The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 32: Sand sculpture mermaid VI


After Su Luoyan left, Hua Diewu continued to wander in the pool, thinking that it was quite novel to be a fish.

[Host, there is still half an hour before the person looking for you comes over.]

{Well, I see. }

[The crisis of being sent away is temporarily lifted, but the host, how do you plan to attack Su Luoyan next?]

{Of course it's sex. Lure, didn't you say it? Why are you asking me again? }

The system silently closed its mouth, it felt that sooner or later it would be pissed off by its host.


On the other side, Su Luoyan made shredded fish porridge, fried radish sprouts and fried radish. She put the porridge bowl and small plates on the tray, and went to Su Linyu's room.

After Su Linyu finished eating the porridge, Su Luoyan left in peace, and then went to eat the shredded fish porridge left in the pot by herself.

Su's father, Su Linyu, was indeed a good pearl picker when he was young, but most of the pearls picked by the pearl divers were handed in, and some pearls of poor quality left behind could not be traded directly. Su's father usually makes a living by fishing for sea fish, so Su Luoyan's family can only be considered to be able to eat at most.

Qingshui County is close to the South China Sea, and fish is the least valuable thing, and rice is much more precious than fish. Most of the half pot of shredded fish porridge is fish, and the porridge is very thin.

The shredded fish porridge was already a bit cold and had a fishy smell, but in order not to waste food, Su Luoyan still ate it all.

Then Su Luoyan thought of Hua Die Wu, she should still be hungry, she wanted to go to the street to buy some food for Hua Die Wu.

But as soon as Su Luoyan went out, she was blocked by a group of people. The leader was a young son, the son of Wu Yuanwai, a wealthy local man, named Wu Menglai.

Wu Menglai was followed by seven or eight big men, one of whom was a middle-aged man with a mustache and a Taoist robe, looking a bit like a fairy.

Wu Menglai and Liu Yuan are the two tyrants in Qingshui County, one is bullying others with power, and the other is throwing money at others, which makes you have to bow your head.

Su Luoyan didn't understand why Wu Menglai came back to her home, and asked, "Master Wu, what's the matter with our Su home?"

Wu Menglai held a folding fan, opened it and closed it, looked at Su Luoyan with great interest, and thought that Liu Yuan had a good eye, Su Luoyan's appearance was as shameful as that of a famous prostitute in Beijing. Hearing that the mermaid is far from being comparable to a human woman, Wu Menglai became more and more impatient to see the mermaid.

"We've come to buy you a fish."

Su Luoyan's pupils shrank, and she was immediately alert, but she didn't show it on her face.

"Not for sale." Su Luoyan closed the door directly after saying this.

Wu Menglai raised the closed fan and pointed at the gate of the Su family, and said, "Come on, open the gate of the Su family, I want to buy fish."

"Yes!" Several servants behind Wu Menglai echoed loudly, and then used all their strength to slam into the door of Su's house.

Su Luoyan looked at the door of her house with an ugly expression, knowing that these people would not let them in if they were not allowed in.

In the end, Su Luoyan took the initiative to open the door and said, "Beforehand, I'm afraid I don't have the fish that Young Master Wu wants here."

Wu Menglai smiled meaningfully, "That's not necessarily true, Daoist, come in with me."

Luo Chaoren made an inscrutable look, he nodded slightly, and walked half a step behind Wu Menglai into the Su's house.

As soon as Wu Menglai entered, he saw dustpans piled up in the corner and a large water tank covered with dust. There were no flowers, rockery and flowing water as imagined, and there seemed to be an inconspicuous musty smell wafting in the air. All of this made the young master of the Wu family, who has always been pampered, very uncomfortable. He disliked and opened his fan to fan himself non-stop.

"Miss Su, take us to see the fish."

Su Luoyan sneered in her heart, then turned around to lead the way, and said to Wu Meng, "Come with me."

Wu Menglai smiled and followed quickly.

Soon the group came to the pool of Su Luoyan's house. The pool occupied most of the square open-air yard. The poolside was paved with bluestone slabs, and a few clumps of unknown flowers swayed in the breeze. There is also a hibiscus tree planted by the pool, and a tree is in full bloom, and the scarlet hibiscus falls from time to time.

There are large pieces of blue duckweed floating in the pool, the water in the pool is unfathomable, and it is impossible to see what is in it for a while.

"Let someone bring a pole, and if you disturb this pool of water, you will know if there is any." Wu Menglai ordered the servants.

