The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 102: The real world four


Hua Diewu's hand hanging by her side was tightly clenched, and her nails had already dug into her palm.

"You are not allowed to hurt her!" Hua Diewu roared.

Hua Diewu, who had always seemed limp and temperless, got angry, she felt infinite power surging in her body, and she wanted to ruthlessly tear the body of the man in front of her.

Hua Diewu's pupils instantly turned golden, her fangs stretched out, and her hands turned into animal claws.

"Let her go!"

The Demon King was unmoved, he didn't take Hua Die Wu seriously at all.

"The weak are not qualified to speak in front of the strong. Your weakness means that you can only watch this human woman die by my hands." The demon king showed a sinister smile.

Demons appeared around, surrounded Huadiewu, and Huadiewu's face became very ugly. There are too many enemies, and she is the weakest of all the nine-tailed demon foxes.

The devil's nails were black, sharp and long, and the nails scratched across Su Luoyan's neck, leaving a ferocious bloodstain on it. The devil looked at Hua Die Wu with a sneer, admiring the pain on Hua Die Wu's face.

"How? Are you trying to kill me? Come on, I'll be right here waiting for you to kill me."

Huadiewu still has the blood of a beast hidden in his bones, and the devil's provocation angered Huadiewu. She put away the anger on her face, as if all her emotions were emptied in an instant.

The change of Hua Die Wu made the Demon King feel a little crisis. Although Hua Die Wu is the weakest among the nine-tailed demon foxes, but in terms of talent and demon power, the Demon King is actually not as good as Hua Die Wu, especially when the nine-tailed fox is crazy. Come.

The Demon King is different from the Nine-Tailed Fox. The Nine-Tailed Fox can be resurrected after death, but he only has one life.

This kind of thinking made the devil angry in his heart. The devil of his generation will still be afraid of the little girl Hua Diewu's film

So the devil looked at Hua Die Wu contemptuously, and he took out his accompanying magic weapon to deal with Hua Die Wu.

Hua Diewu went forward fearlessly, all she could see was Su Luoyan's injured appearance. No one can hurt her Luoyan! No one can!

At this moment, there is only one thought in Hua Diewu's mind, that is to kill all those who want to hurt Su Luoyan and save Su Luoyan!

She will kill anyone who stands in her way!

The last time when Su Luoyan was seriously injured and on the verge of death, Hua Diewu understood how fragile human life is. She is a nine-tailed fox born with nine lives, with many lives, and a monster with a long lifespan.

But Luoyan only has one life, and an ax can kill her. Even if they live to old age without incident, it will only be a few decades.

Luoyan practiced hard in order to be able to accompany her longer, but all of this can't be realized now. Just because the Demon Realm wanted to expand their territory, it made them so miserable.

Hua Diewu asked herself in her heart, is she incapable, or is it because she is timid that she has been unable to control her demon power for a long time.

The stronger the ability, the more she has to bear, she subconsciously thought so.

Because of timidity, she "hopes" that she is incompetent, only in this way can she hide behind her sisters with peace of mind.

It didn't matter before, she just needed to take care of herself.

But now she has someone she has to protect and a reason to become stronger. She can't be weak anymore, or she will lose everything.

The Demon King is right, the weak are not qualified to speak in front of the strong.

Hua Diewu raised her eyes, her golden pupils stood upright, in them were indifferent light and firm belief.

The demons surrounding Huadiewu swarmed up, Huadiewu raised his head and roared, "Get out!"

The demons were blown away by Huadiewu, and they flew more than a dozen feet before barely stopping.

The demon king's face changed slightly, he whistled, and hundreds of demons rushed in immediately.

The Demon King is very cautious, he doesn't admit that he is afraid of death, he just thinks that he should go up when his subordinates completely subdue Hua Die Wu.

It's a pity that these little guys are not the opponents of Huadiewu who exploded at all.

Hua Die Wu came to kill another, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, Hua Die Wu pursed her lips, her hands were already numb from the repeated killing, but she still didn't stop.

Not enough is not enough, she must kill these hateful demons. As long as they are still there, the Yaozu will have no peace! Her falling geese will also be hurt!

It seemed that someone was calling her name, but she couldn't hear anything clearly, just keep killing, yes, keep killing.

"Frottery! Fluttershy!"

Hua Diewu felt her head hurt, as if it was about to burst. Only the touch of the sharp claws piercing into the flesh can slightly calm down the raging killing intent on her body.

"Monster! You monster!" This is the cry of the Demon King. His accompanying magic weapon has been shattered by Hua Diewu, and he himself was seriously injured.

Who would have thought that the nine-tailed demon fox Hua Die Wu, who was the least favored at the time, would be so powerful, but the Demon King knew that Hua Die Wu would not be able to please herself if she behaved like this.

The frantic fighting style that burns life will definitely bring irreversible damage to Hua Die Wu's body. As expected, Hua Die Wu spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs.

The Demon King originally thought that Hua Die Wu would stop fighting this time. He lost so many subordinates. If this continues, his status may not be guaranteed. There are still many people watching him, just waiting for him to be weak. He dismounted.

But Hua Die Wu seemed to be red-eyed, the last scene in his sight was Hua Die Wu's hand directly penetrated his chest.

