The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 15: a kiss


In the huge central imperial city, apart from the towering and majestic Imperial Palace, the Duke Carlos Mansion occupies the most expansive area.

It is said that the family of Grand Duke Carlos is one of the nobles with the longest inheritance in the empire. It can be traced back to the distant earth age. The family's hereditary wealth can hardly be measured by numbers, and the background is extremely rich. All of this is in the hands of Carlos. Not only has it not declined, but it has improved to a higher level. Its power and wealth make it difficult for countless imperial nobles to hold a candle to. It is a well-deserved top giant.

This is also the key to Carlos being able to compete with Jing Sui for a whole book, his power is indeed too powerful!

However, Grand Duke Ji Ting does not belong to Carlos' faction. He is not willing to participate in the struggle between Carlos and Jing Sui. As a result, Ji Ling and Carlos do not meet much. Therefore, there is no such thing as Ling in the Duke's Mansion in the last century. have been here.

Although he is also called Uncle Carlos, it is probably equivalent to an ordinary and familiar elder.

Ji Ling looked curiously at the magnificent gate of the Duke's Mansion in front of him, settled down and got out of the car.

Since Carlos dared to invite him openly, he would naturally not kill him, and must send him back intact. This is the real reason why Ji Ling dared to accept the invitation.

You won't die anyway, so what's there to be afraid of

The housekeeper Anderson welcomed Ji Ling in respectfully. He had already been ordered by His Excellency the Duke to take good care of Ji Ling and treat him as the master of this place, so as not to make him feel unhappy in the slightest.

It was the first time that His Majesty the Duke valued a person so much. Although Anderson was puzzled and didn't understand why Ji Ling, a well-known playboy with a reputation as an emperor, should be treated so seriously by His Excellency the Duke, he still strictly carried out the order.

Anderson brought Ji Ling to the building where His Excellency the Duke lived, and said respectfully, "Your Excellency has something to do and hasn't returned yet. You can rest here and wait."

Ji Ling looked at the lush and exquisite garden in front of him, surrounded by various rare plants and flowers. Deep in the boulevard was a retro three-story European-style building, which inexplicably had a heavy sense of historical precipitation.

Compared with the steel jungle that is full of the sci-fi sense of the interstellar era, coming here makes people feel like they have traveled through time.

Huh, I didn't expect Carlos to be such a nostalgic person.

Ji Ling nodded and said, "Okay."

Anderson ordered the maids and servants at home to prepare exquisite refreshments for Ji Ling, and ordered everyone to serve Ji Ling well, before turning around and leaving.

Ji Ling walked around here, sniffing the fragrance of flowers with his nose, and looked up at the blue sky, what a beautiful sight.

He is admiring here, but he doesn't know that others are also admiring him.

The servants of the Duke's Mansion all looked curiously at the beautiful boy who looked like an elf walking among the emerald colors. This is the famous dandy Ji Ling, the precious only son of Grand Duke Ji Ting. It looks so peaceful, when you don't do bad things, it looks so peaceful...

Therefore, those who are not good-looking are not necessarily bad people, and those who are good-looking are not necessarily good people. You can't judge people by their appearances!

And everyone didn't expect His Excellency the Duke to love him so much that he even let him come here.

You must know that the Duke's Mansion is very large and has many areas, but the area where Carlos lives daily is a forbidden area.

Except for the occasional meeting with his henchmen in the study, Carlos never let anyone else set foot here, let alone let a playboy wander around at will.

This was the first time the servants saw His Excellency the Duke entertaining guests here, and Ji Ling's specialness was self-evident, so all of them respected him very much and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Ji Ling didn't know what those servants were thinking. As he walked, he began to think about how to get clues here. Why not see if he could find anything before Carlos came back.

So Ji Ling turned around and entered the house.

The materials used in this building are not common metals, but mainly rare stones and precious woods. You must know that in the interstellar era, these materials are far more expensive than metals.

In the wide hall, there are various furnishings all around, each of which is extremely extraordinary.

Understated luxury can be seen everywhere.

Ji Ling looked at it with admiration in his heart, but he didn't come here today to appreciate how rich Carlos is. His purpose was to check whether there were any clues of rebirth in Carlos's home, so he didn't stay in the hall for too long. Walking up the spiral staircase, when you came to the second floor, you saw a thick solid wood door at the end of the corridor, so you were ready to go and have a look.

