The Villainous Classmate is My Lucky Star

Chapter 89


Wen Yantong complained in a low voice, "Why didn't you wake me up, it was a waste of time."

The strength in Chi Jingxi's hand increased again. After pinching for a while, she released her hand to stop it, "Say, what's going on?"

Wen Yantong rubbed his face and said, "I heard that Fu Zixian was injured."

Chi Jingxi responded calmly, "No bone was hurt."

Wen Yantong frowned, "I'm worried that you will be injured too, so I can't sit still, let the government arrest you quickly."

He sat by the bed, his voice was very low, "There are three ways to go down the mountain, and the people from the government are not enough to set up defenses on the three ways. Now I don't know which way they will take when they evacuate, so we can't act rashly."

Wen Yantong said, "I have a solution."

Chi Jingxi suddenly turned to look at her, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Wen Yantong knew that he must have a lot of doubts about herself now, but the current situation did not allow an explanation, and she herself did not make up a reason.

So when she met Chi Jingxi's eyes, she suddenly leaned forward, put her arms around his neck, and pressed a kiss on his lips.

Chi Jingxi only paused for a moment, and then easily embraced her with both arms, deepening the breathing exchange between the two.

Wen Yantong's performance was more clingy than the previous two times, which made Chi Jingxi feel distracted, and his body became hot after a while. In the end, he suppressed his impulse, put Wen Yantong aside, turned his head away, and calmed down his heavy breathing.

Wen Yantong clung to him again, and whispered in his ear, "I'll explain to you after I get out, okay?"

What Chi Jingxi could do, of course, was to trust her, and only told her softly, "Protect yourself."

Wen Yantong grinned, "I have you, I'm not worried at all."

Chi Jingxi endured his dry mouth and tongue, and opened his collar to dissipate the heat from his body.

"What are the three ways to go down the mountain?" Wen Yantong straightened his collar which was messed up by himself just now.

"One to the east, two to the south." Chi Jingxi let her move on her clothes.

Wen Yantong thought for a while, and said seriously, "Let the government deploy all people on the east side, and leave only a few people on the other two roads. If anyone passes by the south two roads, they will all be arrested, but if If someone goes out from the east, let them go temporarily, just keep an eye on them."

After hearing this, Chi Jingxi looked at her in surprise, and soon understood what she was thinking, and asked, "How are you sure they will go the east way?"

Wen Yantong said, "I'm sure."

Chi Jingxi said, "How much?"

Wen Yantong was silent for a moment, and compared a number, "Eighty percent."

He thought silently for a while, and finally kissed the corner of Wen Yantong's mouth, "The transfer will be completed within half a day."

Knowing that he agreed, Wen Yantong smiled and said, "Don't worry, we will definitely get out safely, and we will also put these people in prison."

She has always been of low status and short stature, and she is the one who trembles when she encounters everything, but this time Chi Jingxi can see calmness from her smile, as well as an inexplicably reassuring reliability.

He remembered that when Wen Yantong was in the underground of Nian'an Temple, even though she was extremely scared, even her hands were shaking constantly, she did not back down when facing the villain, and stood up to stop his bleeding when he was injured , talking to him keeps him conscious.

In fact, Wen Yantong has always been very reliable, but few people can find out.

Chi Jingxi showed a faint smile, pressed his palm lightly on the top of her head, and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't put you in danger."

When Wen Yantong heard this, his heart beat fast for a moment, and he didn't know what to say in response, so he nodded slowly. Then he watched him put on the silver mask, turn off the lamp in his sleeve, kiss her forehead in the dark, and finally left.

His departure was the same as before, without any sound, Wen Yantong sat for a while, and found that the room was extremely silent, even the breathing of the other person disappeared, and then realized that she was the only one in the room.

After talking with Chi Jingxi for a while, Wen Yantong became much more energetic, and lay on the bed for a long time before slowly falling asleep.

On the second day, I naturally slept until the sun was up, and I was very lazy.

When Wen Yantong washed up and went out, he saw Jiang Ling circling in the yard outside the room with an anxious look on his face. But when he saw Wen Yantong open the door and come out, a little fear appeared in his expression.

Just as she was about to speak to Jiang Ling, she saw this man running back to her room and closing the door tightly.

Wen Yantong shrugged helplessly, ordered some food, and then sat idle in the room in a daze.

In the afternoon, Wen Yantong called someone to ask, "Have the two leaders who went out yesterday returned?"

The masked man replied, "Not yet."

Wen Yantong didn't ask any other questions, and immediately asked someone to bring the red mask. Now that the red mask has a little trust in her, his attitude is different from before, and he will come soon.

Wen Yantong said, "Qiudong hasn't returned yet?"

The red mask said, "I have already sent someone out to look for it."

She shook her head with a sullen face, "There are more bad luck than good luck."

The red mask said, "Maybe there is something stumbling."

