The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 96: Extra Story (2)


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The picturesque town is home to a quaint manor house with white Baroque-era buildings amidst lush gardens.

This is the castle that the Field family has inherited for hundreds of years.

Anderson has been serving the Field family since his ancestors, and now he is the current butler of the Field family, in charge of this centuries-old castle. Every morning when he wakes up, he will arrange for his servants to take care of everything in the castle, to ensure that everything in the castle is in order and can be inspected at any time. responsibilities.

Moreover, in recent years, the master has come back to live more and more. Compared with the bustling world outside, he seems to prefer the tranquility and comfort here.

This morning, Anderson put on his black tuxedo as usual, carefully put on a meticulous bow tie, put on white gloves, and started his day's work.

When he came outside, Mars was already waiting in the side hall, he said with a smile: "This is the work "Night Scenes" by the little painter Zhang Qiang. "

Anderson nodded and smiled. He came to the table, took out a sharp paper cutter, and carefully cut the paper outside the painting. A beautiful picture appeared in front of his eyes.

He admired it for a moment, and said to Mars: "Thank you for your hard work, Your Excellency the Earl will be satisfied, and I will call you later for the reward."

Mars showed a look of joy. He knew that Earl Field was always generous. As long as he could get something he liked, he would naturally get a lot of rewards. In recent years, he had helped the Earl buy a lot of Ji Ling's paintings. It's just that he doesn't understand, what is it about that young painter from the far eastern country that deserves Earl Field's attention? Although Ji Ling is very talented...but he is just a newcomer after all, and Earl Field used to only collect the works of famous painters like Van Gogh. Ji Ling's paintings are not enough to meet the standards of his collection...

Mars shook his head in doubt, and when he was about to leave, he added: "By the way, I found out that the little painter will come to hold an art exhibition on the 8th of next month. Maybe His Excellency the Earl will be interested in this news."

Anderson nodded: "I see."

Mars said nothing more, smiled and left.

Anderson watched Mars leave, and took the painting to the collection room on the east side of the castle.

Earl Field's collection has always been very extensive, and the family collection has a long history, but his collection room has never been allowed to be visited by outsiders. If anyone can see it, they will be amazed that there are so many famous collections in it... But Anderson knows that the Earl Your Excellency doesn't care about these, he prefers to collect the works of a painter named Ji Ling.

Even for this purpose, those priceless collections were moved to other rooms, and the largest collection room was vacated for Ji Ling's paintings.

Anderson hung the paintings of Chapter Go on the wall. He has always taken care of this collection room by himself. This is the most beloved collection of Earl Field. Of course, it must be treated with caution, and his own hands are certainly more reliable than any servant. , to keep the things that the master cherishes well for the master, this is his professional quality as a qualified housekeeper.

Anderson did all this, looking at it carefully.

Over the past few years, the originally empty collection room has become more and more full. Dozens of paintings have been hung on the walls. There are unrestrained fantasies, and there are swaying corners of flowers and branches. There are vast grasslands without people, and there are rows of high-rise buildings...

This is indeed a very talented young man, and he has gained some fame in the world painting circles in recent years, but what really makes Anderson more curious is not his paintings, but his relationship with Earl Field.

Anderson recalled that yesterday, his wife curiously asked him about Earl Field. Although the children kept silent, they couldn't help but gossip about the private life of the castle owner.

In fact, throughout the aristocracy and upper classes, there were not a few people who wondered about this.

Earl Field is not young anymore, but he has no idea of getting married so far. In the past few years, no one cared about this matter, because Earl Field has always been romantic and has countless lovers. It is normal for him not to rush to get married in his capacity However, women are also willing to spend a romantic relationship with him. Although they are not married, their private life is not boring, but in recent years... Earl Field seems to be tired of this kind of life of hanging around flowers, and he no longer accepts those women. Approaching, even starting to live in seclusion, living in the castle at home all year round, and rarely attending any outside activities.

It's not normal to be pure-hearted and don't plan to get married.

Some people think that Earl Field has found true love, and the reason why he no longer lingers in the flowers is because he is about to get married. What kind of woman can make this romantic and ruthless guy decide to change for her

But one year, two years, three years go by...

