The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 66: escape


Ji Ling stared blankly at Ning Yu, the man's hand was calm and strong, holding his slightly trembling hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and his voice was low and hoarse: "Now the choice is in your hands, you can be a nobleman What you should do, you can do what you want to do."

Ji Ling is completely confused, big brother, are you serious

After a long time, Ji Ling took a deep breath and threw the knife on the ground! He glanced at the blood on the tip of the knife, and turned his head to stare at Ning Yu viciously. This guy is sure that he won't do it! But even so, why take your own life as a joke

Do you trust me that much

No matter what you see, my identity is that of a nobleman! Or the nobleman who was entangled with Carlos...

Ji Ling was very angry, with a complicated expression on his face, and said coldly, "You know I won't kill you."

"Before you try anything, it's just a guess..." Ning Yu's expression was calm, and her thin lips parted slightly: "You don't want to take revenge on me, and you don't want to kill me, so what exactly do you want?"

Ji Ling's expression froze, and after a few seconds, he stepped on Ning Yu fiercely, turned around and left!

Climbed up the ladder and slapped the lid vigorously, angrily said: "Open the door!"

There was no sound from outside.

Just when Ji Ling was getting more and more annoyed, a slender hand stretched out from behind, and with a light squeeze, the strong metal lock was broken, and the man sighed softly: "You go."

Ji Ling didn't look back at all, just crawled out like this, and Aman wasn't outside, this kid is really courageous, who asked him to do such a thing on his own? !

Because of this accident, Ji Ling was not in the mood to continue attending the party, and returned home depressed.

He fell weakly on the bed.

After a while, Ji Ling opened his eyes and sneered: [I was impulsive just now, if it's a man, I should fuck him before leaving! What a loss!]

System: If I hadn't just seen you running away, I would have thought you were really daring...

Although he understands that the host is just speaking out of anger, he would not dare to rape others even if he had a hundred guts, but the system still seriously comforts him: [It's okay, you can still threaten him with suicide, there are many opportunities.]

Ji Ling: ...

He took a deep breath and began to teach Mo De the emotional system: [Only lovers and husbands and wives will threaten each other with suicide when they quarrel. He and I are just ruthless enemies, do you understand? And I don't like men at all! :)]

System: […] As long as the host is happy.

... ... ...

When Ji Ling woke up the next day, Aman came over and looked at him hesitantly, as if he hesitated to speak.

Ji Ling was very angry with this brat and didn't want to talk to him.

Aman also knew that he was self-defeating, he didn't understand why Brother Bai didn't like Brother Ning Yu? Brother Ning Yu is such a good person, his fans are everywhere in the base!

He sighed secretly in his heart, I'm sorry brother Ning Yu, I tried my best, but I can't help you, please ask for blessings!

Aman flattered Ji Ling and said, "This is the black bean cake my mother made for me. I'll bring you some."

Ji Ling crossed his arms and stared at him with downcast eyes. Want to buy me off with a little favor

Aman frowned, lowered his head pitifully, and said, "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, brother Bai, just forgive me once, okay? I promise I won't dare again..."

Ji Ling stared at him for a long while, and Aman was sweating profusely. Then he said slowly, "Don't meddle in other people's business next time, do you understand?"

Aman nodded quickly, and seriously promised: "Never again!"

Ji Ling snorted coldly, and reached out to take the pastry in his hand. Although he really wanted to be angry for a while, he couldn't be cruel to the child, so he nodded his head with his fingers.

Aman smiled shyly and didn't dare to move. After a long while, he asked cautiously: " it because Brother Ning Yu made you angry?"

Ji Ling was silent for a moment, then said, "That's right."

He was indeed very angry with Ning Yu, but this was not the most important reason why he rejected him, because in terms of hurting each other, the things he did in his last life were actually even more excessive, if he hadn't known the development of the plot and Ning Yu He will definitely not die, those vicious things are definitely the actions of a vicious male partner, but Ning Yu still saved him... So from the heart, it is difficult for him to accuse Ning Yu calmly, and to divide up with Ning Yu Who is right and who is wrong, or who owes whom more.

