The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 44: Sand sculpture mermaid eighteen


Before the sun was bright, Huadiewu immediately retracted her tail and jumped into the water.

The sound of splashing water woke up Su Luoyan, she scooped up a handful of water to wash her face, and then took out the dry food from the bag. If they didn't leave Zezhidian today, they would run out of food, so Su Luoyan ate very quickly. After she finished eating, she began to feed Hua Die Wu. Hua Die Wu was very sensible to eat to show that she was full.

She's actually far from full, but she's fine if she doesn't eat, so it's not a big deal.

Finally, the two left Zezhidian before dark, and then entered Yong'an City. Fortunately, Yong'an City is a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are many rivers and ditches everywhere, which greatly facilitates Huadiewu, a special mermaid.

After it was completely dark, Hua Diewu found a hidden place and boarded the boat. Su Luoyan rummaged through the baggage and found that there was nothing to eat, so she brought Hua Die Wu ashore.

Before going ashore, the two of them disguised themselves a bit, and put on the inferior rouge that Su Luoyan bought in a small town. Their faces were flushed and looked very simple. Su Luoyan also took out two large flower scarves The mask wrapped Hua Diewu's black and beautiful hair.

After finishing these for Huadiewu, Su Luoyan also 'dressed up' herself in the same way. Hua Diewu watched Su Luoyan transform from a cold-tempered girl into a rustic and clumsy peasant woman. She suppressed her laughter at first, but the more she watched, the more she wanted to laugh, and finally she couldn't hold back.

"Hahahaha! Luoyan, your appearance is too different from usual!" Hua Diewu held her stomach and staggered, laughing out of tears.

Su Luoyan smiled and shook her head, she tapped Hua Die Wu's forehead with her fingers, and said: "Don't smile so happily, Xiao Die, you are exactly like me now."

"Ah?" Huadiewu was stunned for a moment.

Su Luoyan said: "Look at yourself in the water."

Hearing this, Hua Diewu looked at the water surface, and saw herself reflected in the water by the moonlight. No matter how you look at it, the person in the water is an ordinary little peasant woman, and she even looks a little silly.

"Ah! It's amazing." Hua Diewu touched her face, then her hair, and finally turned her head to look at Su Luoyan, and sighed: "Luoyan, you are too powerful, I have changed look."

Su Luoyan shook her head with a smile, then picked up the pole to push the boat, and then tied the boat to the stake at Hebutou.

Hua Diewu followed Su Luoyan to the shore. Before, she was concealed but attracted people's attention. Now that she showed her face openly, she lost some curious gazes.

Hua Diewu doesn't care at all that she is not beautiful now, as long as she stays by Su Luoyan's side, she will be very happy.

Su Luoyan said that she was going to inquire about the news, she chose a simple tea shop to sit down, and then ordered some snacks.

Xiao Er warmly greeted her, and soon brought a plate of shredded radish pickled in sauce, a plate of fried peanuts, a plate of cold lotus root slices, and a pot of tea. She thinks that Su Luoyan is very suitable to be a daughter-in-law, and she will definitely be a good housekeeper in the future.

And the system gnawed on the pumpkin silently, this time it really gnawed, because the pumpkin was very hard. And why does the system eat pumpkins? Because it felt that its host was hopeless, it wanted to gnaw on a pumpkin to calm itself down.

It was the first time for Hua Diewu to eat peanuts, and she ate with relish, completely forgetting the purpose of the two of them coming to this tea shop.

Su Luoyan poured herself a cup of tea, her eyes were on the door of the tea shop, her ears were quietly listening to the people around her.

This kind of seemingly simple tea shop is actually better than those tea houses to inquire about the news.

Hua Diewu ate and ate and finally remembered that they came to inquire about the news. She took a sip of tea, and just when she was about to ask Su Luoyan how to inquire about the news, she heard Su Luoyan say that she was leaving.

"Eh? Why are you leaving?"

"I've heard what I want to hear, so I can go. Xiaodie, what do you want to eat tonight."

