The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 36: Sand sculpture mermaid ten


Hua Diewu was silent for a moment after listening, and then said hello to the system.

The system raised his forehead speechlessly, and then found that he had no forehead at all.

[Host, have you really thought about it?]

{I have already made up my mind, I believe that the other I will accompany Luo Yan to continue living. }

[I'm really... Forget it, you can do whatever you want, come on Raiders, I will open the back door for you about those things.]

{it is good. }

Hua Diewu slowly gnawed at the leftover roast chicken, thinking about the method that the system told herself just now.

The sharks are not as magical as the legends say, but they are too far away from humans, so most things are beautified and exaggerated. Ordinary sharks indeed shed tears into pearls, but the quality of the pearls is really mediocre.

The mermaid's flesh and blood can only prolong life at best, and it is impossible to truly live forever. But there is one thing in the merman race that can live and die as human flesh and bones, and that is the merman pearl in the body of the merman race saint.

Once this shark bead is taken out, Hua Diewu will no longer be a shark, she will turn into an ugly human, and then age quickly.

Three days have passed, during which Su Luoyan would come to see Huadiewu every day, but she would leave in a hurry with a forced smile.

On this day, the sky was getting dark, and the hibiscus flowers by the pool began to wither again. Huadiewu looked at the beautiful falling flowers obsessively, not knowing what she was thinking.

When the last ray of sunlight disappears on the horizon, Huadiewu transforms from a fish into a human. Seaweed-like wet hair hangs down on Hua Diewu's snow-white back, and her naked chest is just covered by the wet long hair.

She leaned against the edge of the pool, softly humming the mermaid's song, and slowly dangling her snow feet. It is like a moving picture scroll, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

The moonlight shone brightly, illuminating the entire courtyard, and also illuminating Hua Diewu's beautiful face. She was waiting for Su Luoyan to arrive.

Hua Diewu smiled slightly at the moonlight, diving into the water was a pleasant swim.

When Su Luoyan came in, what she saw was a picture of beauties playing in the water.

Under the shroud of moonlight, everything is coated with a layer of soft white light. Hua Diewu didn't put any makeup on her face, but her face was full of beauty. The moist long eyelashes are trembling slightly, and the jet-black pupils seem to be filled with stars. Looking at you, it seems that the whole world has lost its color.

Su Luoyan slightly turned her eyes away, trying to hide her emotions, but there is no way to hide some emotions.

If you like someone, even if you close your mouth, it will still come out of your eyes. But at this moment, Su Luoyan didn't know that she had fallen in love with Hua Die Wu, she just felt that her heart was beating abnormally fast. Wanting to see Hua Die Wu but not daring to see it, is extremely contradictory.

"Luoyan, you are here." Huadiewu Chaosu Luoyan showed a smile.

Su Luoyan walked slowly to the side of the pool, she didn't know what to say after she responded lightly.

"Luoyan, your father must be in poor health recently."

Su Luoyan was startled for a moment, then nodded and said: "Well, even the doctor was invited and said that there is no way to cure it."

Hua Diewu saw the gloomy look between Su Luoyan's brows. Although Su Luoyan would still smile in front of her these two days, she always felt that Su Luoyan was hiding something on her mind, and she should have discovered it earlier.

"Luoyan, don't worry, I have a way to heal my uncle's body."

Su Luoyan's eyes widened subconsciously when she heard what Hua Diewu said. She didn't expect that Hua Diewu would have a way to save her father.

"Xiaodie, is it true? What is the solution?"

Hua Diewu tilted her head and smiled at Su Luoyan. She raised her slender arms and hooked her jade-like fingers, "Luoyan, come closer, I'll tell you."

"it is good."

At this time, Hua Diewu seems to have infinite attraction, like a hydrating demon, calling you to drown in the water with her and sink to the bottom.

Su Luoyan felt her desire for Hua Die Wu, she felt that something was wrong with Hua Die Wu today, but she didn't want to stop at all.

The voice of Huadiewu seems to come from the distant sky, ethereal and impermanent, but it is transmitted into the bottom of people's heart one after another.

"Come closer, come closer..."

Su Luoyan kept getting close to Hua Diewu's body, and there was still two inches between their faces and they were about to touch each other.

Hua Diewu raised her arms and wrapped them around Su Luoyan's neck. As soon as she exerted her strength, Su Luoyan fell into the water with Hua Diewu.

The water splashed everywhere, and the fish in the pool were frightened and scattered, and they didn't know where to hide.

Su Luoyan's whole body was wrapped in water, and there was a soft and cold body sticking to her. Hua Diewu broke through the water with Su Luoyan in her arms, Su Luoyan slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was Hua Diewu's beautiful face that was almost monstrous.

"I'll tell you right away." After speaking, Hua Diewu leaned over to Su Luoyan, and kissed Su Luoyan's lips.

Su Luoyan's lips are warm, but Hua Diewu's lips are cold. Su Luoyan's heart was beating wildly the moment Hua Diewu kissed her. She didn't know what it was like, but she didn't want to refuse at all, and even wanted to cater to her.

