slightly, raised his eyes and said to her, "Wrap it around the wound, use force."

This is compression hemostasis. Wen Yantong didn't know much, just saw some on TV occasionally, she never learned these things in school.

After a momentary pause, she gritted her teeth, knelt and took two steps forward, bowed down and covered the gauze on the wound, almost instantly, the gauze was stained red with blood. She recklessly wrapped around the wound, and the white gauze turned red as soon as it was wrapped.

In order to stop the bleeding, she did not leave half a gap, and wrapped it very hard, her eyes were fixed on the wound, for fear that she would make a mistake.

Chi Jingxi tilted her head, looked down at the entangled wound, and then slowly turned her gaze to Wen Yantong's side face. Because of a handful of snow just now, Wen Yantong's face was also covered with blood in a large patch, his eyebrows and eyes were everywhere, and there were still tiny drops of water hanging on the long and dense eyelashes.

She looked extremely focused, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and her face was serious. On the contrary, Chi Jingxi, who was seriously injured and in danger, became more and more calm, her beautiful eyes softened a lot, without the usual arrogance and indifference.

When Wen Yantong bandaged him to stop the bleeding, Mu Yang put on his coat and shoes and stood aside, his face full of anxiety. Cheng Xin was also awakened from her sleep, and came to see this scene in a hurry, without making a sound, she ordered the guards to boil hot water, and then waited nearby.

After Wen Yantong tied the gauze in a knot, she breathed a sigh of relief. There were fine beads of sweat on her forehead due to nervousness. She raised her hand to wipe it, and bumped into Chi Jingxi's sight when she raised her head.

Wen Yantong subconsciously said, "Wrapped, wrapped."

Chi Jingxi responded in a low voice.

Cheng Xin hurried forward, "What happened?"

Chi Jingxi's expression turned cold, "There is an underground secret room under Nian'an Temple, and there are things hidden in it. Immediately dispatch people to surround this area first, and don't let anyone go, including the monks in the temple."

Cheng Xin nodded and said, "I'll report to my father immediately. The doctor has already gone to ask for it. How are you doing now? Can you still hold on?"

Chi Jingxi closed his eyes slightly, "It's okay."

Wen Yantong suddenly reached out and grabbed Chi Jingxi's palm. He didn't expect her to move suddenly, and he cast surprised eyes.

Chi Jingxi's palms seemed to be warm, but they were actually a bit cold at the moment. Wen Yantong said to Cheng Xin in a deep voice, "Young Master's body temperature has started to drop, Fifth Highness, please ask for more heaters to be brought over. Boil some hot water."

Cheng Xin nodded and told the guards to move the stove.

Mu Yang sat nervously on the other side of Chi Jingxi, took his hand and rubbed it, "Brother Xi, do you feel cold? Would you like to bring your fur coat?"

Chi Jingxi waved his hand, "No problem."

Wen Yantong also said, "Don't touch it recklessly, the young master has other injuries on his body."

Mu Yang wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and let out a long breath, "Just now I heard that Yantong said you were dying, scared me to death..."

Chi Jingxi glanced at Wen Yantong when he heard the words.

She smiled embarrassingly, "I was also scared."

Chi Jingxi's cold fingertips moved slightly, and it seemed that the heat from Wen Yantong's pinching was still on them, so he didn't speak again.

Fu Zixian also stood silently by the side, his expression not very good-looking. Wen Yantong caught a glimpse of it from the corner of her eye, and remembered the boy's strange reaction after learning that she was Fu Zixian.

Cheng Xin, Mu Yang, Chi Jingxi. These three people represent the royal family, the general, and the king respectively, but the young man was extremely disgusted when he heard that he shouted and shouted.

But after hearing Fu Zixian's name, his attitude changed suddenly, and he even used the honorific title "Prime Minister Fu".

Could it be that the person hidden under the Nian'an Temple is actually a member of the Fu family

There was a moment of silence in the room, and several people had different thoughts. After thinking for a while, Wen Yantong saw that Chi Jingxi was taking a nap with his eyes closed, so he shouted in a panic, "Young Lord, Young Lord..."

Chi Jingxi slowly opened his eyes, "What?"

"You can't sleep now, you will be in danger." Wen Yantong said hastily.

Chi Jingxi frowned, wondering if it was because of the pain that made him weaker and weaker, and he didn't bother to make his expression so obvious. Wen Yantong was very worried about the frail appearance of wanting to cheer up, but his body couldn't resist.

She sat next to Chi Jingxi, "Young Master, let's talk for a while?"

