The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 110: Spoiler It's snowing


"Little mother! Little mother!" A little girl with fluffy ears who looked only six or seven years old tugged at the hem of Hua Diewu's clothes.

A serious little girl with a small face was pulling on the door panel and quietly looking towards Hua Diewu, her tender fingers kept clasping the door panel.

Hua Diewu squatted down and picked up the little girl, she poked the little girl's face with a smile, and said, "Nuannuan, what's wrong?"

"Nuannuan wants to see the snow! Sister Yueyue said that making snowmen is very fun, and I want to play too!" Hua Nuannuan danced and gestured.

This is the child of Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan. Immortals and monsters are not as laborious as human beings, and the process is also different.

Take a little bit of soul fragments from each of the two people who love each other, mix them, and then introduce them into the womb, and wait for October to give birth to a baby.

It was Su Luoyan who was pregnant with the child. At that time, it seemed that Hua Diewu was the one who was pregnant. If you don't want to let Su Luoyan do this, then don't let Su Luoyan do it. It made Su Luoyan pregnant not feel so hard, but listening to Hua Diewu's nagging did feel hard.

Su Luoyan asked to be pregnant because she knew that Hua Diewu was afraid of pain, but on the day of Su Luoyan's delivery, Hua Diewu pinched her palm nervously.

Seeing such a big wound, Su Luoyan felt that the pain on her body was no longer pain, but felt sorry for the wound on Hua Diewu's hand.

Su Luoyan only cared about Huadiewu, and Huadiewu only had Su Luoyan in her eyes, and the two aunts were the only ones to take care of her two children.

Although Ye Yinghuo and Yun Feiyan didn't like Su Luoyan, seeing that Su Luoyan had given birth to two lovely children, their attitude towards Su Luoyan was slightly better.

Because Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan are both women, the child born from the union of their primordial spirits is of course a girl.

These two girls look different, they both combine some characteristics of Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan. One is named Hua Nuannuan, and the other is named Su Qingyue.

The name Hua Nuannuan was chosen by Su Luoyan. Although Su Luoyan is no longer the girl from the mountain village after so many years, the style of naming has not changed.

The name Su Qingyue was chosen by Hua Diewu. Hua Diewu didn't like to study, but she read a lot of poems in order to give her daughter a nice name, and finally named another daughter Su Qingyue.

Su Qingyue looks like Su Luoyan, but she doesn't have the same personality, she is very awkward. He obviously cared deeply in his heart, but he tried his best to pretend that he didn't care. Simply put, he was a little tsundere.

No, it's like this again today.

Hua Nuannuan is more like Hua Diewu, she smiles warmly, and she loves to be coquettish, and she always wants to hug her.

Hua Diewu also loves this daughter very much, her heart softened when she saw her acting like a baby, and immediately hugged her in her arms, poking and pinching.

"I want to see snow... Our place is like spring all the year round. I have lived here with your eldest mother for decades and I haven't seen snow yet." Hua Diewu was thinking about how to get snow for her daughter, or just go straight Take my daughter to the snow mountain to play.


Su Qingyue looked enviously at Hua Nuan Nuan, who was hugged by Hua Die Wu, and didn't even notice that her fingernails had sharpened and cut a hole in the door panel.

When Hua Diewu heard the sound, she immediately looked towards the source of the sound, only to see Su Qingyue with her mouth flattened.

"Qingyue? What's the matter?" Hua Diewu walked towards Su Qingyue holding Hua Nuannuan.

Su Qingyue lowered her head awkwardly, and said sullenly: "It's nothing, I just miss my eldest mother."

The eldest mother is Su Luoyan, and Hua Diewu is the younger mother. Although Hua Diewu is a little older than Su Luoyan, it seems that Hua Diewu looks a few years younger.

"Oh, your eldest mother has gone out, and she should be back by noon." Hua Diewu patted Su Qingyue's head while talking.

Su Qingyue twisted her small body, especially wanting to open her small arms to let Hua Diewu hug her, but she felt that she was too naive to do so. She was born a quarter of an hour before her younger sister Hua Nuannuan, so she had to maintain her elder sister's mature demeanor.

Huadiewu didn't notice Su Qingyue's little thoughts at all, she just thought that Su Qingyue really missed Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan went out this morning. After all, she is an immortal in the heavens, she has her own official position, and usually has to do some things for the immortal emperor. Fortunately, there are not many things, just going out once in a while.

The Immortal Emperor once sent Su Luoyan a mission to go out for five days, but Su Luoyan directly rejected it. The reason for the refusal is very simple, she has a wife and children now, and it is not suitable for traveling far away. So even if Su Luoyan has something to do now, he will try to keep it within three days. Of course, most of the time it takes half a day to go back and forth.

After a while, it was noon, the sun was hanging high in the sky, and the cicadas were singing one after another.

