The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 100: Extra Story (6)


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Ning Yu slowly withdrew his hand, looked at the young soldier in front of him gently, and said with a smile, "Do you want to do it again?"

The young soldier was sweating and panting, he waved his hands repeatedly and said with a wry smile: "No, no, no, no." He rested for a while, then looked at Ning Yu with admiration and said, "Thank you for your willingness to practice with me. I admire you very much, I am also a commoner, I hope that one day I can be as strong and outstanding as you, so that those nobles will never dare to look down on us!"

Ning Yu pursed her lips slightly, and said with encouragement in her warm voice, "There will be such a day."

In fact, the young soldiers themselves know that this goal is a bit far away. After all, the reality is that they are doomed to be difficult to catch up with those nobles who are born with noble blood and have countless resources. But Ning Yu's words still cheer him up. He thinks As long as you work hard enough, even ordinary people will have a day of success!

Ning Yu looked at the burning fighting spirit in the opponent's eyes, and a smile slowly appeared on his lips.

Although there are many cruel and unfair places in this world, at least people have not lost hope. No matter how much he does alone, he can't change the world. What he can do is to give people hope and help them fight for more benefits. The current shackles, but whether he can succeed in the end, it is not enough to rely on him to fight alone, it depends on thousands of civilians who are not willing to let this go.

An unyielding heart is the most powerful force. Ning Yu smiled and left here. Just after walking a few steps, a soldier wearing the uniform of a senior soldier came over hurriedly. Someone is coming, and he is coming for you."

Ning Yu's eyes were thoughtful, and she straightened out her thoughts in an instant.

When he ventured to hide his identity and came to Emperor Star, he was already prepared to deal with everything. He had investigated the situation of Emperor Star, and he knew everything about people with some names. He just came back from the Naduo galaxy a few days ago, and was awarded by Emperor Jing Sui for his outstanding military exploits. It is said that Ji Ling is Jing Sui's number one suitor, and he looks down on common people the most. Come get yourself in trouble.

He already knew that those nobles would not allow him to stand out easily. This road is destined to be difficult and difficult, and he will face many plots and pressures. If he is not careful, he will be doomed. Ning Yu has been waiting for others to make a move, but he didn't expect to be the first to jump out It will be Ji Ling, I am afraid that he is a cannon fodder who has been instigated.

Ning Yu nodded slightly, and said to Wei Zhen, "Go and inform Marshal Brandon."

Of course he was not the only one who sneaked into the army, and Wei Zhen was one of his confidants.

For a noble dandy like Ji Ling, whether he takes action or not, it is not suitable for him to do so. It is better to let Brandon solve it. Brandon is considered an alternative among the nobles. A dude like Ji Ling would definitely protect his subordinates if he took action against him, but Brandon dared not say anything to control Ji Ling.

The appearance of Ji Ling was just the beginning of the nobles' temptation to him, and Ning Yu would never reveal his depth in such a trivial matter.

Wei Zhen immediately understood Ning Yu's intention, and said, "Yes!"

Ning Yu watched Wei Zhen leave with a smile, and then tidied up his sleeves slowly. It was still a bit messy when he was practicing just now. He waited for about ten seconds, and as expected, he saw a beautiful young man striding wantonly away. Come.

The boy has golden soft hair, shining like the rising sun, his water-blue eyes are as clear as the ocean, his fair and delicate face and luxurious clothes and shoes make him completely incompatible with everything here, like It is a beautiful picture scroll that was accidentally left in the sea of sand, but this picture is a little different from Ning Yu's imagination... What is missing

He looked into the boy's eyes.

It seemed that there was a trace of contempt and arrogance missing from his birth. In those clean and clear blue eyes, instead of the disgust and disdain he was familiar with, there was a trace of careful curiosity...

But this strange color quickly disappeared, and the young man's eyes became fierce, as if he was trying his best to tell everyone that he was fierce and terrifying. His pale rose-like lips opened slightly, and he made a clear and high-pitched voice: " Are you Ning Yu?"

Probably because of the huge contrast at that moment, Ning Yu didn't answer this question immediately.

The young man was annoyed because he didn't reply, and stared at him coldly, with a contemptuous and condescending look on his face, and said impatiently: "Hey, I'm talking to you, are you deaf?"

This is indeed too much. If you ignore the difference at first glance, this is a typical dude.

Ning Yu has been able to get to this day, he has already been used to this kind of humiliation and contempt, he doesn't care about it, if he cares about the words of these nobles, I'm afraid he won't be able to make it to today, he would have exposed himself because of impulse, and let his emotions control him. is the deadliest.

But compared to his calmness, the comrades around him were very angry.

The soldiers present were basically of civilian origin, and they had already accumulated countless dissatisfaction and resentment towards the nobles in their hearts. Facing this kind of ignorant, arrogant and domineering dude, they all showed indignant eyes, and began to gear up to show him some color.

Ning Yu frowned slightly when he saw this. He didn't mind if Ji Ling would humiliate himself because of this, but from the current point of view, Ji Ling is not someone who can be beaten casually. If these soldiers really beat Ji Ling, the consequences will not be They can afford it. It's just a trivial matter, Ning Yu doesn't want these comrades who have lived with him to pay a heavy price for their impulsiveness... Or maybe, because of the hesitation at first glance, he doesn't want to see the boy being beaten either. Ning Yu stopped them with his eyes, then looked back at Ji Ling with calm and deep eyes, and finally said: "Yes, I am Ning Yu, may I ask who you are?"

