The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 31: Sand sculpture mermaid five


Hua Diewu jumped out of the pond anxiously, the whole body of the fish struggled on the bluestone floor, she forgot that she was just a fish...

Then Hua Diewu struggled and jumped back into the pool. Now she wants to be a salted fish.

Fortunately, the system said that Su Linyu was sent back by the neighbors, and he will be fine. It is estimated that he will recover after lying down for a while, but his body will definitely not be as good as before in the future.

Hua Diewu sighed, and at the same time a small bubble appeared in her mouth.

Hua Diewu only hopes that the time will pass quickly, and she will immediately change back to human form to take care of Su Luoyan and Su Linyu.

[Host, have you ever thought about a question.]

{what is the problem? }Hua Diewu swam around in the pool, opened the fish's mouth and ate a mouthful of algae, she was hungry.

Hua Diewu didn't forget Su Luoyan after she finished eating, she was very worried about Su Luoyan, Luoyan has no one to take care of her now, and she can only lie on the bed to resist when she is hungry.

The system noticed that Huadiewu was absent-minded, but it continued to speak.

[Host, don't you think Su Luoyan in this world is very similar to Su Luoyan in the previous world? Not just their looks, but their personalities as well.]

{Oh, didn't you say that? Is it to let me better integrate into the world, so I set the heroine with a certain appearance and a name? }

The system is speechless, why is its host so innocent? It is so random that it actually believes it. The system really wants to tell Hua Diewu the truth of the matter, but because of the contract, it has no way to tell Hua Diewu directly, it can only hint to Hua Diewu.

[It is indeed so.]The system doesn't mean it.

{Then do you have anything else to say? I'm going to concentrate on eating algae. }

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha, the system began to gnaw on the data melon again, it babbled, and did not give up and continue to hint at Huadiewu.

[Huahua, don't you feel that Su Luoyan is very familiar, as if you have known each other before.]

Huadiewu swallowed a piece of algae and responded: {Isn't this normal? Luo Yan and I met in the last world. }

Hua Diewu subconsciously regarded Su Luoyan in this world and the previous world as the same person, but she didn't notice this.

[Ah... think about it again?]

{Oh, 504, you're so annoying, can you stop talking about it in my head while I'm eating? }

The hit system clutched its non-existent heart, and shed helpless and bitter tears. It feels like it is taking a big child, and it is the kind that is five thousand years old.

Since the host doesn't live up to expectations, then its system needs to work harder.

[Didi Didi, the host, I have something to say.]

{What is it, 504, if you continue to talk nonsense to me this time, I will be angry. }

[This time is definitely not nonsense, I want to ask, have you noticed a small aura fluttering around now, the host, I have detected that someone is coming towards us.]

{Um? }

Hua Diewu sensed it carefully, and found that there was really aura, and it was on the clothes piled up by the pool.

{What's going on, 55, tell me quickly. }

Call 55 if there is something to do, and call the system if there is nothing to do.

But the system still answered Huadiewu's question.

[According to my tests, those people are still about an hour away from here. They're here to look for you, um... Young Master of the Wu family? It seems that they want to sleep with sharks. Gee.]

Hua Diewu shivered the fish body expressionlessly, and said very seriously: {No, no, I'm just an innocent and weak red carp, and I can't sleep with anyone. Of course, if that person is Luoyan, I will still think about it. . }

[Host, what are you going to do.]

{System, you are so stupid, I am now forced to change into a fish form for a whole day, even if they wait until night, they will not find out that I am a mermaid. }

[But the host, have you ever thought that you will be eaten as a fish.]

{Heh, do you think I'm a fool? Who would go to other people's houses and insist on eating fish from other people's ponds. And can't I hide. }

[…] The system is speechless, its host is always very clever in some strange places.

{55, what happened to Luoyan? }

[let me see. Already awake, but not yet strong enough to get out of bed.]

{That's good, that's good, let me see the situation on Luoyan's side, I'm still a little worried. }


Then Hua Diewu saw the scene in Su Luoyan's room in her mind. Su Luoyan was leaning against the head of the bed at this time, she was panting weakly, and it took a while before she had the strength to get out of bed.

Someone brought her father Su Linyu back just now, saying that her father fainted on the way. This made Su Luoyan have no intention of resting at all. Not only did she have to take care of her father, she also had to send Hua Diewu back to the sea.

Su Luoyan discovered that there was an empty bowl on the table, with some medicine stains on the edge of the bowl, and there were still nearly a hundred taels of silver left on the table. Su Luoyan went out of the room, looked around for half a circle but didn't see Hua Die Wu's person, thinking that Hua Die Wu had obeyed her own words and left.

Remembering that her father was still asleep, Su Luoyan hurried to Su Linyu's room.

Su Linyu lay weakly on the bed, looking as if he was ten years older. The tossing and tossing of the past few days has exploded that he has physical problems. He is only in his early forties, but he is not much better than a dying old man.