Hua Diewu took two little buns to her yard to enjoy the shade. The house is big and the yard is big, so there are a lot of things to grow.

Grapefruits, apples, pears, plums, peaches, all come from one tree, most of them are fruits. The reason for this is very simple, because Huadiewu wants to eat.

There are still chickens in the yard next door. Who knows that there is a big fox in the house and two little foxes whose blood is not pure enough, so the demand for chickens is very high.

Hua Diewu put an old-fashioned TV set on the stone table, and began to show cartoons for the two little buns to watch. There was SpongeBob SquarePants on TV, Nuan Nuan and Qingyue were engrossed in watching it, and said that they wanted to eat Crab Crab Fort.

Hua Diewu really wanted to satisfy them, but unfortunately, her cooking skills were really mediocre, so this difficult task could only be entrusted to Su Luoyan.

After looking at the time, Hua Diewu took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Luoyan, why haven't you come back yet?" Hua Diewu reached out to pick a plum, and then started to eat it.

Su Luoyan on the other end of the phone was still flying in the sky. She had just finished investigating the rock and immediately rushed home without stopping for a moment.

"I'm going home soon, about a quarter of an hour away."

"Wait, Luoyan, go buy some vegetables when you come back. Nuannuan and Qingyue want to eat Crab Crab Fort." Hua Diewu threw the plum with only one pit left into the trash can.

"Crab Crab Fort? The one in SpongeBob SquarePants?" Su Luoyan's voice was a little uncertain. She usually watched TV with the two little buns, so she knew what Crab Crab Fort was.

Hua Diewu nodded vigorously, "Yeah, that's the one."

"Okay, when I come back, I will go to the human city to buy some ingredients and make it."

"Come back soon, I'm so hungry."

"Yeah." There was a faint smile in Su Luoyan's voice.

After hanging up the phone, Hua Diewu sat on the soft sofa boldly. In order to enjoy the cool and comfortable, Hua Diewu specially put the soft sofa bought from the human world in the yard. Block it a bit, and it hasn't broken after two or three years.

Hua Diewu watched the two little heads dangling in front of the TV non-stop, and getting closer to the TV screen, Hua Diewu frowned, and pulled the heads of the two little guys back.

"What's going on, you two are going to post it on TV."

"Oh..." Nuan Nuan and Qingyue's eyes were still fixed on the TV, and when they saw SpongeBob SquarePants frying meatloaf, their saliva almost flowed out of their mouths.

Qingyue, who usually looks so mature and steady, is just an ordinary child in front of the cartoon, Hua Diewu couldn't help laughing.

Ten minutes later, a voice came.

"I'm back." Su Luoyan didn't go through the gate, and flew in directly from the sky, holding a green bag in her hand.

"Why so fast?" Huadiewu got up from the sofa.

And those two little heartless attentions were still on the TV, and they didn't even notice that their eldest mother was back.

"I want to see you, so hurry up." Su Luoyan smiled.

Hua Diewu took the bag from Su Luoyan's hand, and asked, "Is it not speeding?"

Now there is a new policy for fairy monsters and human aircraft driving at high speed in the air causing 'flying accidents'. Fines are imposed for speeding.

Su Luoyan said: "I'm flying the expressway."

"Oh oh. Luoyan, let's go cook quickly. You can see that Nuannuan and Qingyue's saliva almost soaked their clothes."

Su Luoyan shook her head helplessly, "Okay."

"Let me help." Huadiewu rubbed her 'fly feet' excitedly.

Su Luoyan glanced at Hua Diewu, but still agreed.

This glance was not without reason, Hua Diewu didn't come to help in the kitchen at all. She said it well that it was a food test, but in fact it was a steal.

Fortunately, Su Luoyan knew Hua Diewu's temperament long ago, so he specially bought twice as many ingredients, otherwise, the final product might not be enough for their family.

Su Luoyan is very talented in cooking, and she can cook simple things that make people move their index fingers.

The strong aroma wafted out from the kitchen, and the two little guys finally realized that dinner was ready, and immediately turned off the TV and ran into the kitchen.

Su Luoyan came out with the finished Crab Crab Fort, Hua Diewu was already eating a chubby Crab Crab Fort, with a little bit of white sesame on the corner of her mouth.

The two little buns watched the little mother jump up one by one, and the lively Nuan Nuan pointed to Hua Diewu's mouth and said that the little mother was bad, and she ate it alone.

Hua Diewu was so choked that she couldn't speak, but she still chose to continue eating shamelessly.

The fresh and tender meatloaf can overflow with gravy when you bite it down, as well as lettuce with sauce, sliced onion, crisp pickled cucumber and tomato with a little sweet and sour taste.

Hua Diewu sighed contentedly, thinking that if she was asked to come, the meatloaf would probably be burnt, the tomato would be eaten early, and she would not know how to cook the sauce and pickled cucumber at all.

