The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 45: Sand sculpture mermaid nineteen


Passing through a small area of bushes, Su Luoyan finally saw the ancient temple hidden behind the thick agarwood.

It's not dark yet, Hua Diewu can't turn into a human for the time being, and it's hard for Su Luoyan to go in with a fish in his arms.

Su Luoyan thought about it, and decided to let Hua Diewu stay outside for the time being. She went to check the situation first, and then made a decision. After getting Huadiewu's consent, Su Luoyan walked towards the mountain gate of Chenxiang Temple.

The mountain gate is also known as the three gates, which are the empty gate, the Wuxiang gate and the Wuzuo gate. Su Luoyan walked into the Mountain Gate Hall, where there were two majestic and majestic King Kong statues, both wearing crowns, showing anger, with one mouth angry and the other closed.

Sandalwood was burning in the Shanmen Hall, and some red lights flickered, and a row of candles were lit on the incense table, and the light from the candles just illuminated the faces of the two Vajras. Those vajra staring eyes give people the illusion of being peeped into the heart by a god. If you are timid or have done something wrong, you will be scared to death.

Su Luoyan was not frightened by the King Kong in the gate hall, she walked in with a calm face, and saw a sweeping monk.

"Hello, almsgiver." The sweeping monk saluted with one hand and smiled.

Su Luoyan nodded slightly, and said that she was going to burn incense and worship Buddha.

"Almsgiver, please come with me." The sweeping monk leaned the broom under the tree, and then made a gesture of invitation to Su Luoyan.

Su Luoyan nodded, and then followed the sweeping monk to the depths of the temple.

Led by the sweeping monk, Su Luoyan came to the main hall of the temple.

There is a huge bronze incense burner right in front of the Daxiong Hall, and the abbot Master Shi Yun is cleaning the incense ash in the incense burner with an incense ash shovel. Master Shi Yun is about fifty years old, with a kind face, holding a Buddhist bead, and chanting Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Su Luoyan looked at Shang Shiyun's eyes, those eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, encompassing everything, and being merciful. As if nothing in the world could shake his mind, looking into Master Shi Yun's eyes, the little anxiety in Su Luoyan's heart calmed down.

Su Luoyan greeted Master Shi Yun politely, and Master Shi Yun nodded with a smile.

Su Luoyan walked towards the entrance of the main hall. The main hall was brightly lit, filled with candles of all sizes, filled with the smell of sandalwood, and directly in front of it was the statue of Shakyamuni Buddha.

Su Luoyan knelt on the futon, she took out a few sticks of incense and lit them with a candle.

Holding the incense and prostrating three times, Su Luoyan inserted the incense into the incense burner, and when she raised her head, she saw that the Buddha statue was obviously dead, but Su Luoyan could see compassion, even a trace of pity from it.

She blinked, the Buddha statue was just an ordinary Buddha statue, it was just her illusion. However, there was something strange in Su Luoyan's heart, she did not believe in Buddhism before.

If there is a Buddha in the world, why doesn't the Buddha open his eyes to see how many people in this world are still struggling to make a living, and how many people have lost their self-esteem and lost their lives under the pressure of the rich and powerful.

If she was unlucky, she might have been taken to bed by Liu Yuan long ago, and her life would be ruined.

Although she doesn't believe in Buddhism, Su Luoyan still worships Buddha seriously. Maybe there really is a Buddha in this world.

After worshiping the Buddha, Su Luoyan went out of the main hall, just in time to meet the abbot and another eminent monk.

The eminent monk originally regarded Su Luoyan as an ordinary pilgrim, but after Su Luoyan approached, the eminent monk Shi Hui's eyes on Su Luoyan changed, "It's actually a fairy bone!"

Master Shi Yun next to him laughed and shook his head, "Shi Hui, you haven't been so excited for many years."

Although Shi Hui has the word Hui in his name, he is not as intelligent as Shi Yun, and far less calm than Shi Yun. This is why the status of abbot will be passed on to Shi Yun.

In fact, Shi Yun saw Su Luoyan's specialness from the very first moment he saw Su Luoyan. If his own level was not good enough, he might only be able to see Su Luoyan's superficial fate, being humble and wandering, suffering all his life.

But an eminent monk at the level of Shi Yun and Shi Hui can see things at a deeper level. Su Luoyan was favored by heaven, and there was a faint auspiciousness surrounding her body, perhaps she was the reincarnation of a certain great immortal.

Su Luoyan's fate is special, and she is loved by the heavens. If she can spend a few years in Chenxiang Temple, Chenxiang Temple will also be affected by the luck of the heavens.

But Shi Yun believes that everything in the world has a cause and effect, and what should happen will happen sooner or later, and there is no need to force what will not happen, just let nature take its course.

Shi Hui is different from Shi Yun, he has not yet reached Shi Yun's state of mind. In his opinion, it was a good thing for Su Luoyan to stay.

"Brother, you know, Shi Hui is only thinking about Chenxiang Temple. Besides, this benefactor's secular entanglements may harm her life." Shi Hui was talking about the entanglement between Su Luoyan and Xuanyuan Lie, but it is a pity that Shi Hui is not as good as Shi Yun still didn't really see through.

Shi Yun sighed and said, "Shi Hui, you are narrow-minded."

As soon as this remark came out, Shi Hui immediately shut his mouth. He slowly regained his composure from the surprise just now, and Shi Hui saluted Su Luoyan with one hand, "The benefactor is sorry, the poor monk was rude."

Su Luoyan shook her head, said that she didn't take it seriously, and asked: "It's getting late, may I ask the abbot, can the little girl stay in the temple for a night?"

Shi Hui smiled and said, "It's all right, but the benefactor should have a friend waiting outside the temple, let's bring them in together."

