The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 23: The Secret History of Harem Lily Twenty-Three


Later at night, the two found an inn to rest, but they left the inn without taking a long rest.

It was only daylight when they set off. At this time, the whole city was shrouded in white mist, and only a few small vendors started to set up stalls on the street.

Hua Die Wu found a steamed stuffed bun shop, and bought more than a dozen big steamed stuffed buns, Su Luoyan was full after eating only two, and the remaining one went into Hua Die Wu's stomach.

Su Luoyan said that if he wanted to go to Yunwu Valley by boat, taking the waterway was the most convenient way. Huadiewu, who had never been on a boat before, must have agreed with both hands and feet.

The appearance of Huadiewu, who has never seen the world, can't help but make the system complain.

[Host, why are you like a bumpkin from the countryside, curious about everything.]

{I don’t want to either. I lost all my memory after being struck by lightning. After waking up, I have been practicing in the ravine, but I can’t return to the previous state...}

Hearing what Hua Die Wu said, the system felt that he was too cruel and should let Hua Die Wu enjoy it.

[Huahua, although you are not qualified as a vixen at all, you at least look worthy of being a vixen. Have fun! I have something to worry about.]

Hua Diewu actually heard a bit of pity from the words of the data flow of the system.

{Oh, thank you so much. }

Huadiewu's thanks are insincere.

[No thanks, no thanks!]The voice of the system is quite self-satisfied.

Hua Die Wu: "..."

While talking to the system in her head, Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan had arrived at the ferry.

Thick fog floated on the river, and only a few black-covered boats could be vaguely seen in the distance, with boatmen in coir raincoats standing at the bows.

Su Luoyan looked around the boats that were leaning on the shore, and finally chose the biggest boat.

"Boatman, how do you sell this boat?" Su Luoyan asked.

The boatman felt that he must have heard it wrong, and asked back: "Miss, are you right? You are not renting a boat?"

"How much?" Su Luoyan didn't want to have too much communication with the other party.

The boatman twisted his fingers, stretched out two fingers, and said, "Two taels of silver."

"Deal." After saying that, Su Luoyan threw out two taels of silver, which landed firmly in the boatman's palm.

"You can go."

The boatman who got the silver immediately jumped off the boat, thinking about what he should do with the two taels of silver, maybe he should buy a bigger and better boat. This black-covered boat was built by an acquaintance for less than a tael of silver three years ago, but now it is a bit old, and it can only be sold for a profit.

Su Luoyan boarded the boat first, she stretched out her hand to Hua Diewu, Hua Diewu put her hand on it and boarded the boat with strength.

Hua Diewu, who was on the boat for the first time, was unsteady on her feet, and her body swayed along with the boat. She subconsciously hugged Su Luoyan's arm tightly.

"Are you all right?"

Hua Diewu quickly shook her head, saying that she was fine. It would be too embarrassing to say something happened, Hua Diewu wanted to keep what little face she had left.

Su Luoyan asked Hua Diewu to sit down, and she was going to row the boat.

"Luoyan, do you want me to help? In fact, I am quite strong." Hua Diewu raised her arm, wanting to show off her muscles, but found that her small and thin arms were weak and weak at first glance. It's not like the material that can row a boat.

Su Luoyan couldn't help smiling, and said: "Let me row the boat first, and wait until I'm tired."

Hua Diewu saw that there were boats around, and there were people on board, so she had some things to say, so she nodded for the time being, and planned to wait for no one around to tell Su Luoyan that she could drive the boat with demon power.

Under Su Luoyan's rowing, the black-covered boat gradually moved away from the shore, and the whole boat went deep into the boundless mist.

Hua Diewu looked towards the river, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, and she couldn't see anything clearly.

When the boat moved, the mist broke through, and the cool and moist air splashed, Hua Diewu couldn't help squinting her eyes.

"Luoyan, you don't need to row the boat anymore, there is no one around now. I can directly use the demon power to drive the boat to move."

Su Luoyan put down the pole, and she asked: "Xiaodie, is it not good to consume too much demon power?"

Hua Diewu shook her head, "Actually, I'm already five thousand years old, so it's no problem to use such a little demon power."


"Really!" In order to make her words more believable, Hua Diewu patted her chest hard, but she accidentally choked on her own saliva.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough..." Hua Diewu's small face was flushed, half because she was really choked, and the other half was because of embarrassment.

She is such a big vixen that she can still be choked by her own saliva, it is too embarrassing to say it, Hua Diewu herself is embarrassed.

Su Luoyan hurriedly patted Hua Diewu on the back, and turned the water bag out with the other hand, so that Hua Diewu could drink saliva smoothly.

After Hua Diewu drank the water, her throat was still itchy, but it was much better than before, at least she wasn't choked and couldn't breathe, but she still coughed once or twice from her throat.

"Why are you so careless?" Su Luoyan was still sitting beside Hua Diewu and patted Hua Diewu's back.

Hua Diewu wanted to take a sneak peek at Su Luoyan. She had just finished coughing, her plump and rosy lips were stained with water, and there was still water in her eyes. His soul was hooked away.

After meeting Hua Die Wu's eyes, Su Luoyan hurriedly moved away, not daring to look at Hua Die Wu's face any more, because Su Luoyan couldn't guarantee whether she would do anything to Hua Die Wu.

And Hua Diewu still thought foolishly, Luoyan is really kind to her, she doesn't despise her at all, and even feeds herself water.

The system that saw all of this didn't know what to say, it was suddenly worried about the chastity of its host.

Because this target to be captured seems to want to give its host.

People are so scary, day in and day out, even vixens are not spared.