God knows how nervous Hua Diewu is now, the action just now has exhausted all her courage, and now she doesn't know how to continue.

Hua Diewu's wanton and willful kiss gradually lost momentum, but Su Luoyan didn't want to simply separate like this. Hua Diewu, who was originally the attacker, became passive, and the active person became Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan held down Hua Diewu's head. Although she didn't have any experience of kissing, she had some vague impressions in her mind. The soft tongue invaded Hua Die Wu's mouth, hooking Hua Die Wu's tongue to dance with herself.

"Hmm..." Hua Diewu unconsciously released a groan [Water Hyacinth] from her throat. Panting [Shaqima], she wanted to push Su Luoyan's body away, but she couldn't because her body was weak. It rubbed against Su Luoyan's chest.

Hua Diewu has nothing on her body, only her long and thick black hair is covering her body, and because she is entangled with Su Luoyan in the water, those hairs can't block where it should be...

An ambiguous atmosphere flowed in a small courtyard.

I don't know how long it took before Su Luoyan let go of Hua Diewu's body.

Hua Diewu panted, she looked away embarrassedly.

Breaking away from the state just now, the two of them felt a little awkward, and it took a long time for this awkward atmosphere to disappear.

Neither of them knew how to explain the behavior just now, so they had to pretend that nothing happened just now.

Hua Diewu cleared her throat, and was about to get to the point, "Using my blood can make uncle's health better. But it's only temporary. If you want uncle to recover, you must go to Jiangnan to find relics."

"Is there nothing wrong with your body?" Su Luoyan frowned.

Hua Diewu shook her head against her will, saying that it was just a little bleeding, and it would make up for it by eating more.

"Xiaodie, thank you." Su Luoyan is not a person who can speak beautiful words, she always does more than she does.

Hua Diewu said: "You're welcome, I'm also very happy to save a person by shedding a little blood and providing a piece of news."

"I'll get the relic by myself, Xiaodie, go back to the sea. I've used you too much, I can't keep you on the shore for my own selfishness anymore."

Hua Diewu shook her head quickly, "No, I want to go to Jiangnan with you. Only when I arrive in Jiangnan can I accurately sense the exact location of my relic."

In fact, where are the relics? Some only have shark beads in Huadiewu's body. Hua Diewu made up a relic just to cover up the truth and spend time with Su Luoyan by the way.

She had to make sure that Luoyan's fate would not develop as written in it, so that she could leave this world with peace of mind.

Obviously they haven't known each other for a long time, but Hua Diewu just can't feel relieved about Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan didn't answer Hua Diewu's question directly, she just said that she had to think again.

On one side is the father whose life is at stake, and on the other side is the possible but unrevealed merman. Su Luoyan is still hesitating, if she is not careful, she will kill Hua Diewu because of her father.

Hua Diewu naturally knew Su Luoyan's considerations, and she was not in a hurry to get Su Luoyan to give her an answer immediately.

Su Luoyan went ashore and squeezed the water from her skirt.

Hua Diewu felt a little guilty after seeing it, and felt that she seemed a little too willful just now.

"I'm sorry Luoyan, is it too much for me to drag you into the water?"

Su Luoyan looked back at Huadiewu, remembered what happened just now, was slightly taken aback, and then said: "It's okay, my sunflower water has gone, and now it's summer, and it's refreshing to go into the water."

Huadiewu chuckled, "That's it."

"En." Su Luoyan also knew that her reason was a little far-fetched, her ears turned red, she turned around and said, "My clothes are wet, it's time to take a bath."

Hua Diewu swam to the pool, and looked at Su Luoyan's hurried back with a smirk.

At this time, the system finally came to the fore.

[Host, the favorability has actually risen directly to 82, it’s unbelievable, what did you do just now, host, it’s so fierce.]

Huadiewu smiled, and then briefly told the system what happened just now.

The system ate the data melons as it listened, chewing and gnawing, listening with gusto. After listening, I also commented on Hua Die Wu's behavior.

[I can't see it, host, you are so bold, I suddenly believe that you are really a vixen.]

"He's a vixen, okay?"

[Okay, okay, you are the most powerful vixen in the world.]

"Hmph." Hua Diewu hummed triumphantly, and then went ashore, she twirled a flower and turned it into a shirt and put it on her body.

"System, how long do you think my blood can keep Uncle Su alive?"

[Three months. Su Linyu's body will recover immediately after drinking your blood, but this is only temporary, and his body will return to its original state when the time comes.]

"That means I only have three months." Hua Diewu slowly put on her clothes, and looked at the hibiscus tree whose flowers had all withered.

Her deadline is when the last hibiscus flower falls, and she wishes she could stay in this world a little longer.

Hibiscus blooms in the morning and falls in the evening, blooming in midsummer, blooming in the morning, and quickly withering in the evening. When the three-month flowering period is over, it is time for her to leave this world.

Hua Diewu looked up at the night sky, then turned and left, leaving a pool of silence.