He purposely asked this question because he wanted Ji Ling to report himself, so that everyone would calm down and avoid an unnecessary conflict that would hurt both sides.

The young man looked extremely arrogant, but Ning Yu caught the flash of timidity on his face. He raised his neck like a proud kitten, and said loudly: "I am Ji Ling!"

Not to mention, he is really famous.

Not a good name though.

Although everyone's expressions became more and more angry, they didn't have the urge to do anything anymore, and they all looked at him with suppressed resentment.

Ning Yu smiled and asked again: "What can you do with me?"

The young man seemed very satisfied with the intimidating power of his reputation, raised his small chest again, glared at him triumphantly and said, "I'm here to tell you, don't think that you really think that you have seen Your Majesty and been praised by His Majesty. What a big thing. Even if a pariah like you becomes an evolutionary, he is nothing more than our lackey and pawn!"

Ning Yu raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, he didn't even know what he was surprised at, obviously he had heard vicious words countless times worse than this, the nobles always did this, but at this moment he felt that such words... shouldn't come from this Spit out of the mouth of an overly clean and beautiful child.

Weird violation.

But he couldn't figure out where the violation was.

Ning Yu said calmly: "If the so-called lackeys and pawns you mean are the pawns who fight against the Zerg and defend the country, then I would rather be such a lackey and pawn. Because I am not guarding the Emperor Star. The nobles who can sit back and relax, and the common people of countless other star regions, they are the ones who are closer to danger and need to be protected more."

The young man looked at him and said contemptuously, "Don't be hypocritical. Weak and lowly civilians die as soon as they die. What is there to protect? Didn't you join the army to gain military merits and become a member of the nobles?"

Ning Yu suddenly felt a little tired. This person was no different from those nobles. It was probably just the first illusion that made him a little more patient with him.

But illusions are just illusions.

Ning Yu looked slightly cold, and said with sarcasm in his eyes: "I'm sorry, if all the nobles are like you, I'm afraid I don't want to be one of you."

When the young man saw this, he suddenly showed anger, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and said coldly: "How dare you look down on me?! You are dead!"

The corners of Ning Yu's lips raised slightly.

The boy seemed very angry and wanted to say something more, but at this moment Brandon suddenly shouted: "Who allowed you to come here to mess around!"

The boy's face froze in shock, but he still refused to admit defeat, stubbornly raised his chin, and said coldly: "Your Excellency, Marshal, how dare your subordinates look down on me!"

Everyone looked at him contemptuously. I'm afraid this dude has some brain problems. Did he think that His Majesty the Marshal would turn to him? Sure enough, he is a fool! I'm so used to being so high above that I don't even know myself, how dare I come to the military headquarters to act wildly! We have nothing to do with you, but Your Excellency the Marshal will not spoil you.

Sure enough, Brandon showed anger.

Brandon looked at Ji Ling coldly. This is the good-for-nothing son of Grand Duke Ji Ting's family. He usually doesn't appear in front of his eyes, but he can't tolerate it when he comes to the military to humiliate his subordinates. This is why the imperial nobles The existence of moths will make people more and more dissatisfied with the nobles. He didn't bother to talk to Ji Ling at all, and directly ordered his subordinates: "Throw him out!"

Two soldiers immediately came over and dragged Ji Ling away. He seemed very unwilling but couldn't break free. He could only swear as he walked. He looked like he wanted to swear all the vicious words, but his vocabulary was limited. Ning Yu almost laughed at it.

Soon the boy's voice was no longer heard.

Ning Yu said to Brandon, "Thank you."

Brandon looked at him remorsefully, and said to him, "I'm sorry for making you feel wronged."

Ning Yu shook his head: "It's okay."

To him, this is just a trivial matter, Ji Ling is not important, what is important is the people behind him who want to deal with him, such as Carlos.

As the leader of the conservative aristocrats, he is the last person who does not allow himself to exist, but if Carlos planned this scene today, it can only be said to be too childish, not quite like Carlos' style.

... ... ...

The next day Ning Yu turned on the communicator and realized that things were not that simple.

The news that Ji Ling came to the military to provoke him and was scolded and kicked out was released by someone, and there was an uproar on the Internet. The nobles laughed at Ji Ling for not being able to handle a commoner. It is a shame for the nobles to lose the nobles. The civilians were indignant at the domineering and despicableness of the nobles, and complained for themselves one after another.

Because of this incident, Ji Ling and Ning Yu were pushed to the forefront of the storm.

As for who the hand behind it is, it's not too difficult to guess.

This is probably what Carlos wants to see. Although Ji Ling is just a fool with a brain, he is a fool with weight and status. It is not good for his next purpose, because he does not want to provoke conflicts with the nobles for the time being. The more troubles I get into, the harder it is to maintain my initial detachment. Once I make a mistake, it will cause the nobles to counterattack and give them an excuse to target him.

And trouble always comes sooner than expected.

Just one night later, on the way home, Ning Yu noticed someone following him.

