The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 49: Sand sculpture mermaid twenty-three


Hua Diewu and Su Luoyan followed the little novice monk to the burning Buddhist hall. It turned out that they didn't remember the memory of the previous world, but saw what was going to happen in the future.

Gongsun Zhi and Xiaoling were stunned for a moment, but they quickly recovered and followed together.

When the four of them went outside the Buddhist hall, the inside had already been burnt to pieces, no matter how much the young monks poured water on the fire, it didn't mean the fire would be reduced in the slightest.

Hua Diewu's eyesight is very good, and she can vaguely see the people sitting cross-legged in the Buddhist hall. The man had a quiet face, and a string of Buddhist beads was hanging in his hand, just like what Su Luoyan described.

Take a closer look, isn't that person Master Shi Yun

Hua Diewu's pupils shrank, she snatched a bucket of water from the passing young monk and poured it on her body, and was about to run into the fire, but was pulled out by Su Luoyan.

"Xiaodie, what are you going to do?!" Su Luoyan was afraid that Hua Diewu would do something stupid, so she hugged Hua Diewu's Shuinenti directly.

Hua Diewu anxiously wanted to explain that she was not afraid of fire, but even if she explained Su Luoyan, she was unwilling to let go. People are so selfish, between two lives, they will choose the one they care more about without hesitation.

At this time, Master Shi Hui appeared behind the two of them, "Benefactor, Senior Brother Shi Yun has gone."

Hua Diewu's mind calmed down a bit, she just felt that a good person like Shi Yun should not die so easily, so subconsciously rushed in to rescue Shi Yun.

"Xiaodie, don't be impulsive." Su Luoyan still didn't dare to let go of Huadiewu's body, the memory of the previous world was still deeply hidden in Su Luoyan's subconscious, Su Luoyan was very afraid that Huadiewu would enter the flames again.

Hua Diewu slowly raised her hand, and she also hugged Su Luoyan's body, "Luoyan, I was impulsive. I think this fire may not be an accident."

"Everything is preordained." Shi Hui closed her eyes, her hand holding the Buddhist beads turned white.

Shi Hui, who was still a little impetuous at first, seemed to have grown up in an instant. His senior brother Shi Yun had passed away, and he would be responsible for the huge Chenxiang Temple in the future.

"Master Shi Hui, please mourn." Su Luoyan's face was also full of sadness. Although she, Hua Diewu and Master Shi Yun had only known each other for a few days, they both respected Master Shi Yun very much. It is really sad that Master Shi Yun died inexplicably at this time.

Shi Hui looked sad, and he said: "Senior brother just left his mortal body to serve the Buddha... Besides, before the fire in the Buddhist hall, the senior brother told me to hand over the relics to Lord Su."

"Thank you." Su Luoyan bowed deeply to the burning Buddhist hall after thanking her, "Master Shi Yun, have a good journey."

After burning for an hour, the fire finally began to diminish. The Buddhist hall had already been burnt to a complete mess, and Shi Yun, who had been sitting there before, didn't even leave his body, only two relics.

All the monks obeyed Shi Hui's command, burned incense and worshiped the Buddha, and recited scriptures.

As pilgrims, Hua Diewu and others stood outside to mourn in silence. About half an hour later, Shi Hui told everyone to disperse, and it was time to clean up the mess.

Hua Diewu didn't think it was an accident, so she walked around the burnt Buddhist hall twice and found many suspicious places. For example, the dry firewood deliberately stacked outside the Buddhist hall, or the oil stains left on the ground.

A young monk found an oil drum in a small pond not far from the Buddhist hall. Needless to say, everyone can understand that the fire was deliberately caused by someone, and it was not an accident. Someone wanted Shi Yun to die. And Shi Yun seemed to have expected this ending a long time ago, so he explained a few words to Shi Hui and stayed in the Buddhist hall by himself.

Why didn't Shi Yun hide? Because he can't hide, and with his character, he won't hide either.

Shi Hui closed his eyes in pain, and he said, "The abbot, Shi Yun, has passed away."

Xuanyuanlie did not target the entire Chenxiang Temple, but targeted Shi Yun alone, which shows that he has already given Chenxiang Temple a lot of face. The most sensible decision is to turn the major issues into minor ones, so that everyone is better off.

Shi Hui has always been more mellow than Shi Yun, he will choose to do this, but in the end it is difficult to calm down. If he hadn't been restrained by his status as a monk, he would definitely wish to die with Xuanyuanlie at this moment.

Hua Diewu understood Shi Hui's approach, she clenched her fists, and decided to cast the Fox Curse on Xuanyuanlie like Wanzhu in the previous world.

The fox curse is so powerful that the cursed person is impoverished, suffers all kinds of torture, and dies in the end.

The use of the fox curse is limited, it will only fall on the wicked, if it is a good person, the fox curse will automatically fall off and dissipate.

Gongsun Zhi, who had been standing by the side, was crumbling. She felt that she had brought disaster to Master Shi Yun. But Gongsun Zhi's self-blame was useless, because it was not she who did all this, but Xuanyuan Lie.

That night, the whole Chenxiang Temple did not fall asleep alone. The monk and Hua Diewu were sad, while Xuanyuan Lie was happy. However, Xuanyuan Lie didn't know what fate awaited him in the future.


There was nothing to say all night, Xuanyuan Lie was already preparing to leave Chenxiang Temple today, and what happened last night did not affect him in the slightest.

Before Xuanyuanlie left Chenxiang Temple, Hua Diewu told Su Luoyan that she was going to deal with Xuanyuanlie, and she gave Su Luoyan a small piece of paper to let Su Luoyan let go when she saw Xuanyuanlie.

