The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 100: real world two


After the man who escaped went back, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He felt that Huadiewu must be a monster emerging from the mountains, otherwise how could it be so beautiful? Moreover, in a small place like theirs, everyone in a village knew each other, and he was sure that he had never met each other.

Humans in this era are very afraid of monsters, no matter whether monsters have hurt them or not, they will choose to destroy monsters. Because in their eyes, being born a demon is the biggest mistake.

The terrified villagers came outside Su Luoyan's house with torches. They said it was a house, but it was actually a dilapidated small house that was tidied up fairly clean.

Someone seemed to be talking in the small house, and this knowledge made the villagers sure what Su Luoyan was hiding at home. Could it be that Su Luoyan was talking to himself

On the edge of the barren mountains and wild ridges, why did a big living person appear out of thin air? No matter how you look at it, it's weird.

People in this small place are most feudal and superstitious, and they are terribly afraid of death. They think that monsters are the most terrifying things in the world, and if they touch anything, they will definitely die.

But people with such thoughts may be even more terrifying.

But these people in the big environment, they don't think about this problem, they just think that this is right, and the demon is to be damned.

Hua Diewu, who was eating wild fruits with Su Luoyan, noticed dozens of auras suddenly appeared outside, and immediately became vigilant.

The instinct of a beast made Hua Diewu pull Su Luoyan to leave through the back door, but the back door was already guarded.

It was also the first time for Su Luoyan to experience such a battle. After all, she was only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, and she couldn't think of a way out. Some people in the crowd scolded Hua Diewu as a monster, and said that Su Luoyan had been bewitched by the monster, so they had to beat them to death together.

In fact, these clamoring people didn't even understand the situation, they just couldn't understand Su Luoyan. My man's eyes are always on that little girl Su Luoyan, who knows how many daughter-in-laws have gritted their teeth. They wished that Su Luoyan would die quickly.

Hua Diewu, who doesn't understand human thoughts very well, said that she has never harmed anyone, but her words will only make the villagers more determined to eradicate Hua Diewu.

Huadiewu's words can only prove one thing, that is, she is really a monster.

The previous widower only spread rumors like that because he wanted to teach those two women who beat him a lesson. Who would have thought that the other party was really a monster. This frightened the widower to death. He trembled and said that the evildoer must be killed, otherwise the whole village would be in trouble.

Everyone was convinced that they were about to greet Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan with their shovels and rakes.

Hua Diewu protects Su Luoyan's body, and wants to take Su Luoyan out of here. But there were too many people on the other side, Hua Diewu couldn't do what she wanted, and she herself suffered some skin trauma, but Su Luoyan was hacked on the back by a man of high blood with a hatchet.

Su Luoyan was seriously injured and on the verge of death, Hua Diewu broke out her strength for the first time. She broke through the crowd and led Su Luoyan out of the village.

Hua Diewu has never been so panicked, even if she was chased by the wolf demon back then, she was not so scared. She didn't want Hua Su Luoyan to die, but human life is so fragile.

She heard Su Luoyan whisper, if only I could become stronger...

If it was any other vixen, they would choose to give up on Su Luoyan. The price to be paid for saving a dying person is too high. Humans are mortal, but monsters have a long life. It's just a human being, and when he dies, he will find another one.

Hua Diewu is not such a fox demon, she doesn't understand those things, she only knows that she doesn't want to see Su Luoyan die, so she used one of her tails to save Su Luoyan's life without hesitation.

For a nine-tailed fox, each tail is a life, but no fox demon is as risky as Hua Diewu.

Looking at her broken tail, Hua Diewu felt regretful, she hugged Su Luoyan's body and quietly waited for Su Luoyan to wake up in the cave.

Black and White Wuchang in the underworld sensed the fluctuations to ecstasy, but Hua Diewu didn't really die, so Black and White Wuchang left soon.

Hua Diewu didn't know how long she had waited, she felt that she was about to turn into a stone statue, and Su Luoyan woke up.

Although Su Luoyan woke up, her injuries were not completely healed, and she needed to rest. Hua Diewu went to catch animals to replenish Su Luoyan's body, but her craftsmanship was really poor, and the things she made could only be regarded as barely edible.

But Su Luoyan didn't care about these, as long as it was given to her by Hua Diewu, no matter what the taste was, she would eat it and enjoy it.

After leaving the original small village, they went to the next place to continue to survive.

This time Su Luoyan told Hua Diewu that she must conceal her identity.