Ning Yu frowned and quickened his pace, and quickly walked towards the crowded place. He didn't want to fight with people here, but the moment he changed direction, the other party's pace suddenly accelerated, and then a laser shot out from his ear- , the other party actually planned to make a direct move regardless!

Ning Yu's face was cold, and he jumped to avoid the opponent's attack. He squinted his eyes and instantly judged that it was an SS-level powerhouse. It seemed that the opponent was prepared and determined to win, because his public identity was S-level, SS-level masters are dispatched specifically for him.

Who sent him

Carlos? Or other nobles who don't like him

Ning Yu pretended to be forced to step back step by step, and made a judgment in an instant. After the opponent's successive attacks showed a flaw, he was punched in the abdomen by the opponent. He deliberately suffered this punch, in order to pretend more realistically. He also forcibly coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the SS-level powerhouse saw him push back, and stepped forward again with a sneer.

Ning Yu had already found an opportunity to send out a distress signal just now, so he didn't "hold up" again, and was hit by the opponent again and fell to the ground. In order not to reveal his flaws, he did not show any strength beyond the S-level, and was quickly arrested by the opponent When he got up, he wanted to see who was attacking him.

The SS-level strongman took out the handcuffs and handcuffed him, then led him out of there, and locked him into a basement. Soon there were soft footsteps at the door.

Ning Yu's hands were hung up, and blood flowed down his eyes, staining his sight red. He raised his eyes and looked ahead lightly. Following the light, a beautiful boy with blond hair walked in.

It's him.

Some accidents, but not accidents.

It's a surprise that they didn't expect to meet again so soon, and it's not a surprise that Ji Ling would hate himself because of this, which fits his vicious dandy persona.

With the help of Carlos, the little guy must have endured a lot of public opinion pressure. For a nobleman like him, it is normal to want to kill himself to save face, but I don’t know why... Ning Yu suddenly felt a little nervous. disappointment.

Probably this made him realize that the boy is no different from other nobles.

His heart was very calm, without the slightest turmoil, but he still pretended to be angry, showing cold eyes. All he had to do was get through it, and Brandon would come to his rescue without him having to reveal his identity.

The boy is wearing a navy blue velvet dress today, and the bow tie around his neck has a beautiful blue gemstone. His fair skin has a soft color in the not-so-bright light, just like when we met for the first time. It's so beautiful, but even with such a beautiful skin, the inside is no different from those corrupt nobles.

But hadn't these nobles always been like this? It looks noble and beautiful, but treats everyone like ants and pariahs.

In addition to disappointment, there is about a little regret.

The young man walked in front of Ning Yu, and seemed to finally see his blood-stained appearance clearly. A trace of panic flashed in his blue eyes, but he quickly calmed down and said with a sneer: "I said, you will fell into my hands."

Ning Yu looked into his eyes.

What are you panicking about? My appearance scares you? Is it scary

Isn't that what you want to see

Ning Yu smiled suddenly, he raised the corners of his lips, and said, "Really? Then what do you want to do to me?"

The young man said viciously: "I want you to live but not die!"

So that's the case, Ning Yu thought.

The subordinates standing beside the boy immediately handed over a laser knife as thin as a cicada's wing considerately, and said, "Master, you can use this."

This kind of knife is very sharp, and can easily cut the body of the evolutionary. The nobles like to cut off the flesh of the untouchables who offend them, and watch them die in despair. This is a common and uninnovative method, Ning Yu think.

But to his surprise, the young man fiercely opened his subordinate's hand, looked at the knife with disgust and said, "Go away."

The subordinate immediately smiled obsequiously and said, "Are you looking for trouble? Then this subordinate will do it for you, and this pariah will definitely regret provoking you."

The young man froze for a moment, as if he was a little nervous, and then quickly showed an angry look, saying: "Who told you to do it! I will torture him with my own hands!" He rolled his eyes and said: "You all go out, I'll call you again when I have something to do."

His subordinates had no doubts, and immediately retreated obediently.

Ning Yu watched the door close like this, and only he and the boy were left in the room. He slowly narrowed his eyes, revealing a thoughtful gaze.

It's really interesting. Whenever he feels that this child is no different from other nobles, he will do something that surprises him. Whenever he thinks he has seen the truth, he will make himself feel that things should not be like that of.

For the first time, Ning Yu saw such contradictions in a person.

The boy's height was less than his shoulders, and he raised his slender neck like a fragile swan. Although he was born in a very noble family, Ji Ling was a well-known waste of Emperor Star, with a C-level physique, a waste that could not be supported by mud. It was the same in Ning Yu's eyes. Although he was tied up and hung up at the moment, as long as he wanted to, he could easily pinch this fragile neck, even if he was killed, no one would know.

This child... has no idea what dangerous things he is doing, ignorant and fearless and ridiculous.

But Ning Yu would not do this.

no need.

Ning Yu lowered his head slightly, looked straight into the boy's eyes, and said slowly, "How do you want to torture me?"

The boy blinked, his slender eyelashes left a shadow under his eyes, because there was no outsider around, he seemed to relax a bit, and he was like a kitten pretending to be vicious, staring at him with bared teeth, "Hmph, I You have to think about it, it will make you regret looking down on me!"

Ning Yu said, "Think slowly."

Anyway, Brandon is coming soon, he has no hobby of being abused, and he is willing to be tortured again, so let the little guy think about it slowly.

