The Vixen is Attacked

Chapter 53: Vicious Cousin 2


Su Luoyan sighed, and said: "You forgot, you bumped into me a few times before, and staggered and fell a few times. At that time, Yanyan told me that you were pretending, and you didn't ask the doctor to see it afterwards. Did you get injured, and you held back and didn't dare to ask for a doctor?"

Hua Diewu is often sick, and her body is really delicate. Maybe it's because I have called the doctor too many times, so I don't go to the doctor when I feel that I can bear it and let it go. This is Su Luoyan's idea.

Hua Diewu quickly called the system in her heart, asking it what was going on.

Of course the system answered truthfully, the truth of the matter is that the original Hua Die Wu fell on purpose. The Miss Biao in it is best at touching porcelain. It looks like she fell quite badly, but in fact there is nothing wrong with it, so Miss Biao dare not invite a doctor.

This was a beautiful misunderstanding, as a qualified vixen, Huadiewu chose to nod.

Her acting skills have improved, she put on a look of enduring the pain, bit her lip and nodded.

Seeing Hua Die Wu like this, Su Luoyan became more sure of her thoughts. She sighed and apologized to Hua Die Wu, saying that her previous self did something wrong and she would make it up to Hua Die Wu.

This made Hua Diewu very guilty, but the lie had already been told, so she could only bite the bullet and continue.

Knock Knock Knock—

It was Shen Yanyan and the doctor she had invited. When Shen Yanyan was standing at the door, she saw Hua Diewu's swollen ankle. She was startled and even more ashamed, feeling that she was really bad. If she was injured and others insisted that she was faking it and refused her to see a doctor, she would definitely die of grievances.

Next, the doctor showed Hua Diewu's feet, and said that there was no injury to the muscles and bones, and he would rub the medicinal wine every day, be careful not to hurt the ankle again, and he would be fine in half a month.

Hua Diewu's long-lost maid Xiaoyun finally appeared. Xiaoyun took the medicinal wine and said that she would definitely give the young lady the medicine on time.

Hearing the doctor's instructions, Shen Yanyan felt ashamed to death. Although she hated Hua Die Wu, she was not someone who bullied others indiscriminately. This time she did something wrong, and she will apologize.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong this time. I won't be so willful next time." An apology was made extremely awkward by Shen Yanyan.

Hua Diewu grabbed her sleeve uneasily with her fingers and forced a smile, "It's okay, I didn't take it to heart."

He didn't say anything, but the scared look made people feel distressed. Maybe Shen Yanyan has bullied Hua Die Wu many times in places that outsiders didn't see, that's why Hua Die Wu is so scared.

Out of the corner of Hua Diewu's eyes, she caught a glimpse of Su Luoyan's subtle expression changes, and her proud tail almost went up to the sky.

[Host, you bitch.]

{Hmph, he is a vixen, these are just small tricks. }

At this time Su Luoyan spoke, "Yanyan, let's go, Miss Hua must have been shocked today, let her rest well."

Hua Diewu felt a little bit reluctant, but now she needs some personal space to see the prototype of this world, and she has no reason to keep Su Luoyan.

"Oh." Shen Yanyan's expression was a little unnatural, she didn't know how to face Huadiewu now.


After Su Luoyan and Shen Yanyan left, Hua Diewu immediately sent her maid Xiaoyun away.

{System, hurry up and send it to me, I can't even figure out who the hero is, how can I be prepared for this? }

[This will be sent to you.]

A thick book appeared out of nowhere and landed on the bed with a thud.

Hua Diewu stared at the book, which could have been compared to Brick, and felt that it was a bit big. When she opened it, she found that the characters inside were not much bigger than ants.

[Host read it, this book has a total of one million words, and it may take a day or two to finish reading it.]

{Ah. }Hua Diewu let out a sneer, but no matter how big her head was, she had to read it all.

The heroine is the daughter of a general, proud and confident, she never bowed her head until she fell in love with the hero Ying Lingcheng.

Ming Cheng Wang Yingling City is undoubtedly excellent, but it seems a bit scumbag in terms of emotions. Indecisive, easily deceived. Hua Diewu, the vicious female supporting role in the original, specializes in making troubles between the male lead and the female lead, making it impossible for the two to get together smoothly.

Every time the male protagonist and the female protagonist solve the misunderstanding, she, the vicious female supporting role, will get in the way, and Miss Biao abruptly jumps into the plot of 600,000 yuan.

Miss Biao is a scumbag, the heroine is an actor, and the hero is a scumbag. These three people are entangled and entangled, making Hua Diewu almost dizzy watching it. After the vicious Miss Cousin ended, the male lead and the female lead played stand-ins and forced love, tossing 300,000 words, and the last 100,000 words were all about the married life of the female lead and the male lead.

Hua Diewu rubbed the center of her brows, she threw the thick book aside, thinking about how she should approach Su Luoyan next.

[Host, don't worry, we will help you arrange a chance to meet the heroine Su Luoyan.]

Hua Diewu flipped through the bricks in boredom, and accidentally saw the sex scene between 'myself' and the male protagonist Ying Lingcheng, and couldn't help but shudder.

