The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 27: Sand sculpture mermaid one


"Can you cry for me?"

These words kept echoing in Hua Die Wu's ears, she tried her best to digest these words, and also thought about why Su Luoyan was not surprised at all when she saw the fish she raised turned into humans.

Hua Diewu looked at Su Luoyan in bewilderment, and felt more and more that Su Luoyan in this world was very much like the killer Su Luoyan in the previous world.

Su Luoyan bent down by the pool, those black and white pupils seemed to be looking into Hua Diewu's heart.

"I know you are a merman, and mermen shed tears like pearls. I need your tears. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. As long as you give me pearls, I will let you go back to the sea." Su Luoyan said.

Although Hua Diewu still doesn't know the character of Su Luoyan in this world very well, she somehow believes that Su Luoyan is not the kind of villain who goes back and forth with her words, and does what she says, and won't hurt her if she says she won't be hurt.


She didn't want to go back to the sea, she came here for Su Luoyan, how could she go back to the sea, of course she wanted to stay. But you can't deliberately refuse to give the pearls, Luo Yan must really need the pearls.

Hua Diewu struggled for a while, but decided to try to shed tears. As for how to stay by Su Luoyan's side, she can think about it later.

"Okay, let me try."

Hua Diewu squeezed her face hard, a small face was wrinkled, even if her face was wrinkled into a bun, it was still beautiful. But no matter how hard she tried to squeeze out tears, her eye sockets were always dry, and not a single tear flowed out.

In order not to disappoint Su Luoyan, Hua Diewu pinched her arm deliberately, and a very obvious red mark was left on that white and tender arm.

In this way, Hua Die Wu finally squeezed out a tear, but no matter how you look at it, the tears were ordinary tears. The tears slipped from Hua Die Wu's face and finally fell into the pool.

Seeing this, Su Luoyan frowned, but said nothing.

"I... don't seem to shed tears like you said, what should I do?" Hua Diewu really didn't deliberately not produce pearls, but she really didn't seem to have this function.

Thinking about it, a strange mermaid like her might not be a mermaid at all, and she might not be able to help Su Luoyan.

"Maybe something went wrong." Su Luoyan pursed her lips, she walked to the hibiscus tree by the pool and lifted a bluestone board, and then took out an old book with yellowed edges.

There are three vague words printed on the cover—Shu Yi Ji.

Su Luoyan opened the book, because the book was very old and the pages inside were very fragile, so Su Luoyan's movements were extra careful.

This book is not the original book, the original book has long been destroyed, this is just a copy, but due to various reasons, a lot of its content is missing.

Among them, there are stories about mermans who shed tears and become pearls, merman silk soaked in water and not wet, a drop of oil can burn for several days, and the meat of the merman can even live forever.

Below this paragraph describing the merman, there is a row of vague small characters - if you are a merman saint, you need tears of sincerity to condense the beads.

Seeing this line of words, Su Luoyan felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart. Her father was still waiting for her to save her, but now she had no way to take out pearls to redeem her father within three days.

"Do you need pearls?"

Su Luoyan suddenly heard Hua Diewu's voice, she restrained her emotions, put the book back, nodded and said: "Yes, I really need it."

"I can help you." Hua Diewu showed a shallow smile to Su Luoyan. She knew that this was the first time she met Su Luoyan. Show kindness.

Sure enough, Su Luoyan looked at her with a scrutinizing look.

Just when Hua Diewu thought that Su Luoyan was rejecting her help, Su Luoyan suddenly spoke.

"How do you want to help me?" Su Luoyan asked.

"Are you willing to believe me?" Huadiewu was surprised this time.

Su Luoyan seemed to have thought of something, she immediately said: "I'm out of time. Let's get to know each other first, my name is Su Luoyan, what's your name?"

"My name is Huadiewu, you can call me Xiaodie."

"Then Xiaodie, how can you help me?"

Hua Diewu hesitated for a moment, but she still spoke, "Go to the sea to fetch pearls. I know where there are pearls."

"Okay." Su Luoyan nodded without hesitation.

Ordinary people would definitely not agree to Hua Diewu's proposal so easily, who knows if the shark will run away and never come back after entering the sea. At that time, the pearl was not found, and the sharks also escaped.

But Su Luoyan is not an ordinary person, Hua Diewu is sure that with Su Luoyan's character, she will agree to her words.

"I'll go find a piece of clothing for you first." After speaking, Su Luoyan turned around and left.

Hua Diewu looked at Su Luoyan's familiar back, and her heart was beating irregularly. She always felt that there was something strange from the moment she took on this task, but she couldn't figure it out.

[Host, the original content has been packaged and delivered. This time it is an online article, and no physical book has been published, so the host can only use mental power to view it.]

Hua Diewu responded, and then began to read the book "Locking Bead Curtain". Looking at the data directly is much faster than reading a physical book. It took Hua Diewu only two minutes to scan through more than a dozen chapters.

The protagonist is also called Su Luoyan. Her mother died young and she lived with her father. At the age of sixteen, the heroine fell in love with Liu Yuan, the son of the magistrate Liu Dabao because of her beauty. The heroine refused, so Liu Yuan resorted to tricks to get the heroine's father, Su Linyu, to go to jail.