The beating heart was thrown to the ground and crushed by Hua Diewu.

"Anyone who hurts Luoyan...will die!" Hua Diewu uttered a sentence heavily, and the golden animal pupils were so cloudy that no light could be seen.

Su Luoyan, who fell on the ground, desperately wanted to get up, but her leg had been broken by the devil, and now it was difficult to get close to Hua Die Wu, so she could only use her hoarse voice to call Hua Die Wu.

"Xiaodie, don't kill again..."

But Hua Diewu can no longer hear other people's words, she is like a killing machine without emotion, she will not stop until she kills everyone who tries to get close to her.

I don't know how long it took, but the sky seemed to be stained with blood. There were wrecks all over the ground, the strong smell of blood in the air, and every breath seemed to have something sticky stuck in the lungs, making it hard to breathe.

One of the eight tails behind Huadiewu disappeared, and now there are only seven tails left.

Hua Diewu half-kneeled on the ground with exhaustion, she hung her head, still muttering something incessantly.

Su Luoyan discerned carefully, and finally heard what Hua Diewu was talking about.

"Luoyan,'s okay, I'm here to save you, don't be afraid..."

Su Luoyan struggled and slowly climbed to Hua Diewu's side. Along the way, she saw a mountain of corpses. These demons were all killed by Hua Diewu, but Su Luoyan was not afraid at all.

Even though Hua Die Wu's hands are covered with blood, she is still the hero in her heart, her favorite Xiao Die.

"Xiaodie, wake up, it's okay, they are all dead." Su Luoyan raised her hand with difficulty, and held Hua Diewu's wrist.

Hua Diewu seemed to have been triggered by some switch, and suddenly woke up, "Luoyan, Luoyan! Are you okay?"

Hua Diewu hurriedly hugged Su Luoyan's body, everything seemed to go back to the time when her identity was discovered a few years ago and Luoyan was dying.

She was terrified, terrified.

Hua Diewu's hands were covered with sticky blood, Luoyan's pale face was in front of her, Su Luoyan had already breathed in more air and exhaled less.

"Xiaodie, it's all right now, don't be afraid anymore." Su Luoyan raised her hand in Hua Diewu's arms, and gently stroked Hua Diewu's cheek.

It was clearly Hua Die Wu who killed the world, but Su Luoyan was comforting Hua Die Wu, telling Hua Die Wu not to be afraid.

Because Su Luoyan knew how timid Hua Die Wu was usually, killing people was not what Hua Die Wu wanted.

Just now, Hua Die Wu was just relying on her strength, but now she came out of that strange state, Hua Die Wu also knew to be afraid. But she was even more afraid that Su Luoyan would leave her forever, she hugged Su Luoyan's body while crying, as if Su Luoyan would disappear if she let go.

"Luoyan, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid at all." Hua Diewu rubbed her face against Su Luoyan's cheek.

She said she wasn't afraid at all, but in fact she was terribly afraid. Tears rolled down from the eye sockets drop by drop, Hua Diewu hurriedly wiped the tears on her face, but the tears still fell on Su Luoyan's cheeks.

Su Luoyan forced a smile, she said to Hua Diewu: "Xiaodie, don't cry, if I were stronger, I wouldn't be like this...Xiaodie, if I..."

Su Luoyan's voice became softer and softer, and when she said the last sentence, she had already lost her voice. In the end, Su Luoyan's hand hangs down feebly.

Hua Diewu's eyes were blurred by tears, and her hands were shaking, "It's okay, Luoyan, I'll save you, as long as I save you with a tail, you will survive soon! You will definitely survive."

The demon king's palace was surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Hua Diewu hugged Su Luoyan's body and walked outside step by step.

Hua Diewu didn't hide her aura either, she just exposed herself to the eyes of the demons so blatantly.

Some demons without long eyes wanted to attack Hua Die Wu, but Hua Die Wu didn't even give the opponent a look, and that person was directly blown away by Hua Die Wu's majestic demonic aura.

The leader of the demon clan was killed by Hua Diewu, and the inside was turned upside down again. The momentum of the demons attacking the demon world suddenly weakened, Hua Diewu took Su Luoyan back to the demon world, and her two sisters also learned about the things Hua Diewu did in the demons.

The demons had no intention of peacefully coexisting with the demons from the very beginning, so there was no need for them to compromise and break into the hinterland of the demon world in one fell swoop.

This battle between the demons finally ended with the defeat of the demons. The Yaozu also lost a lot, but at least they won and kept their homeland.

It is also from here that the pattern of the world is broken, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Huadiewu was seriously injured in the battle in the devil's palace, and the two sisters forced Huadiewu to take a good rest.

Hua Diewu's body was also very weak after completely leaving the battle, and she had no other choice but to lie on the bed and recover slowly. However, the body of a demon is much stronger than that of a human after all, and Hua Diewu recovered to a seven-eighth degree in half a month.

As for Su Luoyan, she woke up after being in a coma for a month. As soon as Hua Diewu heard the news that Su Luoyan had woken up, she rushed over immediately.

As a result, Hua Diewu who rushed to the room met a pair of completely unfamiliar eyes.