However, before he had time to get close, he was stopped by a servant, who bowed respectfully and said, "This is the study of Your Excellency the Duke, you cannot go in."

Ji Ling's eyes lit up immediately, so it turns out that you can't go in here? !

He wandered around here for a long time, isn't it just to see where there are unusual places? Seeing the servant's nervous appearance, he knew that no one else was allowed to enter the study at ordinary times, so he blocked himself. The study room... is usually a secret place, the more he is not allowed to go, the more he will go in!

This is it!

Ji Ling immediately showed a displeased expression, and said coldly: "Get out of the way, how dare you stop me."

The servant kept complaining. He really didn't want to stop Ji Ling. Ji Ling is not something he can offend, but if someone enters the Duke's study at will, he will die, so he begged in a low voice: "Please forgive me." , You really can’t go in here.”

"Go away." Ji Ling kicked the servant away, and stepped forward to open the door without hesitation.

The servant fell down on the ground. Seeing Ji Ling swaggering into the Duke's study, his face was pale with fright and his legs trembled. He finally got up from the ground, turned around and rushed out anxiously. He couldn't control the matter, so he could only tell Anderson. grown up!

When Ji Ling walked in, he saw the bookcase directly opposite the entire wall. He looked around, and then went straight to the large desk in front, which should be where Carlos works.

Ji Ling casually inspected all the things on the table carefully, then opened the drawers and looked through them, messing up the letters and papers, as if he didn't care what would happen if he was found out.

But soon Ji Ling showed a disappointed look.

Although there are some important things here, such as the letters between Carlos and other nobles, and the accounts of some properties under his name, but there is nothing related to rebirth... But after thinking about it, even if Carlos was really reborn, Maybe it’s okay to write a diary to record the journey of my rebirth, right? So it may not be easy to see the clues from here.

Ji Ling turned Carlos' desk upside down and found nothing, then turned his head to look at the bookshelf behind him, raised his eyebrows, moved over the ladder next to him and climbed up.

The system couldn't stand it anymore, and said: [I suggest you better not do this, have you considered the consequences of doing so?]

Ji Ling snorted coldly, they are still fighting coldly!

And of course he has considered the consequences of his doing so, he doesn't need the system to remind him, he just wants to see how far Carlos will tolerate him.

Ji Ling frowned with a thoughtful expression.

After he was exiled in the last life, he accidentally met Carlos who was hunted down by Jing Sui and Brandon. Out of the mentality of saving his life, he saved Carlos once and hid him in his home. When Carlos left from him, he said a word to him: In return, I will do one thing for you.

At that time, Ji Ling didn't believe Carlos' words at all, and he didn't think that he would repay him sincerely, so he didn't take it seriously, but it didn't take long for him to learn the news of Ning Yu's kidnapping.

This is something that did not happen in the original book, and it is also the only thing that broke away from the main plot in the previous life.

This should never have happened.

Ji Ling was very flustered at the time. After he calmed down, he suddenly thought that Carlos said before leaving that he would do one thing for him. Could it be to help him deal with Ning Yu? Was it Carlos who kidnapped Ning Yu

Ji Ling tentatively asked Carlos about it with the feeling that a blind cat would kill a mouse, but Carlos admitted it without hesitation!

At that time, Ji Ling was startled. Carlos actually wanted to help him kill Ning Yu in order to repay him, but he didn't ask for it at all. Do you want to make up your own mind like this? I feel like I've been bloodied...

But soon Ji Ling realized that things might not be that simple. Carlos has always done things with a clear purpose. He kidnapped Ning Yu not so much to help him, but to deal with Jing Sui. The purpose, and "repaying" myself by the way, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone

Faced with this kind of change, Ji Ling certainly couldn't let Ning Yu die, so he simply resorted to tricks and asked Carlos to meet Ning Yu in person, pretending to vent his anger, but actually creating a chance for Ning Yu to escape.

Looking back now, maybe the main purpose of Carlos doing that was to deal with Jing Sui, but in fact... Maybe there are really very, very few reasons for repaying himself

If Carlos was going to kill Ning Yu for himself in the previous life, then it seems to be barely reasonable to help him kill Ning Yu by taking this action ahead of schedule in this life...

This thought surprised Ji Ling. He always felt that Carlos could not be the kind of person who "repays his kindness", but there was really no other suitable reason to explain Carlos' every move.