If the heroine wants her father, Su Linyu, to return safely, she has only two options, one is to commit herself to Liu Yuan, and the other is to hand over Pearl.

The land in the South China Sea is severely salinized and not suitable for growing food, but it is rich in pearls, so the government made a rule that pearl fishing can be exempted from tax. Su Linyu, the heroine's father, is one of the pearl hunters. He is proficient in water and has good luck. Every time he goes to sea, he can get something. He builds a house and digs a pool with the little money he got from handing over the pearls.

But how can there be so many pearls to pick? Pearls are becoming more and more difficult to find, and Su Linyu is getting older, and all the problems that have been in the sea for a long time have broken out, and there is no shadow of pearls.

The Su family still has some savings, so they can pay taxes directly with the money, but Liu Yuan's father is a county magistrate, and he is determined to get the heroine, so he has to ask Su Linyu to hand over the pearls before he pays the tax.

Su Linyu has not been dealt with yet, but is locked in a prison. Liu Yuan is waiting for the heroine to come to him on his own initiative.

The heroine wanted to go to the sea to pick pearls, but encountered a big storm, and she was rescued by Jiang Ruqiu, the guard next to the hero Xuanyuanlie, who lost consciousness.

The guard Jiang Ruqiu placed her in his yard because he didn't know the identity of the heroine. The heroine who woke up thought of her father, and left Jiang Ruqiu's yard without thinking, and happened to bump into the heroine Xuanyuanlie.

Xuanyuanlie misunderstood that the heroine was the kind of woman with ulterior motives, and the entanglement between the two began. Later, Su Linyu was rescued by Xuanyuanlie with his relationship.

Just when Hua Diewu was about to continue watching, Su Luoyan came back with a set of clothes. Su Luoyan put the clothes by the pool and asked Hua Diewu to change by herself.

Hua Diewu supported her body with her hands and climbed onto the shore. After getting out of the pool, Hua Diewu obviously felt that her movements became more difficult.

I don't know how long her current body can be out of the water, Hua Diewu stood up while thinking, but she suddenly discovered something.

That is, although she has changed from a fish to a human, her legs are just for decoration, and she can't use them to walk at all. Hua Diewu reluctantly wanted to stand up but couldn't do it, she just stood up and fell back. I can't stand up on my legs, my hands are also weak, and I can't even dress myself.

Su Luoyan, who had her back turned to Huadiewu, heard the movement behind her, but she didn't turn her head immediately, but asked, "What's wrong?"

Hua Diewu hesitated whether to tell Su Luoyan that she couldn't dress herself, and then the system started making noise in her mind.

[Host, are you stupid? Do you want to give up such an opportunity of intimate contact? According to my analysis, with Su Luoyan's strict personality, if you don't take the initiative, she will really stand with her back to you until the end of time.]

Hua Diewu thought about it, and felt that what the system said was quite correct.

"My body can't exert all its strength." Hua Diewu's voice was like spring water stirring stones, but also a little soft, as if she was relying on Su Luoyan.

For some reason, Su Luoyan felt that Hua Die Wu was very familiar, as if she had seen Hua Die Wu somewhere before. Su Luoyan turned around and saw Hua Die Wu with a naked body, she had to say that Hua Die Wu's body was very beautiful, under the moonlight it looked like a beautiful jade carved by heaven.

"Can you stand up?" Su Luoyan asked.

Huadiewu shook her head honestly, "I can't stand up."

Su Luoyan squatted down, put her hands through Hua Die Wu's armpits, wiped off the water on her body with the cotton towel she brought, and then slowly dressed Hua Die Wu.

Although the Su family had a little money because of Su Linyu, they actually couldn't afford to support their servants. Su Luoyan was used to suffering since she was a child, and chopping firewood for laundry was commonplace. Go without hesitation.

Huadiewu was originally a vixen, but now she has turned into a beautiful mermaid. She has such a body that even a woman would be tempted to look at it, but Su Luoyan's eyes were very upright, and she didn't touch anything that shouldn't be touched. , his eyes were kept on the clothes, and he didn't take a second look at Hua Die Wu's body.

This made Hua Diewu quite disappointed, but she hoped that Su Luoyan would be a little more 'vulgar', and also take a look at her beautiful body and face.

"It's finished, can I go into the sea today?" Su Luoyan finally helped Hua Diewu straighten her neckline.

Hua Diewu lowered her head to look at Su Luoyan's hands. The skin on the back of her hands was rough and chapped, and her palms were covered with thin calluses. Whether it is Su Luoyan from the previous world or Su Luoyan from this world, Hua Diewu's heart aches. It's not the heroine in it, but the person who actually exists in front of her.

"Yes, you take me to the beach, and I will help you find the pearls. Definitely."

Su Luoyan squatted down with her back facing Hua Diewu, and said: "Come up, I'll carry you to the beach."

Hua Diewu tried her best to raise her arm, and finally placed her body on Su Luoyan's back.

Su Luoyan's back is not broad, even a little thin, but her hands are very strong, and the heat from her palms is transmitted to Hua Diewu's skin through the thin fabric.

In Hua Die Wu's vague memory, there was a person who carried her back like this a long time ago, but Hua Die Wu couldn't remember who that person was.