Seeing that he was indifferent, the young man became angry again, as if he wanted to jump up and hit him, but finally held back, he probably felt that he was not powerful enough, and began to curse him with all his brains. Say he is a lowly pariah, let you humiliate me and look down on me, do you think you have fallen into my hands? Are you dead this time? Are you not afraid of death? Why don't you beg my life

Although the word 'untouchable' sounds uncomfortable, besides that, Ning Yu found that the young man's swearing vocabulary is really lacking, which doesn't match his status as a famous dandy. It looks a little cute when there are too many... And the young man will show him an uneasy look from time to time from an angle that he thought he couldn't see, like a child who has done something wrong, knowing that he is wrong and feeling ashamed but unable to admit his mistake generally…

Ning Yu felt that she might have lost her mind and went crazy, but she would have such an absurd thought, that a nobleman who kidnapped him, threatened him and cursed him was cute...

But his intuition told him that the boy didn't really want to hurt him.

That's why he dismissed his men.

He kept talking without moving his hands.

Swearing was probably the worst thing this kid could have done.

The boy walked around him a few times, cursing dryly, and finally said bitterly, "Why are you laughing, you played this time!"

Ning Yu pressed the corners of her lips and thought, did I laugh just now? He joked, and said slowly: "I'm wondering when you will figure out a way to torture me, and whether you dare to do it."

The young man was angry again, angrily grabbed the knife he threw away just now, put it on Ning Yu's neck, and said viciously: "You think I dare not touch you?"

Ning Yu lowered her head slightly, her eyes were light: "Do you dare?"

He suddenly wanted to test it out, to see if the boy really didn't dare to make a move.

Ji Ling looked at him dumbfounded, and the hand holding the knife trembled slightly.

Facts have proved that this is a stern little guy, he dare not do anything other than swear words, his behavior and his words are so contradictory... Ning Yu seldom becomes curious about a person who shouldn't be concerned about, but at this moment However, he wanted to explore, but there was a scream outside, and then the door was knocked open!

The tall, red-haired and gray-eyed man walked in aggressively, and when he saw Ji Ling holding the knife, he was furious. Without even thinking about it, he stepped forward and grabbed Ji Ling and threw him out!

How could a boy with a mere C-level physique withstand Brandon's blow? He was thrown out like a light cloth bag, hit the wall heavily and vomited a mouthful of blood, looking at Brandon with a pale face and horror. …

Ning Yu was taken aback.

His heart twitched suddenly, and he almost wanted to step forward to check the boy's injuries, but his reason controlled his body faster than his emotions, and he couldn't expose it.

Brandon came to save him, and Ji Ling's life should not be in danger. Brandon would not kill Ji Ling at the risk of offending Grand Duke Ji Ting just because of this matter. He just did it because he was too angry. Aside from Ji Ling, for Brandon, this is already showing mercy.

It was because the boy was too weak that he was seriously injured.

And from a standpoint, he had no reason to care about a man who kidnapped and threatened to harm him.

Ning Yu forced herself to look away, coughed lightly, and said to Brandon, "You're here."

Brandon was very angry with Ji Ling's behavior, and wanted to step forward to scold Ji Ling, but Ning Yu had no choice but to stop him: "I'm fine, he...forget it."

Brandon finally paused, his expression changed and he walked back. Brandon had always had a tacit understanding with him, and he must have thought that he didn't want to cause him and Grand Duke Ji Ting to quarrel because of this incident, so he stopped him. Ning Yu really thought so too... But he knew that this time it was not just for this reason, and he probably didn't want to see this boy get hurt again.

After all, he didn't hurt him just now.

Ning Yu felt that what the young man showed was somewhat different from his real side.

Even if the boy is really just acting like this, just an ignorant and fearless dandy, Ning Yu has no intention of haggling with a brat, he only kills opponents who are worthy of his shot, bullying the weak is not something he can do, at least for now It seems that Ji Ling is not guilty of death, not to mention that he does not want to provoke the authority of the nobles right now, what he is after is something more important.

Brandon helped him uncuff the handcuffs, and Ning Yu wiped the blood on the side of his face. When he walked out, he took another look at the lonely boy in the corner.

Then he paused, turned around and left from here.

Then Brandon summoned someone to send Ji Ling back to Ji Mansion, and invited himself to live in his home.

Ning Yu readily agreed that this was a good opportunity for him to get close to Jing Sui, and that he would slowly break into the upper echelons of the empire as a commoner. He is the idol of civilians admired by everyone, and he is also the leader of the rebel army who makes the nobles fear. Entering Emperor Star and gaining the trust of Jing Sui's lineage is the first step of his plan.

He thought that Jing Sui would be a good partner.

... ... ...

Ning Yu moved into Brandon's house, and at the same time, his subordinates told him that Ji Ling was grounded by Grand Duke Ji Ting to recuperate at home.

Ning Yu thinks this is fine. Staying at home and not coming out to cause trouble is a good choice for a teenager. If he continues to be used by Carlos and others and comes out to make trouble for himself, it is nothing more than putting himself on the cusp of the storm. Once he is completely involved This whirlpool... Even if he doesn't care about it, Jing Sui won't tolerate him.

Jing Sui wanted to promote genetic evolution agents among commoners, weaken the power of nobles, and build a brand new empire. At this time, he did not want to see any conflict between nobles and commoners.

