The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 38: Sand sculpture mermaid twelve


It's a pity that the system can't do anything about the current situation. It tells Hua Diewu not to struggle, and it doesn't matter if she goes back to the sea for a while. Anyway, she can turn into a human at night, and then she can go ashore.

{Based on what I know about Luoyan, she must have set off now. How can I find Luoyan after I become a human at night? }

[Host, don't be afraid, I can hook you up.]

{All right… }

Hua Diewu reluctantly agreed, and then she was released back into the sea by Su Linyu.

At this time, five or six days had passed since Wu Menglai came to Su's house, and Wu Menglai hadn't found any traces of the sharks, so he didn't send anyone to keep an eye on them.

Su Linyu put Hua Die Wu back into the sea very smoothly. Hua Die Wu's fish body was washed back and forth by the waves, and it took a while to stabilize her body.

{System, where is Luoyan now? }

[Let me check, now that Su Luoyan is on the boat, she is taking the water route, if the host starts swimming now, he should be able to catch up with her before dark.]

Huadiewu sighed, and at the same time spit out a bubble.

{There are still two hours before dark, it is really hard. I want to see Luoyan now. }

[How about host reviewing the original plot while swimming? I have detected the appearance of the important female supporting role, Gongsun Zhi. In addition, the male lead Xuanyuanlie's work in Qingshui County has been completed, and now he is going back to Jiangnan. According to the current plot, Su Luoyan should meet Xuanyuanlie in Jiangnan.]

Hua Diewu was dumbfounded after listening, {What's going on? How come this Xuanyuanlie will follow Luoyan wherever he goes? }

[Host, follow along, don't give Xuanyuan Lie a chance! Come on! I believe you will be able to guard the heroine's chastity!]

{Uh-huh! I will work hard! }

Unknowingly, it was evening, and after the sun sank to the sea level, Hua Die Wu's body began to stretch, and finally transformed into a human form in a white light.

When it got dark, things in the water became indistinguishable. If others saw a big living person swimming in the river, they would be shocked. Of course, Hua Diewu grabbed a water plant to make clothes.

In the water, Huadiewu couldn't follow the smell to find Su Luoyan, so she could only rely on the system's instructions to move in the river.

Soon Hua Diewu found the black-covered boat that Su Luoyan was riding on. Probably to save money, Su Luoyan didn't hire a boatman, but rowed the boat herself.

Hua Diewu looked a little distressed, she wanted to go straight up to meet Su Luoyan, but as soon as she raised her head, she saw the bright candlelight on the river bank.

This section of the river is opened in the town, and there are families on both sides of the river bank. There are also women squatting on the river port to wash their clothes, and a few boats pass by Hua Diewu from time to time.

There are too many people around now, Hua Diewu didn't dare to appear in front of Su Luoyan rashly. She stayed quietly in the dark and looked at Su Luoyan. When she saw that Su Luoyan was tired, she swam under the boat and pushed her to make it easier for Su Luoyan to push the boat.

Su Luoyan, who suddenly became relaxed, looked around suspiciously, but saw nothing.

Su Luoyan continued to row up the river, and the next section of the road was much less laborious than before. As the night gradually deepened, people on both sides of the river also extinguished their candles one after another, and there were fewer boats on the river.

There were no lights to illuminate the surroundings, only the brilliance of the bright moon in the sky, Su Luoyan walked forward with this light, and suddenly she stopped.

"Come out." When Su Luoyan said this, there was a little helplessness on her face.

Hua Diewu, who had been staying under the boat all this time, slowly emerged half of her head from the water, staring at Su Luoyan's face with a pair of big eyes, not daring to speak.

"Why did you follow?" Su Luoyan put down the pole, and stretched out a hand towards Hua Diewu.

Huadiewu moved her body like a snail, she said: "I want to see you, so I came here."

Su Luoyan laughed and shook her head, "There's really nothing I can do about you, go back now, there's still time."

Hua Diewu shook her head, she said stubbornly: "I will stay by your side, even if you drive me away, I will still come back."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Luoyan, I will try my best to protect myself, you just need to help me hide it. I am different from other merman, I will completely become a human at night, as long as we hide well, no one will know my identity of."

Things have come to this, Su Luoyan had no choice but to agree with Hua Diewu's rhetoric, and reluctantly agreed that Hua Diewu would stay by her side.

"Xiaodie, you must be extremely careful, and try to minimize contact with others." Su Luoyan took Hua Diewu's slippery little hand, and pulled her out of the water into the boat.

The little black boat shook for a while, and it took a long time to regain its stability. Hua Diewu hung wet and black on her chest, she raised her head, her strange but clear eyes stared at Su Luoyan, her expression was extremely aggrieved, she looked a bit like a puppy abandoned by its owner.

Su Luoyan's heart softened all of a sudden, and she even regretted leaving Hua Diewu behind. It seemed that she had done similar things a long time ago, and Hua Diewu was also so angry.

But Su Luoyan thought about it, if Hua Diewu was really discovered by someone with ulterior motives, how miserable would it be? Weeping all day long, weaving non-stop day and night, and perhaps satisfying the animal desires of others, and then being skinned and boned, drinking blood and eating meat after being useless.

