The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 41: Sand sculpture mermaid fifteen


After talking with Su Luoyan, Gu Lingyu led Gongsun Zhi and the little girl onto the boat, and Hua Diewu swam to the side of the boat, secretly listening to Gu Lingyu and Gongsun Zhi talking.

After listening for a long time, Hua Diewu returned to Su Luoyan's boat. Just now she had roughly figured out the reason why Gongsun Zhi and Gu Lingyu walked together.

It turned out that Gongsun Zhi accidentally had his purse stolen by a thief last night, and now he has no money to go to Yong'an City to find his relatives. But Gongsun Zhi was lucky enough to meet Gu Lingyu, and Gu Lingyu was kind enough to say that she would help Gongsun Zhi.

It just so happened that Gu Lingyu was also going to Yong'an City, so she could bring Gongsun Zhi with her along the way. There were men and women in the boat, and Gu Lingyu's uncle was there, so there was no need to worry about avoiding suspicion.

Hua Diewu has an intuition that Gu Lingyu and Gongsun Zhi are likely to be together. These two seem to be a good match. Gu Lingyu is gentle and elegant. Although she is not as beautiful as a mermaid, she has a good character. And Gongsun Zhi is gentle, she is a girl with no opinions, and she is easy to be led by the nose by others.

Gu Lingyu is not that kind of despicable person, no matter whether he is in the original world or in the current world, he is a person who respects others, otherwise he will not take advantage of Xuanyuan Lie, that big scumbag in the end.

Thinking about the ending of Gu Lingyu and Gongsun Zhi in the original, Hua Diewu thinks that these two people are very good together. I just don't know if this world will develop like the one in it. Gongsun Zhi married Xuanyuan Lie, and eventually died of illness in the small courtyard.

Hua Diewu didn't think for too long, because she heard Su Luoyan's voice talking to herself.

"Xiaodie, do you want to watch the dragon boat race together?"

Hua Diewu immediately swam to Su Luoyan's side, and put her body on the back of Su Luoyan's hand.

'Okay, but Luoyan, I'm just a fish now, how can I go to watch the dragon boat race with you? '

Su Luoyan said: "Don't worry, I'll go there by boat. The rivers in Qingfu City are criss-crossed and connected everywhere. You can also go to Yulin River in the east of Qingfu City without going by land."

'Great, Luoyan, let's go, I haven't seen a dragon boat race yet. 'Hua Die Wu happily circled in the water twice.

"Duanyang Festival also has a special food called Zongzi, Xiaodie, have you eaten it?" Su Luoyan asked.

Hua Diewu shook her head, and after shaking her head, she realized that shaking her head like a fish looked really funny, so she stopped her movements.

'I haven't eaten zongzi, what is that? '

As long as it is food, Hua Diewu is very curious, wishing to have a taste right away.

"It's a kind of ox horns made of glutinous rice wrapped in Ruo leaves, and there are also bean paste, egg yolk, or red beans."

'Is that delicious? '

"It's delicious." Su Luoyan smiled.

Small zongzi are ordinary and too shabby for a rich family, but for Su Luoyan, zongzi is indeed delicious, because she will not eat rice that has not been cleaned of chaff, and her father will take out rice dumplings at this time of year. There is not much sugar in the house, and it is very satisfying to eat with rice dumplings dipped in sugar.

Hua Diewu was longing for it, and said that she wanted to eat zongzi once, Su Luoyan smiled and said yes, and asked Hua Diewu what kind of taste she likes.

Hua Diewu thought about it, and said that she wanted to try any flavor.

"Xiaodie, have you eaten so much?" Su Luoyan was a little worried.

"Luoyan, I'm fine, don't look at how small my body is, but I can actually eat a lot. '

Hua Diewu thought to herself that she had forgotten that Luoyan in this world didn't know that she could eat this thing very well.

Su Luoyan frowned and said: "If you really can't eat, don't force yourself, don't overstretch."

'Uh-huh. 'Of course, Huadiewu didn't feel that she would be unable to eat at all.

After Su Luoyan and Hua Diewu finished talking, they picked up the pole and started to go to Yulin River. Hua Diewu was beside the boat and followed Su Luoyan all the way to Yulin River.

Along the way, Hua Diewu saw many men and women carrying a bunch of rice dumplings or calamus with smiles on their faces. The atmosphere on the street was very festive.

Hua Diewu looked curiously at the strings of dangling green horn-shaped food, wondering what it tasted like.

After driving through several rivers, Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan finally came to Yulin River.

The dragon boat race has already started on the Yulin River. There is a cloudy area on the bank. There is a platform on the bank that has been cleared out. A candle is lit on the left and right, and there is an incense burner in the middle, with three sticks of incense burning inside.

There was a woman squatting in front of the square table, burning paper money for offering sacrifices, and the smile standing beside her was still ignorant, only knowing that she was drooling while looking at the food on the table.

And Hua Diewu, like those children, wants to taste what those tributes are like, but she is just a fish now, even if she is an individual, she is too embarrassed to steal other people's tributes.

Su Luoyan seemed to feel Hua Diewu's longing, she told Hua Diewu that she went ashore to buy rice dumplings and would be back in a while.

Hua Diewu watched Su Luoyan leave, feeling very happy in her heart, feeling that Su Luoyan really knew herself too well.