Mu Yang disagreed, "Brother Xi is so tired, can you stop tormenting him and let him have a good rest."

Wen Yantong glared at him, "Go to the other side."

Fu Zixian also said to him, "Young Master is in a dangerous situation now, if you sleep rashly, the injury will be aggravated."

He changed to a nice and easy-to-understand statement. In fact, Chi Jingxi is seriously injured now. If he really fell asleep, he might not be able to wake up.

Seeing that Chi Jingxi didn't respond, Wen Yantong boldly grabbed his hand and pinched it with some strength, "Young Master?"

Chi Jingxi leaned against the wall, her downcast eyes were full of sleepiness, she could see that she was extremely tired, but she still responded, "What do you want to say?"

"When we heard someone knocking on the door in the house earlier, you said there were bandits in the temple. What is the proof?" Wen Yantong asked hastily.

Chi Jingxi's throat slipped slowly, all movements slowed down, and his nerves were a little weakened. But after hearing Wen Yantong's words, his brain started to work again, and he said, "The words about bandits are for them."

Wen Yantong: "Huh?"

Chi Jingxi said, "At that time, the person who knocked on the door was a regular martial arts practitioner. He walked lightly and silently, and could hear my footsteps approaching the door. But I didn't hear him leave, so when we went out, he Just nearby, I deliberately said that there are bandits in the temple, so that they will be confused."

Wen Yantong suddenly realized, and asked again, "Then how do you know that the monks in the temple are also in the same group?"

"The clothes hanging under the eaves smell the same as the incense on the senior monks of Nian'an Temple, but the people in the basement don't need incense. Those people are most likely hiding among the monks on weekdays."

He said, "In this Nian'an Temple, most of them are fake monks."

Wen Yantong said, "So that's the case. I didn't expect that someone would dare to steal the beam and change the post on the edge of the imperial city, and hide it from the sky."

Chi Jingxi didn't respond, and seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. Wen Yantong had no choice but to change his tone, and said fiercely, "Little Lord, if you are in danger next time, don't be alone again! You are precious, and it must be very serious to be injured this time." Terrible, your guards will be punished accordingly!"

I thought that Chi Jingxi would retort coldly, but he just hummed lazily, "I won't let them be punished."

Wen Yantong said, "That can't hurt yourself! Look at your appearance now."

Chi Jingxi raised his eyelids and looked at her, "Aren't you going down too?"

"Can I be the same as you?" Wen Yantong contradicted, "I'm a commoner, and I get hurt when I get hurt, but you are different. You got hurt, and you shouldn't alarm many people! Besides, I was put on a knife at the time. I'm forced to go down by my neck, if I have a choice, I don't want to go down alone!"

Chi Jingxi said, "I have wronged you."

Wen Yantong said again, "Besides, I wasn't injured either..."

Chi Jingxi paused when he heard this, and asked, "Do you know kung fu?"

Wen Yantong shook his head, "Of course not, if you know kung fu, you will definitely protect you from getting hurt."

Chi Jingxi's eyes closed in confusion. He remembered that three or four people died beside Wen Yantong...

Wen Yantong said, "It's strange to say that the situation at that time was really weird, and I didn't even think about it myself."

Several times it was clear that the knife was about to be cut down, but those villains always went wrong at critical moments, and then killed themselves, as if there was a magical power protecting her.

She also felt this inexplicable good luck before. For example, if you suddenly hit the target in the martial arts test, or you suddenly win the lottery in the Crispy Fragrance Building, if you have troubles on your front foot, you will have a solution to your back foot.

She frowned, recalling carefully.

After a while, the hot water was delivered to the room, Wen Yantong lost his thoughts and said, "Quick, wipe your face and wash your hands for Young Master."

The guard put the hot water by the bed, and was about to do it, but Wen Yantong stopped him, "... Didn't the young master bring the servant?"

Chi Jingxi said, "Shoveling snow should not accompany you."

After saying this, she noticed that Mu Yang and Cheng Xin didn't seem to have brought them with them, and there were only guards by their side.

But she was afraid that the guards' rough hands and feet would affect the wounds on Chi Jingxi's body. Mu Yang seemed to see her concern, rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward, volunteering, "I'll wipe Brother Xi."

"No, you can't." Wen Yantong hurried forward and pushed him aside, "Let me do it."

Wen Yantong put his hand into the basin and tried it, the water was extremely hot, it seemed that no cold water had been added. She endured the heat and twisted the cloth towel half dry, then knelt down beside Chi Jingxi, and said to Chi Jingxi, "Young Master, let me wipe off the blood on your face first."

