The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 107: Extra Butterflies are dancing


Hua Diewu huddled in a rotten tree root in fear, and worriedly poked out half of her furry head to look outside, but when she poked her head out, she saw a ferocious wolf demon staring at her.

Hua Diewu immediately ran out from the rotten tree roots, her white and fluffy fur was shedding in several places, she looked a bit embarrassed.

The wolf demon chased after her closely, and Hua Diewu was so frightened that she almost cried. She really hoped that a demon would come to rescue her at this time. It's a pity that my sister went to retreat to cross the heavenly tribulation, and now she can only rely on herself.

All the monsters of their fox family said that she is very powerful, but she can't do anything, just like now, she met the wolf monster, but there was nothing she could do.

Suddenly Hua Diewu found that her body was in the air, she screamed and rolled directly down the cliff. The wolf demon also jumped down together, but the wolf demon overestimated itself, it was not at the same level as Huadiewu. Hua Diewu was fine after falling, but it could only fall to a bloody mess, not a whole body.

Huadiewu landed on a piece of flowers, the snow-white fur was stained with stains a long time ago, several parts were scratched and bald, it looked like a big bald mouse that got out of a mud pit, and it was not at all good-looking .

After an unknown amount of time, Huadiewu heard footsteps approaching her. With barely opened eyes, he saw a vague figure, which should be a person. She tried hard to get up and hide. She heard from her sisters that human beings are very bad, and she hated them monsters the most.

It's a pity that her body was too heavy and tired, and she couldn't get up at all, so she could only let that person walk in front of her.

"Injured?" It was a little human girl who spoke, her voice was so gentle, and her movements were also very gentle.

Hua Die Wu felt her body being hugged, this human being carefully wrapped her body with his clothes, it was so warm, Hua Die Wu couldn't help rubbing her head in the other's arms.

The little girl seemed a little surprised, she stretched out a finger and gently pressed Hua Diewu's ear, and Hua Diewu shook her ear.

"Very good." The girl's words were a little unclear.

It wasn't until later that Hua Diewu knew why Su Luoyan said these words. Hua Diewu was taken by Su Luoyan to a broken thatched cottage and settled down.

From the things in the house, it can be seen that there should be two people living here, but now there is only one person. Hua Diewu was a little puzzled, but she didn't have the strength to get up, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up, she felt that someone was helping her to smooth her hair, opened her eyes, and met the other's black and white eyes.

The girl's eyes were very clear, and she couldn't see any emotion from them, not at all like what her sisters said.

The sisters always say that human beings are greedy and terrifying creatures, and as long as interests are involved, they will become hideous and ugly. It is also said that human eyes are always cloudy, filled with various emotions.

It seems that what the sisters said is not quite right, there are still people with clear eyes in the world.

Huadiewu let out a comfortable purr from her throat, she likes girls very much.

Su Luoyan cooked half a pot of rice porridge with the little rice she had left, and fed a small bowl of rice porridge to Hua Diewu.

Su Luoyan fed Hua Die Wu food, and helped Hua Die Wu wash off the muddy fur, but within half a month, Hua Die Wu's body gradually began to recover.

A person who can't even eat enough for himself saves a fox that has nothing to do with him for no reason. This is a very strange thing in the eyes of others.

Maybe it's simply wanting a companion, or maybe it's because this little fox is different from other animals and has a spirituality.

Although the injury was healed, Huadiewu did not choose to leave. She seemed to continue to stay by this girl's side, and she didn't reveal her identity as a monster right away.

Hua Diewu has been observing Su Luoyan, and gradually understands the girl who saved her. It turns out that the girl's name is Su Luoyan. A nice name, but it seems a bit ominous.

Doomed to fall

Su Luoyan was an abandoned baby who was adopted by a lonely old man. I heard that when Su Luoyan was picked up, there was a jade pendant around his neck with the three characters Su Luoyan written on it, which is also the origin of Su Luoyan's name.

The old woman who adopted Su Luoyan was said by everyone to be the lone star of the god of evil, who specialized in Kefu, so the people in the village hated and rejected the old woman and Su Luoyan.

Although they were not accepted by the people in the village, the old woman and Su Luoyan depended on each other for their lives, and they didn't feel that it was too painful.

But just a few months ago, the old woman who raised Su Luoyan passed away. Su Luoyan came to this world alone at the beginning, and finally had someone to accompany her, but now she became lonely again.

Now Hua Diewu understands what Su Luoyan meant when she rescued herself. Human beings are really afraid of loneliness. Even for Su Luoyan who seems to have no desires, the more Hua Diewu understands Su Luoyan, the more she seems to stay by Su Luoyan's side.