When teenagers do this, it may be that they really don't know how to love someone.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye, and Ning Yu successfully met Jing Sui at Brandon's home.

Through contact, he believes that Jing Sui's political views can be cooperated. Although they have different perspectives and represent different classes behind them, they have no conflicts in promoting genetic evolution agents and changing the status quo of the empire.

But Jing Sui is not a person to be fooled easily. He is sharp, powerful and rational. He is a very courageous king. Cooperating with him without revealing his identity is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, which is very dangerous.

But this is the most convenient way, Ning Yu thinks it is worth a try.

Jing Sui also hopes to use his status as a commoner idol to create an image of being close to the people and gain the support of the people. They have successfully become friends. Jing Sui made an exception and invited Ning Yu to the palace banquet a month later.

It was at this banquet that Ning Yu saw the boy again.

He thought that after the last lesson, this child would never appear in front of him again, so he should retreat in spite of the difficulties, but he still came. Do you really love Jing Sui so much that you lose your mind? Or do you want to get revenge because of the grievances of the last time

It all seems possible.

But nothing like it.

A person has his own purpose in everything he does, the boy's purpose seems obvious, everyone knows what he is doing, he is an innocent fool, but Ning Yu feels that this is not the boy's real purpose .

Because when he approached him at close range and looked at him, those blue eyes seemed to tell him, I'm sorry and I don't want to do this either.

The boy was neither happy nor happy, but rather helpless.

He was born to be the proud son of heaven, he has everything, so why is he helpless and unhappy

Perhaps out of curiosity, Ning Yu didn't refute the boy's words, he just watched the boy look at him angrily, hating him so sincerely, as if he had really robbed his man, let him People can't help laughing.

He almost wanted to tell him that even without me, Jing Sui, he wouldn't love you, because you are a useless piece of trash to him, and what you do will only make Jing Sui hate you even more.

But does the boy really not want to be hated by Jing Sui? Does he really know nothing

The absurd thoughts in Ning Yu's mind flashed away, and he couldn't help but lose for a moment.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! Did you hear that? You were lucky last time, and you'll be dead if you fall into my hands next time!" the boy yelled loudly.

Ning Yu turned around and looked at him meaningfully. In fact, last time you had a chance to make me 'dead'.

Looking at Ning Yu's disapproving look, the young man was really irritated again. He raised his hand angrily and pretended to hit him. Why was he pretending? Because Jing Sui came over, Ning Yu noticed it, and the boy also noticed it.

Sure enough, the slap failed.

Jing Sui squeezed the boy's wrist coldly, and said sternly, "What are you doing?"

The boy's blue eyes were filled with tears, and he immediately said sadly: "Your Majesty, you actually blame me for a pariah?"

But Jing Sui was unmoved, and his voice was ruthless: "If you continue to mess around like this next time, I will tell Grand Duke Ji Ting and let him discipline you well."

The boy couldn't believe that Jing Sui could be so ruthless, he ran away crying.

Ning Yu remained motionless. After experiencing this scene from beginning to end, he suddenly felt like he was watching a farce, an absurd but real farce.

He withdrew his gaze from the young man's leaving back, lowered his eyes to Jing Sui and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Jing Sui said kindly, "It's just a small effort, you are a meritorious minister and should be respected."

Ning Yu smiled.

This scene was watched by everyone and spread quickly.

Gradually, Ji Ling became jealous. Jing Sui angrily reprimanded Ji Ling for Ning Yu, and even refuted Grand Duke Ji Ting's face. Then there were countless rumors on the Internet about Jing Sui's closeness and love for civilians. Some wildly speculative peachy news.

Ning Yu knew that Jing Sui deliberately let these things go. He wanted to win back the game with Carlos. They both thought that he was a chess piece that could be used, a key to their game, which happened to be what Ning Yu hoped for.

As a commoner, if he wants to have a place in Emperor Star where nobles gather, he must make himself important enough.

It is so important that no one dares to act rashly.

... ... ...

Everything was going according to Ning Yu's plan. He approached Jing Sui by gaining Brandon's trust, and gradually entered the reformist camp. Carlos had sent people to win him over several times, but they were all rejected by him. Refused.

Carlos is an obstacle that must be removed. On this point, he and Jing Sui have the same goal.

Emperor Star seems to be singing and dancing, but in fact there is an undercurrent. All factions are fighting openly and secretly. Jing Sui wants to propose a reduction in the price of genetic evolution agents in the parliament. He is secretly contacting the nobles who support him, but Carlos will not sit still , he also controls many seats in the parliament, everything is still unknown.

Just then, another accident happened.

Ji Ling publicly invited him to a duel on the Internet.

When Ning Yu heard the news, he was discussing the next move with his subordinates. Wei Zhen hurriedly brought the news. Wei Zhen said: "What's wrong with this dude? Biting you and refusing to let go! Does he have any self-knowledge to dare to start a duel with you! I'm afraid he thinks he died too slowly!"

Ning Yu pondered for a moment, then said: "It doesn't matter whether he knows himself or not, the important thing is that this duel is not good for me."

Wei Zhen didn't understand: "Why? You can easily defeat him even if you are only pretending to be an S-level strength. You should show him some color in front of the whole world and kill this damned dude. You can kill him in a duel It is in accordance with the laws of the empire."

