The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 43: Sand sculpture mermaid seventeen


Su Luoyan parked the boat beside a reed field. The one-foot-high reed just blocked part of the scorching sun, and the boat was quite cool.

Huadiewu swims around the boat, waiting for feeding.

Su Luoyan smiled, she folded a lotus pod, tore open the fluffy and porous lotus pod, and squeezed out the full blue lotus seeds inside.

With her slender fingers, she peeled off the cyan shell, and then the translucent white film. Su Luoyan broke open the lotus seeds and removed the lotus heart.

Hua Diewu looked at Su Luoyan's movements curiously, after a while Su Luoyan peeled off the lotus seeds, she looked at Hua Diewu, smiled and said, "Do you want to eat?"

Hua Diewu wanted to nod, but found that she didn't have a neck at all and couldn't nod, so she turned around to indicate that she wanted to eat.

Su Luoyan fed the crispy lotus into Hua Diewu's mouth, and Hua Diewu ate until the fish's eyes lit up.

"Do you still want to eat?" Su Luoyan asked.

Hua Diewu flicked the tail of the fish, indicating that she still wanted to eat.

Then Su Luoyan sat on the bow of the boat and slowly peeled the lotus seeds for Hua Diewu. She didn't even eat a few of them. After feeding Hua Diewu, Su Luoyan started to eat by herself.

After eating, they didn't go on the road immediately, but avoided the sun when it was the biggest. The afternoon passed quickly, but their boat was still in Zezhidian, and it was expected to leave Zezhidian as soon as possible. Have to wait until tomorrow.

Zezhi Lake is really too big and muddy, and it is easy to sink into it and be drowned by the lake water. Although there are a lot of beautiful lotus flowers growing here, few people come here at night.

Su Luoyan, who had taken a good bath for many days, decided to take a bath in Zezhi Lake, because they were all women, so Su Luoyan did not deliberately hide from Huadiewu.

However, Hua Diewu, a good-for-nothing, actually hid behind a piece of lotus. She was shy so she didn't dare to look at Su Luoyan, but she felt itchy, so she looked at Su Luoyan half-covered.

The Su Luoyan in this world doesn't have those ugly scars, flat shoulders, thin waist, big breasts, buttocks... Hua Diewu touched her breasts subconsciously, but she still felt that Su Luoyan's breasts looked better.

Su Luoyan broke off a lotus leaf, poured a handful of water on her body. The crystal drops of water slid down from Su Luoyan's white and smooth back, Su Luoyan's throat couldn't help but move, she quickly turned around, and held her hot cheeks with her hands.

Hua Die Wu wanted to talk to the system, but the system went to sleep very well, leaving room for Hua Die Wu and Su Luoyan.

At this moment, Su Luoyan's voice came over, "Xiaodie, can you wipe my back for me?"

"Ah?" Hua Diewu turned her head in a daze, and the scenery on Su Luoyan's chest immediately caught her eyes.

Some warm liquid flowed out of her nasal cavity, Hua Diewu subconsciously reached out to touch it, and found that she had a nosebleed.

Seeing Hua Die Wu's nosebleed, Su Luoyan immediately swam over. She looked at Hua Die Wu with a worried face, and told Hua Die Wu to quickly raise her head.

Hua Diewu was almost crying by herself, her little brain was running fast, thinking about how to explain her nosebleed later.

Su Luoyan frowned and said: "Xiaodie, it's all my fault. I feed you everything I bought, and I never thought about whether you would get angry. Next time, I'll pay more attention. Fortunately, at noon Keep the lotus seeds you picked out. You will eat some later, Xiaodie, so you can get angry."

With two tears in her eyes, Hua Diewu accepted the reason given by Su Luoyan. Otherwise, what else can we do? Said that he was actually on the evil fire

It's just a lotus seed heart, just eat it. Hua Diewu thought optimistically, at this time she still doesn't understand the power of Lianzixin.

Su Luoyan picked up water and wiped Hua Diewu's face, and soon the nosebleed on Hua Diewu's face was wiped clean.

Hua Diewu remembered what Su Luoyan said to herself before she had a nosebleed, and she asked: "Luoyan, do you want me to wipe your back?"

"En." Su Luoyan handed Hua Diewu a cotton towel, then turned her body, with her back facing Hua Diewu.

Hua Diewu took the cotton towel and wiped it distractedly, and wiped it on her own hands. She secretly sighed in her heart how smooth it was, but she was so cowardly that she dared not do anything.

In fact, Hua Diewu also wanted to help Su Luoyan rub [Xiangli]'s chest, obviously this is not realistic at all. First of all, it was too irritating for her, and she might get a nosebleed. Secondly, Su Luoyan could wash it by herself, so of course she wouldn't ask others.

So to help Su Luoyan wash her breasts, Hua Diewu can only think about it in her mind.

Soon Su Luoyan finished washing and was about to get on the boat and get dressed, Hua Diewu felt a little disappointed, but soon she didn't feel lost because she was about to eat lotus seed hearts.

Hua Diewu happily took the lotus leaf containing the lotus seed heart, and after taking a bite, her face collapsed immediately.

Why is there such unpalatable food in the world? Just one mouthful of Hua Die Wu makes me feel that the whole fox has this taste.

In order not to taste this suffocating taste anymore, Hua Diewu decided to discuss with Su Luoyan.

"Luoyan, can I stop eating? This taste is too bitter." Hua Diewu's beautiful face wrinkled into a bun.