Most of the people in this world are only fond of demons, don't underestimate human nature. Only she would treat her so unconditionally, and only she would not care that Hua Diewu is not human.

Su Luoyan said to Hua Diewu: I am the only human being who will accept you in the world, so don't leave me, okay

Huadiewu agreed without hesitation, and she said that she would always be by your side.

At this time, Hua Diewu didn't understand the meaning of Su Luoyan's words, there was another meaning behind the words - I am your most special, so you can only treat me well and rely on me alone.

They wandered together, endured hardships together, and occasionally Hua Diewu dug up good things in the mountains and then squandered them for a while, which seemed a bit like wandering around the world.

But suddenly one day, someone came to them, saying that it was Su Luoyan's family, and they were going to pick up Su Luoyan's Su family.

Su Luoyan's name was actually given by the Su family, and it was engraved on the jade pendant around her neck, so the old woman who adopted Su Luoyan gave Su Luoyan this name.

As for why Su Luoyan was abandoned, it involved the secret affairs of the big family.

Su Luoyan was born of a concubine of the head of the Su family. At that time, the mistress hated this favored concubine very much, so she wanted to kill Su Luoyan's mother.

In order to keep her own child, Su Luoyan's mother sent the infant child away. Who would have thought that she lost her life, and the child was lost halfway.

More than ten years have passed, and the Su family found Su Luoyan again. After all, it is also one of the best big families in the imperial city, and they do not allow their own blood to be left outside.

Hua Diewu knew that Su Luoyan had always longed to have a family, and she didn't want to hinder Su Luoyan from going home because of her selfishness.

Su Luoyan asked Hua Diewu if she would let her go, but Hua Diewu remained silent. She didn't know whether to be selfish or generous. She wanted to be selfish, but the Su family didn't give them a choice, so they forcibly took Su Luoyan away.

Hua Diewu doesn't understand human minds, but she also feels something is wrong. This Luoyan is not at all the same as the family she mentioned. Hua Diewu can't feel any warmth, but can only see indifference and ruthlessness.

So Huadiewu followed all the way, the Su family was 'very good' to Luoyan, they gave everything, but they never really cared about Luoyan's body.

She didn't see a slight smile on Su Luoyan's face, Luoyan was not happy, why? Isn't Luoyan their relatives? Huadiewu didn't understand.

The Su family's house is very large, and the servants who serve Luoyan don't even know how many. Hua Diewu saw Su Luoyan put on luxurious clothes, eat carefully cooked food, and sleep in a big and spacious room, she couldn't even afford a piece of gauze on the bed.

These things were something they didn't even dare to think about before, Hua Diewu felt that Luo Yan was always suffering when she was with her. Huadiewu thought, should she really take away Luoyan

This 'home' is much better than their previous home. Her Luoyan finally doesn't have to sleep with her, eat and sleep in the open. She should be happy for Luoyan, but she can't laugh at all.

Hua Die Wu was still reluctant to leave, she turned into a little butterfly and lay on the wall watching Luo Yan's life.

She thought, should she meet Luo Yan

It's time to see her, because she wants to talk to Luo Yan, especially.

Luo Yan was not surprised to see her suddenly appear in the yard, and Hua Die Wu asked why.

Luoyan said: "I know Xiaodie that you don't want to part with me, and you will definitely stay by my side all the time. I can feel that you haven't gone far."

"Luoyan, are you happy here?" Huadiewu asked.

Su Luoyan shook her head, she said: "At first I had some expectations, but soon I was worn out by reality. There is a relationship deeper than blood..."

There was still half a sentence that Su Luoyan didn't say, she never grew up with the Su family, the so-called blood relationship seemed so flimsy and ridiculous. In comparison, she felt that Hua Diewu was her real relative, no, it was more complicated than the feelings of relatives. She can never let go of this feeling, and she doesn't want to be separated.

If Su Luoyan knew in advance that if she didn't speak now, she would have no chance in the future, she would definitely choose to speak her mind at this moment.

Hua Diewu, who has never been in love, has not yet awakened, she simply thinks that Su Luoyan regards herself as a relative.

Although it sounds strange that one person and one demon become relatives, Hua Diewu thinks it's nothing.

"Xiaodie, take me out of here." Su Luoyan stretched out her hand towards Hua Diewu.

Hua Diewu held Su Luoyan's hand and said yes with a smile.

"Luoyan, I will take you away, and I will protect you for the rest of my life."

Hua Diewu thought that her falling geese should be wild geese soaring in the sky, not small birds in cages.