Moreover, Carlos is too thoughtful, and his emotions and anger are invisible. He is not like Brandon. Brandon is an upright warrior. He is upright and upright. He lifts up those he admires and steps into the ground when he looks down on him. To conceal one's likes and dislikes for a person.

Carlos never put any emotions on his face, and his every move is unpredictable.

Ji Ling really couldn't figure out what kind of behavior the reborn Carlos might do.

He absently looked at Carlos's bookshelf, flipping through them with a look of surprise. He didn't expect that Carlos would have the habit of collecting ancient books, and his hobbies were so extensive... He actually saw several different versions of books on the bookshelf. Bible! There are also several books in simplified Chinese characters!

Holding the book, Ji Ling sighed with emotion. This feeling is probably equivalent to seeing oracle bone inscriptions and hieroglyphs at home for modern people...

Moreover, the content of the books is very interesting. There is a book in simplified Chinese characters that Ji Ling can read and understand. It is actually a treatise describing the history of human development after leaving the earth. Show a surprised expression.

The world view of this book is too realistic, even such details are so detailed, it is almost the same as a real world.

Fortunately, he didn't stay here for long, and he was going home eventually. But for people living in this world, this world is completely real...

True is false, false is true, who can say so clearly

At this moment, there were slightly hurried footsteps in the corridor outside.

Ji Ling raised his head and saw Carlos approaching surrounded by servants. He seemed to have just rushed back from the outside after receiving the news, but his expression was still calm, with a faint smile on his lips.

Carlos looked up at the boy on the ladder. The boy was sitting there with his legs swaying slightly. His golden hair was soft and beautiful in the sun, his water-blue eyes were lively, and his fair fingers were gently pinching the black cover. books, looked up at him. In fact... Before that, he wasn't sure that Ji Ling would accept his invitation, after all, young people always seemed a little cautious when facing him.

Fortunately, he is still here.

Carlos looked gentle and said with a smile: "You are here."

Sitting on the ladder, Ji Ling looked down at Carlos from a high position, took advantage of the location, showed a long-awaited momentum, and raised his eyebrows displeasedly: "I don't think you really invited me, Uncle Carlos, I want to come back Home!"

Carlos suddenly showed a puzzled look, and frowned: "Why do you say that? But what makes you feel unhappy?"

Ji Ling's voice was aggrieved and dissatisfied, and he blinked his eyes: "I just wanted to come in and find a few books to read to pass the boring time, but your people don't allow me to come in."

"This is not allowed, and that is not allowed..." Ji Ling pouted, and snorted coldly, "If I knew it, I wouldn't have come here."

Carlos was silent for a moment, then said, "I see."

Ji Ling stared at Carlos nervously after speaking, what do you know? I want to see how you deal with me who broke into your study! This is your secret place!

Although he suspected that Carlos was reborn, it didn't mean that he really dared to act recklessly. After all, Carlos was not the kind of kind and upright character, cruel, cruel and moody. I want to test Carlos' attitude, but I am afraid that excessive force will cause serious consequences. This mood is almost the same as walking a tightrope...

Ji Ling's heart was pounding.

Carlos turned his head to face Anderson beside him, his eyes turned cold, and he said slowly: "I told you to treat Ji Ling as the master of this place, and not to make him feel unhappy, but what are you doing? made?"

Although Carlos' tone was very calm, Anderson's face turned pale, with cold sweat streaming down his forehead, he bent over and said in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry, we..."

Halfway through his speech, he didn't know how to continue, because he was really not sure about His Excellency's real intentions. This study was indeed His Excellency's secret place, and no one else was allowed to enter. Is Your Excellency the Duke secretly blaming himself and others for not keeping an eye on Ji Ling, or is he really... blaming himself and others for stopping Ji Ling

It's not true if you stop it, it's not true if you don't stop it, it seems that no matter what, you can't avoid punishment, which makes Anderson nervous and embarrassed.

As for the other servants behind him, they were lying on the ground trembling in fear.

Carlos looked at Anderson, his voice was not warm at all: "For the sake of you having been with me for many years, go and receive fifty lashes yourself as a warning. As for them..." He turned his gaze to the servant kneeling on the ground, faintly He said: "The Duke's Mansion doesn't need such a person who can't do anything well, so take him down and deal with him."

As his words fell, the servant who had knelt on the ground to stop Ji Ling suddenly burst into tears, and begged tearfully: "Duke, spare your life, Duke, spare your life. I know I was wrong, and I won't do it next time..."