Those angry, those angry, partly because of their blindness.

If I had to say it, he just couldn't trust this person as much as before. The feeling of his world view being subverted made him unable to accept the real and strange Ning Yu in front of him for a while.

And... he won't stay in this world.

Therefore, there is no need for some accounts to be settled so clearly, and they are all passers-by in his life after all.

... ... ...

Maybe it was the reason why they broke up that day, Ning Yu never appeared in front of him again, let alone stalking him.

Ji Ling lived a relaxed and indifferent life again.

It is said that Ning Yu has become busy again, he rarely returns to the base, and even when he comes back, he discusses matters with the senior management of the base, or fights outside.

Compared with Jing Sui and Carlos and others, although Ning Yu is also an SSS-level powerhouse, he has more things to bear, because he does not have such a strong backing, and he does not have deep-rooted forces. It must not be an easy task to fight a bloody path.

Although Ning Yu has never revealed anything in front of her, Ji Ling can also guess this.

He knew that the outside world was not peaceful, but after all, his ability was limited and he couldn't help too many people. If it wasn't for the immediate situation, he would rather pretend that he didn't know anything.

That's it, he thought.

But this day Ji Ling just came back from the outside, and suddenly the whole base rang with shrill sirens!

Aman quickly rushed over from the next door, and anxiously said to Ji Ling: "Pack up your things, we will leave the base now!"

Before Ji Ling even had time to ask what happened, he followed the panicked team and left in a daze. Everyone's faces were full of fear and uneasiness, but fortunately, there was only one order. People packed up their things and brought their families one after another, and quickly entered small spaceships.

Ji Ling used to ride huge and luxurious starships and lived the most luxurious life in the entire empire. It was the first time that he was crowded with many people like refugees. The air seemed to be filled with a dull and depressing smell.

And Ji Ling also figured out what happened from people's conversations.

This base was discovered.

The imperial army is coming, and Ning Yu led the rebels to block it in front, giving the people here a chance to escape.

In order to reduce the number of targets as much as possible and escape in a scattered manner, everyone took many small spaceships and fled in all directions.

Because of the sudden incident, the scene was chaotic, and many people were separated from their families.

Aunt Zora's daughter did not follow her. She hugged her other child. Although she was very anxious, she still comforted the crying and frightened boy and said, "Your sister should be on another spaceship. Find her again, and nothing will happen."

Ji Ling sat there silently, not knowing what to say.

Aman and Ji Ling live in the same small room. This young man who is always sunny and calmly smiles even when talking about the past seems a little lonely at the moment. With blank eyes, he said to Ji Ling: "Can we get there smoothly?" ?”

Ji Ling didn't know, and in fact no one could answer this question.

For the powerful imperial army, these fleeing civilians are as weak as ants and can be crushed to death. Only Ning Yu and some evolutionaries in the rebel army have some self-protection power and can deal with the imperial army.

Aman paused, then panicked: "I don't know if brother Ning Yu is okay..."

No matter how powerful he is, he is still only one person after all.

in a few days.

Fortunately, the spaceship that Ji Ling was on came to another base of the rebel army.

This base is slightly smaller than the previous base, and it is also very hidden. The fellow rebels here greeted them and arranged them in a temporary house. Although everyone worked in an orderly manner, they did not seem to be in a panic, but dignified The atmosphere is still pressing on everyone's heart.

Ji Ling was assigned to a small room, but it was already very good, because too many people were admitted temporarily, and some people even lived together as a family, so naturally there was no relaxed environment in the original base.

Aunt Zhuo La searched for several days, but failed to find her daughter.

Uncle Hank's wife also lost contact because she went out to buy groceries that day.

It is possible that they did not have time to escape at all, or that the spaceship they were on was shot down...

According to statistics, less than 60% of the civilians successfully arrived at this base.

Many people lost their relatives and friends.

Maybe they have already experienced similar things, maybe they have been running away, maybe time can finally heal the wounds, but at least at this moment, people have no way to get out of the pain, and the laughter on their faces is no longer the same .