Su Luoyan watched all this with cold eyes, not panicking in her heart. There is a saintess in the mermaid race. The saintess is a fish during the day and a human at night. Few people know about it.

After a while, Wu Menglai's servant found a long pole, and the pole was stirred in the pool water, and the fish raised in it floated to the surface and swam around.

However, after waiting for a long time, everyone did not see the legendary merman with a human body and a fish tail.

The little carp Hua Diewu didn't dare to stand up, she stuck tightly to the corner of the pool, and she dared not let others see her dazzling color.

{Hey, system, do you think I will be found? }

[Host rest assured, our system will do our best to help the host stay with the hostess.]

For the first time, Hua Diewu felt that the last word of the system's voice was so kind and reliable.

{That's good, I don't want to be caught. }

Hua Diewu had seen all the scenes just now in her mind, and she also saw that Wu Menglai was uneasy and kind, and he dared to give Luo Yan a face, it was really annoying. There is also that smelly Taoist priest, who has no real skills, but has learned crooked ways well.

Hua Diewu vomited unhappily, if she could, she would go up and teach Wu Menglai and Luo Chaoren a lesson.

Wu Menglai who was standing by the pool gradually frowned, he hadn't seen the so-called Merman until now, and he couldn't help feeling somewhat suspicious of Luo Chaoren in his heart.

Luo Chaoren's expression was ugly, he knew that if there was no result today, he would be in great trouble.

"Master Wu, don't worry, maybe the merman is smart and just avoided the pole. Let's drain the pool and find out if there are mermen in the pool."

Wu Menglai raised his hand and made a upward gesture, and said, "Laifu, let the water go."

Hearing this, Su Luoyan couldn't help but stop him, "Master Wu, are you going too far? If you pump this pool of water away, what will happen to my fish? You are the young master, so you don't have to worry about eating and drinking, but we Poor people live by pointing at these fish."

Undoubtedly, Su Luoyan is a beauty, even if she frowns coldly, she is still beautiful. And Wu Meng thought he was a person who cared for the fragrance and cherished the jade, so he forgave Su Luoyan's disrespect to him with "great mercy".

"If there is any loss, I will pay for it. The most important thing our Wu family lacks is money!" After speaking to Su Luoyan, Wu Menglai signaled his servants to act quickly with his eyes.

Even a woman, Su Luoyan, couldn't stop these big men, and could only watch helplessly as the water in the pool dwindled little by little.

Hua Diewu in the water heard the movement on the shore, and she asked the system if she could disguise herself so that she looked like an ordinary carp, but the system said that it had no authority to change the appearance of the host.

The water surface was dropping rapidly, Hua Diewu got an idea, got into a mass of aquatic plants, and even rolled, letting the long and messy dark green aquatic plants wrap her whole fish. In this way, she looks like an ordinary fish at first glance.

The pool of Su Luoyan's house is connected with a tributary, which is running water. At this time, the water inlet was blocked, and the water outlet continued to flow, and the pool of water soon bottomed out. Dozens of fish struggled and twisted their bodies because of the lack of water.

There are no sharks here, Wu Menglai realized that he was being deceived, Dang even sneered, and the way he looked at Luo Chaoren changed.

Luo Chaoren's head was covered with cold sweat, he opened his mouth but couldn't speak, he didn't know how to explain it, he clearly sensed that there was a shark here, but how could he not find it

"Let's go!" Wu Menglai didn't get angry in front of Su Luoyan, but Luo Chaoren knew that he was going to be in trouble.

"Wait, Master Wu, should I pay some money before leaving?"

Wu Menglai is a very face-saving person, since Su Luoyan spoke up, he would not refuse to give money. Wu Menglai took out an ingot of silver from the purse, and threw it directly into Su Luoyan's arms, and Su Luoyan caught the silver steadily.

After Wu Menglai's pedestrian left, Su Luoyan immediately closed the door of her own house. When closing the door, Su Luoyan noticed that there were people from the Wu family guarding outside. Probably she hasn't completely given up yet, thinking that she hid the merman somewhere they couldn't see.

After Su Luoyan closed the gate, she went to the pool to watch Hua Die Wu. At this time, Hua Die Wu was trying her best to shake off the water plants on her body, but she worked too hard when she was entangled with the water plants, so she wanted to get them off. It's a little difficult.

"Do you need me to help you?" Su Luoyan squatted by the pool and said to Huadie.