There is still no one around Earl Field, let alone getting married, and there has not even been a scandal.

Everyone has to realize that His Excellency the Earl may really just be tired of that extravagant and casual life and want to cultivate his health

Although he is in his prime, His Excellency the Earl seems to have entered the twilight years of wanting nothing. He doesn't care about anything or anyone, as if everything in this world doesn't matter to him.

But only Anderson knew that His Excellency the Earl actually cared about someone.

That is the young man named Ji Ling from the far eastern country. Since the earl went to that country once, not only has he become more unfathomable after returning, sometimes Anderson feels that even in the eyes of the earl, he is nothing more than It's like a tiny ant...

Apart from the news of the young man, nothing could interest the Earl.

For five years, the collection room was filled with Ji Ling's paintings.

His Excellency the Earl would come here from time to time, but he would not stay for a long time. He usually just came to have a look, and then left, and he never took the initiative to meet that person.

Except for the time when the young man got married a year ago, His Excellency the Earl has never set foot in that country again. As if he was restraining something, Anderson remembered that once, out of curiosity, he asked His Excellency the Earl: If you want to see him, why not where to go

His Excellency the Earl said with a smile: Because it is not the time yet.

Anderson didn't understand, if he wanted to see someone, when should he

Anderson also investigated the young man's news, wanting to know what makes him worthy of the earl's attention. Could it be that he is the one who changed the earl? But he didn't get any useful information.

If the Earl loves Ji Ling, why don't you go to see him and bring him back? And Ji Ling is married to someone else, so it shouldn't be love. So Anderson thought again, is Ji Ling the Earl's illegitimate son? But this guess seems even more absurd...

Anderson shook his head, threw away those messy thoughts, turned and closed the door of the storage room.

When he came to the dining room, he saw that His Excellency the Earl had just had breakfast.

The elegant brown-haired man gently put down his knife and fork, wiped the corner of his mouth with a white handkerchief, raised his eyebrows and said, "Anderson, what's the matter today?"

Anderson bowed respectfully, and said: "Mars brought the paintings that Ji Ling went to, and I have put them in the collection room. In addition, I learned that Ji Ling will hold an art exhibition in London on the 8th of next month."

Carlos raised his brows slightly, nodded and said, "I see."

Anderson was talking about the daily report, seeing that Carlos was about to leave without ordering, at this time Carlos suddenly said, "I decided to hold a banquet here for celebrities and some young artists. The time... will be on the night of the 8th. .”

Anderson looked up in astonishment, "Night on the eighth?"

Carlos said: "Yes, you can arrange it, I hope to see the guests I want to see."

Anderson suddenly understood, bowed respectfully and replied: "Yes, I will definitely be ready, don't worry."


At the end of the art exhibition, Ji Ling watched the staff take down the paintings one by one and carefully pack them in boxes. This is the last one of his touring art exhibition, and he can go home after the end.

Remembering that he had been away from home for a while, Ji Ling took out his mobile phone and sent Ning Yu a message: I will go home tomorrow.

Ning Yu's news came back soon: I will pick you up.

Ji Ling: Good.

He looked at the message and couldn't help but smile on his lips, a little bit like an arrow. Speaking of which, it has been more than two months since he left home this time...

It was the first time that she had been separated from Ning Yu for such a long time.

Ji Ling came outside the corridor, looked at the faces of foreigners coming and going downstairs, and suddenly remembered that Carlos was in this country. He once told himself that if he came to his country, he would treat him well .

But Ji Ling never thought about contacting Carlos. For him, everything in that world is in the past tense. Carlos has never come to him in these years, except for once on the wedding day. world disappeared.

Over the past few years, Carlos has gradually become a vague symbol. Since Carlos didn't bother him, he naturally wouldn't bother Carlos either.

Not to mention using Carlos' resources.

Thinking of those things that happened in the past, Ji Ling couldn't help but smile, as if he had the feeling of looking back at his childish behavior when he was a child when he grew up. At that time, he was tired of coping in that world and was scared by the big villain Like a frightened bird, every day in order to protect himself, his hair falls out, and he is often forced to make a lot of oolongs... If he does it all over again, maybe he can handle it better

But in life, there are always some regrets.

