The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 48: Sand sculpture mermaid twenty-two


After Su Luoyan came out of the meditation room, she went straight back to the small courtyard of the hut and found Huadiewu.

Just now Su Luoyan went to tell Master Shi Yun about the relics, what made Su Luoyan a little puzzled was that when she asked the relics to save people, Master Shi Yun's expression was surprised for a moment, but he soon returned to normal.

Shi Yun finally agreed to Su Luoyan's request, but he had one requirement, that is, Su Luoyan must temporarily stay in Chenxiang Temple for one month. Su Luoyan calculated the time and agreed when he thought it was too late.

Su Luoyan told Hua Die Wu about these things when she came back. Hua Die Wu had seen the picture in the system a long time ago, and she could see that Master Shi Yun should know something and was lying for her.

"Luoyan, I don't think it's a problem for us to live here for a month, and we can still get relics." Master Shi Yun is really kind, I think he will become a Buddha in the future. '

Su Luoyan thought of Master Shi Yun's open-minded and free-spirited appearance, and said: "Yes, I thought that Master Shi Yun would not give me the relic easily. After all, I heard that the first relic was given to the Queen Mother Such a person. I asked him, and he said that all living beings are equal, and saving people does not depend on rich or poor."

'Yes, Master Shi Yun is right. '

Su Luoyan gently stroked Hua Diewu's Xiaoyu's head, and said: "Xiaodie, can you dream of Master Shiyun's future? Can he really become a Buddha? Such a good person should be rewarded."

When answering this question, Hua Diewu hesitated, because she didn't have the ability to predict the future at all, and the 'prediction' she showed in front of Su Luoyan was all because she saw it.

Although she didn't know the answer to the question, Hua Diewu felt that Master Shi Yun would definitely become a Buddha, so Hua Diewu replied: 'Yes. '

"That's good." Su Luoyan said.

Another day passed by like this, and Su Luoyan's favorability for Hua Diewu has already improved to 93, the system is a little impatient, but it sounds unreliable to engage in sex, seduction, flinging and hugging in an important place of Buddhism. So the system didn't urge Hua Diewu, but let the two slowly develop their relationship.

I don’t know if it’s because there is something special about Chenxiang Temple. The time it takes for Huadiewu to become a human has become longer, and she can still maintain her human form after the sky is bright, but if the time is longer, she still has to return to the water. inner.

This morning Gongsun Zhi went to the Buddha Hall to ask for a lottery as usual, and they came back very early.

In the small pond, Hua Diewu heard the joyful voice of Xiao Ling, the maid beside Gongsun Zhi.

"Miss, it's Daji! It's really great, we can go back." Xiaoling is the kind who completely writes joy on her face.

Gongsun Zhi was also very happy in her heart, but she was not dazzled by joy.

"Xiaoling, how can we be like us, who stay here with shamelessness if we can't get a good lottery, and leave immediately when we get a good lottery? This is the good luck that the Buddha gave us, shouldn't we stay for a few more days, sincerely thank you Does the Buddha thank the abbot, Master Shi Yun?"

Xiaoling slapped her head, thinking that she had misunderstood, "Miss is right, it's all Xiaoling's stupidity, it should be like this."

Gongsun Zhi pursed her lips and smiled, feeling quite good.

All these were heard by Hua Diewu, and she was a little curious about how Master Shi Yun would help Gongsun Zhi.

It was near dusk, someone from outside the mountain came in with a letter, the letter was for Xuanyuanlie.

Xuanyuan Lie's face changed slightly after reading the letter, and he didn't know what was written in the letter. After Xuanyuan Lie burned the letter, he decided to leave Chenxiang Temple tomorrow. It was too late today and it was not appropriate to leave.

Before leaving, Xuanyuanlie forcefully sent someone to ask Gongsun Zhi's birthday horoscope, and then specially asked Master Shi Yun to help him read the horoscope.

Xuanyuan Lie was getting irritable because of the little emperor's affairs, he urgently needed to do something to vent his emotions, for example, to get the woman he wanted, whether the other party wanted it or not.

Master Shi Yun helped Xuanyuanlie and Gongsun Zhi to measure their horoscopes, and the result was that they were incompatible, not only incompatible, but also incompatible. If they were forced to be together, there would be bloodshed.

Shi Hui's eyelids twitched when he heard that, feeling bad. It doesn't matter whether Xuanyuan Lie's horoscope really matches or not, the important thing is that he listens to good words, and Shi Yun just hit Xuanyuan Lie's muzzle.

Xuanyuan Lie sneered, looking at Shi Yun with extremely unfriendly eyes.

Before Shi Yun asked Su Luoyan to stay in Chenxiang Temple for a month, Shi Hui thought that her senior brother had finally become less "desireless", but now it seems that he was overthinking.

Shi Hui looked at Shi Yun's face with a little panic, Xuanyuan Lie and Gongsun Zhi's horoscopes are obviously very serious, why did his brother lie


Shi Yun raised his hand to stop Shi Hui's actions.

"Since Master Shi Yun said so, should I take Gongsun Zhi as my concubine or not?" Xuanyuanlie asked, but in fact he had already thought about everything in his heart.

How could Shi Yun fail to see Xuanyuanlie's thoughts? But he is not afraid of power, and in his eyes all living beings are the same. He would not be reluctant to part with the relic because Su Luoyan's father was a commoner, nor would he only shrink back because Xuanyuanlie was the prince of the clan.