Chi Jingxi was seriously injured and weak, and his aggressiveness was gone. His eyes were full of laziness, and he acquiesced.

Wen Yantong folded the cloth towel into the size of a palm, started to wipe from his forehead, and wiped his handsome eyebrows, beautiful eyes, and high bridge of nose one by one. Wiping it carefully and gently, wiped off the blood spattered on his face.

She soaked the cloth again, rubbed the blood off it, and then wiped her neck, brushing over the rolling Adam's apple, the white side of the neck, not even behind the ears.

The guard changed the water, and when she washed it, the water was bloody again.

After wiping his face and neck, he slowly wiped his hands clean.

Hot wetness mixed with gentle force rolled on the skin, from which Chi Jingxi felt Wen Yantong's carefulness.

His inked eyes seemed to be quenched into shattered stars, the light flickered faintly, revealing a little softness.

Wen Yantong wiped Chi Jingxi's hands several times before wiping off the blood, but was afraid that the heat would escape, so he hurriedly covered his hands with a quilt.

Still waiting, and the doctor didn't know how long it would take, Wen Yantong didn't dare to relax his vigilance. Mu Yang kept talking to Chi Jingxi, but Chi Jingxi responded less and less.

Seeing this, Wen Yantong took out an oiled paper bag from his bosom, and said to Chi Jingxi, "Young Master, eat something to strengthen your strength."

Chi Jingxi didn't refuse, but she didn't agree either, she just looked at the things in her hand. Wen Yantong quickly removed the oil paper, and inside were two stuffed pancakes, which she carried in her arms when she was afraid of being hungry when she was riding in a carriage.

The surface layer of the cake is a little warm, which is the temperature of Wen Yantong's arms.

She handed one of them to Chi Jingxi's mouth.

Chi Jingxi didn't move at first, but Wen Yantong thought he didn't want to eat, and when he was about to persuade him, he opened his mouth and took a bite.

After he chewed slowly, his expression was tinged with astonishment, "What kind of stuffing is this?"

Wen Yantong was puzzled by his reaction, and replied, "Meat stuffing? Doesn't Young Master eat meat?"

As soon as the words came out, several people in the room were stunned. Mu Yang was startled, "You brought something stuffed with meat into the temple?"

Wen Yantong realized later, "Can't you take it?"

"It's going to be locked up in a big prison!" Mu Yang said, "If the imperial order is up, anyone who eats meat in the temple is disrespectful to the gods. If it is light, it will be punished with a board, and if it is serious, it will be imprisoned for three to five years."

"Isn't it? If you eat meatloaf, you will go to jail?" Wen Yantong was startled, wrapped the oil paper again, and stuffed it back into his bosom, "I didn't eat it, it was the young master who ate it."

Chi Jingxi who just swallowed something: "..."

Mu Yang looked out, "No one saw... there should be no problem."

It happened that Cheng Xin came in with the guards, "What do you see?"

As soon as Mu Yang was about to speak, Chi Jingxi said first, "It's all right, can the matter be settled?"

Cheng Xin nodded, "That's right. The movement just now woke up the students in the academy. I have sent people to disperse them. The monks in the temple are still sleeping, so I didn't disturb them. I just sent people to surround the Nian'an Temple first. Tomorrow Call in another batch in the morning."

Chi Jingxi nodded.

Cheng Xin came forward worriedly, "Has the bleeding stopped?"

Wen Yantong glanced at his shoulder, the gauze had already been soaked with blood, but there was no sign of it flowing down, "I guess it stopped."

Cheng Xin sighed, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the middle of the night. Xiaoxi, if you hold on a little longer, the doctor will be here soon."

Chi Jingxi didn't speak any more.

The wound on his body made him feel uncomfortable, and he couldn't help frowning, but his expression was calm.

Patience reveals the perseverance of a teenager.

Wen Yantong couldn't help sighing, the young Chi Jingxi already had such a strong character, what would he look like if he was an adult

Several people talked with Chi Jingxi in the room for about half an hour, and the doctor finally came and was carried into the room. Everyone immediately moved away and let the doctor come to treat them.

Wen Yantong really relaxed now, his body softened and he almost couldn't stand, and walked out behind Fu Zixian.

"Wen Yantong." Suddenly someone called her.

She turned her head in shock, and saw Chi Jingxi's peaceful eyes, and said to her, "Go and wash your face."

Wen Yantong rolled his eyes, and suddenly burst into a smile, and the corners of his brows and eyes were full of lingering smiles, "Little Hou Ye, this is the first time you called me by my name, I remember it. You can't call me little again in the future." lame."