At this time, Isaac, the owner of the gallery, came from the opposite side and smiled brightly at Ji Ling from a distance: "Hey, so you are here, I have been looking for you for a long time."

Isaac is a tall white man, he is bold and has a wide range of friends. It is precisely because of his invitation that Ji Ling came here to hold the art exhibition. They have known each other for more than two years, and they are good friends.

Isaac put his arm around Ji Ling's shoulder and said, "Are you really not going to stay for a few days?"

Ji Ling smiled and shook his head: "No, I have to go home."

Isaac said in a long tone: "There must be a bewitching beauty waiting for you at home, otherwise why every time I want to invite you to stay longer, you always say you want to go home?"

Ji Ling pondered for a moment: "Well, she is a beauty."

Isaac was speechless, and said with hatred: "Even if you are really a beauty, how can a house flower have the fragrance of wild flowers! Forget it, don't talk to you idiot, since you are leaving tomorrow, stay with me tonight Come to a party."

Ji Ling doesn't like this kind of occasion very much, some don't want to go, said: "I want to go back and have a good rest."

Isaac said with a stern face, "Some of my friends want to meet the famous painter Ji Ling, so I must take you there tonight. If you don't give me this bit of face, you will be without me in the future." This friend is fine."

Ji Ling: "..."

Seeing that Ji Ling didn't speak, Isaac assumed that he had agreed, and then said with satisfaction: "Dear Ji, I knew you were a loyal person. Don't you have a saying in China, which is called double-edged swords for friends?" ?"

Ji Ling: "..."

Is your analogy wrong? First of all, our relationship is not good enough, and secondly, attending a banquet is really not double-edged.

But Ji Ling considerately did not correct his friend, let this beautiful misunderstanding continue.

Isaac was driving on the road, humming a song and beating the time on the steering wheel. He seemed to be in a very happy mood, but the roads here were getting more and more remote, and it seemed to be the way out of the city.

Ji Ling looked at his friend suspiciously. If he wasn't convinced that they had a good relationship, he would have suspected that he was going to kill someone to silence him.

Just when he was thinking about whether to ask where he was going, a gorgeous and brightly lit castle appeared in a remote town. Ji Ling suppressed the question in his throat. It seemed that someone was really here Have a party!

Isaac turned to Ji Ling and smiled, "Look, we're here."

The car drove into the long driveway, with lush flowers on both sides of the driveway, it can be seen that everything here has not been neglected, it should be the territory of some nobleman, not some uninhabited haunted castle.

Ji Ling paused: "Who is your friend?"

Isaac blinked secretly, and said, "You'll find out when you go."

Ji Ling showed a helpless smile, this guy is still playing secrets.

Although Isaac refused to say it, Ji Ling didn't care, and he would get to know him when he saw it later. After a few years, he is no longer the naive boy who was easy to panic when he was in trouble. Become another person, but with the growth of experience, it will always grow and change slowly.

Isaac brought Ji Ling to the castle. The butler of the castle was a middle-aged man with blond hair and brown eyes, dressed in a black tuxedo, and welcomed them in respectfully.

Isaac was very polite to the housekeeper and said, "Mr. Anderson, go and do your work, and leave us alone."

Anderson smiled slightly: "Okay, if you have any questions and needs, please let me know." Said that he looked at Ji Ling again, showing a thoughtful smile: "Mr. Ji, please enjoy your stay here night."

Ji Ling nodded politely and smiled.

After Isaac waited for Anderson to leave, he said with emotion: "By the way, I haven't been here for a long time. The last time Fei... the last time His Excellency the Earl held a banquet here was several years ago."

Ji Ling asked curiously, "Your Excellency?"

Isaac said exaggeratedly: "Hey, didn't I tell you before? The owner here is a real nobleman."

Ji Ling chuckled: "You may have forgotten."

Isaac patted his forehead. At this time, a friend from the opposite side called him, and he said: "You transfer by yourself for a while, I will go to say hello, and I will come back to accompany you right away, wait for me not to run around, I will wait for you Introduce a friend to you!"

