The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 30: Sand sculpture mermaid four


Xuanyuanlie was still there, and those who executed Liu Yuan didn't have the guts to show mercy, and hit Liu Yuan firmly on the buttocks every time.

Where did Liu Yuan suffer from this kind of pain? There was a very shrill cry. Xuanyuan Lie frowned, feeling a little impatient.

Not long after, Su Luoyan's father Su Linyu was released from the prison.

Su Luoyan had no money to take care of it, and it was impossible for Liu Yuan's people to let Su Luoyan take care of the jailers, so Su Linyu had a miserable life in the prison. When the man was released, he was hungry and thin for a few times, his beard was unshaven, his face was haggard, and even his back was a bit bent.

Su Linyu, who was tortured beyond human form, shed tears the moment he saw his daughter. Su Luoyan hugged her father, and couldn't help but moisten her eyes.

"Luoyan, Dad almost thought he would never see you again."

"Father is fine, you came out." Su Luoyan and Su Linyu did not forget to thank Xuanyuanlie 'sincerely' after saying a few words.

Hua Diewu didn't know why, but felt that Su Luoyan's thanks were not sincere, and even a little perfunctory, but she did a good job on the surface.

Feeling that the system of Hua Die Wu's mental activities was very happy, just when it was full of joy thinking that its host was going to get enlightened, and finally saw the "true face" of Chuan Su Luoyan, it heard the next voice of the host: Great, Luoyan The ability to identify scum is really good, I like it very much, the next strategy should be very smooth.

The system closed its mouth when it wanted to speak, and felt that it would be better for it to watch silently and not to speak.

Xuanyuan Lie's gratitude to the beauty was quite useful, and when he asked Su Luoyan if he needed help, Su Luoyan refused firmly, although his tone was tactful.

With Xuanyuanlie around, Liu Dabao, Liu Yuan and his son didn't dare to do anything to the Su family's father and daughter, so they had to let go.

Su Luoyan left with Hua Diewu and Su Linyu. Su Linyu was a little curious about who the girl who was following her daughter was. Su Luoyan said it later.

Su Linyu nodded and didn't continue to ask.

On the way back, someone recognized Su Linyu, and everyone was surprised that Su Linyu came out. Everyone thought that Su Linyu had offended Liu Zhixian's son and would be in prison for the rest of his life.

Su Linyu, who was afraid to talk to Su Luoyan before, came out, but he went up to say hello politely. However, Su Linyu was not enthusiastic, and he was also a transparent person. Knowing that icing on the cake in this world is always more than giving charcoal in the snow, so I didn't really take these people's greetings to heart.

After walking all the way, the three finally returned to Su's house. The Su family's house looks quite big, but it is actually empty inside, with few furniture, it is really shabby.

Su Linyu saw that outsiders were there, and his hands and feet were a little cramped. Seeing his daughter's face was not good-looking, he said that he was going to buy a chicken to replenish Su Luoyan's body and entertain his daughter's friends.

Su Luoyan said no, but Su Linyu insisted, and Su Luoyan couldn't stop her.

Su Luoyan shook her head helplessly, then turned her head to look at Huadiewu, and asked, "Didn't you be told to swim in the sea? Why did you come back?"

Hua Diewu shook her head firmly, "No, I want to stay, I have my reasons for staying."

Su Luoyan was still unwilling to let go, "No, I will send you back to the sea. Human beings are far more dangerous than you imagined. Don't think that I rescued you from the coast just out of kindness. I just I just want to get pearls from you. The same goes for others, they will only go too far than me."

Hua Diewu was so anxious that she didn't know what to say. She stuttered and wanted to explain that she didn't understand anything, and she wasn't that simple, but it was too strange to say that directly.

Before Hua Diewu could think about what to say, Su Luoyan's body suddenly softened, and Hua Diewu hugged Su Luoyan's body without thinking.

Su Luoyan's face was flushed abnormally, and her body was hot. Hua Diewu stretched out a hand to touch Su Luoyan's forehead, and she really had a fever.

"Luoyan, Luoyan..." Huadiewu stirred Su Luoyan's name.

Su Luoyan dazedly wanted to open her eyes, but she could only open a small slit. Dimly, I could only see the outline of Hua Die Wu's face. Fragmentary memories kept flashing in my mind, but I still couldn't put them together.

Su Luoyan felt that if a person had a past life, then she must have known Hua Die Wu in her past life.

After this thought, Su Luoyan completely fell into a coma.

It is said that illness comes like a mountain, and this sentence is absolutely true. Su Luoyan, who seemed to be in good health, was as weak as an ordinary girl when she was sick. Hua Diewu was tossing around in the kitchen in a hurry. She wanted to boil water to wipe off the cold sweat on Su Luoyan's body.

As a vixen who grew up in the deep mountains, Hua Diewu never overheated, and she still boiled a pot of water under the guidance of the system.

After wiping Su Luoyan's body and changing into clean clothes, Hua Diewu hurried out to get medicine for Su Luoyan. She had no money with her, so she could only pawn the pearl she found in the sea yesterday.

When going out, Hua Diewu didn't forget to paint herself ugly, her appearance is really eye-catching.