These are all strange, why are the male protagonists so disgusting.

"The system, how do you think I will be bound to Luoyan next? I was inseparable from Luoyan in the first two worlds. In this world, she is the daughter of General Su, and I am just an orphan living in my uncle's house." , how do you say this is together?"

Hua Diewu felt a headache even thinking about it, she held her chin and slowly sorted out the current plot in her mind.

It's still the beginning of the story, Luo Yan and the male protagonist Ying Lingcheng have no interaction scenes yet, and her vicious female supporting role is just beginning to make trouble.

At this time, Xiaoyun's voice came from outside, "Miss, the eldest lady invites you to have dinner."

In fact, they were just asking, and they didn't expect Hua Diewu to come back at all. But when the time comes, I can see Su Luoyan, so Hua Diewu immediately got up from the bed to make up, and she said she was going.

Xiaoyun was not surprised, she had served Hua Die Wu for a long time, and she knew the character of 'Hua Die Wu'. As long as the young lady of her family encounters this kind of occasion where she will come into contact with the rich man, she will insist on participating regardless of whether she is sick or not. Just do what you want.

With skillful hands, Xiaoyun arranged Hua Die Wu's hair and changed Hua Die Wu into a brand new dress. Hua Diewu touched the material of the clothes, and she asked Xiaoyun to find another old one for herself.

Huadiewu doesn't want to show off at today's flower viewing banquet, she is not the original cousin.

Although Xiaoyun was surprised, she didn't ask why.

Huadiewu's feet are actually fine, so there is no problem with walking.

When Hua Diewu and her maid Xiaoyun arrived, everyone had already started to eat. The expression on the face of the eldest lady was awkward for a moment, but she recovered quickly, and affectionately asked Hua Diewu to take a seat.

Anyone present who has eyes can see that Hua Diewu, the aunt, cares about her niece at all. Before the banquet, she said that Hua Diewu couldn't say it by herself, but Hua Diewu still came.

But everyone wouldn't give Mrs. Shen any face, so they just passed away with a laugh.

Su Luoyan frowned, and looked at Hua Die Wu worriedly, only to find that there was nothing unusual about Hua Die Wu's expression, her brows relaxed a little.

Hua Diewu swallowed her saliva looking at the delicious food on the table, but now is not the time to eat, she quietly raised her eyes to look at Su Luoyan.

Luoyan was still pretty, Hua Diewu was a nympho in her heart, suddenly she felt a gaze fall on her body.

Hua Diewu reluctantly turned away her eyes on Su Luoyan, and looked in the direction of her eyes.

Seeing that it was actually Yingling City, Hua Diewu snorted in her heart, she hated this kind of indecisive man the most. This time it is different from the previous one, Xuanyuan Lie in the last world only loves himself. And Ying Lingcheng really loves the heroine, of course, he also really loves other girls.

But in Huadiewu's opinion, this kind of love is too cheap and hurts too much. Hua Diewu felt that if she were herself, she would be single-minded when she fell in love with someone, and would never swing between two people.

Hua Diewu withdrew her gaze, and a trace of disappointment flashed in Ying Lingcheng's eyes, not understanding why Hua Diewu's attitude changed.

After all, Hua Die Wu is a cousin who depends on others. Although her parents have left her a lot of money, in a place like the capital, money is not the most important thing, but power is important, so Hua Die Wu is not looked down upon.

Such a flower viewing feast belongs to those real princes and ladies, and has nothing to do with Hua Die Wu.

Beside the laughter of other people, Hua Diewu ate the food on the table silently, looking extraordinarily lonely.

In the eyes of others, Huadiewu is a pitiful little girl, but in fact...

Hua Die Wu was chatting with the system in her head while enjoying the delicious food, but it was a pity that she couldn't sit with Su Luoyan, and the food on the table was too small, it was not enough for Hua Die Wu to eat of.

[Our host has detected that you will live with the heroine Su Luoyan within three days.]

Hua Diewu thinks the word at the end of the system's sentence is very pleasant, and she can't wait to live with Luoyan, and she doesn't know how.

Just as Hua Diewu was thinking about it in her mind, someone at the flower viewing banquet had already started to recite poems and write poems.

No one would really come to such a banquet with the idea of having a full meal. With so many princes and noble ladies from aristocratic families gathered together, the nature of the blind date is much greater.

In order to maintain their elegance and beauty, many noble ladies did not touch any food. Each of them has been well-dressed, and what's more, they have asked people to compose poems for themselves in advance, so as to show off at the flower viewing banquet.

Among them, Princess Yan Liuyi was even more radiant, attracting everyone's attention. While reciting poems, Yan Liuyi's eyes drifted in the direction of Yingling City, but when she saw Yingling City watching Huadiewu, her expression froze.

Yan Liuyi held her breath in her heart, and she said angrily after reading the poem: "It is said that Miss Hua is the number one beauty in the capital, I don't know if this beauty is just for nothing."

Hua Diewu was so shocked that the pastry in her hand was about to drop, why did she suddenly order her? Sure enough, the male protagonist is the real troublemaker