Ji Ling: "..."

I have never seen such an unreliable person...

Ji Ling waited in place for a while, but because there were too many people, Isaac was gone in a blink of an eye. Ji Ling shook his head. This guy is really unreliable, but he was brought here anyway. Since Isaac Abandoning him, he was naturally not interested in waiting where he was, so Ji Ling simply walked out of the hall, thinking about how to go back later.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the air here is very fresh and seems to be filled with the fragrance of vegetation.

The garden is well maintained, with white hollow metal lamps hanging on both sides of the cobblestone path, emitting a warm yellow light.

Ji Ling walked casually, and saw a corner of a deep red rose in front of him. He walked over involuntarily, lowered his head and sniffed, and the refreshing fragrance came in from his nose.

From a distance, there is only one corner, but after walking in, I found that there is something strange here. It turned out to be a very vast rose garden. Fireflies danced in the night sky, like shining stars. In the center of the garden were stone tables and stools made of white marble.

Ji Ling stood there in a daze, and for a moment, he felt a strange sense of familiarity.

It's as if I've seen this scene before.

But I can't remember, it's obviously the first time he came here.

Ji Ling frowned and thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think about it. It was very quiet here, and there was no one else. Ji Ling was worried that he had come to a place where he shouldn't be, so he was about to leave here without thinking too much. A low laugh was heard behind him.

"I want to try my best to restore it, but there are no broad-leaved plants from blue sea stars on the earth, so it feels a little bit worse..."

Ji Ling paused and turned around in astonishment. I saw an elegant and handsome man with brown hair and brown eyes slowly walking out of the flowers, holding a black metal cane, raising his eyebrows and showing an elegant smile: "It's really hard to see you once, so please Forgive me for not telling you my identity before inviting you."

Ji Ling was really surprised just now, but he calmed down quickly. It was really like what Carlos would do, and he finally remembered why this garden felt familiar... Carlos stayed in the mansion for a few days. At that time, Carlos' mansion had such a rose garden. For that world, the rose was a rare and ancient plant that was extremely near extinction, and it was not seen everywhere in the earth period.

He had only seen that garden in Carlos' home.

Ji Ling looked at him and said with a faint smile, "Actually, if you just want to invite me to be a guest, you can just say so, and I won't refuse."

Carlos looked at him for a while, and suddenly a smile appeared in his eyes, and said, "You have changed a lot."

The boy who used to be always afraid of him, afraid of him, and would try his best to escape from him, is now a mature and stable young man, and he will deal with him calmly and without humility.

You can even say such words calmly.

Instead of blindly escaping.

Carlos shrugged, and his smile deepened: "Because I have invited you many times, but you have never come, let alone come to me, I thought you would not want to see me."

Ji Ling was silent for a moment, and said, "It's just a polite talk, I won't take it seriously."

Carlos looked hurt when he heard the words: "I haven't seen you for so long, it's really heartbreaking for you to say such things."

Ji Ling already knew that this guy was good at disguising, so he said blankly, "Really?"

Seeing that Ji Ling was indifferent, Carlos had no choice but to withdraw his injured expression, shrugged and said, "You are more ruthless than before."

Ji Ling thought, is it his honor to be called ruthless by the most ruthless and ruthless villain

Carlos walked over step by step, looked around at the roses around him, and looked down at Ji Ling: "Do you still remember this place?"

Ji Ling nodded.

Carlos looked at him deeply, raised the corners of his lips, and said meaningfully: "I lied to you to come here, and you really came here stupidly, or maybe you knew I had ulterior motives, but thought I wouldn't do anything to you So, in fact, this is a very naive and risky behavior, sending myself into the hands of those who plot against you... I can do even more extreme things to you. "

Ji Ling: "..." He couldn't refute this sentence, Carlos was right, he was very naive at that time.

He felt that since Carlos dared to invite him openly, he would definitely not be able to do anything to him, but this person, his methods were a hundred times more treacherous and cruel than he thought, and his thoughts were beyond his ability to guess. , but I almost confessed myself there...

Thinking about it now, I had to thank Carlos for his mercy when I was able to leave safely.