Hua Diewu thought for a while, then shook her head, she didn't know what to eat at night.

"I just heard someone say that there is a good noodle shop nearby, why don't we try it?"

"Okay." Hua Diewu didn't forget to eat the unfinished peanuts when she left the tea shop.

Yong'an City is much bigger than Qingfu City, and it's already night, but the bustle remains the same during the day.

At this moment, a gorgeously decorated carriage rolls over, and the front and back are full of guards in black clothes riding tall horses, and the people in front yell to get out of the way.

There was a child with no adults around him, and with short hands and feet, he couldn't dodge for a while. Hua Diewu subconsciously wanted to hug the child to avoid the carriage, but Su Luoyan took the child away first.

The child was out of danger before he realized what had happened in a daze. Su Luoyan patted the child's head and said to be careful next time.

Hua Diewu turned her head and glanced at the carriage, the curtain of the carriage was embroidered with the logo of the Prince's Mansion, and it seemed that the person sitting in the carriage should be Xuanyuan Lie. When the things inside turned into reality, some things were not as beautiful as imagined.

In it, Xuanyuan Lie is unmatched in terms of power and skill. He held great power at a young age and became the uncompromising prince of the Yan Kingdom.

However, the superior will never care about the people below, and human life may not even be as good as a dog in his eyes. Hua Diewu shook her head and sighed, and then the two entered the alley together.

The two turned around in the alley, and they found the noodle shop. In fact, it is not difficult to find, you can find it quickly by following the scent.

The noodle stalls are full of business, most of them are ordinary people who just got off work. I heard that the couple who sell the noodles are from the Northwest. They are warm-hearted, and the noodles they sell are cheap and delicious, so they are very popular.

After the two sat down, they ordered two bowls of noodles. Inside the bowls were tender yellow eggs, oily fungus, and green garlic sprouts. Hua Diewu turned over the thin noodles with chopsticks, and saw the day lily and small pieces of tofu.

The noodles are very fragrant, and it tastes even more delicious. There is no minced meat in it, but you can taste the meat. I heard that the noodle soup is boiled with meat bones. The meat bones are cheap, and the soup is also delicious and rich.

Soon Hua Diewu ate a bowl of noodles in a hurry, and a bowl could not fill Hua Diewu's stomach at all. She licked her lips and asked Su Luoyan if she could have another bowl.

Su Luoyan naturally wouldn't starve Hua Diewu, so she ordered another bowl of Xaozi noodles.

A bowl of noodles costs only three Wen. The biggest disadvantage is that there is no meat. But it is precisely because there is no meat that it can be sold so cheaply. If there is real meat, these ordinary people may not be willing to eat it.

While eating, Hua Die Wu's movements slowed down because she remembered what happened just now. This Yong'an City seems to be prosperous, but under this prosperity, there is too much sadness hidden.

The wealth of Yong'an City is said to be second only to the capital city of Yan State, but the common people here eat simmered rice noodle worth three Wen, and the sew thread used by the princes and nobles may be enough for an ordinary family to spend a year.

In it, everything is done to describe the luxurious life of the clan prince's mansion, it seems that the creator himself yearns for such a life very much. But Hua Diewu couldn't agree with the author's idea. After losing so much, she finally married into the clan's palace and became a princess in a humble way. Is this really happy

Hua Diewu subconsciously looked at Su Luoyan, and Su Luoyan looked at the busy noodle seller couple with yearning in her eyes. Hua Diewu even forgot about eating noodles, she quietly observed Su Luoyan's expression.

"Luoyan, are you envious?" Huadiewu asked.

When Su Luoyan heard Hua Diewu's voice, she withdrew her eyes and said with a smile: "Well, in the future, I also want to open a small stall and live such an ordinary and busy life."

"Luoyan, I will accompany you." Hua Diewu smiled at Su Luoyan.

But Su Luoyan just shook her head with a smile, and didn't say yes or no. The reason why Su Luoyan sighed in this way was because of her appearance.