Ning Yu raised his eyebrows: "Do you think I should kill him?"

Wei Zhen and the other subordinates nodded. They had long since disliked Ji Ling. Ning Yu was the Ming in their hearts. Ning Yu was so powerful and willing to go through life and death for them. They all respected Ning Yu from the bottom of their hearts. But this dandy provoked him everywhere, making their teeth itch with hatred. If Ning Yu hadn't told them to be calm and not to be impulsive, they would have wanted to beat Ji Ling a long time ago.

Ning Yu said: "I can beat him, but I can't win."

Wei Zhen said, "Why?"

Ning Yu smiled: "If I really win him, where will I put the face of those nobles? Grand Duke Ji Ting is a neutral faction, and he is biased towards Jing Sui, so it would be even more embarrassing to slap him in the face at this time." It's inappropriate. If I win against Ji Ling and let Carlos take the opportunity to fuel the flames, wouldn't I just fall into his trap."

Wei Zhen finally replied: "Is this a conspiracy by Carlos?" It was really tricky to think about it this way, which made him hate these nobles even more.

Ning Yu nodded, then shook his head again.

He felt that this should be Carlos' conspiracy, but when he thought of the boy's eyes, he suddenly became a little uncertain.

Besides, he kind of wanted to see him.

Wei Zhen was very worried, "Then what should we do now? Ji Ling challenged publicly, if you refuse to challenge, it will damage your reputation, you must fight."

Ning Yu smiled: "Who said I won't fight anymore?"

He moved his fingers lightly, of course he would fight, but the outcome could not be left to Carlos's will.

... ... ...

Three days later, Ning Yu came to the duel field as scheduled. This duel was valued by the whole empire, and there were huge crowds of people on the duel field that day.

All nets are also broadcast live.

Ning Yu came to her lounge calmly. The mechas for the duel were the same for both sides, provided by the duel field, but Ning Yu was never a careless person. Regarding the duel of life and death, Ning Yu personally inspected the mechas, and then He found that his mech had been tampered with, and his response would be slow once he fought for a long time.

If there is no accident, it should be Ji Ling who sent someone to do it, because Ji Ling can't beat himself openly, so he can only do it on the mecha.

This kid looks smart and stupid, so what if he beat himself in this way? Such a blatant violation of the rules will definitely be stopped, and it will only embarrass him at that time.

If it wasn't for the young man who always seemed to loathe himself, such behavior would be like deliberately discrediting his own reputation to set off his excellence as a commoner.

Ning Yu was about to be entertained by his own thoughts. He felt that he was always calm and rational, but such absurd guesses appeared again and again on a noble dude, which was a bit abnormal.

What reason does Ji Ling have to do this

Rather than that ridiculous idea, it is more practical to say that he is stupid enough.

But no matter what, since someone wants to perfect himself, it is his best way to do it right now.

So Ning Yu pretended that he hadn't found any mechanisms on the mecha, and went out to fight as usual.

Although he could defeat Ji Ling in just three seconds, he didn't do that. He showed the strength of an excellent S-rank fighter, not more than one point, and delayed until his mecha broke down. , and then retreated step by step after being beaten by Ji Ling.

Ning Yu was waiting. He bet that Jing Sui would not sit idly by, would not allow a dandy to kill a civilian hero in public with such despicable means, and would not allow Carlos' trickery to succeed.

Sure enough, at the last moment, Jing Sui's mecha fell from the sky, and he mercilessly repelled the boy's mecha and saved himself.

The young man got out of the mecha in disgrace, and looked at Jing Sui sadly, as if he was about to cry out of grievance, facing everyone's eyes.

He looks like he really loves him and is sad too.

It's a pity that Jing Sui never liked young people. Since he doesn't care if he doesn't like it, there is no pity. In his eyes, the young man is just a dandy who keeps causing him trouble again and again. He directly scolded him in public, and To punish him, it was Grand Duke Ji Ting who rushed over anxiously to intercede with Jing Sui, which saved Ji Ling from severe punishment, but even so, the entire Ji family became a joke and was ridiculed by the entire Internet.

The boy was taken away by Grand Duke Ji Ting.

For Ning Yu, this is the best way to solve the problem. It not only resolves the crisis beautifully, but also has a closer relationship with Jing Sui.

But when he thought of the back of the young man leaving alone amidst the spurning of thousands of people, he felt that there was nothing to be happy about.

He has never been a sentimental person, he will not pity his enemies, he can be ruthless when he should be ruthless, he has the blood of countless nobles on his hands, but unexpectedly...he can't bear to be a dude.

Perhaps, it was just because of the uneasy and curious clear eyes of the young man at the first glance.

Perhaps, it was because the young man spoke fiercely, but did not dare to make a move.

Maybe, because he couldn't see through him.

He felt that the facts should be different from what he saw, but that strange sense of disobedience, like an intangible fog, slipped through his fingers as soon as he stretched out his hand, he really couldn't figure it out. Another reason for teenagers to do it.

Speculation without reason becomes nonsense.

... ... ...

Because of this incident, the scandal between Ning Yu and Jing Sui became popular, and people deduced from various details that Jing Sui was different from Ning Yu, and they tried to find the right one.