Ji Ling stared blankly at this scene, and was so frightened by the servant's sudden crying that he fell unsteadily from the ladder. He closed his eyes and let out a cry of surprise, but he didn't feel the pain, but fell. He fell into a warm embrace, and a pair of strong arms caught him firmly.

When he opened his eyes, he met Carlos' elegant and profound face.

Carlos hugged the boy, looked at his ignorant eyes, felt pity in his heart, and said softly, "Be careful."

The man's face was so close to him, Ji Ling could clearly see the worried expression in the other's brown pupils, without any falsehood, this made Ji Ling fall into a certain confusion, as if the man in front of him was really like this Gentle and harmless, as if he would never be angry no matter what he did... He subconsciously reached out, touched Carlos' hair, and gently tugged at the brown hair, which was slightly harder than his own hair...

Then his hand froze in mid-air, what the hell... what happened to him just now, he touched Carlos' head!

Is this someone who can be patted on the head? Absolutely no! ! !

But something even more frightening happened to Ji Ling...

Carlos was still not angry, but the look in his eyes was more gentle, with some complex dark emotions that Ji Ling couldn't understand faintly, and he curled his lips and made a deep magnetic voice: "Any door here is always open to you, If someone dares to stop you next time, just tell me, huh?"

Ji Ling: "..."

Although Carlos like this is scary, Ji Ling hasn't forgotten what scared him down! Don't kill people casually, harmony in a civilized society is the most important thing, can we talk about it if we have something to say? !

Ji Ling struggled a bit, jumped out of Carlos' arms, and said with a stern face, "Uncle Carlos, you are doing it wrong."

Carlos was not unhappy, but followed Ji Ling's words and asked, "What did I do wrong?"

Ji Ling held his head high, opened his eyes wide, and said aggressively: "They dare to stop me, it must be because others are not allowed to come in here, and they stop me because they are worried about being punished. You didn't tell them in advance that I can come in, but now And blame them for not doing things well, isn't it your fault?"

You figure it out, I'm targeting you! Not for your servants!

If you have the ability to come at me, what kind of man is it to take the blame for your servants!

Ji Ling was going to be driven crazy by this big villain who didn't follow the routine and would kill people at every turn!

Carlos looked at the distraught young man in front of him. After a while, he opened his lips and let out a chuckle. He seemed to be in a very happy mood, as if he was coaxing an angry child. He nodded kindly and said, "You are right, this matter is my If you do something wrong, you can’t blame others.”

Ji Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned his face away and snorted.

If he hurt other people's lives because of himself, he will not forgive himself, it seems that he should pay more attention next time...

Carlos looked at the arrogant and awkward young man in front of him, but he couldn't stop his tenderness and love in his heart. What a kind boy, he was willing to protect the life of such a lowly servant. He seemed arrogant, but in fact he She is more sensible and kind than anyone else, and has her own bottom line and persistence.

He was the most beautiful treasure he could ever meet in his life.

Carlos's eyes showed deep love and admiration. He held the boy's hand, lowered his eyes and said warmly: "I've been tossing around for a long time, are you hungry?"

Ji Ling thought for a while, then nodded.

With a smile in his eyes, Carlos said, "Then go eat, it should be ready."

As he spoke, he brought Ji Ling to the restaurant.

The long dining table is already filled with all kinds of exquisite food, and the transparent tableware carved with gemstones radiates bright light under the soft light, which is indeed very luxurious!

Carlos opened the chair for Ji Ling with his own hands, smiled and watched him sit down, and then sat down beside Ji Ling.

Ji Ling glanced at Carlos quietly. Although he was still in doubt, he didn't intend to make trouble with his stomach. Only after eating and drinking would he have the strength to continue fighting!

Thinking of this, I immediately turned my grief and indignation into motivation, and I started to feast on it.

Carlos took a sip of the red wine in his glass slowly, but his eyes kept falling on the boy's side face, and the gloomy look in his eyes gradually deepened.

The boy looked like he couldn't get along with food, and his puffed cheeks looked very cute, like a little hamster hoarding food. No one competed with him... He seemed to be in a hurry to eat, and accidentally choked, coughing suddenly, with crystal clear tears in the corners of his eyes.

Carlos reached out and patted him on the back, picked up the water glass and brought it to his mouth, and then gently brushed the corner of the boy's lips with his thumb. The soft touch... He could hardly restrain himself.

