The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 42: Sand sculpture mermaid sixteen


One person and one fish returned to the previous river after watching the dragon boat race. It was time for them to leave Qingfu City and go to Yong'an City.

There was only one boy on Gu Lingyu's boat, and the others hadn't come back yet. After Su Luoyan glanced at it, she retracted her gaze, and then picked up the pole to push the boat.

Hua Die Wu followed Su Luoyan all the way, the sky soon darkened, and Hua Die Wu should have changed from a fish to a human.

Su Luoyan specially found a hidden place to wait for the sun to set. When the last ray of light disappeared into the sky, Hua Diewu stretched out a shiny arm and was pulled onto the boat by Su Luoyan.

Clothes made of aquatic plants are like those woven from the best silk, with a water-colored green color that complements the skin very well.

Hua Diewu glanced at the shirt on Su Luoyan's body that had been washed to a whitish fluff, and asked the system in her heart if she could change a dress for Su Luoyan.

The system said faintly [If you don't want your Luoyan to disappear, you can try it.]

{! ! ! Um? }

[The clothes you made out of things can last for six hours now, but in fact they can’t last that long. It’s just that you are a thousand-year-old fox demon with strong spiritual power, and the water plants are contaminated with your breath, so the clothes can last longer form.]

After hearing what the system said, Hua Diewu gave up this idea, thinking that it would be more reliable for her to work hard to make money to support Su Luoyan.

"What are you thinking, Xiaodie?"

Hua Diewu immediately came back to her senses, shook her head, and said, "It's nothing. By the way, Luoyan, how many days are we left before we can reach Yong'an City?"

Su Luoyan said: "If there are no accidents on the way, we will reach Yong'an City in five days."

"Yong'an City... I don't know what delicious snacks there are in Yong'an City."

Su Luoyan was dumbfounded by Hua Diewu's words, she couldn't help scratching Hua Diewu's nose, and scolded with a smile: "Why do you only think about eating all day long, little rice bucket."

Hua Diewu yelled intentionally, and then threw herself into Su Luoyan's arms. Smelling Su Luoyan's body with the scent of hibiscus flowers, and thinking of what she did before, she couldn't help but blush.

"When we arrive at Yong'an City, we can go shopping at night and buy whatever we want."

"Hmm." Hua Diewu was not worried at all about how Su Luoyan would get the relic, because the relic could not save Su Linyu at all. This trip is to give the two of them time to cultivate their relationship, and the rest is just incidental.

At this moment, Hua Diewu heard the voices of Gu Lingyu and Gongsun Zhi from a distance. The two seemed to be discussing a poem, and they held different opinions, but the strange thing was that the chat was still very lively, and they didn't have the intention of convincing each other.

The location of their boat was so hidden that Gu Lingyu didn't notice them when the boat passed by.

"They left." Su Luoyan said.

It could be seen that Su Luoyan did not welcome Gu Lingyu and the others. Hua Diewu thought it was good at first, but now Hua Diewu felt something was wrong.

The system thought: You have finally come to terms with it. Your Luoyan hides a delicate attribute, and I wish I could hide you so that no one can see it.

Of course, the system can't tell Hua Die Wu what's in his heart, it can only count on Hua Die Wu to find out by himself.

As a result, Hua Diewu came to a conclusion that it was fine if she couldn't figure it out, anyway, it was pretty good.

The system feels depressed and needs to smoke an electronic cigarette to suppress the shock.


Now it's just nightfall, and the time is still very long, Su Luoyan decided to go for a while before resting.

With the sky full of stars above his head and the slowly flowing river under his feet, Su Luoyan walked forward in the night with a pole on his hands.

Hua Diewu sat on the bedside, holding a lantern in her hand to illuminate a small piece of water in front of Su Luoyan.

Hua Diewu's slender jade-like feet swayed slowly in the water, causing a wave of water. She turned her head to look at Su Luoyan, "Luoyan, let me sing a song for you."

Su Luoyan looked down at Hua Diewu's face, and asked, "I'll fall asleep after listening."

"No, the song I sang before is different from this time."

"Is it the song of your shark race?"

Hua Diewu shook her head and said, "No, it's a song I heard a long time ago. It was taught to me by a human..."

"En." Su Luoyan felt a different feeling in her heart, similar to jealousy, she frowned, and quickly covered up this emotion.

Huadiewu began to sing the song that was deeply buried in her memory. The tune of the song was very simple, and there were only a few melodies back and forth. But such a simple song can inexplicably touch the heartstrings.

While singing Hua Die Wu, she felt her face was a little wet, and when she raised her hand to touch it, she burst into tears.

Why can't I remember it

"Xiaodie, what's wrong with you?" Su Luoyan put down the pole and looked at Huadiewu with a worried expression.

Hua Diewu raised her eyes blankly, the person in front of her eyes became hazy, and some images flashed through her mind.

An inexplicable intuition appeared in Hua Diewu's heart, that the person in front of her was her sweetheart, someone she had forgotten, and she suddenly threw herself into Su Luoyan's arms.

Su Luoyan was caught off guard by Hua Die Wu and staggered, but in the end she held Hua Die Wu firmly in her arms.

"Luoyan, Luoyan..." Hua Diewu kept chanting Su Luoyan's name, as if calling Su Luoyan all the time could calm down the anxiety in her heart.