Pearls cannot be traded individually, so Hua Diewu bought a silver hairpin and pressed the pearls onto it with brute force.

Because of her experience in the previous world, Hua Die Wu was exceptionally proficient, and directly pawned as much as a hundred taels. This pearl is in good condition, so only one pearl can be used as so much silver.

After getting the money, Hua Diewu didn't dare to rest for a moment and went to Su Luoyan to get the medicine. Hua Diewu knew the principles of medicine herself, so she didn't need to spend money to prescribe the medicine in advance. After grabbing the medicine, Hua Diewu hurried back, so that she didn't notice that there was a little thing like a dandelion sticking to her skirt.

In a certain deep house compound, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a Taoist priest sat in front of a remodeled gossip compass. The pointer in the compass rotated rapidly and finally stopped at a certain position.

The man picked up a piece of paper talisman with his two fingers, waved it around, and the yellow paper talisman turned into a small pure white dandelion and flew out. The flying direction is exactly the direction the compass needle points to.

"Really, what did you find?" It turned out that there was a young man sitting in the dark, staring intently at Luo Chaoren's every move, and he was sure that the other party must be a real master.

This young son is the youngest son of a local wealthy businessman in Qingshui Town. Because he is an old man, Wu Fuhao dotes on his youngest son very much, giving him whatever he wants. Wu Menglai, the young son of Wu, fell in love with Maoshan's art recently, spent a lot of money extravagantly, and invited Luo Chaoren, who was said to be the only remaining descendant of the Taiping Dao.

Luo Chaoren twirled his beard pretending to be mysterious, and said, "Pindao discovered that there are sharks in this small Qingshui County."

"Merren?!" Young Master Wu immediately stood up from the chair, with surprise on his face.

There have been no sharks on the coast of the South China Sea for twenty years, but now they suddenly appeared.

Wu Menglai's heart was very hot, in other words, others saw the benefits that the mermaids could bring, but this young man saw the beauty and singing voice of the mermaids.

Mr. Wu hurriedly asked: "Really, where is that shark? When can I see him?"

Luo Chaoren was ecstatic in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, this is a mermaid who disappeared for a long time! It is simply a mobile vault! He suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, don't worry, when the time comes, you will naturally meet the legendary shark."



On the other side, Hua Diewu was busy with the medicine, as if she had returned to the previous world when Su Luoyan's cold poison was onset.

There is not much time left for Hua Diewu, and now there is only one stick of incense left in her two hours. Fortunately, the medicine is finally ready at the critical moment.

Hua Diewu hugged Su Luoyan's body, and slowly fed the soup into it.

With Huadiewu, the fox (shark) raccoon (human) spirit who has herbal medicine talents, Su Luoyan probably will get better tomorrow. Hua Diewu wanted to continue to stay by Su Luoyan's side, but she was about to turn into a fish, so she could only jump into the water immediately, lest she would be dried out as a fish.

Before leaving, Hua Diewu covered Su Luoyan with a quilt, and then got into the small pool of Su Luoyan's house.

Not long after jumping into the pool, a white light flashed on Hua Diewu's body, and she immediately turned into a red carp.

Hua Diewu flicked her fish tail and shed tears of sorrow, but she found that she was a fish now and had no tears to shed at all, and she really wanted to cry but had no tears.

[Host host, do you think you are a snail girl? Hiding after doing good deeds, you are brave! I'm so anxious!]

Hua Diewu was spitting bubbles in the water, and she was talking to the system in her heart.

{You think I'm thinking, I've become a fish now, how can I hook up with Luoyan? And maybe Luoyan wakes up and will put me back in the sea, what a headache. }

[So, host, go and seduce others, use your beauty and your meat [roujiamo] body! After all, you are also a vixen, and you are still a beautiful mermaid in this world. If you take the initiative, who can resist?]

The fish-shaped Hua Diewu was shy, flopping back and forth in the water, making the water splash and rippling. People are like deer bumping around, but when it comes to Huadiewu, it's like live fish bumping around.

After reading it, the system felt an extra headache. It secretly made up its mind that it must create opportunities for Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan, otherwise the strategy mission would not be completed.

Near noon, there was already a thought of food floating over from the house next door, and Huadiewu emerged a fish head from the pool.

The hibiscus flowers by the pool are still in full bloom, and the elegant fragrance lingers in the whole air. However, this does not attract Hua Die Wu, although she likes to admire the beauties of flowers, but the food is even more tempting for her.

Hua Diewu, who was obviously a fish, showed an intoxicated expression. If anyone could see this scene at this time, they would definitely be shocked.

Then Hua Diewu felt something was wrong, why hasn't Su Luoyan's father Su Linyu come back yet? The reason why she returned to the pool so peacefully was because she knew that Su Linyu would definitely take care of Su Luoyan when he came back.

In the end, Su Linyu didn't come back, what's going on? Huadiewu immediately went to ask the system.

The system immediately mobilized information, because Hua Diewu had just been in contact with Su Linyu, and soon found out about Su Linyu's situation.

Su Linyu suffered from a lot of problems because he went to the sea to fish for pearls all the year round, and this time the prison disaster made his body overwhelmed, and he passed out directly on the way to buy chickens.