Su Luoyan wanted to protect Hua Die Wu, but found that she had no ability to protect Hua Die Wu at all. The safest way to do that was to send her back to the sea. If she had the strength to protect Hua Diewu, she wouldn't need to push people away by her side over and over again.

Hua Diewu didn't know these thoughts in Su Luoyan's mind, she was very angry, Hua Diewu threw Su Luoyan's body directly, and took a bite at Su Luoyan's neck.

Because she was afraid that Su Luoyan would really hurt, Hua Diewu didn't use any force at all when she bit her, as if she was tickling Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan gently touched Hua Diewu's head, she rested her chin on Hua Diewu's hair, and stroked gently, Hua Diewu's mood gradually settled down, she was not as angry as before.

"Luoyan, if you leave me behind again, I'll... I'll be really angry..."

"Okay, I won't leave you behind." In fact, Su Luoyan was also reluctant.

Obviously the two of them didn't know each other for a long time, but it felt like they had known each other for many years, and Su Luoyan couldn't figure out the reason.

That night, Hua Diewu said a lot of things in Su Luoyan's ear, all about how wronged she was and how sad she was when she couldn't see her. She didn't annoy Su Luoyan, but she told herself that she was so tired that she fell asleep.

Su Luoyan looked at Hua Die Wu who had fallen asleep in her arms, shook her head and smiled, pulled out a thin quilt to cover Hua Die Wu, and then fell asleep herself.

Su Luoyan slept very lightly, and when it was almost dawn, she opened her eyes and pushed Hua Diewu awake. Although Su Luoyan wanted Hua Diewu to sleep for a while longer, the current situation did not allow her to do so.

Once the sky dawns, Hua Die Wu will immediately change from a human to a fish. It would be bad if this scene is seen by others.

Hua Diewu who was woken up rubbed her eyes, she heard Su Luoyan's gentle voice, she couldn't hear a word clearly because the system was bombarding her brain.

[Host host! Hurry back into the water, it will be dawn in five minutes, and some people are starting to wash and cook in the morning, hurry up! hurry up!]

Hua Diewu felt that her brain was about to be blown up by the system, so she told Su Luoyan that she had returned to the water and jumped into the river, splashing a splash of water, which happened to land on the back of Su Luoyan's hand.

Su Luoyan took out the dry food from the bag, and took two bites by herself. She originally wanted to throw it into the water for Hua Diewu to eat, but on second thought, such dry and hard food was not suitable.

After it was completely dawn, Su Luoyan stopped at a pier and went ashore. After a while, she came over with some delicate pastries.

Su Luoyan didn't eat a bite by herself, and slowly threw them into the river one by one. Hua Diewu ate happily, and all the dissatisfaction with Su Luoyan in her heart dissipated.

When Hua Diewu was halfway through eating, she really wanted to ask Su Luoyan if she had eaten, but it was inconvenient for her to ask Su Luoyan now.

Because she turned into a fish, Hua Diewu couldn't help Su Luoyan row the boat anymore.

Today, Hua Die Wu followed Su Luoyan's boat all day, and many people accosted Su Luoyan. Hua Die Wu was so angry that she wanted to give the other party a mermaid 18 beats. Fortunately, Su Luoyan was all indifferent Responding to the other party, there is no meaning to talk at all.

Looking at Su Luoyan's beautiful face, Hua Diewu felt sad in her heart, feeling that the heroine is too beautiful and she is under a lot of pressure.

The system continued to eat melons, feeling that compared to Su Luoyan, her host's appearance was more dangerous. That kind of appearance that both men and women will be crazy about, as well as the contradictory innocence and strangeness, it is hard not to move people's hearts. Leaving aside the identity of the butterfly dancer, this peerless appearance is also the target of everyone's competition.

It's a pity that Hua Diewu didn't realize this, and only thought about how to stay by Su Luoyan's side.

Someone had already hung up a lantern on the shore, and the light of the candle was reflected on the water surface. Su Luoyan's boat broke through the water surface, and the water rippled, crushing the reflection.

Hua Diewu quietly popped her head out of the water, looked around and found no one, so she knocked on the bow of the boat.

"Falling geese."

Su Luoyan put down the pole and pulled Hua Die Wu onto the boat. Hua Die Wu used her demon power to move, and the clothes on her body dried quickly.

The two sat on the bow of the boat together, Hua Diewu leaned tightly beside Su Luoyan, opened her mouth and started babbling again, saying that she wanted to go ashore to have a look, but she was entangled in her heart, fearing that others would discover her identity.

Su Luoyan touched Hua Diewu's head and said: "There will be opportunities in the future. Now that we have arrived at Yingyue Town, we will soon arrive at Qingfu City. Qingfu City is bustling and lively, and Duanyang will be here in a few days. Festival, we can go ashore at night to have a look."

"Is it really okay?" Hua Diewu blinked and looked at Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan smiled and said, "As long as we don't stand out too much then it will be fine."

"Great!" Hua Diewu happily threw herself into Su Luoyan's arms.

Su Luoyan hugged Hua Diewu's body, her whole face was filled with a smile, but soon the smile on Su Luoyan's face disappeared because she noticed a line of sight.

[Didi, Gu Lingyu, the male second in this article, is online.]