The two little guys gnawed hard on the stuffed and plump crab cakes, eating the sauce all over their faces.

"It's delicious, we can actually eat crab cakes, I feel so happy." Nuan Nuan's big eyes narrowed.

In comparison, Su Qingyue seemed a little more 'reserved', just a little bit. Su Qingyue didn't count after eating one, but had to eat another one, which perfectly inherited from Hua Die Wu.

After eating, Hua Diewu gestured to pinch Nuannuan's belly, saying to see if the little belly was round. Nuan Nuan ran around avoiding Hua Die Wu's claws, giggling non-stop.

Su Luoyan didn't feel annoyed watching the quarrel between Hua Diewu and Nuan Nuan, and just told the two to be careful, don't fall while running.

Su Qingyue watched Hua Nuannuan and Hua Diewu fight enviously, she hugged Su Luoyan's leg, and picked Su Luoyan's leg like a door panel. However, Su Luoyan's clothes were specially refined, and Su Qingyue's little claws couldn't pick them at all.

Nuannuan and Qingyue respectively have some characteristics of foxes. Hua Nuannuan has furry ears, while Su Qingyue has sharp claws and a long tail, but Su Qingyue can control the tail freely.

"Qingyue also wants to play with little mother?" Su Luoyan squatted down and asked Su Qingyue.

Su Qingyue moved her small mouth, and finally said stubbornly that she was not envious at all, but those eyes revealed everything.

Su Luoyan rubbed Su Qingyue's head, smiled and said, "Do you want to see the snow?"

Su Qingyue's eyes lit up like a small light bulb, and she nodded coyly.

When she was in the kitchen just now, Hua Diewu had already told her that the little guy wanted to see the snow. Nuan Nuan had mentioned the matter at first, but Su Luoyan knew that it was actually Su Qingyue who wanted to see the snow.

Because Nuannuan is actually very afraid of the cold, she prefers hot springs to snow. Nuannuan just helped Qingyue tell Hua Diewu.

Su Luoyan took out her mobile phone and called Qing Nu, who is the god in charge of ice and snow.

Su Luoyan simply said a few words to the other party, and soon the sky began to snow. Only their mountain tops were snowed, and the rest of the place still looked like spring.

Su Qingyue excitedly looked up at the sky, staring at the slowly falling snowflakes without blinking.

On the other side, Hua Diewu and Hua Nuannuan also noticed that it was snowing. Hua Nuannuan exclaimed and ran towards Su Qingyue happily, "Qingyue, it's snowing! Let's build a snowman."

She was obviously so happy that she died, but Su Qingyue still pretended to be indifferent, "Now the snow is too thin, and there is no way to build a snowman."

"We can pile it up later!" Hua Nuannuan was not hit at all.

Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu exchanged glances, then Su Luoyan walked into the house, and after a while she came out with a handful of things.

There were two small scarves and two crooked little hats. The scarves were woven by Su Luoyan. Although they were simple, they looked normal after all. The hat was woven by Hua Die Wu. She learned for a long time before she could weave two hats that looked like hats.

Hua Diewu cleared her throat in embarrassment, and said, "Hats are more difficult than scarves. This is my first time, so it's inevitable that the weave won't look good."

"I know, next time Xiaodie will definitely improve compared to the last time." Su Luoyan pursed her lips and smiled.

Each of them wore a scarf and a hat for a little bun. The two little guys looked like jade dumplings, and they looked good even in the ugly hat woven by Hua Die Wu.

Su Qingyue pulled the brim of her hat and whispered, "I like it."

Hua Diewu's ears are so good, she must have heard it, she laughed, and gently pinched Su Qingyue's cheek, and then saw Su Qingyue blushed immediately.

Su Qingyue covered her face with her chubby hands, moaning, not knowing what she was talking about.

But soon Su Qingyue was dragged by Hua Nuannuan to build a snowman together. There were Su Luoyan's condensed miniature sun-gathering formations on the scarf and small hat. Even Hua Nuannuan, who is afraid of the cold, can run around in the snow go.

Huadiewu and Su Luoyan accompanied Nuannuan and Qingyue to build a snowman, but the snowman made by Huadiewu was not as good-looking as the one made by her two daughters. This made Hua Diewu very frustrated, she secretly asked Su Luoyan to help her, and then showed off in front of her daughter.

Su Qingyue applauded very cooperatively and said that the little mother is great, while Hua Nuannuan mercilessly exposed Hua Diewu's little trick, "Little mother, you cheated!"

"Do you have evidence?" Hua Diewu became more confident.

"I saw that the eldest mother helped you." Hua Nuannuan pouted.

Hua Diewu raised her chin triumphantly, "Look at what your eldest mother said."

Su Luoyan naturally shielded her wife, she firmly denied that she helped Hua Diewu.

A family of four laughed and made noise in the yard. Although the air was cold, the atmosphere between them was warm.