"Naturally it shouldn't be." Shi Yun spoke slowly, his face was calm, as if he hadn't seen Xuanyuan Lie's appearance that the rain was about to come.

Xuanyuan Lie picked up the red paper with the birth date written on it, he suddenly turned his eyes to Shi Hui, and asked, "Master Shi Hui, it looks like you have something to say."

How dare Shi Hui say that whatever he says now is wrong. Shi Hui raised the hand holding the Buddhist beads, sighed and shook her head, "Amitabha."

Seeing that Shi Hui was unwilling to say anything, Xuanyuan Lie's eyes fell on Shi Yun again, "I have always heard that Master Shi Yun of Chenxiang Temple is very accurate. Since Master Shi Yun said it, how can I not believe it? But even if Miss Gongsun and I are incompatible with each other, and this king wants to take Miss Gongsun as his concubine. It's just a little thing, if it's not good enough to kill her, then forget it."

Xuanyuan Lie acted indifferent, he was upset because of the little emperor's affairs, after a few days he would create chaos, let the little emperor die unexpectedly, and then use the name of the Qing emperor to kill all those who disliked him up.

Xuanyuan Lie has been aloof since he was a child, and he always puts himself at the center of everything, never caring about other people's life or death. From Xuanyuanlie's point of view, this was normal, but from Shi Yun's point of view, it was a crime.

Shi Yun shook his head and sighed, "Benefactor, the poor monk has a piece of advice to persuade you to avoid killing evil. There is a cycle of cause and effect in the world. Don't you insist on going your own way, making a big mistake."

Xuanyuanlie shook his sleeves and turned around, "Master Shi Yun, you are too lenient!"

Seeing Xuanyuan Lie's appearance like this, Shi Yun knew that the other party didn't listen to a single word he said just now, so he closed his eyes and said nothing.

Xuanyuanlie left the Buddhist hall with his people, and for a while, only Shi Yun and Shi Hui were left in the main film space.

"Brother, since you have seen that Prince Zong has a different heart, why don't you stop him?"

Shi Yun twirled the rosewood Buddhist beads in his hands, and he said calmly: "This matter is not something that mortals like me can turn around, just wait. In the dark, fate has already arranged everything."

Everything that happened here was seen by Hua Diewu. Because she was worried about Xuanyuanlie's variable, she specially asked the system to show herself the picture of Xuanyuanlie's side. She did not expect to see this.

Xuanyuan Lie was still the same scumbag as in the inside, and Hua Diewu felt that the other party's scumbag level was comparable to Long Yexiang from the previous world. Master Shi Yun persuaded him well, but Xuanyuan Lie didn't appreciate it, and wanted to marry Gongsun Zhi.

Thinking of Gongsun Zhi's feelings for Gu Lingyu, Hua Diewu felt that she could not let Xuanyuanlie succeed. She still remembered Master Shi Yun's words, "I can't wait for mortals to change it at this time." Since mortals can't do it, what about her, a monster

Su Luoyan, who was reading a story to Hua Diewu, noticed Hua Diewu's distraction, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with Xiaodie?"

Hua Diewu recovered from the picture in her mind, and she quickly said: "It's nothing, I just left to pay attention."

Su Luoyan frowned, and said, "Is the story I'm reading too boring? I'll find a script."

"No need for Luoyan, I think what you said is very good, I like to hear your voice." At the end Hua Diewu smiled at Su Luoyan.

The system curled its lips, its host was not bothered to listen to it, Su Luoyan had already told the story of the fairy deer repaying his favor twice today. Hua Die Wu was not the only one who was absent-minded, Su Luoyan seemed to be hiding something in her heart today, the system decided to remind Hua Die Wu.

Under the system's reminder, Hua Diewu also discovered this. She observed Su Luoyan's face, as if she wanted to see a flower on Su Luoyan's face.

Su Luoyan felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Hua Diewu. She touched her cheek subconsciously and asked, "Xiaodie, is there anything on my face?"

"Luoyan, I think you are a little strange today."

"Well, I always feel that something bad will happen, and there is a flash of fire in front of my eyes. But it may be my illusion. It should be that too many things have happened recently, and I am a little tired. That's why this happened. illusion."

Hua Diewu blinked her eyes after hearing this, she was wondering if Su Luoyan in this world is the same person as Su Luoyan in the previous world, and now she has a faint tendency to recover her memory.

The system felt that if it had eyelids, it would definitely be jumping non-stop now. If Su Luoyan recovered his memory, he wondered if it would affect the next task.

"Luoyan, did you see anything besides the fire?" Hua Diewu asked.

Su Luoyan frowned and thought about it carefully, "It seems that I also saw a person holding a Buddhist bead sitting in the flames."

"Ah?" Hua Diewu was a little at a loss, thinking about what Su Luoyan meant by her words.

"Flooded! Flooded—"

"Hurry up and put out the fire!"

"Where's the abbot?"

"Okay, it seems to be still in the Buddhist hall..."

"Hurry up and save people!"

There were young monks running past outside the yard non-stop. How could it be possible that the people living in the yard didn't move at all when they heard this movement? Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan came out of the yard, and when they looked up, they saw the flames soaring into the sky.

When Hua Diewu and the others came out, they happened to meet Gongsun Zhi and her maid, Xiaoling. The two looked worried, and asked a little novice what happened. The little novice was very anxious, but explained the reason.

"For some reason, the Buddhist hall suddenly caught fire. I heard that the abbot is still inside, and everyone is busy fighting the fire!" After speaking, the little monk ran away with a bucket.