When Hua Die Wu swam to the shore, her eyes never moved away from Su Luoyan's body. Su Luo Yan didn't walk very far, and Hua Die Wu's eyesight was very good.

Hua Diewu saw Su Luoyan walk into a small shop. The small shop looked old, and the tables and benches outside were covered with starch.

Green and tender calamus were planted at the door of the small shop, and a few strings of rice dumplings were hung, and the enthusiastic proprietress yelled at the door with her hips on her hips.

Su Luoyan walked up to the proprietress, Aunt Ma, and said something, because the distance was too far, and the voices on the shore were too noisy, so Hua Diewu couldn't hear what Su Luoyan said clearly, she could only see the shock on the proprietress's face look.

Not long after, Su Luoyan came back with a bunch of zongzi, and she propped the boat under an old weeping willow. The branches of this old weeping willow had already hung down into the water, just covering Su Luoyan's boat tightly.

Su Luoyan slowly untied the palm leaves that bound the zongzi, took the dark green reed leaves, and threw the white zongzi inside into the water.

Hua Diewu jumped up and took a bite of the rice dumpling, chewing it. As a 'carp', Hua Diewu's mouth is too small, and the rice dumplings are soft and sticky, so she struggles to eat them.

Su Luoyan couldn't help smiling when she saw it, and said, "Let me break it into small pieces for you."

Hua Diewu wronged Bala and put the rice dumpling on her head, and then sent it to Su Luoyan's hand.

Su Luoyan didn't think the zongzi was sticky, so she picked it up and held it in her hands, breaking off the zongzi bit by bit.

Hua Die Wu leaned forward, and Su Luoyan directly sent small pieces of zongzi into Hua Die Wu's little fish's mouth.

After all, it has the attribute bonuses of merman and vixen. Hua Diewu, a red carp, is very cute. Even people who don’t like fish will have a good impression of her. Watch it ten times and eight times.

Everyone else is like this, let alone Su Luoyan. In Su Luoyan's eyes, Huadiewu might be considered a rock, but she thought it was the most beautiful rock in the world.

Faced with the two people's distorted behavior, the system said that it hadn't seen it, and now it just wanted to buy a piece of cantaloupe and chew it well to relieve its worries.

While eating, Huadiewu heard cheers not far away, and the dragon boat race had already started.

Su Luoyan knew what Hua Diewu was thinking in her heart, and left under the weeping willow with the boat, the scene outside was displayed in front of her at once.

The river where they are located is too narrow, so there are scattered small boats floating on the river, and the river is open further, which is the home of the dragon boat race.

Dozens of dragon boats are already full of people, and there are nearly 20 people on one dragon boat, and the two sides of these dragon boats are even full of boats.

Those big and small boats are connected end to end, and some children can even jump around and play around in these boats. Some adults want to catch these bratty children and scold them, but the children are like loaches, and they can’t slip. If you slip your hands, you can't catch them at all.

The big men on the exquisitely carved dragon boat roared in unison, and then dozens of dragon boats broke through the water and drove forward. All of a sudden, the sound of cheers, gongs and drums, and orchestral strings can be heard endlessly.

Huadiewu's eyes were full of longing, this was the first time she saw a large-scale human festival, and it was completely different from their monster world.

Hua Diewu raised her head to look at Su Luoyan, seeing the longing and regret in Su Luoyan's eyes, Hua Diewu stuck her head to Su Luoyan's hand that was hanging in the water.

'Luoyan, what's wrong? '

Su Luoyan lowered her head, and said: "I miss my father, I'm worried about his health, and I don't know how he will spend this year's Dragon Boat Festival alone."

Don't worry, Luoyan, uncle will definitely be healthy within three months. '

"Yeah." Su Luoyan smiled.

'Luoyan, do you want to go over and have a look? 'Hua Die Wu asked.

Su Luoyan shook her head, "There are too many boats over there, and our small boat can't get through. I just remembered that when I was a child, even if it was the Duanyang Festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival, my father would go to the sea to fish for pearls, so I sat on the coast and waited for my father. .I always think about what if Dad goes into the sea like everyone else and never comes back. Fortunately, Dad is lucky every time."

Su Luoyan paused for a moment, and continued: "But my father still collapsed because of going to sea all year round. When I was young, I thought about how great it would be if I were a man. I can become an official and change the attitude of pearl divers." situation. But then I found out, I was too naive."

Hua Diewu saw a wry smile on Su Luoyan's face, and she immediately understood what Su Luoyan was thinking.

In the feudal era of ancient times, it was too difficult to fundamentally change certain rules. The princes and grandchildren of the royal family, even the sons of officials, can dominate the ordinary people, such as Liu Yuan.

Su Luoyan's way of dealing with Liu Yuan was to use Xuanyuanlie's power, what an irony.

'Luoyan, I will protect you and stay by your side all the time. '

Hua Diewu spoke very seriously, but when she said such promises with this appearance, it would only make people feel that she was just a simple child who said such words because she was not deeply involved in the world.

Although she knew it was impossible, Su Luoyan couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

"Xiaodie, okay." However, after Su Luoyan finished saying this, she frowned suddenly, feeling that the same scene seemed to have happened a long time ago.

But at that time, she couldn't remember at all.