"Luoyan, it's dad who's sorry for you. He can't take good care of you. Dad can't do anything about the Liu family. Now he wants you to take care of me." Su Linyu beat his chest with self-blame.

Su Luoyan shook his head while holding Su Linyu's hand, "Father, it's not your fault, it's Liu Yuan who bullied people too much. Father, take a good rest, and my daughter will cook a bowl of porridge for you. I'll spend some more money to treat you later." The doctor came to see Dad."

Su Linyu shook his head and waved his hands quickly when he heard what Su Luoyan said, "It's impossible, Luoyan, where is the extra money at home to treat Dad? Dad will be fine after drinking two bowls of hot porridge and sleeping."

"Father, don't worry about money, I have my own way."

Su Linyu knew that his daughter had always been independent and measured, so he must have the money to hire a doctor, but where did his daughter get so much money? Su Linyu has been an honest person all his life, and he always feels uneasy about spending money with unknown history.

Su Luoyan didn't explain to Su Linyu where her money came from, and she didn't intend to tell Su Linyu about finding the shark.

Even if Su Luoyan knew that her father was an honest man and had never done anything unconscionable in this life, Su Luoyan would not gamble with Hua Diewu's safety.

Because Su Luoyan knew that the so-called moral bottom line is actually very easy to break through. If someone really threatened her father and threatened her life, her father would definitely choose to confess to the shark to save her life.

Su Luoyan was glad that Huadiewu hadn't been discovered by others yet, but what she didn't know was that someone had already rushed to their Su's house for the sharks.

Su Luoyan, who knew nothing, went to the kitchen, and found that there were traces of a fire in the kitchen, not only that, but also some medicinal materials, Su Luoyan frowned, and then scooped half a bowl of japonica rice into the pot.

The rice is not good rice, the color is uneven, the size is different, half of the rice is broken, and some rice has not taken off the shell. But this is not bad for Su Luoyan's economical family. There are still many people who can't eat rice because of strict taxes.

There is also a big white radish at home, which can be stir-fried, but there are too few dishes like this. Su Luoyan lit a fire to cook porridge, and then she was going to fish a fish in the pond at home to make a bowl of shredded fish porridge for her father.

Su Luoyan stepped into the small gate of the yard, and suddenly noticed a stack of clothes beside the pool, she recognized at a glance that it was the set of clothes she gave Hua Diewu to wear earlier.

In other words, Huadiewu hasn't left yet

Su Luoyan's face changed immediately, she looked towards the pool, and said in a deep voice: "Xiaodie, have you left yet?"

Hua Diewu, who heard Su Luoyan's voice, slowly floated half of the fish's head out of the water, looking at Su Luoyan timidly with round eyes.

Su Luoyan sighed helplessly, "I already told you to leave here quickly, why didn't you listen to me?"

Huadiewu vomited a bubble, unable to speak.

Su Luoyan seemed to understand that if she was too gentle, Hua Diewu would not listen to her at all, so she changed the way of saying it.

"My father is not feeling well. I want to make a bowl of shredded fish porridge for my father. If you don't leave, I will use you as an ingredient." In order to make her words more credible, Su Luoyan made a deliberate gesture. A vicious look. He felt that a simple mermaid like Hua Diewu should be afraid of himself because of this.

But in Hua Die Wu's view, this is not the case at all. No matter how good Su Luoyan's acting skills are or how well she pretends, Hua Die Wu can accurately interpret Su Luoyan's true emotions.

Hua Diewu's heart is actually sweet, she thinks that Luoyan is so kind, and she thinks of herself wholeheartedly.

Seeing Hua Die Wu in the water had no intention of leaving at all, Su Luoyan made a gesture to scoop up Hua Die Wu.

Hua Die Wu also swam towards Su Luoyan's hand very intimately, and Su Luo Yan caught Hua Die Wu, the merman (red carp) without any effort at all.

Su Luoyan looked helplessly at the fat carp in his hand, and said, "What do you want before you leave?"

Hua Diewu shook her fish head, indicating that she didn't want to leave, and even rubbed Su Luoyan's hand.

Su Luoyan neither cried nor laughed, and finally put Hua Die Wu back into the pool so that Hua Die Wu would not die of lack of water.

Hua Diewu, who had returned to the water, flicked her tail happily, splashing a splash of water.

Su Luoyan was squatting by the pool, she picked up a flat bream with a net.

"I'm leaving first, and I'll come see you later, but I still won't give up sending you back to the sea."

Hua Diewu splashed vigorously in the water, the water splashed so high that several drops landed on Su Luoyan's face.

Su Luoyan wiped the water off her face, and said with a face full of tears and laughter: "You still have a temper after sending you away, forget it, I won't bother with you, I will come back soon and send you away of."

Hua Diewu said silently in her heart: You will have no way to send me away later, not only can you not send me away, but also protect me from being discovered by others.

Thinking of this, Hua Diewu smiled inwardly, thinking that it was a coincidence that these people who came looking for Shark were here, and she wanted to thank him.