Although most of them were fabricated, Jing Sui didn't mind this. He wanted to use Ning Yu's reputation to completely break the empire's years of class shackles. He needed a commoner queen.

And Ning Yu thought, if he could have the status of queen, then he could do more things.

So they are all silent on these remarks.

Just when public opinion on the Internet is raging.

An emergency distress signal came from the Naduo galaxy, and the Zerg Queen led a team to attack the Nador galaxy. Jing Sui decided to go to the Nador galaxy himself, and Ning Yu set off with the army without hesitation.

Because the Naduo galaxy has been in war all the year round, it is desolate and barren. Here are all the predators who guard the frontier. This is not the first time for Ning Yu to come, and he quickly threw himself into the battle.

But one day when he returned to the base, he saw that otherworldly young man again.

He sat in the dining room with his servants, proudly like a prince who came to inspect, pointing at the food here, with a loud voice, as if he was afraid that others would not hear him, and accepted the glaring gazes of the crowd calmly and calmly.

What a child with no memory, isn't the previous lesson painful enough

Ning Yu stretched out his hand and pressed his forehead, he actually felt a little headache, and immediately wanted to turn around and leave, but when the young man saw him, his eyes lit up and he immediately shouted: "You live here!"

Ning Yu had no choice but to stay and looked back at him.

The young man looked at him fiercely, and said, "Hey, stay away from Your Majesty, you understand?"

Ning Yu said, "Are you here for His Majesty?"

The boy raised his chin and said, "Yes."

Ning Yu didn't know why he wanted to sigh, but he didn't say anything, turned around and left, this time he didn't listen to the other party's words and stop.

He finds it quite boring.

Arguing with Ji Ling is like fighting over a toy with a brat, but he doesn't want to compete with Ji Ling for Jing Sui at all.

He has no time and interest to be forced to participate in a 'love triangle'. Jing Sui doesn't love Ji Ling and has nothing to do with him.

The battle here is very tense and fierce. Ji Ling didn't participate in the battle, but showed off his power at the base every day. The reason why he was not beaten probably had something to do with the fact that the servant he brought was a master.

On the last day of the battle, the Zerg began to counterattack frantically. It turned out that this time it was two Zerg queens, Ning Yu and Jing Sui, who were fighting in the starry sky, while Brandon's base was attacked by the Zerg queen, and the base guards were weak. It is critical, but Ning Yu has no way to rush back. He and Jing Sui are still trapped in the siege of the Zerg. His mech tore a Zerg with both hands, and rushed into the Zerg again unstoppably. Since he can't go back, then try his best To maximize the benefits, he rushed to Jing Sui's side, choosing to fight side by side with Jing Sui.

As for Ji Ling... Ning Yu didn't know whether that fragile child who was vulnerable to the Zerg could survive the chaos.

He didn't want to think about it at that moment.

There are many accidents in this world, and people always have to pay the price for their own willfulness, just like Ji Linggen should not have come here.

A few hours later, Ning Yu and Jing Sui killed the Zerg and returned to the base for support. Ning Yu savagely killed the ugly Zerg in front of him. He just wanted to solve all this as soon as possible. His eyes could not stop scanning here The ruins of the ruined walls, did not see the boy's body...

When the Zerg was wiped out, Ning Yu finally saw Ji Ling.

Although the boy was a little bloody, he looked safe and sound. He stood in front of Brandon, raised his chin and looked at him with provocative eyes as usual.

Ning Yu laughed suddenly, he thought it was a little funny.

The young man said arrogantly to Brandon: "I saved you, so you are not allowed to help Ning Yu in the future!"

Brandon was in a dilemma, but he was a person with clear grievances and grievances, so he nodded with a straight face and said to Ning Yu, "I'm sorry."

Ning Yu wondered, did Ji Ling actually save Brandon? It's really impressive, he smiled slightly and said, "It's okay." Even without Brandon, it has not affected his layout.

But Ji Ling looked at him proudly, put his hands behind his back and said: "Hmph, you will have no backing in the future, it depends on what you do! Now you kneel down and beg for mercy, I may forgive you."

Ning Yu laughed again, he shook his head, turned and left.

I really don't know why I'm wasting my time here.

Soon the troops repaired and began to return.

Because of this battle, Ning Yu's reputation has been rising again and again, and Jing Sui also intends to show his favor to him, showing it to the people who want to see this scene. People only want to see what they want to see. They have a hope, a beautiful thought, and they will continue to follow. As for the truth, it is not that important.

Ji Ling's many bad habits in the army were exposed, and many people were dissatisfied with him. On the contrary, few people knew that he saved Brandon.

The boy still accepts everyone's disgusting gazes every day, no matter where he is, he looks like an outsider, alone, except when he is deliberately arrogant and domineering to attract attention or to provoke himself, he seems to be alone more of the time, It seems a little lonely.

So much so that his arrogance and domineering look like a disguise.

Ning Yu found that she began to involuntarily pay attention to and observe the boy, but this should not be done, why should she care about such a person

Weird isn't it

Is it just because of the contradictions in the other party

Ning Yu felt that all this should stop here, as long as Ji Ling didn't come in front of him to provoke him, he didn't intend to take care of Ji Ling's affairs, everyone should be responsible for their own actions, and Ji Ling should know that what he did would have consequences. What kind of consequences, no one can help him, and he has no qualifications to meddle in other people's business, they have nothing to do with each other and are even enemies, aren't they

There is still a long way to go back.