Most of what beauty brings to women is trouble, and Su Luoyan doesn't know how many troubles she has encountered because of her appearance. If given a choice, Su Luoyan would rather be an ordinary-looking woman. In fact, Su Luoyan also thought about ruining her face, but in his father's view, if her appearance was ruined, then the rest of her life would be ruined, and he would not be at ease even if she died.

Su Luoyan doesn't yearn for those glory and wealth, she is a very contented person. She is very satisfied to take good care of her father, and the family is fed and clothed, even if it is a little hard work.

Seeing that Su Luoyan didn't respond, Hua Diewu lowered her head and ate noodles silently.

[Host, have you thought about what you are leaving.]

{Well, I am not the one who stays with Luoyan, there are still a little over two months, it always feels too short, maybe it will pass in the blink of an eye. }

The system didn't speak, because it was afraid that it would accidentally slip up when it opened its mouth.

The two of them killed some time in the street again, and then returned to the boat.

After a night of no dreams, the morning light was twilight, and Hua Diewu jumped into the river before dawn.

Then one person and one fish set off to Chenxiang Temple. There are many waterways in Yong'an City. Luoji Mountain where Chenxiang Temple is located is the source of Pingchuan River. There are many small rivers and streams on the mountain, and many small tributaries flow directly into the canal.

Although Chenxiang Temple is located in Yong'an City, it is located in a remote and confinement place, deep in the mountains. There is no sign along the way. If you want to find Chenxiang Temple, you really have to rely on some luck, which is what everyone calls fate.

Su Luoyan has an amazing memory and is good at inquiring about information. From the fragmentary information, she probably guessed the approximate location of Chenxiang Temple.

Everyone thought that the mysterious and solemn Chenxiang Temple in the legend should be on the top of the mountain surrounded by clouds and mist, but most of the people who went to the top of the mountain always returned without success.

It is said that a large area of agarwood grows around the Chenxiang Temple, but the agarwood does not grow too high, so the Chenxiang Temple should be in the middle of the mountain or on the mountainside, not the top of the mountain. However, the terrain in Luoji Mountain is complicated, and it is very easy to get lost. Most people who found Chenxiang Temple just stumbled into it by mistake, so not many people know the exact location of Chenxiang Temple.

Su Luoyan rowed a boat to the foot of Luoji Mountain. Although there were many rivers and creeks on the mountain, they were not suitable for punting. Su Luoyan abandoned the boat, put the burden on her body, and fastened the boat.

There was a thatched hut at the pier where the boat was tied, and there lived an old man who was over seventy years old. Su Luoyan gave him some money and asked him to watch the boat for him.

Su Luoyan also specially prepared a fish basket. As soon as she put the fish basket into the water, Hua Diewu swam in very obediently.

Because the fish basket couldn't hold water, Su Luoyan was afraid that the flower butterfly dance would be uncomfortable, so she walked into Luoji Mountain with the wind blowing under her feet.

After entering the mountain, Su Luoyan put Hua Die Wu into the creek, and Hua Die Wu breathed a sigh of relief after returning to the water, then plunged into the water and swam happily.

"Xiaodie, we are almost at Chenxiang Temple." Su Luoyan squatted by the stream and watched Huadiewu.

Hua Diewu patted the water surface with her tail, sparking little splashes, expressing her happiness.

Su Luoyan smiled, she stretched her hand into the stream, and Hua Diewu immediately stuck to it.

"Luoyan, I know where Chenxiang Temple is, follow me and you will find Chenxiang Temple soon." '

"Okay, I'll follow you." After speaking, Su Luoyan touched Hua Diewu's little fish's head, and then stood up.

In her mind, the system had already marked the nearest waterway to Chenxiang Temple for Hua Die Wu, and Su Luoyan followed Hua Die Wu along the stream.

The waterway is very easy for Hua Diewu, but Su Luoyan can only walk on the mountain road. What about mountain roads, many places are not roads at all. Hua Diewu was afraid that Su Luoyan would be too tired, so she specially slowed down.