Su Luoyan believed in Huadiewu very much, she agreed without asking anything.

Huadiewu sighed instead, "Aren't you curious about Luoyan? I still want to explain to you."

Su Luoyan smiled and asked: "Xiaodie, what is this for?"

"This is a curse, it can only be attached to the wicked, and the attached person will suffer endless misfortunes until they die miserably," Hua Diewu said.

After Su Luoyan heard this, she didn't even move a single eyebrow. She still held the Fox Curse in her hand, but she wasn't worried that something would happen to her.

"If Xuanyuan Lie is allowed to continue to enjoy himself, then the heavens will be too unfair."

When Su Luoyan left, she grabbed Su Luoyan's sleeve.

"What's the matter? It will be dawn soon, Xuanyuan Lie's people are leaving soon." Su Luoyan said.

Hua Diewu pursed her lips, moved to Su Luoyan's side, and kissed the corner of Su Luoyan's lips with a blushing face.

Su Luoyan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "I'll be back soon."

"En." Hua Diewu nodded obediently, then watched Su Luoyan leave.

If it weren't for the fear of turning back into a fish halfway, Hua Diewu would definitely do this by herself. Letting Su Luoyan do it, Hua Diewu was still a little worried. She asked the system to play the situation on Su Luoyan's side in real time.

Su Luoyan's side went smoothly, she happened to meet Xuanyuanlie within two steps of going out.

Xuanyuanlie would always appear by Su Luoyan's side inexplicably, there was no need for Su Luoyan to deliberately approach him.

Su Luoyan didn't talk to Xuanyuanlie, but just pretended to be passing by. When she was only two or three steps away from Xuanyuanlie, Su Luoyan let go of her hand quietly.

A bunch of silvery hairs fluttered in the air, obviously there were Xuanyuanlie's attendants around, but the translucent hairs finally landed on Xuanyuanlie's body, and then disappeared.

Su Luoyan's eyes flickered, she restrained the emotion on her face, turned and left.

Xuanyuan Lie took another look at Su Luoyan, he likes beauties, but now is not the time to accept another woman, he has to deal with the little emperor first.

As for Gongsun Zhi, Xuanyuan Lie had already made arrangements, and when the time came, he would directly send people to propose marriage, and Gongsun Zhi's family dared not refuse.

Xuanyuanlie led a large group of guards to the mountain gate of Chenxiang Temple, and Shi Hui also brought a few young monks to say goodbye to Xuanyuanlie.

Although the cause of Master Shi Yun's death has not been announced, everyone knows exactly how Master Shi Yun died. A little novice stared at Xuanyuanlie with resentment in his eyes.

Shi Hui sighed, and the angry little novice immediately came back to his senses and restrained the expression on his face.

Xuanyuan Lie saw all these things, he smiled, and was quite proud of himself.

"Amitabha, benefactor, please go slowly." Shi Hui made a gesture.

Xuanyuan Lie nodded, and he walked with his hands behind his back, followed by a large group of guards, blocking Shi Hui's sight.

Shi Hui closed her eyes and kept moving the beads with her fingers.

"Master Shi Hui, good and evil will be rewarded in the end. I believe that God will not allow people like Xuanyuan Lie to end well." Su Luoyan was not comforting Shi Hui, but telling the truth.

Su Luoyan believed Hua Diewu's words, she firmly believed that Xuanyuanlie would get retribution for that curse.

Shi Hui didn't know if it was possible, he continued to twist the beads.

Su Luoyan glanced at the direction Xuanyuanlie left, and a chill appeared in her eyes. Su Luoyan didn't notice wisps of black air emanating from her body, these black air that ordinary people couldn't see floated towards Xuanyuan Lie, and finally landed between Xuanyuan Lie's eyebrows.

With the fox curse and Su Luoyan's power, Xuanyuan Lie's fate galloped in an uncontrollable direction.

Xuanyuanlie always felt that someone was staring at him after he entered the mountain gate hall, and when he raised his head, he met Dali King Kong's angry eyes.

It was obviously just a dead thing, but Xuanyuan Lie's heart was beating wildly, and cold sweat was profuse on his forehead. Xuanyuanlie felt a wave of panic welling up in his heart for no reason, but apart from the panic, there was also anger.

It's just a clay statue, just destroy it if you scare him. So Xuanyuan Lie made people smash the Buddha statue with a wave of his hand. Many people present were devout and believed in the Buddha.

This made Xuanyuan Lie even more irritable. He drew out his sword, chopped off a person's head with one sword, and roared angrily, "Don't do it yet?!"


After a while, someone took action immediately. They were afraid that they would be blamed by the Buddha, but they were even more afraid that they would be beheaded by Xuanyuanlie.

Xuanyuanlie anxiously looked at the shattered Buddha statue, feeling indescribably happy. He has indeed been too hostile recently, and if the incident of smashing the Buddha statue gets out, it will definitely have a huge impact on his reputation. But so what? When he becomes the emperor, whoever he wants to shut up will have to shut up!

A monk noticed something abnormal in the Shanmen Hall, and immediately ran to call for help.

Xuanyuanlie sneered, and took him away without waiting for the young monk to call the current abbot Shi Hui.

When Shi Hui arrived, he saw only a mess in the Shanmen Hall. The mighty Dali King Kong had been smashed into dozens of pieces and lay in pieces on the ground.

"Senior brother... How should Shi Hui stick to her heart?" Shi Hui knelt on the ground with a tear falling.