When Hua Diewu heard that the fish's eyes were bright, she immediately went to Su Luoyan's side.

Su Luoyan carefully picked off the water plants on Hua Diewu's body, Hua Diewu tried hard to raise her eyes to see Su Luoyan's face.

{System, I feel like a salted fish right now, I can't even talk to Luoyan. }

[The host doesn't have to worry, the plug-in I ordered for you will be delivered soon.]

Huadiewu's fish eyes suddenly lit up.

{Are you here? }Hua Die Wu was very excited.

[It's already here, host, as long as you have close contact with the heroine Su Luoyan, you can directly transmit what you want to say to the other party's mind.]

{Uh-huh! }

Just when Su Luoyan was about to let go of Huadiewu, a voice came into her mind.

'Luoyan, are you in good health? '

Su Luoyan looked around, and when she found no one, she lowered her head to look at Hua Die Wu, and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

'It's me, I thought of a way to exchange the late pearl for money, and got you the medicine, how do you feel now? Will it still be uncomfortable? '

"I'm fine. The medicine you boiled for me is very useful, thank you. It's a pity that I can't send you back to the sea for the time being. I can only wrong you to stay with me first."

'It's okay, I like being around you. '

Su Luoyan was even more worried about Hua Diewu, it was too difficult for such a simple mermaid to survive in the human world. Su Luoyan planned to teach Hua Die Wu to distinguish between good and evil during the period when Hua Die Wu could not leave here, so as to prevent Hua Die Wu from being deceived when she meets others in the future.

"It's time to feed the fish. These fish usually eat bean cakes mixed with flour, but you are different from ordinary fish. What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

Huadiewu pressed against Su Luoyan's hand and said, "I want to eat Bozai Cake." '

Su Luoyan smiled and said, "Okay."

'Then I'll wait for you to come back. '

"I'm leaving." Su Luoyan patted Hua Diewu's head.

Even if Hua Diewu is a fish, it is still a beautiful fish, it will not make people feel greasy and disgusting, the scales covering the whole body are glowing translucent red, and the breathtaking magnificent red color can show a different color under the sun. s color.

Hua Diewu obediently waited in the pool for Su Luoyan to bring her a bowl cake, the system asked Hua Diewu why she insisted on a bowl cake.

{Because I want to eat. }

The system always felt that its host was not as happy as it seemed on the surface, and maybe it was a pity that it didn't say goodbye to Su Luoyan in the last world.

[Enjoy this world well, I will try my best to help you complete the task.]

Hua Diewu suddenly felt that the way the system spoke looked like an elderly father, full of kindness.

{OK. }Hua Diewu nodded obediently.


After nightfall, Su Luoyan also watched Hua Die Wu, but unexpectedly discovered that Hua Die Wu did not change from a fish to a human.

Hua Diewu talked to Su Luoyan close to Su Luoyan's fingers hanging in the water. She said that if she became a human during the day, she would be forced to become a fish for a whole day.

Su Luoyan nodded, she told Hua Diewu to be careful at night.

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden rustling sound outside the yard, and Su Luoyan, who hadn't slept and hid at the base of the wall, shivered.

Several people took a ladder and climbed in along the wall. It turned out that Wu Menglai hadn't completely given up looking for the mermaids, so he specially asked people to come to Su Luoyan's house to check on the situation at night.

Who would have thought that they would be covered with sacks and beaten with sticks as soon as they arrived, making them jump and scream.

While Su Luoyan was beating, he also yelled that the thief was intruding. The neighbor's Uncle Li was a righteous and enthusiastic person, and when he heard the sound, he immediately stopped people from rushing to Su Luoyan's house.

Everyone knew that Su Luoyan's father had fallen ill, how could a family with a daughter be a match for those thieves? Su Luoyan was also very considerate to satisfy those who came to help her. She threw the sack into the water, threw away the stick, and shivered in the corner of the wall, looking pitiful.

The servant of Wu Menglai's family was beaten up by Su Luoyan and then beaten up by Fatty, it was hard to describe.

The system thought that Hua Diewu would be very disappointed seeing Su Luoyan who could act like this, but the facts proved that it was still far from keeping up with its host's brain circuit.

Because her host Xiaoyu's eyes were shining brightly, she looked at the 'shivering' Su Luoyan with fascination.

{Luoyan is so powerful. }

The system thought, maybe this is the filter of Aiqiu.