Ji Ling lived here, so he couldn't just sit around, so he took the initiative to join the logistics team and work with the people in the local base.

Aman and him are in a small team, responsible for receiving supplies from outside.

Except for Aman and Ji Ling, this team is from this base, and they are not familiar with them, but their attitude is not bad, and they warmly accept the companions from other bases.

They drove a carload of food to the warehouse of the base, and operated the machine to move it down. The people next to them chatted without saying a word.

A middle-aged uncle sighed, and said: "I originally thought that His Majesty and Carlos started a war, and he would temporarily relax his pursuit of us, so that we can have a breathing time. Who knows that they have not forgotten to hunt us down because of their own infighting, and even The hunt is even stronger than before."

A young man wearing a hat said: "Lord Gabriel's identity has been exposed, and now His Majesty and Carlos have issued a warrant at the same time, asking the whole universe to hunt down Lord Gabriel. They have been trying to kill him for a long time, and they will definitely not let him go." passed him."

The uncle looked around and said in a low voice: "But I heard that it's not just for this reason, it is said that Lord Gabriel robbed Carlos' wife Ji Ling at Carlos' wedding, and Ji Ling happened to be His Majesty's sweetheart , That's why they were asked to increase their pursuit of the rebels at the same time, just to snatch Ji Ling back."

The young man said: "I've heard about this too, but I don't know if it's true or not. I don't think Lord Gabriel would do such a thing, right? Why did he want to rob Carlos' wife? In addition to angering Carlos What's the point of Ross? We should hide our strength and bide our time now, and let Carlos and His Majesty fight first."

The uncle said: "I don't understand either, but at that time on the main star of the Sosa Galaxy, many people saw Lord Gabriel's silver mecha appearing... It shouldn't be fake, I have seen the video."

The young man was a little angry: "If it's true, I can't understand what he's doing! As the leader of the rebel army, of course, we should put the overall situation first. Going to rob Carlos and His Majesty's sweetheart for no reason will only make us fall into a difficult situation. situation."

The uncle hesitated for a moment: "Maybe Lord Gabriel has his own ideas. Didn't he use Ji Ling before to let His Majesty cleanse many nobles from the Carlos line..."

The young man said coldly: "That time was that time, this time is this time, I didn't see what he did this time. If he captured Ji Ling, where is Ji Ling now? Why is such an important hostage Instead of threatening His Majesty and Carlos, hide it?"

The argument between the two quickly attracted others, and someone else got involved.

"I think that if Lord Gabriel really captures Ji Ling, he should hand him over to him. No matter which side Ji Ling is handed over to, His Majesty and Carlos will fight more fiercely, and temporarily relax against our rebels. "

"Don't be naive! Even if Lord Gabriel really handed over Ji Ling, do you think the emperor and Carlos will let us go?"

"Then... at least it won't be like it is now..."

"I think maybe Lord Gabriel didn't catch Ji Ling at all? That's just an excuse for His Majesty and Carlos to get rid of us? After all, we have long been a thorn in their side. How could they go to war for one person?"

"I think so… "

"This should be a conspiracy of the empire, just trying to find an excuse to deal with us."

"I still feel that there are no waves without wind. If he hadn't caught him, where would Ji Ling be now? What excuses would His Majesty and Carlos need to kill us?"

"Regardless of whether he was caught or not, I think he should give us an explanation!"

"It is said that Ji Ling is a beauty, so wouldn't Lord Gabriel be confused too? Otherwise, how would you explain what he did?"

Aman was listening on the side. He came from another base. He didn't want to interrupt at first, but he couldn't listen anymore. He argued: "Although we are encountering difficulties now, we will definitely get through it. Mr. Gabriel We were born to die, do you doubt his intentions like this?"

Those people looked at Aman, saw it was an unfamiliar face, and understood that he had fled from another base.

The uncle said: "If it is really because Gabriel captured Ji Ling that your base was discovered, can you still say such a thing?"

Aman was very angry. It was this person who first suspected Brother Ning Yu just now.