Su Luoyan's eyes flickered, she looked up at the sky, it was almost dark, and Hua Diewu would soon return to her human form.

"The benefactor first goes to the squatter room with Cunhuang to store the luggage, and then go do what you want to do." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Su Luoyan nodded, and then followed the sweeping monk Cun Huang away. Su Luoyan was not afraid that she would be in danger in this Chenxiang Temple full of men, Su Luoyan was very accurate at seeing people.

And she felt that there would be no problem even if Hua Die Wu's identity was revealed here, but out of caution, Su Luoyan would not easily reveal Hua Die Wu's identity.

After putting away the burden, Su Luoyan went out of the mountain gate to pick up Hua Die Wu according to her memory. As soon as she left the mountain gate, the sky darkened, and Hua Die Wu sat by the stream.

"Xiaodie, I'm here to pick you up."

Hua Diewu raised her head, and her eyes lit up the moment she saw Su Luoyan, those eyes seemed to be filled with starlight, and there was only Su Luoyan in her eyes, and she couldn't tolerate anything else.

Su Luoyan looked at Hua Diewu's body flying towards her, she opened her arms, and the moment Hua Diewu threw herself into her arms, it was like a fluttering butterfly landed on the tip of her heart.

"Luoyan, what are you going to do next?" Hua Diewu raised her head in Su Luoyan's arms.

Su Luoyan helped Hua Diewu straighten her temples, and said: "Let's stay here in Chenxiang Temple for a few days now, if the abbot is willing to present relics as a gift, then there is no need to worry about it, but if not, then I can only think of other ways .”

Just now, Hua Diewu saw all the pictures on Su Luoyan's side, and Hua Diewu felt that if she told the abbot the truth, the abbot would probably send the relics away.

Monks are merciful, and Master Shiyun is the kind of person who would send relics out to save lives. According to the information given by the system, during the famine two years ago, Master Shi Yun, the abbot of Chenxiang Temple, took out most of the food and sesame oil money in the temple, saving the lives of many people.

"Luoyan, I will work with you to find a solution. Believe me, uncle will be able to live a good life." Hua Diewu held Su Luoyan's hand comfortingly.

Su Luoyan felt Hua Diewu's movements, she smiled slightly, and a warm feeling surged in her heart, "Well, let's go in."

Su Luoyan took Hua Diewu to the hut. The hut of Chenxiang Temple could not be said to be simple, but it was not a little bit luxurious.

A canopy bed, one or two cabinets, a small table and a few small stools, nothing else. There seemed to be people in the room, sandalwood was burning in the corner, and the whole room was filled with a faint fragrance.

After looking at the room, Hua Diewu went to the courtyard. There was a small pond in the courtyard. Several lotus flowers were blooming in the pond, and patches of blue duckweed were floating on the water.

"Tomorrow morning will be convenient." Hua Diewu saw that the lotus in the water seemed to be different from the ones she had seen in Zezhi Lake before, so she couldn't help walking forward, wanting to take a closer look at the lotus.

Taking a closer look, Hua Diewu found that the white lotus was pale gold, but it was just far away, so it looked white at first glance, and she didn't know what kind of lotus it was.

The two looked at the lotus by the small pond for a while, and not long after, a monk came to bring them a vegetarian meal. There are actually two servings of the vegetarian meal, as if the person who ordered the meal to deliver the meal had already known that there would be one more person.

The vegetarian food is naturally full of vegetarian dishes, but even if there is no meat at all, the taste of the vegetarian food is very delicious and refreshing, but it is a pity that there are too few for Hua Diewu.

After dinner, the two of them had nothing to do and sat in the yard to enjoy the cool air. It was already May, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. However, the temperature in the mountains was much lower than outside, especially in the Chenxiang Temple.

Not only is the temperature lower in Chenxiang Temple, but there are not many mosquitoes. Sitting under the bodhi tree, beside the bushes, and there is a pool not far away, the two of them still did not see a single mosquito.

The two of them have been spending time on the water these days, rushing to travel whenever they have time. This was the first time they rested on the ground overnight in half a month, and Hua Die Wu felt like a dream.

The two sat under the tree and chatted a lot, but this time it was Su Luoyan who talked more. Su Luoyan is not good at talking, but she has been telling stories to Hua Diewu.

The story tells the past and the future are nothing more than that, the spirit beast repays favor, but is used by human beings in reverse, and finally ends up in a miserable end. If anyone survives, they must be smart enough not to come into contact with humans.

After hearing the two stories, how could Hua Diewu not understand what Su Luoyan meant, Su Luoyan was afraid that she would be cheated in the future. Hua Diewu originally wanted to tell Su Luoyan that she was not as innocent as she thought, and would not be so easily deceived.

But she also wanted to hear Su Luoyan's voice, so she didn't talk about it, but continued to quietly listen to Su Luoyan telling herself stories. Occasionally, Su Luoyan asked Hua Diewu if she understood the truth of the story, and she nodded hurriedly, saying that she understood.

However, Su Luoyan would smile and shake her head every time at this time, saying that Hua Diewu still didn't understand.

Hua Diewu really didn't understand this time, why Su Luoyan always felt that she didn't understand.

The night breeze was cool, and the insects in the grass kept buzzing. Occasionally, there were a few fireflies dancing by the water, and Su Luoyan's moving voice like flowing water rang in his ears. Hua Diewu actually fell asleep after listening to it.

Little by little, the eyelids were tightly glued together, and there was no intention of opening them.

Just when Hua Diewu's center of gravity was unstable and she was about to pounce forward, Su Luoyan wrapped her arms around Hua Diewu's upper body, she smiled helplessly, and pulled Hua Diewu's body into her arms.

Hua Diewu, who was already asleep, did not see the gentle and affectionate expression on Su Luoyan's face.