"Even if something happens, they won't be entangled. The people from the government must have gone up the hill and surrounded us. The only plan for now is to evacuate as soon as possible. If you hesitate, I'm afraid everyone won't be able to leave." Wen Yantong sternly said Said, "Do you have a plan for the evacuation route?"

The red mask hesitated for a moment, and then said, "There are three roads, two to the south, directly to Chuanyang, and one to the east, you need to cross the river to get to Niecheng."

"Go south." Wen Yantong said, "There are two roads to the south, and it is easier to escape."

The red mask didn't speak, as if he couldn't decide on this matter.

Wen Yantong was not in a hurry, he just said, "You should discuss with the other person how to leave as soon as possible, the sooner the better, I must continue to gain the trust there, I can't reveal my identity yet, I will visit the Fu family later Master."

The red mask responded, and quickly left to discuss with the blue mask.

Wen Yantong was not in a hurry. Among the four leaders, Qiu Dong had already been arrested here, and they were still arrested by General Mu himself. According to the original book, these people fled in a hurry after discovering that the two leaders had been arrested. They divided into groups to go to the south, and a group to go to the east.

However, very few people went to the south, and most of them evacuated from the east. Although the government followed closely, some people escaped.

Wen Yantong just deliberately said to go south, and gave a very pale reason. With the suspicion of her in the green mask, he will definitely ponder over her intention of going south.

She simply made herself dirty, and then went to see Fu Zixian.

Fu Zixian was placed in another quiet place, not the house where she lived, and there were many guards here.

After she entered, she saw Fu Zixian wearing thin clothes, standing by the table pouring water for herself.

I haven't seen him for a few days, he seems to have lost weight, and once he loses weight, he will appear taller, which makes Wen Yantong a little distressed.

"Fu Zixian." Wen Yantong called out, and closed the door behind his back.

Fu Zixian looked up in surprise, seeing that it was Wen Yantong, he hurriedly put down the teapot in his hand, and asked, "You're here?"

Fu Zixian's face was very pale, and there was almost no blood on his lips, looking haggard. Wen Yantong's face was dirty, his hair was disheveled, and his clothes were torn, but his complexion was rosy, which was the complete opposite of him.

Wen Yantong quickly asked him to sit down, "I heard you were injured? Why don't you take a good rest?"

Fu Zixian shook his head, "It's okay, it's just some skin trauma."

Wen Yantong was out of breath, and cursed in a low voice, "These bastards..."

Fu Zixian seemed to be very thirsty. He continued to pour water, and after drinking two cups, he said, "Why did you come here suddenly? Did they make things difficult for you?"

Wen Yantong said unhappily, "Of course not, you think I'm you, you are so stubborn, I gave them the valuables on my body, and they agreed that I came to see you."

Knowing that she was talking about not handing over the jade token, Fu Zixian lowered his head guiltily, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

"No matter how important your jade card is, it depends on the situation. Shouldn't it be handed over to those people first? If we are rescued at that time, we can still get it back." Wen Yantong said in a low voice, "Why bother with Those people did it and hurt themselves."

Fu Zixian shook his head lightly, "I'm afraid I won't come back."

Wen Yantong clicked his tongue, but didn't know what to say. She didn't know the origin of the jade plaque, but seeing Fu Zixian's attitude, it should be a very important thing, so she said, "Fortunately, it's just a skin trauma. What if they take your life for this? Could it be yours?" Is life less important than a jade token?"

He pretended to be taught, bowed his head in silence for a while, and then explained, "It's the jade plaque of the Wei family in Chuanyang City."

Wen Yantong was stunned for a moment, thought for a long time, and finally thought about the origin of this Wei family.

The number of appearances of the Wei family in the original book is basically equal to none. It is an extremely famous weapon family in Shaojing, and it is extremely prestigious in the entire Shaojing. The weapons of the Wei family are only refined, not quantitative, and each one is unique, but it is hard to find one, even if someone spends a lot of money, they can't buy it. Only four jade cards are issued every year. Homemade Seiko weapons.

It also appeared in the original book because Mu Yang was going to go to the battlefield later, so Chi Jingxi went to the Wei family in Chuanyang to order weapons for him and Fu Zixian.

Wen Yantong was startled all of a sudden, "So your jade token..."

"It's a birthday gift for Young Master Mu." Fu Zixian said, "I don't have anything valuable to offer, and I don't know what Young Master Mu wants, so I want to give him this jade token."

Isn't this fucking expensive? !

Wen Yantong was startled and startled in his heart, the expression on his face was almost uncontrollable, and finally he could only say silently, "You have a heart."

If Mu Yang finds out, he'll probably go crazy with joy.

This person can't even hold the jade token while sleeping

Wen Yantong couldn't help but said, "You are too kind to that idiot..."

Fu Zixian smiled slightly, and said after a long time, "It's Mu Yang who is too kind to me, so I will naturally find a way to repay it."

"Isn't it just pestering you to practice archery with him? You don't think it's troublesome, but you still think he's good?" Wen Yantong asked suspiciously.

Fu Zixian said calmly, "No, actually Mu Yang understands everything."