Seeing Hua Die Wu's expression, Su Luoyan was actually a little soft-hearted, but after thinking about it, she couldn't get too used to Hua Die Wu, because it would not be good for Hua Die Wu's health.

So Su Luoyan hardened her heart and said, "No, eat it well, I won't buy those angry foods for you tomorrow."

Hua Diewu drooped her head, and finally ate all the lotus seed hearts aggrieved. After eating, even hiccups would have a bitter taste. Hua Diewu felt that if she was a plant, she would have withered by now.

After Hua Die Wu finished eating, Su Luoyan touched Hua Die Wu's head, and asked: "How do you feel? Just in case, Xiao Die, you'd better eat some light food for five or six days. It’s better to eat less fried food.”

"I feel like I won't have nosebleeds anymore, Luoyan, can I still eat as usual after eating lotus seed hearts? I especially like plum vegetable shortbread." Hua Diewu cried inwardly, the consequences of nosebleeds are really real It's too scary. It's too painful to eat lotus seed heart, but you can't eat those fried and roasted foods, so she chooses to refuse.

However, Su Luoyan shook her head firmly, "No, be good, Xiaodie is obedient."

Hua Diewu sadly pulled off a lotus pod, and unhappily peeled off the lotus seeds for herself. Of course, Lian Zixin was ruthlessly thrown away by Hua Diewu, and after only throwing away two Lian Zixins, Hua Diewu was reluctant to throw them away.

She put the picked out lotus seed hearts on a lotus leaf, Su Luoyan looked at it and asked with a smile: "Xiaodie, don't you hate the smell of lotus seed hearts?"

Hua Diewu picked out another lotus seed heart, she said: "The lotus seed heart can be sold for money, I will pick lotus pods tonight, and make money to support you."

Su Luoyan couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, "Just pick some casually, and rest when you're tired."

"I'm not tired, I'm very energetic now." After Hua Diewu finished speaking, she jumped into the water, and after a while she came back with a dozen lotus pods in her arms.

"Look, Luoyan, I'm very fast."

Su Luoyan picked up a lotus pod and tore it open. While peeling the lotus seeds, she said: "These look like a lot, but if you eat them, Xiaodie, there shouldn't be much left."

Hua Diewu blushed, and stammered as she wanted to explain, but she couldn't deny that what Su Luoyan said was the truth.

Su Luoyan saw that Hua Diewu reacted so strongly, she chuckled, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. The lotus pods in this area are almost picked, let's look forward."

"Yeah." Huadiewu nodded.

Su Luoyan picked up the pole and started to punting the boat. The boat moved forward under the moonlight. The bow of the boat overwhelms the densely growing lotus leaves on both sides, and the water murmurs in the silent night.

Huadiewu was swimming in the water, and when she reached a certain place, she broke off a lotus pod. After breaking off a lotus pod, Hua Diewu accidentally caught a glimpse of a lotus flower, which was so beautiful in the moonlight and water.

Hua Diewu didn't continue picking lotus pods, but picked this lotus.

The boat was not far away, Hua Diewu held the flowers and sent them to Su Luoyan as if offering treasures.

"Luoyan, here it is for you." Hua Diewu smiled brilliantly.

Su Luoyan was slightly startled when she saw Hua Diewu's smile, and then she bore the lotus flower that Hua Diewu handed over.

Su Luoyan put the lotus flower on her nose, and her breath was filled with the fragrance of the lotus flower. She raised her head and smiled at Hua Diewu, saying: "I like it very much."

Hua Diewu scratched her head foolishly, and said that she would pick a few more flowers, but was stopped by Su Luoyan.

"One is enough, let the other flowers continue to bloom."

"Okay." Huadiewu smiled and nodded.

Su Luoyan put down the lotus and picked up the pole. It's still early now, so we can go on our way.

Sometimes when the boat is difficult to move forward, Hua Diewu will stretch out her hand and push it. The night sky is filled with stars, and insects and frogs are screaming one after another.

It was late at night, and Su Luoyan lay down to rest for a while when she was tired, but unexpectedly fell asleep directly. Hua Diewu came out of the water. After boarding the boat, she steamed the clothes on her body with black magic, and then conjured up a big tail to cover Su Luoyan.

The night was dark and dew heavy, if Su Luoyan slept like this all night, she would definitely get sick the next day, and Hua Diewu would certainly not make Su Luoyan sick and uncomfortable. Because Huadiewu used her tail as a quilt for Su Luoyan, so the two were very close.

Hua Diewu used the moonlight to describe Su Luoyan's face with her eyes, she always felt that she had seen Su Luoyan somewhere before.

It's not because Su Luoyan looks the same in this world as she said before, but because she has already met Su Luoyan before accepting this strategy mission.

Perhaps in the memory that she disappeared, she once saw a person who was very similar to Su Luoyan. Does this mean that she and Luo Yan are destined

Hua Diewu slowly approached Su Luoyan's face, and lightly pecked Su Luoyan's lips. She really likes Luoyan, but once the strategy is completed, she will leave this world.

She had a premonition that she would meet Luoyan again in the next world. As long as she thought about it, her heart was filled with hope, and she didn't feel sad.

If the system exists now, it will be very gratifying. Its host is finally about to realize the truth. Unfortunately, the system has been dormant at this time and does not know about it.

The butterfly danced its tail, covered Su Luoyan's exposed shoulders, then hugged Su Luoyan's body, and slowly entered the dreamland as the boat swayed.