Hua Diewu feels that she is quite human, and always wants to be accompanied by others, but she doesn't think there is anything wrong with being human.

Hua Diewu felt that Su Luoyan would not hate monsters like the human beings said by her sisters, so she soon decided to expose her identity as a monster in front of Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan didn't seem surprised at all, Hua Diewu felt that Su Luoyan was really different, and felt that her sisters were even more powerful, no matter what they encountered, they would be so calm.

Huadiewu likes to run into the mountains, and always brings back a pheasant or a fat rabbit for Su Luoyan's meal. Hua Diewu also likes flowers, besides small animals, she often brings back various flowers.

She found the feeling of family in Su Luoyan, it's so strange, one is human and the other is demon. But it's also good, at least they are not alone.

Su Luoyan knew that Hua Die Wu liked flowers, so she specially took Hua Die Wu to a hidden flower valley nearby, where flowers were blooming all year round. Although she likes flowers, Hua Diewu, who has a very sensitive nose, keeps sneezing.

"Too much pollen." Huadiewu rubbed her already red nose, and then she muttered: "Luoyan, you said your name is so nice, I don't have a name yet, you keep calling me little fox, It sounds like I'm like your pet. Luoyan, please give me a name."

Su Luoyan, who was sitting in the sea of flowers, smiled slightly and said, "You want me to name you? But I can't even practice calligraphy."

At this time, a butterfly danced lightly, and finally landed on Hua Diewu's temple.

Su Luoyan tilted her head slightly, looked at the butterfly, "Why don't I call you Hua Die Wu."

"I like this name very much." Hua Diewu has never read a book, and she simply thinks that this name has both flowers and butterflies, and it sounds beautiful.

"But calling me by my name seems a bit preposterous. Luoyan, you can call me Xiaodie."

"Okay, Fluttershy."

Huadiewu bent her eyes and smiled happily.

I thought that such an ordinary life would continue like this, but the existence of Hua Die Wu was discovered.

Being with Su Luoyan for too long, Hua Die Wu had an illusion that human beings might not be that bad, and they don't hate monsters that much, but Hua Die Wu was wrong.

When she escaped with Su Luoyan, Hua Diewu felt extremely regretful, she was very weak and naive.

Humans are really strange creatures, they are so powerful when gathered together, they can kill with words, yet they are so fragile.

Hua Diewu hugged Su Luoyan's gradually cooling body, and she decided to use her tail to save Su Luoyan.

Before her, no fox had ever used her own tail, because every vixen believed that the tail was a gift from God, and it was a kind of sacrilege to use it casually.

It is said that one tail is worth one life for a fox demon, but no fox demon has ever used it, and no one knows whether it is true or not. Hua Diewu hoped it was true, if it was false, then she would lose Su Luoyan completely.

This is a gamble, Huadiewu has no confidence.

Fortunately, in the end, she won the bet, and Su Luoyan came back to life, but her body was still very weak and needed to be cultivated.

Huadiewu doesn't know how to take care of people, she clumsily grills meat and picks fruits. The peaches in the deep forest are particularly bad in taste, so sour and unpalatable, especially the wild peaches.

Su Luoyan ate more than a dozen without changing his expression. Hua Diewu thought how delicious it was, but as soon as she bit it, she subconsciously wanted to spit it out.

How can there be such an unpalatable peach in the world, it is dry and astringent, it hurts the tongue, and it is tasteless.

Then Hua Diewu threw away all the remaining peaches, and picked some other fruits for Su Luoyan to eat.

Su Luoyan recovered fairly well, and could run and walk in two or three months.

Leaving the original village, the two started their wandering journey.

Suddenly one day someone who claimed to be Su Luoyan's family appeared and wanted to take Luoyan away. Hua Diewu is reluctant to let Luoyan go, but there is no reason to force Luoyan to go back.

Fortunately, she soon discovered that Luoyan didn't like that so-called home, so she took Luoyan away from that cage-like place and went to live in seclusion in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Those days were really happy. They had their own small bamboo house, and the outside of the house was full of flowers and plants. Every spring, the flowers will scramble to bloom. Lying on the bed of the bamboo house at night, you can smell the strong fragrance of flowers. Every morning, you are woken up by the birds in the bamboo forest.

Luo Yan often paints, she learned it when she was in the Su Mansion, and she is the one who paints the most.

Later, Hua Diewu often thought that it would be great if time could stay at this moment.