The person in front of me is so close, how can I make him willingly accept me

For Carlos, this is probably a more headache than how to kill Jing Sui. After all, killing a person is much easier than making a person like oneself.

Especially when this person still has his own heart.

Carlos suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and seeing that the boy finally had enough to eat, he asked softly, "Are you full?"

Ji Ling burped, feeling that this was really detrimental to his image, his face flushed slightly, and he nodded, "I'm full."

As he spoke, he glanced at Carlos again, with a puzzled look on his face. He hadn't eaten anything all night, and most of the time he was looking at himself. Could it be that he can get enough of himself

Moreover, Carlos's eyes seemed to have no problem, but somehow gave people a creepy feeling, as if he was the prey being targeted...

Ji Ling still had a keen sense of self-preservation. He stood up and said to Carlos, "I'm sleepy and want to rest."

The corners of Carlos' thin lips curled up, and he let out a deep laugh: "Okay."

He got up and took Ji Ling to his room in person. This room seemed to be specially arranged. Carlos smiled and said, "The guest room is rarely visited by people, so it was cleaned temporarily. Don't mind if it's a bit shabby."

In fact, it’s not that no one comes to live here, but that there is no guest room for anyone except Carlos’ own bedroom. This room was originally a sun room, which was next to Carlos’ own bedroom. It's sorted out by people, and it doesn't look shabby at all, it's very luxurious, warm and comfortable.

Ji Ling didn't know this. He just wanted to avoid Carlos as soon as possible. Although he came here to test Carlos, he had to take his time, so he said: "Then I will rest first."

Carlos smiled and nodded, and closed the door for Ji Ling after he went out.

Seeing that the door was closed, Ji Ling immediately walked over with a stoop and carefully checked the door lock. After making sure that there was nothing wrong with it, he let out a heavy breath!

I'm so tired today!

Just now he always felt that there was something wrong with the way Carlos looked at him, so he was worried all the time, but Carlos didn't show any abnormal behavior from the beginning to the end, it seems that he thought too much...

It's a pity that I didn't get any useful information today. Ji Ling originally intended to ask the system for his opinion, but when he thought that he and the system were still in a cold war, he held back.

He let the bed lie down, sniffed the relaxing aroma at the end of his nose, and soon fell asleep exhausted.

On a quiet night, the only sound is the rustling of leaves outside the window.

A soft sound of 'click' disappeared in a flash, without disturbing any waves in the night, the door slowly opened to both sides, a pair of black leather shoes stepped on the thick soft carpet, quietly without making any sound.

The tall man stood with the backlight, stood at the door for a moment, and then walked slowly to the bed step by step.

Carlos stared down at the boy on the bed.

The boy slept deeply, his soft blond hair spread out on the pillow, and another strand fell on his forehead. The moonlight fell on his face, outlining a beautiful and ostentatious side profile, just like his own wanton and free and easy, although his eyes are closed, but one can imagine how dazzling his clear blue eyes are when he opens them .

After a long time, Carlos bent down and stretched out his hand, gently helping the boy to straighten the messy short hair that was sleeping.

His fingertips brushed over the young man's white and smooth forehead, eyelashes, nose bridge, chin...and finally landed on the soft lips.

The expression in Carlos' eyes was surging, the desire that he had been hiding deeply in his heart was revealed in his eyes at this moment, naked and clear.

Now the boy was right in front of his eyes.

If in the last life, he was only vaguely guilty and remorseful towards Ji Ling... In this life, he is very sure that he wants to get him.

Get his body, mind, everything, let him completely belong to himself.

Because as long as I get closer to you and understand you more every time, I will find that I love you a little more than I imagined...

You are so dazzling and beautiful, and at the same time have the most gentle and kind heart in the world. Your kindness can melt my hard and cold heart. You are the only one who makes me feel that someone is by my side and I will not be lonely. .

Carlos leaned over slowly, bowed his head and solemnly kissed the long-awaited lips.

The freshness and sweetness above it was beyond his imagination, like a huge vortex that he couldn't get out of, involving his whole body in it.

With one hand on the boy's neck, he couldn't help aggravating the kiss, his eyes showed a sharp eagle-like gaze, mixed with a dark color of madness and paranoia, and greed and desire swept through his reason like a hurricane.

No one can take you away from me.

Neither can that person.