"I'm here." Su Luoyan patted Hua Diewu's back lightly. Seeing Hua Diewu cry, she felt very uncomfortable.

Hua Diewu hiccupped while crying, her eyes widened, trying to hold back the hiccup, but she couldn't.

"Hi, hiccup... I don't want to hiccup, hiccup!" Hua Diewu wiped the tears on her face indiscriminately.

Su Luoyan was afraid that Hua Diewu's rudeness would hurt herself, so she took out a square cotton kerchief from her bosom, and carefully and gently helped Hua Diewu wipe off the tears on her face.

"It'll be fine in a while."

"Hi, hiccup... hiccup!" Hua Diewu hiccupped in rhythm, and the more she tried to stop, the more she couldn't stop. Hua Diewu felt that it was too embarrassing for her to lose control of her emotions just now, and she didn't want to delay Luoyan's trip because of herself. After all, Luoyan really thought that the relic could win Su Linyu.

While hiccupping, Huadiewu relit the lamp that had just been extinguished, and said to Su Luoyan, "Luoyan hiccup, hiccup, I'm fine, let's go on."

"I'm not in such a hurry, Xiaodie, you can rest for a while." Su Luoyan said. Su Luoyan looked at Hua Diewu's drooping head, and some dark emotions were growing wantonly in her heart, but she forcibly suppressed it.

After about two sticks of incense, Huadiewu slowly stopped hiccupping.

Time passed slowly, and it was almost Haishi.

Su Luoyan stopped the boat at a pier, fixed the boat with ropes, and then went into the boat tent to rest.

Hua Diewu followed Su Luoyan into the boat canopy, and the breathing sounds of the two of them in the small space were exceptionally clear. Hua Diewu opened her eyes wide and looked at Su Luoyan's face in the dark, trying to capture that fleeting moment in her mind.

But unfortunately, Huadiewu still didn't remember anything.

Suddenly Su Luoyan's voice sounded, "Xiaodie, are you still awake?"

Hua Diewu immediately closed her eyes reflexively, and said with a guilty conscience, "I'm going to sleep now."

"Well, good dream."

Hua Diewu's mind was in a mess, and something was about to move, wanting to break out of its shell.

After lying down for a long time, Hua Diewu didn't fall asleep. She opened her eyes and looked at Su Luoyan's face. At this time, Su Luoyan had already fallen asleep.

{System, sisters told me that I have been practicing in the mountains before, and I have never experienced anything. If I lose my memory, I will lose it. There is nothing to care about. But I don't think so, system, how do you think I can recover my original memory? }

[This...] The system couldn't speak, it vaguely knew some information, but it didn't dare to say it, it would be a violation of the rules, so it had to give an ambiguous answer in the end.

[No one can say clearly about this kind of memory, maybe you will remember everything when you wake up one day, right?]

{You're right, I'm going to sleep now. }

[Sleep, you will remember when you should.]

{Um. }

Hua Diewu was not as calm as she appeared in front of the system. She thought a lot, and she didn't know how long it took before she fell asleep.

At dawn, Hua Diewu was woken up by the system. She thought she had slept for a long time, but in fact she only slept for less than an hour.

Before Huadie danced out of the canopy, she glanced at Su Luoyan, Su Luoyan didn't intend to wake up yet. Then Huadiewu lifted the straw curtain and jumped into the water from the bow.

A naive red carp shook off the wilting aquatic plants on its head and swam around in the water.

When the sky was bright, Su Luoyan finally woke up. Su Luoyan who woke up frowned, as if she was thinking about something important.

Su Luoyan sat on the bow of the boat, and didn't immediately eat something as usual and set out on the road.

Hua Die Wu swam in front of Su Luoyan several times before Su Luoyan noticed Hua Die Wu's existence.

"Xiaodie, I had a dream." Su Luoyan bent her legs, leaned sideways on the bow of the boat, and put one hand into the river.

"But I can't remember the content of the dream." Su Luoyan's eyes were rarely stained with confusion, but soon Su Luoyan restrained his emotions, "It's okay if I can't remember, we should go on the road. Xiao Butterfly, what do you want for breakfast?"

Hua Diewu put her body on the back of Su Luoyan's hand, "Eat whatever you have." '

"There are still some plum vegetable shortbread in the package, I'll get it for you to eat."

'it is good. '

The two of them ate something casually and continued on their way. A few days passed like this, and after crossing a lake, they could see Yong'an City.

This lake is called Zezhi Lake and has a huge area. The lakeside is covered with reeds, and the large swathes of reeds block people's sight. If you are not familiar with this area, you will definitely get lost.

Hua Diewu followed Su Luoyan into Zezhi Lake, and found that there were large lotus flowers growing among the reeds.

Zezhi is actually another name for lotus. These lotus flowers grow from the mud, but the flowers that bloom are as bright as moonlight.

Large patches of lotus flowers crowded the water surface, and it was quite difficult for Su Luoyan's boat to move forward in it, and the speed was much slower than before. The water in Zezhi Lake was shallow, and Su Luoyan's boat was often stuck in the mud, and it took a lot of effort to get out.

In order to avoid getting stuck, Su Luoyan punted more carefully. She glanced at the sky, it was already noon, but they didn't even finish one-third of Zezhidian.

"It looks like I'm going to rest here in Zezhidian tonight."