Ji Ling pursed her lips: "...but you didn't do that."

Carlos raised his hand suddenly, raised Ji Ling's chin, and laughed jokingly: "How do you know what I did or not?" He paused, his voice was drawn out, with a hint of a smile: "I'll take advantage of you while you are asleep." Kissed you secretly when I was here, that was——your first kiss, right?"

Ji Ling's pupils shrank, and he finally looked shocked, what? ! Did something like this happen back then? !

He has no idea!

He thought his first kiss was taken by Jing Sui...

An unnatural blush finally appeared on Ji Ling's face, "You, what are you talking about." Carlos said slowly: "Not only your first kiss, but also your first wedding, all belong to me … almost, even your first time…”

Ji Ling's face darkened suddenly: "Shut up."

Carlos didn't shut up, his brown eyes were deep, and his tone was low with a smile: "Can I invite you to dance with me? Before you leave—"

Ji Ling fell silent again.

The man's palm rested on his waist, gently pulled, approached, and took soothing steps.

Ji Ling's hand was held by the other party, and he walked gently with the other party's beat, listening to the music humming softly from the man's throat. There was no accompaniment, and the tune was not accurate, but Ji Ling could tell that this was a very strange song in that world. The famous tune, which he often heard at noble banquets, was melodious and long.

Carlos stopped humming for a long time, and his eyebrows became deeper in the night.

After dancing to the song, he gently raised Ji Ling's hand, and kissed the back of Ji Ling's hand.

Ji Ling moved his gaze down, and finally saw the ring on the other's finger. At that time... Carlos gave him another one, but he didn't accept it.

Originally, he just wanted to say goodbye to the other party, but suddenly his mood was a little complicated, Ji Ling said: "You don't have to do this."

Carlos smiled casually: "What kind?"

Ji Ling looked into his eyes and said word by word: "You have been in my world for five years, you know very well what your world is like, and you also know what my world is like, and you know that everything is just a misunderstanding. It's a coincidence, I'm not as good as you imagined, I just did that to complete the task, those are just my disguise... But in my real world, I'm just one of thousands of ordinary people It’s just one of them. I’m afraid, I’m selfish, I’m working hard to live, and I’m not that brave…”

"I know all about it." Carlos interrupted him, and said with a faint smile, "But so what?"

Ji Ling stared at him blankly.

Carlos said: "I have seen the vast and boundless universe, I have also seen a galaxy annihilated before my eyes, and I have seen countless amazing and brilliant human beings. and perish... but when I had everything and fell from a height, there happened to be someone like this in front of me, so... I like you not because you are so good or different, but because you just happen to be that It's just people."

Ji Ling's throat was a little rough: "But I..."

Carlos smiled in his eyes, and said slowly: "I didn't see you today to disturb you. Although for me, you are indeed the one-of-a-kind exception... But I will know what you really look like. Use your own eyes to see, not listen to what you say, I like you is just my business. What you should know is that I like you, it does not affect my current life, let alone It hinders me from enjoying everything I have. In fact, I should thank you for allowing me to stop and take a look at the beautiful scenery around me.”

Carlos said: "I invited you here today, just to tell you that I am doing well."

Ji Ling stared at him for a long time, then smiled: "I see, thank you."

He paused, turned around, and said before leaving, "Goodbye." Carlos watched the young man leave with a smile.

Not long after, Anderson came out from the shadows and whispered, "Are you really letting him go like this?"

Carlos tapped his finger on the cane lightly, and he smiled slightly: "Do you know what the best way to love someone is?"

Anderson asked, "What is it?"

Carlos's thoughts seemed to drift away.

People who love each other are happy together, but forcing someone who doesn't love you to be around is just wishful thinking, and it makes both of them suffer.

He is always used to destroying everything, even if it is the one he loves, he will do whatever it takes to plunder and possess.

Only after two lifetimes of rebirth did he understand the simplest truth.

That is to love someone, you should learn to let go.

"Let's go, the dinner party is about to officially begin." Carlos shook his head and turned around, with a smile on his lips, his voice diffused in the night: "I can't keep my guests waiting for too long."