The news of the army's victory had spread back early, and Jing Sui was more and more loved by the people, but this was probably not the news that Carlos wanted to see.

So a few days later, the fleet was raided.

The raiding rebels collided with the formation of the fleet. They didn't stay long after a successful blow, but they successfully robbed Ji Ling who was behind the team.

Ning Yu was really surprised when he got the news.

He didn't order the rebels to attack Jing Sui's army now, because there was no need for it, and it would be bad for him and Jing Sui to provoke the hatred between the nobles and the rebels, but it still happened. The rebel army is composed of many bases, and fish and dragons are mixed and do their own thing. They don't all obey his orders. He soon learns that it is General Lector of the Xianyun galaxy who made the move this time.

Ning Yu contacted Lector immediately, and he said coldly: "General Lector, why did you attack Jing Sui's army?"

Lecto laughed at him in the video, and said: "Lord Gabriel, my informant got the news that Grand Duke Ji Ting's only son is in the army this time. If we capture him and kill him, we can ruthlessly kill him." Slap those proud nobles hard in the face, let people know that we civilians can't be bullied casually. And didn't Ji Ling provoke you many times? The death of a noble like him is not a pity!"

Ning Yu looked cold and stern, and continued to ask: "Where did you get the news from?"

General Lector's eyes flickered, and he said, "Where we got the news is not important, what is important is that we captured the famous Ji Ling. By the way, I have something else to do, and I will contact you later."

Ning Yu looked at the other party's hung up communication, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

After a while, he used the communicator to call Wei Zhen over.

Wei Zhen also knew about the attack, he seemed indifferent, shrugged his shoulders and said: "We have checked, the loss is not serious, even Ji Ling was taken away, it seems that the brothers in other bases also watched Ji Ling is very annoying."

Seeing him like this, Ning Yu didn't explain too much, but said: "You pretended to be me and stayed in the fleet, and I want to go out."

Wei Zhen was shocked: "You want to leave now? This is too risky!"

Although he can indeed use the disguise device to disguise himself as Ning Yu, but Ning Yu's identity is too important, and he is around Brandon and Jing Sui, Wei Zhen is not sure that he can have no flaws, and once they are discovered, their plan will be completely destroyed. Now, Wei Zhen is not worried about his own life or death, but that Ning Yu's identity is exposed, and all their plans will fall short.

But Ning Yu has decided to go, he said word by word: "I suspect Lector has betrayed."

This is clearly a conspiracy by Carlos. Lecto knew that now is not the best time to act, but he still took the risk of hijacking Ji Ling. If something happened to Ji Ling at this time, the biggest beneficiaries would only be Carlos, the nobles and the rebels. The contradictions between them will be intensified, Jing Sui's chance to promote the genetic evolution agent will be met with an unprecedented strong backlash, and the neutral faction may also fall to Carlos.

But many people didn't realize this, because they had killed many nobles before, and gradually thought that it was nothing more than killing an evil noble.

But Ji Ling is different, his identity is different.

The timing now is different.

Ning Yu decided to say to Wei Zhen: "You stay, I will come back as soon as possible."

Wei Zhen was also shocked, but he had always been convinced by Ning Yu, and never asked again: "Okay." If it didn't work, he would pretend to be injured, and try his best to get through this period of time, as long as he didn't see Jing Sui, he should be able to fool him. Tianjing Sui is busy and probably doesn't have time to care about Ning Yu. After all, no matter how much Jing Sui likes Ji Ling, he has to rescue Ji Ling, right? Otherwise, he has no way to explain to Master Ji Ting.

Ning Yu patted Wei Zhen on the shoulder and left the fleet overnight.

He sneaked into the nearby base of the Rebel Army with the fastest speed. His subordinates had already sent him the location of Lector. He just wanted to go faster, faster, why? Is it because he is afraid that Carlos' tricks will succeed

As an SSS-level evolutionary, he is the most powerful leader of the resistance army, and he has a keen perception far beyond ordinary people. The moment he stepped into the base, he heard a voice from a distance, and Ning Yu quickened his pace. past.

There was a lot of people in the hall, as if they were making noise, and the loud and obscene words came into his ears. People cursed those hateful nobles in hatred, vented their deep-seated hatred, and discussed how to use the most cruel The method tortured Ji Ling, killed him, humiliated him, and then showed his body to everyone. Ning Yu's heart gradually became heavy, because among these voices...he couldn't hear the boy's voice.

Is he late

Ning Yu felt a little empty in his heart, he slowly took out the silver mask and put it on, then walked over and pushed open the door!

Then he saw the young man with his hands tied behind his back and thrown on the cold ground in the middle of the hall, and met those blue eyes filled with despair and fear.

There was a sudden silence all around.

Soon everyone bowed their heads and saluted: "Lord Gabriel."

There is doubt, puzzlement, respect, and admiration in their eyes, as if they don't understand why he suddenly appeared.

But Ning Yu didn't look at the people around him. He walked up to the young man step by step, staring down at the young man's face. He saw that the young man's eyes suddenly became more fearful and desperate. Trembling slightly.

He stretched out his hand, picked up the boy, looked around, and said, "I took him away."