Ji Ling grabbed his hand and said, "Sorry, we're going back first." After speaking, he pulled the dissatisfied Aman back!

Aman was very upset and said: "Why did you stop me? They are too much! Brother Ning Yu has done so much for them, and now when they encounter difficulties, they can't wait to find his fault and throw the responsibility on him I even doubted his intentions. I don't even think that if there is no brother Ning Yu, we would have died a long time ago!"

Ji Ling pursed his lips, with a complicated look on his face, and said, "You, have you never suspected that he might have really caught... Ji Ling?"

Aman said: "I don't know if he caught or not, even if he really caught Ji Ling, I believe he has his reasons! And I believe he will never make fun of our lives for an imperial nobleman! "

"Your Majesty and Carlos said this to deliberately provoke us. Even if there is no such thing as Ji Ling, will they let our rebels go?! If even we start to waver, it is better to surrender now and die. gone."

Ji Ling was silent for a long time, "I see."

... ... ...

When Ji Ling returned to the temporary residence, when he passed the corridor, he saw Aunt Zhuo La's son sitting on the stairs. When he saw Ji Ling, his big eyes were filled with ignorant sadness, and he said eagerly, "Brother Bai, you, You said my sister, will she come back..."

Ji Ling was a little sad. A few days passed, and the last spaceship came to this base. I don’t deny that there may be other spaceships that did not come here because they were separated, but that possibility is very slim...

"I don't know," he said.

The boy hugged his knees and cried, his eyes were hazy: "I miss my sister..."

Ji Ling sighed, he went back to his room, closed the door, turned on the light weakly, and then saw the man sitting on his bed, his footsteps stopped suddenly.

Ning Yu was wearing a black dress, sitting there with her eyes half closed, her face a little pale, and one hand resting casually on her abdomen.

It seemed normal, but the strong smell of blood from Ji Ling's nose told him that was not the case.

He thought of everything that day, and remembered that when they escaped, it was this person who led the only evolutionaries in the rebel army to buy time for them to escape...

He gritted his teeth, walked over and reached out to check Ning Yu's wound.

As a result, Ning Yu suddenly opened his eyes, his black eyes were extremely sharp, he looked at Ji Ling lightly, and said, "I'm fine."

Ji Ling pursed her lips and looked at him coldly: "Really?"

The corners of Ning Yu's thin lips curled up, she looked at him jokingly, and smiled: "It's just a small injury, anyway, I can't fool you now, can I?"

Ji Ling thought of this guy's previous record of misbehavior several times. He is a dignified SSS-level evolutionary, and he shamelessly pretends to be weak in front of him. He is really not worthy of trust.

So Ji Ling put down his hands and chuckled: "It seems that you are very self-aware."

Then he suddenly and quickly raised his hand again, taking advantage of Ning Yu's unpreparedness, he lifted his shirt off!

The thick black wound on the arm directly penetrated the man's abdomen! The surrounding skin has been completely scorched. This world is really unscientific. Is such an injury still alive? Ji Ling's hand holding the clothes trembled uncontrollably, so it was called a minor injury

Ji Ling looked up at Ning Yu, his chest heaving with anger: "I knew you didn't have a single truth in your mouth!"

Ning Yu was stunned for a moment, pulled off her clothes slowly, and calmly put them back on to cover the terrible wound, sighed: "You are not as easy to lie now as before. Don't worry, you won't die."

Ji Ling glared: "Who is worried about you!"

Ning Yu smiled slightly, with a gentle look in his black eyes, and a very soft voice, as if there was an inaudible pampering: "Yes."

Ji Ling: "..."

How angry, obviously he has tried very hard to express his anger, but why does he feel like punching cotton every time! I really want to beat this bastard to death!

Forget it, it doesn't really matter anymore.

Ji Ling took a deep breath, looked into Ning Yu's eyes, finally made up his mind, and said, "You hand me over."

Ning Yu's expression froze, and after a while, a look of coldness and pain appeared in the eyes that were always calm and calm, and her thin lips were tightly pursed, as if each word was squeezed out from between her teeth: "You know, what I'm saying what?"